Table of Contents



ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Database


The ASPNETDB is used by ASP.NET 2.0 providers to persist state in SQL Server.  This database is typically created using the aspnet_regsql.exe tool that comes with ASP.NET.

ASP.NET 2.0 incluides the following types of providers:

For more information about ASP.NET 2.0 Providers, please visit the following MSDN article:

Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Providers


See Also

Tables | Views | Procedures



Name  Description 
aspnet_Applications  Used by ASP.NET features to provide an application scope for data.
aspnet_Membership  Used by the SQL Membership Provider to store membership data.
aspnet_Paths  Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store the path for which Web Parts personalization state has been saved.
aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers  Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store shared personalization data.
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser  Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store per-user personalization data.
aspnet_Profile  Used by the SQL Profile Provider to store individual instances of property values.
aspnet_Roles  Used by the SQL Role Provider to store role data.
aspnet_SchemaVersions  Used to track the versions of schemas required by ASP.NET features.
aspnet_Users  Used to store information regarding users, including user names and IDs.
aspnet_UsersInRoles  Used by the SQL Role Provider to map roles to users.
aspnet_WebEvent_Events  Used by the SQL Web Event Provider to log event data.

Table: aspnet_Applications


Used by ASP.NET features to provide an application scope for data.


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationName  nvarchar(256)  Application name
LoweredApplicationName  nvarchar(256)  Application name (lowercase)
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
Description  nvarchar(256)  Application description


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Applications  ApplicationId  aspnet_Users  ApplicationId 
aspnet_Applications  ApplicationId  aspnet_Membership  ApplicationId 
aspnet_Applications  ApplicationId  aspnet_Roles  ApplicationId 
aspnet_Applications  ApplicationId  aspnet_Paths  ApplicationId 

Table: aspnet_Membership


Used by the SQL Membership Provider to store membership data.


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
UserId  uniqueidentifier  User ID
Password  nvarchar(128)  Password (plaintext, hashed, or encrypted; base-64-encoded if hashed or encrypted)
PasswordFormat  int  Password format (0=Plaintext, 1=Hashed, 2=Encrypted)
PasswordSalt  nvarchar(128)  Randomly generated 128-bit value used to salt password hashes; stored in base-64-encoded form
MobilePIN  nvarchar(16)  User's mobile PIN (currently not used)
Email  nvarchar(256)  User's e-mail address
LoweredEmail  nvarchar(256)  User's e-mail address (lowercase)
PasswordQuestion  nvarchar(256)  Password question
PasswordAnswer  nvarchar(128)  Answer to password question
IsApproved  bit  1=Approved, 0=Not approved
IsLockedOut  bit  1=Locked out, 0=Not locked out
CreateDate  datetime  Date and time this account was created
LastLoginDate  datetime  Date and time of this user's last login
LastPasswordChangedDate  datetime  Date and time this user's password was last changed
LastLockoutDate  datetime  Date and time this user was last locked out
FailedPasswordAttemptCount  int  Number of consecutive failed login attempts
FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart  datetime  Date and time of first failed login if FailedPasswordAttemptCount is nonzero
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount  int  Number of consecutive failed password answer attempts
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart  datetime  Date and time of first failed password answer if FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount is nonzero
Comment  ntext  Additional text


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Applications  ApplicationId  aspnet_Membership  ApplicationId 
aspnet_Users  UserId  aspnet_Membership  UserId 

Table: aspnet_Paths


Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store the path for which Web Parts personalization state has been saved.


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
PathId  uniqueidentifier  Path ID
Path  nvarchar(256)  Path name
LoweredPath  nvarchar(256)  Path name (lowercase)


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Applications  ApplicationId  aspnet_Paths  ApplicationId 
aspnet_Paths  PathId  aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers  PathId 
aspnet_Paths  PathId  aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser  PathId 

Table: aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers


Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store shared personalization data.


Name  Type  Description 
PathId  uniqueidentifier  ID of the virtual path to which this state pertains
PageSettings  image  Serialized personalization state
LastUpdatedDate  datetime  Date and time state was saved


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Paths  PathId  aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers  PathId 

Table: aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser


Used by the SQL Personalization Provider to store per-user personalization data.


Name  Type  Description 
Id  uniqueidentifier  ID of this record
PathId  uniqueidentifier  ID of the virtual path to which this state pertains
UserId  uniqueidentifier  ID of the user to which this state pertains
PageSettings  image  Serialized personalization state
LastUpdatedDate  datetime  Date and time state was saved


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Paths  PathId  aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser  PathId 
aspnet_Users  UserId  aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser  UserId 

Table: aspnet_Profile


Used by the SQL Profile Provider to store individual instances of property values.


Name  Type  Description 
UserId  uniqueidentifier  ID of the user to which this profile data pertains
PropertyNames  ntext  Names of all property values stored in this profile
PropertyValuesString  ntext  Values of properties that could be persisted as text
PropertyValuesBinary  image  Values of properties that were configured to use binary serialization
LastUpdatedDate  datetime  Date and time this profile was last updated


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Users  UserId  aspnet_Profile  UserId 

Table: aspnet_Roles


Used by the SQL Role Provider to store role data.


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
RoleId  uniqueidentifier  Role ID
RoleName  nvarchar(256)  Role name
LoweredRoleName  nvarchar(256)  Role name (lowercase)
Description  nvarchar(256)  Role description (currently unused)


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Applications  ApplicationId  aspnet_Roles  ApplicationId 
aspnet_Roles  RoleId  aspnet_UsersInRoles  RoleId 

Table: aspnet_SchemaVersions


Used to track the versions of schemas required by ASP.NET features.


Name  Type  Description 
Feature  nvarchar(128)  Name of the application feature
CompatibleSchemaVersion  nvarchar(128)  Schema version required for compatibility
IsCurrentVersion  bit  1=Current version, 0=Not current version

Table: aspnet_Users


Used to store information regarding users, including user names and IDs.


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
UserId  uniqueidentifier  User ID
UserName  nvarchar(256)  User name
LoweredUserName  nvarchar(256)  User name (lowercase)
MobileAlias  nvarchar(16)  User's mobile alias (currently not used)
IsAnonymous  bit  1=Anonymous user, 0=Not an anonymous user
LastActivityDate  datetime  Date and time of last activity by this user


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Applications  ApplicationId  aspnet_Users  ApplicationId 
aspnet_Users  UserId  aspnet_Membership  UserId 
aspnet_Users  UserId  aspnet_Profile  UserId 
aspnet_Users  UserId  aspnet_UsersInRoles  UserId 
aspnet_Users  UserId  aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser  UserId 

Table: aspnet_UsersInRoles


Used by the SQL Role Provider to map roles to users.


Name  Type  Description 
UserId  uniqueidentifier  User ID
RoleId  uniqueidentifier  Role ID


Primary Table  Primary Key  Foreign Table  Foreign Key 
aspnet_Users  UserId  aspnet_UsersInRoles  UserId 
aspnet_Roles  RoleId  aspnet_UsersInRoles  RoleId 

Table: aspnet_WebEvent_Events


Used by the SQL Web Event Provider to log event data.


Name  Type  Description 
EventId  char(32)  Event ID (from WebBaseEvent.EventId)
EventTimeUtc  datetime  UTC time at which the event was fired (from WebBaseEvent.EventTimeUtc)
EventTime  datetime  Local time at which the event was fired (from WebBaseEvent.EventTime)
EventType  nvarchar(256)  Event type (for example, WebFailureAuditEvent)
EventSequence  decimal(19)  Event sequence number (from WebBaseEvent.EventSequence)
EventOccurrence  decimal(19)  Event occurrence count (from WebBaseEvent.EventOccurrence)
EventCode  int  Event code (from WebBaseEvent.EventCode)
EventDetailCode  int  Event detail code (from WebBaseEvent.EventDetailCode)
Message  nvarchar(1024)  Event message (from WebBaseEvent.EventMessage)
ApplicationPath  nvarchar(256)  Physical path of the application that generated the Web event (for example, C:\Websites\MyApp)
ApplicationVirtualPath  nvarchar(256)  Virtual path of the application that generated the event (for example, /MyApp)
MachineName  nvarchar(256)  Name of the machine on which the event was generated
RequestUrl  nvarchar(1024)  URL of the request that generated the Web event
ExceptionType  nvarchar(256)  If the Web event is a WebBaseErrorEvent, type of exception recorded in the ErrorException property; otherwise, DBNull
Details  ntext  Text generated by calling ToString on the Web event




View: vw_aspnet_Applications


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationName  nvarchar  Application name
LoweredApplicationName  nvarchar  Application name (lowercase)
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
Description  nvarchar  Application description

View: vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers


Name  Type  Description 
UserId  uniqueidentifier  User ID
PasswordFormat  int  Password format (0=Plaintext, 1=Hashed, 2=Encrypted)
MobilePIN  nvarchar  User's mobile PIN (currently not used)
Email  nvarchar  User's e-mail address
LoweredEmail  nvarchar  User's e-mail address (lowercase)
PasswordQuestion  nvarchar  Password question
PasswordAnswer  nvarchar  Answer to password question
IsApproved  bit  1=Approved, 0=Not approved
IsLockedOut  bit  1=Locked out, 0=Not locked out
CreateDate  datetime  Date and time this account was created
LastLoginDate  datetime  Date and time of this user's last login
LastPasswordChangedDate  datetime  Date and time this user's password was last changed
LastLockoutDate  datetime  Date and time this user was last locked out
FailedPasswordAttemptCount  int  Number of consecutive failed login attempts
FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart  datetime  Date and time of first failed login if FailedPasswordAttemptCount is nonzero
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount  int  Number of consecutive failed password answer attempts
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart  datetime  Date and time of first failed password answer if FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount is nonzero
Comment  ntext  Additional text
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
UserName  nvarchar  User name
MobileAlias  nvarchar  User's mobile alias (currently not used)
IsAnonymous  bit  1=Anonymous user, 0=Not an anonymous user
LastActivityDate  datetime  Date and time of last activity by this user

View: vw_aspnet_Profiles


Name  Type  Description 
UserId  uniqueidentifier  ID of the user to which this profile data pertains
LastUpdatedDate  datetime  Date and time this profile was last updated
DataSize  int  Size of the profile data

View: vw_aspnet_Roles


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
RoleId  uniqueidentifier  Role ID
RoleName  nvarchar  Role name
LoweredRoleName  nvarchar  Role name (lowercase)
Description  nvarchar  Role description (currently unused)

View: vw_aspnet_Users


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
UserId  uniqueidentifier  User ID
UserName  nvarchar  User name
LoweredUserName  nvarchar  User name (lowercase)
MobileAlias  nvarchar  User's mobile alias (currently not used)
IsAnonymous  bit  1=Anonymous user, 0=Not an anonymous user
LastActivityDate  datetime  Date and time of last activity by this user

View: vw_aspnet_UsersInRoles


Name  Type  Description 
UserId  uniqueidentifier  User ID
RoleId  uniqueidentifier  Role ID

View: vw_aspnet_WebPartState_Paths


Name  Type  Description 
ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Application ID
PathId  uniqueidentifier  Path ID
Path  nvarchar  Path name
LoweredPath  nvarchar  Path name (lowercase)

View: vw_aspnet_WebPartState_Shared


Name  Type  Description 
PathId  uniqueidentifier  ID of the virtual path to which this state pertains
DataSize  int  Size of the data
LastUpdatedDate  datetime  Date and time state was saved

View: vw_aspnet_WebPartState_User


Name  Type  Description 
PathId  uniqueidentifier  ID of the virtual path to which this state
UserId  uniqueidentifier  ID of the user to which this state pertains
DataSize  int  Size of the user-scoped data
LastUpdatedDate  datetime  Date and time state was saved

Procedures: ASPNETDB


Name  Description 
aspnet_AnyDataInTables  Checks to see if there is any data in the specified tables.
aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication  Adds a new application to the aspnet_Application table.
aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion  Checks the compatibility of the schema version for the given feature.
aspnet_Membership_ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer  Changes the specified user's password question and answer.
aspnet_Membership_CreateUser  Adds a new membership user to the membership database. Records the user in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership tables and, if necessary, adds a new application to the aspnet_Applications table.
aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByEmail  Retrieves records from aspnet_Membership table with email addresses matching the specified pattern and with the specified application ID.
aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByName  Retrieves records from aspnet_Membership table with user names matching the specified pattern and with the specified application ID.
aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers  Retrieves all users from the aspnet_Membership table with the specified application ID.
aspnet_Membership_GetNumberOfUsersOnline  Gets the number of users currently online (those whose last activity dates.
aspnet_Membership_GetPassword  Gets the specified user's password data from the database. Used for retrieving passwords with a user-supplied password answer.
aspnet_Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat  Gets the specified user's password from the database. Used by the provider to retrieve passwords for performing password comparisons (for example, when ValidateUser needs to validate a password).
aspnet_Membership_GetUserByEmail  Given an e-mail address and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName  Given a user name and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
aspnet_Membership_GetUserByUserId  Given a user ID and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.
aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword  Resets the specified user's password based on a password answer.
aspnet_Membership_SetPassword  Sets the specified user's password to the password input to the stored procedure.
aspnet_Membership_UnlockUser  Restores login privileges for the specified user by setting the user's IsLockedOut bit to 0.
aspnet_Membership_UpdateUser  Updates the user's last activity date in the aspnet_Users table and e-mail address, comment, isapproved status, and last login date in the aspnet_Membership table.
aspnet_Membership_UpdateUserInfo  Updates account locking data for the specified user in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership tables. Used in conjunction with provider methods that track bad password and bad password-answer attempts.
aspnet_Paths_CreatePath  Retrieves a path ID from the aspnet_Paths table, or creates a new one if the specified path doesn't exist.
aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId  Converts the application name input to it into an application ID.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_DeleteAllState  Deletes all records from aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers or aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser corresponding to the specified application ID.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_FindState  Retrieves profile data from aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers or aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser meeting several input criteria.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_GetCountOfState  Returns a count of records in the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table with path names matching the specified pattern, or a count of records in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table meeting several input criteria.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetSharedState  Resets shared state for the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetUserState  Resets per-user state for the specified user and the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table. Can also delete records, based on the user's last activity date if it falls on or before the specified date.
aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_GetPageSettings  Retrieves shared state for the specified page from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_ResetPageSettings  Resets shared state for the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_SetPageSettings  Saves shared state for the specified page in the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_GetPageSettings  Retrieves per-user state for the specified page and the specified user from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_ResetPageSettings  Resets per-user state for the specified page and the specified user, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_SetPageSettings  Saves per-user state for the specified page and the specified user in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.
aspnet_Profile_DeleteInactiveProfiles  Deletes profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for users whose last activity dates in the aspnet_Users table fall on or before the specified date.
aspnet_Profile_DeleteProfiles  Deletes profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for the specified users.
aspnet_Profile_GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles  Queries the aspnet_Profile table to get a count of profiles whose last activity dates (in the aspnet_Users table) fall on or before the specified date.
aspnet_Profile_GetProfiles  Retrieves profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for users who match the criteria input to the stored procedure.
aspnet_Profile_GetProperties  Retrieves profile data for the specified user.
aspnet_Profile_SetProperties  Saves profile data for the specified user.
aspnet_RegisterSchemaVersion  Registers the compatible schema required for the given feature.
aspnet_Roles_CreateRole  Adds a role to the aspnet_Roles table and, if necessary, adds a new application to the aspnet_Applications table.
aspnet_Roles_DeleteRole  Removes a role from the aspnet_Roles table. Optionally deletes records referencing the deleted role from the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
aspnet_Roles_GetAllRoles  Retrieves all roles with the specified application ID from the aspnet_Roles table.
aspnet_Roles_RoleExists  Checks the aspnet_Roles table to determine whether the specified role exists.
aspnet_Setup_RemoveAllRoleMembers  Removes all roles from the given SQL account.
aspnet_Setup_RestorePermissions  Restores permissions to the given SQL account.
aspnet_UnRegisterSchemaVersion  Unregisters the schema version for the given feature.
aspnet_Users_CreateUser  Adds a user to the aspnet_Users table. Called by aspnet_Membership_CreateUser.
aspnet_Users_DeleteUser  Deletes a user from the aspnet_Membership table and optionally from other SQL provider tables, including aspnet_Users.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles  Adds the specified users to the specified roles by adding them to the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_FindUsersInRole  Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all users belonging to the specified role whose user names match the specified pattern.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetRolesForUser  Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all roles assigned to a specified user.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles  Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all users belonging to the specified role.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_IsUserInRole  Checks the aspnet_UsersInRoles table to determine whether the specified user belongs to the specified role.
aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles  Removes the specified users from the specified roles by deleting the corresponding records from the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent  Records a Web event in the aspnet_WebEvents_Events table.

Procedure: aspnet_AnyDataInTables


Checks to see if there is any data in the specified tables.


Name  Type  Direction 
@TablesToCheck  int  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication


Adds a new application to the aspnet_Application table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Input/Output 

Procedure: aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion


Checks the compatibility of the schema version for the given feature.


Name  Type  Direction 
@Feature  nvarchar  Input 
@CompatibleSchemaVersion  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer


Changes the specified user's password question and answer.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@NewPasswordQuestion  nvarchar  Input 
@NewPasswordAnswer  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_CreateUser


Adds a new membership user to the membership database. Records the user in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership tables and, if necessary, adds a new application to the aspnet_Applications table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@Password  nvarchar  Input 
@PasswordSalt  nvarchar  Input 
@Email  nvarchar  Input 
@PasswordQuestion  nvarchar  Input 
@PasswordAnswer  nvarchar  Input 
@IsApproved  bit  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 
@CreateDate  datetime  Input 
@UniqueEmail  int  Input 
@PasswordFormat  int  Input 
@UserId  uniqueidentifier  Input/Output 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByEmail


Retrieves records from aspnet_Membership table with email addresses matching the specified pattern and with the specified application ID.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@EmailToMatch  nvarchar  Input 
@PageIndex  int  Input 
@PageSize  int  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByName


Retrieves records from aspnet_Membership table with user names matching the specified pattern and with the specified application ID.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserNameToMatch  nvarchar  Input 
@PageIndex  int  Input 
@PageSize  int  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers


Retrieves all users from the aspnet_Membership table with the specified application ID.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@PageIndex  int  Input 
@PageSize  int  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetNumberOfUsersOnline


Gets the number of users currently online (those whose last activity dates.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@MinutesSinceLastInActive  int  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetPassword


Gets the specified user's password data from the database. Used for retrieving passwords with a user-supplied password answer.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts  int  Input 
@PasswordAttemptWindow  int  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 
@PasswordAnswer  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat


Gets the specified user's password from the database. Used by the provider to retrieve passwords for performing password comparisons (for example, when ValidateUser needs to validate a password).


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@UpdateLastLoginActivityDate  bit  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetUserByEmail


Given an e-mail address and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@Email  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName


Given a user name and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 
@UpdateLastActivity  bit  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_GetUserByUserId


Given a user ID and application ID, retrieves the corresponding record from the aspnet_Membership table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@UserId  uniqueidentifier  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 
@UpdateLastActivity  bit  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword


Resets the specified user's password based on a password answer.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@NewPassword  nvarchar  Input 
@MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts  int  Input 
@PasswordAttemptWindow  int  Input 
@PasswordSalt  nvarchar  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 
@PasswordFormat  int  Input 
@PasswordAnswer  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_SetPassword


Sets the specified user's password to the password input to the stored procedure.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@NewPassword  nvarchar  Input 
@PasswordSalt  nvarchar  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 
@PasswordFormat  int  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_UnlockUser


Restores login privileges for the specified user by setting the user's IsLockedOut bit to 0.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_UpdateUser


Updates the user's last activity date in the aspnet_Users table and e-mail address, comment, isapproved status, and last login date in the aspnet_Membership table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@Email  nvarchar  Input 
@Comment  ntext  Input 
@IsApproved  bit  Input 
@LastLoginDate  datetime  Input 
@LastActivityDate  datetime  Input 
@UniqueEmail  int  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Membership_UpdateUserInfo


Updates account locking data for the specified user in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership tables. Used in conjunction with provider methods that track bad password and bad password-answer attempts.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@IsPasswordCorrect  bit  Input 
@UpdateLastLoginActivityDate  bit  Input 
@MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts  int  Input 
@PasswordAttemptWindow  int  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 
@LastLoginDate  datetime  Input 
@LastActivityDate  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Paths_CreatePath


Retrieves a path ID from the aspnet_Paths table, or creates a new one if the specified path doesn't exist.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 
@PathId  uniqueidentifier  Input/Output 

Procedure: aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId


Converts the application name input to it into an application ID.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Input/Output 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_DeleteAllState


Deletes all records from aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers or aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser corresponding to the specified application ID.


Name  Type  Direction 
@AllUsersScope  bit  Input 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@Count  int  Input/Output 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_FindState


Retrieves profile data from aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers or aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser meeting several input criteria.


Name  Type  Direction 
@AllUsersScope  bit  Input 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@PageIndex  int  Input 
@PageSize  int  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@InactiveSinceDate  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_GetCountOfState


Returns a count of records in the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table with path names matching the specified pattern, or a count of records in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table meeting several input criteria.


Name  Type  Direction 
@Count  int  Input/Output 
@AllUsersScope  bit  Input 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@InactiveSinceDate  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetSharedState


Resets shared state for the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@Count  int  Input/Output 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetUserState


Resets per-user state for the specified user and the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table. Can also delete records, based on the user's last activity date if it falls on or before the specified date.


Name  Type  Direction 
@Count  int  Input/Output 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@InactiveSinceDate  datetime  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_GetPageSettings


Retrieves shared state for the specified page from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_ResetPageSettings


Resets shared state for the specified page, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_SetPageSettings


Saves shared state for the specified page in the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 
@PageSettings  image  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_GetPageSettings


Retrieves per-user state for the specified page and the specified user from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_ResetPageSettings


Resets per-user state for the specified page and the specified user, by deleting the corresponding record from the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_SetPageSettings


Saves per-user state for the specified page and the specified user in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@Path  nvarchar  Input 
@PageSettings  image  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Profile_DeleteInactiveProfiles


Deletes profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for users whose last activity dates in the aspnet_Users table fall on or before the specified date.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@ProfileAuthOptions  int  Input 
@InactiveSinceDate  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Profile_DeleteProfiles


Deletes profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for the specified users.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserNames  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Profile_GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles


Queries the aspnet_Profile table to get a count of profiles whose last activity dates (in the aspnet_Users table) fall on or before the specified date.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@ProfileAuthOptions  int  Input 
@InactiveSinceDate  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Profile_GetProfiles


Retrieves profile data from the aspnet_Profile table for users who match the criteria input to the stored procedure.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@ProfileAuthOptions  int  Input 
@PageIndex  int  Input 
@PageSize  int  Input 
@UserNameToMatch  nvarchar  Input 
@InactiveSinceDate  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Profile_GetProperties


Retrieves profile data for the specified user.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Profile_SetProperties


Saves profile data for the specified user.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@PropertyNames  ntext  Input 
@PropertyValuesString  ntext  Input 
@PropertyValuesBinary  image  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@IsUserAnonymous  bit  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_RegisterSchemaVersion


Registers the compatible schema required for the given feature.


Name  Type  Direction 
@Feature  nvarchar  Input 
@CompatibleSchemaVersion  nvarchar  Input 
@IsCurrentVersion  bit  Input 
@RemoveIncompatibleSchema  bit  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Roles_CreateRole


Adds a role to the aspnet_Roles table and, if necessary, adds a new application to the aspnet_Applications table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@RoleName  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Roles_DeleteRole


Removes a role from the aspnet_Roles table. Optionally deletes records referencing the deleted role from the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@RoleName  nvarchar  Input 
@DeleteOnlyIfRoleIsEmpty  bit  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Roles_GetAllRoles


Retrieves all roles with the specified application ID from the aspnet_Roles table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Roles_RoleExists


Checks the aspnet_Roles table to determine whether the specified role exists.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@RoleName  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Setup_RemoveAllRoleMembers


Removes all roles from the given SQL account.


Name  Type  Direction 
@name  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Setup_RestorePermissions


Restores permissions to the given SQL account.


Name  Type  Direction 
@name  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_UnRegisterSchemaVersion


Unregisters the schema version for the given feature.


Name  Type  Direction 
@Feature  nvarchar  Input 
@CompatibleSchemaVersion  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_Users_CreateUser


Adds a user to the aspnet_Users table. Called by aspnet_Membership_CreateUser.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationId  uniqueidentifier  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@IsUserAnonymous  bit  Input 
@LastActivityDate  datetime  Input 
@UserId  uniqueidentifier  Input/Output 

Procedure: aspnet_Users_DeleteUser


Deletes a user from the aspnet_Membership table and optionally from other SQL provider tables, including aspnet_Users.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@TablesToDeleteFrom  int  Input 
@NumTablesDeletedFrom  int  Input/Output 

Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles


Adds the specified users to the specified roles by adding them to the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserNames  nvarchar  Input 
@RoleNames  nvarchar  Input 
@CurrentTimeUtc  datetime  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_FindUsersInRole


Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all users belonging to the specified role whose user names match the specified pattern.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@RoleName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserNameToMatch  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetRolesForUser


Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all roles assigned to a specified user.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles


Queries the aspnet_UsersInRoles table for all users belonging to the specified role.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@RoleName  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_IsUserInRole


Checks the aspnet_UsersInRoles table to determine whether the specified user belongs to the specified role.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserName  nvarchar  Input 
@RoleName  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles


Removes the specified users from the specified roles by deleting the corresponding records from the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@ApplicationName  nvarchar  Input 
@UserNames  nvarchar  Input 
@RoleNames  nvarchar  Input 

Procedure: aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent


Records a Web event in the aspnet_WebEvents_Events table.


Name  Type  Direction 
@EventId  char  Input 
@EventTimeUtc  datetime  Input 
@EventTime  datetime  Input 
@EventType  nvarchar  Input 
@EventSequence  decimal  Input 
@EventOccurrence  decimal  Input 
@EventCode  int  Input 
@EventDetailCode  int  Input 
@Message  nvarchar  Input 
@ApplicationPath  nvarchar  Input 
@ApplicationVirtualPath  nvarchar  Input 
@MachineName  nvarchar  Input 
@RequestUrl  nvarchar  Input 
@ExceptionType  nvarchar  Input 
@Details  ntext  Input 

ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Database