Table of Contents
ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Database
The ASPNETDB is used by ASP.NET 2.0 providers to persist state in SQL Server. This database is typically created using the aspnet_regsql.exe tool that comes with ASP.NET.
ASP.NET 2.0 incluides the following types of providers:
- Membership
- Role Management
- Site Map
- Profile
- Session State
- Web Events
- Web Parts Personalization
- Protected Configuration
For more information about ASP.NET 2.0 Providers, please visit the following MSDN article:
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Providers
See Also
Tables | Views | Procedures
Table: aspnet_Applications
Used by ASP.NET features to provide an application scope for data.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationName |
nvarchar(256) |
Application name
LoweredApplicationName |
nvarchar(256) |
Application name (lowercase)
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
Description |
nvarchar(256) |
Application description
Primary Table |
Primary Key |
Foreign Table |
Foreign Key |
aspnet_Applications |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Users |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Applications |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Membership |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Applications |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Roles |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Applications |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Paths |
ApplicationId |
Table: aspnet_Membership
Used by the SQL Membership Provider to store membership data.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
User ID
Password |
nvarchar(128) |
Password (plaintext, hashed, or encrypted; base-64-encoded if hashed or encrypted)
PasswordFormat |
int |
Password format (0=Plaintext, 1=Hashed, 2=Encrypted)
PasswordSalt |
nvarchar(128) |
Randomly generated 128-bit value used to salt password hashes; stored in base-64-encoded form
MobilePIN |
nvarchar(16) |
User's mobile PIN (currently not used)
Email |
nvarchar(256) |
User's e-mail address
LoweredEmail |
nvarchar(256) |
User's e-mail address (lowercase)
PasswordQuestion |
nvarchar(256) |
Password question
PasswordAnswer |
nvarchar(128) |
Answer to password question
IsApproved |
bit |
1=Approved, 0=Not approved
IsLockedOut |
bit |
1=Locked out, 0=Not locked out
CreateDate |
datetime |
Date and time this account was created
LastLoginDate |
datetime |
Date and time of this user's last login
LastPasswordChangedDate |
datetime |
Date and time this user's password was last changed
LastLockoutDate |
datetime |
Date and time this user was last locked out
FailedPasswordAttemptCount |
int |
Number of consecutive failed login attempts
FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart |
datetime |
Date and time of first failed login if FailedPasswordAttemptCount is nonzero
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount |
int |
Number of consecutive failed password answer attempts
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart |
datetime |
Date and time of first failed password answer if FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount is nonzero
Comment |
ntext |
Additional text
Primary Table |
Primary Key |
Foreign Table |
Foreign Key |
aspnet_Applications |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Membership |
ApplicationId |
aspnet_Users |
UserId |
aspnet_Membership |
UserId |
Table: aspnet_Paths
Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store the path for which Web Parts personalization state has been saved.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
PathId |
uniqueidentifier |
Path ID
Path |
nvarchar(256) |
Path name
LoweredPath |
nvarchar(256) |
Path name (lowercase)
Table: aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers
Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store shared personalization data.
Name |
Type |
Description |
PathId |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of the virtual path to which this state pertains
PageSettings |
image |
Serialized personalization state
LastUpdatedDate |
datetime |
Date and time state was saved
Primary Table |
Primary Key |
Foreign Table |
Foreign Key |
aspnet_Paths |
PathId |
aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers |
PathId |
Table: aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser
Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store per-user personalization data.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Id |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of this record
PathId |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of the virtual path to which this state pertains
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of the user to which this state pertains
PageSettings |
image |
Serialized personalization state
LastUpdatedDate |
datetime |
Date and time state was saved
Primary Table |
Primary Key |
Foreign Table |
Foreign Key |
aspnet_Paths |
PathId |
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser |
PathId |
aspnet_Users |
UserId |
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser |
UserId |
Table: aspnet_Profile
Used by the SQL Profile Provider to store individual instances of property values.
Name |
Type |
Description |
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of the user to which this profile data pertains
PropertyNames |
ntext |
Names of all property values stored in this profile
PropertyValuesString |
ntext |
Values of properties that could be persisted as text
PropertyValuesBinary |
image |
Values of properties that were configured to use binary serialization
LastUpdatedDate |
datetime |
Date and time this profile was last updated
Primary Table |
Primary Key |
Foreign Table |
Foreign Key |
aspnet_Users |
UserId |
aspnet_Profile |
UserId |
Table: aspnet_Roles
Used by the SQL Role Provider to store role data.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
RoleId |
uniqueidentifier |
Role ID
RoleName |
nvarchar(256) |
Role name
LoweredRoleName |
nvarchar(256) |
Role name (lowercase)
Description |
nvarchar(256) |
Role description (currently unused)
Table: aspnet_SchemaVersions
Used to track the versions of schemas required by ASP.NET features.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Feature |
nvarchar(128) |
Name of the application feature
CompatibleSchemaVersion |
nvarchar(128) |
Schema version required for compatibility
IsCurrentVersion |
bit |
1=Current version, 0=Not current version
Table: aspnet_Users
Used to store information regarding users, including user names and IDs.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
User ID
UserName |
nvarchar(256) |
User name
LoweredUserName |
nvarchar(256) |
User name (lowercase)
MobileAlias |
nvarchar(16) |
User's mobile alias (currently not used)
IsAnonymous |
bit |
1=Anonymous user, 0=Not an anonymous user
LastActivityDate |
datetime |
Date and time of last activity by this user
Table: aspnet_UsersInRoles
Used by the SQL Role Provider to map roles to users.
Name |
Type |
Description |
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
User ID
RoleId |
uniqueidentifier |
Role ID
Primary Table |
Primary Key |
Foreign Table |
Foreign Key |
aspnet_Users |
UserId |
aspnet_UsersInRoles |
UserId |
aspnet_Roles |
RoleId |
aspnet_UsersInRoles |
RoleId |
Table: aspnet_WebEvent_Events
Used by the SQL Web Event Provider to log event data.
Name |
Type |
Description |
EventId |
char(32) |
Event ID (from WebBaseEvent.EventId)
EventTimeUtc |
datetime |
UTC time at which the event was fired (from WebBaseEvent.EventTimeUtc)
EventTime |
datetime |
Local time at which the event was fired (from WebBaseEvent.EventTime)
EventType |
nvarchar(256) |
Event type (for example, WebFailureAuditEvent)
EventSequence |
decimal(19) |
Event sequence number (from WebBaseEvent.EventSequence)
EventOccurrence |
decimal(19) |
Event occurrence count (from WebBaseEvent.EventOccurrence)
EventCode |
int |
Event code (from WebBaseEvent.EventCode)
EventDetailCode |
int |
Event detail code (from WebBaseEvent.EventDetailCode)
Message |
nvarchar(1024) |
Event message (from WebBaseEvent.EventMessage)
ApplicationPath |
nvarchar(256) |
Physical path of the application that generated the Web event (for example, C:\Websites\MyApp)
ApplicationVirtualPath |
nvarchar(256) |
Virtual path of the application that generated the event (for example, /MyApp)
MachineName |
nvarchar(256) |
Name of the machine on which the event was generated
RequestUrl |
nvarchar(1024) |
URL of the request that generated the Web event
ExceptionType |
nvarchar(256) |
If the Web event is a WebBaseErrorEvent, type of exception recorded in the ErrorException property; otherwise, DBNull
Details |
ntext |
Text generated by calling ToString on the Web event
View: vw_aspnet_Applications
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Application name
LoweredApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Application name (lowercase)
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
Description |
nvarchar |
Application description
View: vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers
Name |
Type |
Description |
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
User ID
PasswordFormat |
int |
Password format (0=Plaintext, 1=Hashed, 2=Encrypted)
MobilePIN |
nvarchar |
User's mobile PIN (currently not used)
Email |
nvarchar |
User's e-mail address
LoweredEmail |
nvarchar |
User's e-mail address (lowercase)
PasswordQuestion |
nvarchar |
Password question
PasswordAnswer |
nvarchar |
Answer to password question
IsApproved |
bit |
1=Approved, 0=Not approved
IsLockedOut |
bit |
1=Locked out, 0=Not locked out
CreateDate |
datetime |
Date and time this account was created
LastLoginDate |
datetime |
Date and time of this user's last login
LastPasswordChangedDate |
datetime |
Date and time this user's password was last changed
LastLockoutDate |
datetime |
Date and time this user was last locked out
FailedPasswordAttemptCount |
int |
Number of consecutive failed login attempts
FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart |
datetime |
Date and time of first failed login if FailedPasswordAttemptCount is nonzero
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount |
int |
Number of consecutive failed password answer attempts
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart |
datetime |
Date and time of first failed password answer if FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount is nonzero
Comment |
ntext |
Additional text
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
UserName |
nvarchar |
User name
MobileAlias |
nvarchar |
User's mobile alias (currently not used)
IsAnonymous |
bit |
1=Anonymous user, 0=Not an anonymous user
LastActivityDate |
datetime |
Date and time of last activity by this user
View: vw_aspnet_Profiles
Name |
Type |
Description |
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of the user to which this profile data pertains
LastUpdatedDate |
datetime |
Date and time this profile was last updated
DataSize |
int |
Size of the profile data
View: vw_aspnet_Roles
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
RoleId |
uniqueidentifier |
Role ID
RoleName |
nvarchar |
Role name
LoweredRoleName |
nvarchar |
Role name (lowercase)
Description |
nvarchar |
Role description (currently unused)
View: vw_aspnet_Users
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
User ID
UserName |
nvarchar |
User name
LoweredUserName |
nvarchar |
User name (lowercase)
MobileAlias |
nvarchar |
User's mobile alias (currently not used)
IsAnonymous |
bit |
1=Anonymous user, 0=Not an anonymous user
LastActivityDate |
datetime |
Date and time of last activity by this user
View: vw_aspnet_UsersInRoles
Name |
Type |
Description |
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
User ID
RoleId |
uniqueidentifier |
Role ID
View: vw_aspnet_WebPartState_Paths
Name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Application ID
PathId |
uniqueidentifier |
Path ID
Path |
nvarchar |
Path name
LoweredPath |
nvarchar |
Path name (lowercase)
View: vw_aspnet_WebPartState_Shared
Name |
Type |
Description |
PathId |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of the virtual path to which this state pertains
DataSize |
int |
Size of the data
LastUpdatedDate |
datetime |
Date and time state was saved
View: vw_aspnet_WebPartState_User
Name |
Type |
Description |
PathId |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of the virtual path to which this state
UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
ID of the user to which this state pertains
DataSize |
int |
Size of the user-scoped data
LastUpdatedDate |
datetime |
Date and time state was saved
Procedures: ASPNETDB
Name |
Description |
aspnet_AnyDataInTables |
Checks to see if there is any data in the specified tables.
aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication |
Adds a new application to the aspnet_Application table.
aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion |
Checks the compatibility of the schema version for the given feature.
aspnet_Membership_ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer |
Changes the specified user's password question and answer.
aspnet_Membership_CreateUser |
Adds a new membership user to the membership database. Records the user in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership tables and, if necessary, adds a new application to the aspnet_Applications table.
aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByEmail |
Retrieves records from aspnet_Membership table with email addresses matching the specified pattern and with the specified application ID.
aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByName |
Retrieves records from aspnet_Membership table with user names matching the specified pattern and with the specified application ID.
aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers |
Retrieves all users from the aspnet_Membership table with the specified application ID.
aspnet_Membership_GetNumberOfUsersOnline |
Gets the number of users currently online (those whose last activity dates.
aspnet_Membership_GetPassword |
Gets the specified user's password data from the database. Used for retrieving passwords with a user-supplied password answer.
aspnet_Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat |
Gets the specified user's password from the database. Used by the provider to retrieve passwords for performing password comparisons (for example, when ValidateUser needs to validate a password).
aspnet_Membership_GetUserByEmail |
Given an e-mail address and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName |
Given a user name and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
aspnet_Membership_GetUserByUserId |
Given a user ID and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword |
Resets the specified user's password based on a password answer.
aspnet_Membership_SetPassword |
Sets the specified user's password to the password input to the stored procedure.
aspnet_Membership_UnlockUser |
Restores login privileges for the specified user by setting the user's IsLockedOut bit to 0.
aspnet_Membership_UpdateUser |
Updates the user's last activity date in the aspnet_Users table and e-mail address, comment, isapproved status, and last login date in the aspnet_Membership table.
aspnet_Membership_UpdateUserInfo |
Updates account locking data for the specified user in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership tables. Used in conjunction with provider methods that track bad password and bad password-answer attempts.
aspnet_Paths_CreatePath |
Retrieves a path ID from the aspnet_Paths table, or creates a new one if the specified path doesn't exist.
aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId |
Converts the application name input to it into an application ID.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_DeleteAllState |
Deletes all records from aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers or aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser corresponding to the specified application ID.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_FindState |
Retrieves profile data from aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers or aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser meeting several input criteria.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_GetCountOfState |
Returns a count of records in the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table with path names matching the specified pattern, or a count of records in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table meeting several input criteria.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetSharedState |
Resets shared state for the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetUserState |
Resets per-user state for the specified user and the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table. Can also delete records, based on the user's last activity date if it falls on or before the specified date.
aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_GetPageSettings |
Retrieves shared state for the specified page from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_ResetPageSettings |
Resets shared state for the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_SetPageSettings |
Saves shared state for the specified page in the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_GetPageSettings |
Retrieves per-user state for the specified page and the specified user from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_ResetPageSettings |
Resets per-user state for the specified page and the specified user, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_SetPageSettings |
Saves per-user state for the specified page and the specified user in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
aspnet_Profile_DeleteInactiveProfiles |
Deletes profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for users whose last activity dates in the aspnet_Users table fall on or before the specified date.
aspnet_Profile_DeleteProfiles |
Deletes profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for the specified users.
aspnet_Profile_GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles |
Queries the aspnet_Profile table to get a count of profiles whose last activity dates (in the aspnet_Users table) fall on or before the specified date.
aspnet_Profile_GetProfiles |
Retrieves profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for users who match the criteria input to the stored procedure.
aspnet_Profile_GetProperties |
Retrieves profile data for the specified user.
aspnet_Profile_SetProperties |
Saves profile data for the specified user.
aspnet_RegisterSchemaVersion |
Registers the compatible schema required for the given feature.
aspnet_Roles_CreateRole |
Adds a role to the aspnet_Roles table and, if necessary, adds a new application to the aspnet_Applications table.
aspnet_Roles_DeleteRole |
Removes a role from the aspnet_Roles table. Optionally deletes records referencing the deleted role from the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
aspnet_Roles_GetAllRoles |
Retrieves all roles with the specified application ID from the aspnet_Roles table.
aspnet_Roles_RoleExists |
Checks the aspnet_Roles table to determine whether the specified role exists.
aspnet_Setup_RemoveAllRoleMembers |
Removes all roles from the given SQL account.
aspnet_Setup_RestorePermissions |
Restores permissions to the given SQL account.
aspnet_UnRegisterSchemaVersion |
Unregisters the schema version for the given feature.
aspnet_Users_CreateUser |
Adds a user to the aspnet_Users table. Called by aspnet_Membership_CreateUser.
aspnet_Users_DeleteUser |
Deletes a user from the aspnet_Membership table and optionally from other SQL provider tables, including aspnet_Users.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles |
Adds the specified users to the specified roles by adding them to the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_FindUsersInRole |
Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all users belonging to the specified role whose user names match the specified pattern.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetRolesForUser |
Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all roles assigned to a specified user.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles |
Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all users belonging to the specified role.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_IsUserInRole |
Checks the aspnet_UsersInRoles table to determine whether the specified user belongs to the specified role.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles |
Removes the specified users from the specified roles by deleting the corresponding records from the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent |
Records a Web event in the aspnet_WebEvents_Events table.
Procedure: aspnet_AnyDataInTables
Checks to see if there is any data in the specified tables.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@TablesToCheck |
int |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication
Adds a new application to the aspnet_Application table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Input/Output |
Procedure: aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion
Checks the compatibility of the schema version for the given feature.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@Feature |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CompatibleSchemaVersion |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer
Changes the specified user's password question and answer.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@NewPasswordQuestion |
nvarchar |
Input |
@NewPasswordAnswer |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_CreateUser
Adds a new membership user to the membership database. Records the user in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership tables and, if necessary, adds a new application to the aspnet_Applications table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Password |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PasswordSalt |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Email |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PasswordQuestion |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PasswordAnswer |
nvarchar |
Input |
@IsApproved |
bit |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
@CreateDate |
datetime |
Input |
@UniqueEmail |
int |
Input |
@PasswordFormat |
int |
Input |
@UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
Input/Output |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByEmail
Retrieves records from aspnet_Membership table with email addresses matching the specified pattern and with the specified application ID.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@EmailToMatch |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PageIndex |
int |
Input |
@PageSize |
int |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByName
Retrieves records from aspnet_Membership table with user names matching the specified pattern and with the specified application ID.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserNameToMatch |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PageIndex |
int |
Input |
@PageSize |
int |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers
Retrieves all users from the aspnet_Membership table with the specified application ID.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PageIndex |
int |
Input |
@PageSize |
int |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetNumberOfUsersOnline
Gets the number of users currently online (those whose last activity dates.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@MinutesSinceLastInActive |
int |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetPassword
Gets the specified user's password data from the database. Used for retrieving passwords with a user-supplied password answer.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts |
int |
Input |
@PasswordAttemptWindow |
int |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
@PasswordAnswer |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat
Gets the specified user's password from the database. Used by the provider to retrieve passwords for performing password comparisons (for example, when ValidateUser needs to validate a password).
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UpdateLastLoginActivityDate |
bit |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetUserByEmail
Given an e-mail address and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Email |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName
Given a user name and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
@UpdateLastActivity |
bit |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetUserByUserId
Given a user ID and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
@UpdateLastActivity |
bit |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword
Resets the specified user's password based on a password answer.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@NewPassword |
nvarchar |
Input |
@MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts |
int |
Input |
@PasswordAttemptWindow |
int |
Input |
@PasswordSalt |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
@PasswordFormat |
int |
Input |
@PasswordAnswer |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_SetPassword
Sets the specified user's password to the password input to the stored procedure.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@NewPassword |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PasswordSalt |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
@PasswordFormat |
int |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_UnlockUser
Restores login privileges for the specified user by setting the user's IsLockedOut bit to 0.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_UpdateUser
Updates the user's last activity date in the aspnet_Users table and e-mail address, comment, isapproved status, and last login date in the aspnet_Membership table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Email |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Comment |
ntext |
Input |
@IsApproved |
bit |
Input |
@LastLoginDate |
datetime |
Input |
@LastActivityDate |
datetime |
Input |
@UniqueEmail |
int |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Membership_UpdateUserInfo
Updates account locking data for the specified user in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership tables. Used in conjunction with provider methods that track bad password and bad password-answer attempts.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@IsPasswordCorrect |
bit |
Input |
@UpdateLastLoginActivityDate |
bit |
Input |
@MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts |
int |
Input |
@PasswordAttemptWindow |
int |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
@LastLoginDate |
datetime |
Input |
@LastActivityDate |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Paths_CreatePath
Retrieves a path ID from the aspnet_Paths table, or creates a new one if the specified path doesn't exist.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PathId |
uniqueidentifier |
Input/Output |
Procedure: aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId
Converts the application name input to it into an application ID.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Input/Output |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_DeleteAllState
Deletes all records from aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers or aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser corresponding to the specified application ID.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@AllUsersScope |
bit |
Input |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Count |
int |
Input/Output |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_FindState
Retrieves profile data from aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers or aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser meeting several input criteria.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@AllUsersScope |
bit |
Input |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PageIndex |
int |
Input |
@PageSize |
int |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@InactiveSinceDate |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_GetCountOfState
Returns a count of records in the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table with path names matching the specified pattern, or a count of records in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table meeting several input criteria.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@Count |
int |
Input/Output |
@AllUsersScope |
bit |
Input |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@InactiveSinceDate |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetSharedState
Resets shared state for the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@Count |
int |
Input/Output |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetUserState
Resets per-user state for the specified user and the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table. Can also delete records, based on the user's last activity date if it falls on or before the specified date.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@Count |
int |
Input/Output |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@InactiveSinceDate |
datetime |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_GetPageSettings
Retrieves shared state for the specified page from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_ResetPageSettings
Resets shared state for the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_SetPageSettings
Saves shared state for the specified page in the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PageSettings |
image |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_GetPageSettings
Retrieves per-user state for the specified page and the specified user from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_ResetPageSettings
Resets per-user state for the specified page and the specified user, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_SetPageSettings
Saves per-user state for the specified page and the specified user in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Path |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PageSettings |
image |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Profile_DeleteInactiveProfiles
Deletes profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for users whose last activity dates in the aspnet_Users table fall on or before the specified date.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@ProfileAuthOptions |
int |
Input |
@InactiveSinceDate |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Profile_DeleteProfiles
Deletes profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for the specified users.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserNames |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Profile_GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles
Queries the aspnet_Profile table to get a count of profiles whose last activity dates (in the aspnet_Users table) fall on or before the specified date.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@ProfileAuthOptions |
int |
Input |
@InactiveSinceDate |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Profile_GetProfiles
Retrieves profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for users who match the criteria input to the stored procedure.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@ProfileAuthOptions |
int |
Input |
@PageIndex |
int |
Input |
@PageSize |
int |
Input |
@UserNameToMatch |
nvarchar |
Input |
@InactiveSinceDate |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Profile_GetProperties
Retrieves profile data for the specified user.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Profile_SetProperties
Saves profile data for the specified user.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@PropertyNames |
ntext |
Input |
@PropertyValuesString |
ntext |
Input |
@PropertyValuesBinary |
image |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@IsUserAnonymous |
bit |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_RegisterSchemaVersion
Registers the compatible schema required for the given feature.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@Feature |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CompatibleSchemaVersion |
nvarchar |
Input |
@IsCurrentVersion |
bit |
Input |
@RemoveIncompatibleSchema |
bit |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Roles_CreateRole
Adds a role to the aspnet_Roles table and, if necessary, adds a new application to the aspnet_Applications table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RoleName |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Roles_DeleteRole
Removes a role from the aspnet_Roles table. Optionally deletes records referencing the deleted role from the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RoleName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@DeleteOnlyIfRoleIsEmpty |
bit |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Roles_GetAllRoles
Retrieves all roles with the specified application ID from the aspnet_Roles table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Roles_RoleExists
Checks the aspnet_Roles table to determine whether the specified role exists.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RoleName |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Setup_RemoveAllRoleMembers
Removes all roles from the given SQL account.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@name |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Setup_RestorePermissions
Restores permissions to the given SQL account.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@name |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_UnRegisterSchemaVersion
Unregisters the schema version for the given feature.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@Feature |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CompatibleSchemaVersion |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_Users_CreateUser
Adds a user to the aspnet_Users table. Called by aspnet_Membership_CreateUser.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationId |
uniqueidentifier |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@IsUserAnonymous |
bit |
Input |
@LastActivityDate |
datetime |
Input |
@UserId |
uniqueidentifier |
Input/Output |
Procedure: aspnet_Users_DeleteUser
Deletes a user from the aspnet_Membership table and optionally from other SQL provider tables, including aspnet_Users.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@TablesToDeleteFrom |
int |
Input |
@NumTablesDeletedFrom |
int |
Input/Output |
Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles
Adds the specified users to the specified roles by adding them to the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserNames |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RoleNames |
nvarchar |
Input |
@CurrentTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_FindUsersInRole
Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all users belonging to the specified role whose user names match the specified pattern.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RoleName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserNameToMatch |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetRolesForUser
Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all roles assigned to a specified user.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles
Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all users belonging to the specified role.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RoleName |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_IsUserInRole
Checks the aspnet_UsersInRoles table to determine whether the specified user belongs to the specified role.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RoleName |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles
Removes the specified users from the specified roles by deleting the corresponding records from the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@ApplicationName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@UserNames |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RoleNames |
nvarchar |
Input |
Procedure: aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent
Records a Web event in the aspnet_WebEvents_Events table.
Name |
Type |
Direction |
@EventId |
char |
Input |
@EventTimeUtc |
datetime |
Input |
@EventTime |
datetime |
Input |
@EventType |
nvarchar |
Input |
@EventSequence |
decimal |
Input |
@EventOccurrence |
decimal |
Input |
@EventCode |
int |
Input |
@EventDetailCode |
int |
Input |
@Message |
nvarchar |
Input |
@ApplicationPath |
nvarchar |
Input |
@ApplicationVirtualPath |
nvarchar |
Input |
@MachineName |
nvarchar |
Input |
@RequestUrl |
nvarchar |
Input |
@ExceptionType |
nvarchar |
Input |
@Details |
ntext |
Input |
ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Database