eBay Shopping API Version 643
Methods | Complex Types | Simple Types | Elements | Attributes
Name | Description |
FindHalfProducts | Finds product listings on Half.com. |
FindItems | Finds items based on the given search criteria. |
FindItemsAdvanced | Advanced item search adding more search parameters. |
FindPopularItems | Finds most popular items for a given category or keyword. |
FindPopularSearches | Finds the keywords that users are searching on for listings. |
FindProducts | Finds products based on the given search criteria. |
FindReviewsAndGuides | Finds reviews and guides based on the given search criteria. |
GetCategoryInfo | Get information about the given category. |
GeteBayTime | Gets the official time of the eBay server. |
GetItemStatus | Gets the status of one or more items. |
GetMultipleItems | Gets details for multiple shopping items. |
GetShippingCosts | Gets the shiping cost for a shopping item. |
GetSingleItem | Gets details for a single shopping item. |
GetUserProfile | Retrieves the profile for the user specified. |
Finds product listings on Half.com.
The input of this method is the document element ns:FindHalfProductsRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:AvailableItemsOnly | xs:boolean | If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the Half.com site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query. |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | A domain to search in. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | One or more keywords to search for. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:ProductSort | ns:ProductSortCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies which page of data to return in the current call. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:FindHalfProductsResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:DomainHistogram | ns:DomainHistogramType | A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:ApproximatePages | xs:int | The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request. |
ns:MoreResults | xs:boolean | If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages. |
ns:TotalProducts | xs:int | The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.) |
ns:Products | ns:HalfProductsType | An set of Half.com catalog products. |
ns:ProductSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL for product search results that corresponds to your search request. |
Finds items based on the given search criteria.
The input of this method is the document element ns:FindItemsRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:ItemSort | ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType | Sorts search results based on the value you specify. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Specifies the postal code where the buyer is located. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:FindItemsResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains summary data for an item listing. |
ns:TotalItems | xs:int | Indicates the total number of items on eBay that match the query. |
ns:ItemSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL equivalent to your FindItems search query. |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Advanced item search adding more search parameters.
The input of this method is the document element ns:FindItemsAdvancedRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:BidCountMax | xs:int | Limits the results to items with a maximum number of bids. |
ns:BidCountMin | xs:int | Limits the results to items with a minimum number of bids. |
ns:CategoryHistogramMaxParents | xs:int | Maximum number of matching categories to return at the highest level (root level) of the category hierarchy (level 1). |
ns:CategoryHistogramMaxChildren | xs:int | Maximum number of matching subcategories to return at each level of the category hierarchy below the root level. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:ItemSort | ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType | Sorts search results based on the value you specify. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort. |
ns:GroupMaxEntries | xs:int | GroupMaxEntries is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.) |
ns:GroupsMax | xs:int | GroupsMax is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.) |
ns:EndTimeFrom | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to items ending within a time range. |
ns:EndTimeTo | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to items ending within a time range. |
ns:ModTimeFrom | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to active items whose status has changed since the specified time. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. |
ns:ItemType | ns:ItemTypeCodeType | Filters items based on criteria related to the listing type of items. |
ns:MaxDistance | xs:int | The maximum distance from the postal code specified in the PostalCode field. (The PostalCode field contains the postal code of the buyer.) |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | The postal code where the buyer is located. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | You can use this input field to search by ISBN, UPC, EAN, or eBay Product Reference ID, as in the following examples. To search using an ISBN, specify ProductID.Type=ISBN and set ProductID.Value to an ISBN value. To search using an eBay Product Reference ID, specify ProductID.Type=Reference and set ProductID.Value to an eBay Product Reference ID value. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to be returned in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:PriceMax | ns:AmountType | Specifies the maximum current price an item can have to be included in the response. |
ns:PriceMin | ns:AmountType | Specifies the minimum current price an item listing can have to be included in the searches result set. |
ns:Condition | ns:ItemConditionCodeType | Limits the results to new OR used items (exclusive, not both), plus items that have no condition specified. |
ns:CharityID | xs:int | Limits results to items that support the specified nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:SearchFlag | ns:SearchFlagCodeType | Search for charity listings, free-shipping listings, and listings with other features. |
ns:PaymentMethod | ns:PaymentMethodSearchCodeType | Limits results to items that accept a specific payment method or methods. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | |
ns:StoreSearch | ns:StoreSearchCodeType | Specifies the type of store search used for filtering results. |
ns:SellerBusinessType | ns:SellerBusinessCodeType | Limits the results to those of a particular seller business type such as commercial or private. |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | Limits the results to listings that offer a certain number of items matching the query. |
ns:QuantityOperator | ns:QuantityOperatorCodeType | Limits the results to listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity. |
ns:Currency | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items with a specified currency. |
ns:ItemsAvailableTo | ns:CountryCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items available to the specified country. |
ns:ItemsLocatedIn | ns:CountryCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items located in the specified country. |
ns:PreferredLocation | ns:PreferredLocationCodeType | Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request. |
ns:FeedbackScoreMax | xs:int | Specifies the maximum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response. |
ns:FeedbackScoreMin | xs:int | Specifies the mininum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response. |
ns:ExcludeFlag | ns:ExcludeFlagCodeType | Excludes items with the specified flag from the search. |
ns:DescriptionSearch | xs:boolean | Specifies whether you want to include the item's description in a search. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
ns:ShippingLocation | ns:CountryCodeType | ShippingLocation should be used together with PostalCode for shipping cost calculations. |
ns:ShippingPostalCode | xs:string | This postal code is for international shipping cost calculations. |
ns:ItemLocationRegion | ns:ItemLocationRegionCodeType | Allows you to search for items in a specified region. |
ns:CategoryIDExclude | xs:string | Specify a CategoryIDExclude value in your request if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items that belong to the specified category. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:FindItemsAdvancedResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:SearchResult | ns:SearchResultType | Contains the returned item listings, if any. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items returned, this field has a value of 1. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:TotalItems | xs:int | Indicates the total number of items that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:CategoryHistogram | ns:CategoryArrayType | Statistical (histogram) information about categories that contain items that match the query, if any. |
ns:TotalStoresExpansionItems | xs:int | Total item count for a store expansion of the search. |
ns:TotalInternationalExpansionItems | xs:int | Total item count for an international expansion of the search. |
ns:ItemSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL for search results that corresponds to your search request. |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Finds most popular items for a given category or keyword.
The input of this method is the document element ns:FindPopularItemsRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:CategoryIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the popular items returned do not include items that belong to a specific category. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:FindPopularItemsResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
Finds the keywords that users are searching on for listings.
The input of this method is the document element ns:FindPopularSearchesRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:MaxKeywords | xs:int | The maximum number of keywords to be retrieved per category for this call. |
ns:MaxResultsPerPage | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of PopularSearchResults per page in the returned list. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:IncludeChildCategories | xs:boolean | If true, only one CategoryID can be specified, and keywords are returned for that category and its subcategories. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:FindPopularSearchesResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:PopularSearchResult | ns:PopularSearchesType | Returns most popular search words by category. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items can be returned, this field has a value of one. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
Finds products based on the given search criteria.
The input of this method is the document element ns:FindProductsRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:AvailableItemsOnly | xs:boolean | If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the specified eBay site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query. |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | A domain to search in. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | One or more keywords to search for. When you use a keyword search, eBay searches the product catalogs for matching words in the product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns a list of matching products, with no items. |
ns:ProductSort | ns:ProductSortCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order. Only applicable with ProductSort. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies which page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Include a Category ID number in your request to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:FindProductsResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ApproximatePages | xs:int | The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request. |
ns:MoreResults | xs:boolean | If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages. |
ns:DomainHistogram | ns:DomainHistogramType | A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found. |
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:Product | ns:CatalogProductType | An eBay catalog product. |
ns:TotalProducts | xs:int | The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.) |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Finds reviews and guides based on the given search criteria.
The input of this method is the document element ns:FindReviewsAndGuidesRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve reviews (not guides) for one specific product. |
ns:UserID | xs:string | Retrieves reviews and guides written by the specified user. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify a single CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific Guide category. |
ns:MaxResultsPerPage | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of reviews per page (not guides) in the returned list. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:ReviewSort | ns:ReviewSortCodeType | Include ReviewSort in your request if you want to sort by a parameter, such as CreationTime. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ReviewsSort. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:FindReviewsAndGuidesResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ReviewCount | xs:int | Number of returned reviews. |
ns:BuyingGuideCount | xs:int | Number of returned buying guides. |
ns:ReviewerRank | xs:int | Rank of reviewer if using user search. |
ns:TotalHelpfulnessVotes | xs:int | Number of helpfulness votes if using user search. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL | xs:anyURI | URL to the reviews and guides page. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:BuyingGuideDetails | ns:BuyingGuideDetailsType | Contains information for up to 5 buying guides that match the query. |
ns:ReviewDetails | ns:ReviewDetailsType | Contains information about review details. |
ns:PositiveHelpfulnessVotes | xs:int | Number of helpfulness votes if using user search. |
Get information about the given category.
The input of this method is the document element ns:GetCategoryInfoRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta categories. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:GetCategoryInfoResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryArray | ns:CategoryArrayType | List of the returned categories. |
ns:CategoryCount | xs:int | Indicates the number of categories returned (i.e., the number of CategoryType objects in CategoryArray). |
ns:UpdateTime | xs:dateTime | Indicates the last date and time that eBay modified the category hierarchy for the specified eBay site. |
ns:CategoryVersion | xs:string | Indicates the version of the category hierarchy on the specified eBay site. |
Gets the official time of the eBay server.
The input of this method is the document element ns:GeteBayTimeRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any |
The output of this method is the document element ns:GeteBayTimeResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any |
Gets the status of one or more items.
The input of this method is the document element ns:GetItemStatusRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:GetItemStatusResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Collection of Item status objects in an SimpleItemArrayType object, that can include zero, one, or multiple ItemType objects. |
Gets details for multiple shopping items.
The input of this method is the document element ns:GetMultipleItemsRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:GetMultipleItemsResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains details for a listing (or multiple) listings that correspond to the item ID(s) specified in the request. |
Gets the shiping cost for a shopping item.
The input of this method is the document element ns:GetShippingCostsRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items sold to a single buyer and to be shipped together. |
ns:DestinationPostalCode | xs:string | Destination country postal code (or zipcode, for US). |
ns:DestinationCountryCode | ns:CountryCodeType | Destination country code. |
ns:IncludeDetails | xs:boolean | Indicates whether to return the ShippingDetails container in the response. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:GetShippingCostsResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ShippingDetails | ns:ShippingDetailsType | Shipping-related details for the specified item. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Shipping-related details for the specified item. |
Gets details for a single shopping item.
The input of this method is the document element ns:GetSingleItemRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:VariationSKU | xs:string | Variation-level SKU that uniquely identifes a variation within the listing identified by ItemID. |
ns:VariationSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Name-value pairs that identify one or more variations within the listing identified by ItemID. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:GetSingleItemResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains details about the listing whose ID was specified in the request. |
Retrieves the profile for the user specified.
The input of this method is the document element ns:GetUserProfileRequest of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:UserID | xs:string | Specifies the user whose data will returned by the call. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
The output of this method is the document element ns:GetUserProfileResponse of type having the structure defined by the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:User | ns:SimpleUserType | Contains the returned user data for the specified eBay user. |
ns:FeedbackHistory | ns:FeedbackHistoryType | Summary feedback data for a user. Contains counts of positive, neutral, and negative feedback for predefined time periods. |
ns:FeedbackDetails | ns:FeedbackDetailType | The FeedbackDetails container has fields (ItemID, etc.) with information about one feedback entry. |
Name | Description |
ns:AbstractRequestType | Base type definition of the request payload, which can carry any type of payload content plus optional versioning information and detail level requirements. |
ns:AbstractResponseType | Base type definition of a response payload that can carry any type of payload content with following optional elements: - timestamp of response message - application-level acknowledgement - application-level (business-level) errors and warnings |
ns:AddressType | Contains the data for one user address. |
ns:AmountType | Basic type for specifying monetary amounts. |
ns:AverageRatingDetailsType | Applicable to sites that support the Detailed Seller Ratings feature. |
ns:BusinessSellerDetailsType | Displays the seller's information (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:BuyingGuideDetailsType | Information about zero or more buying guides and the site's buying guide hub. |
ns:BuyingGuideType | Information that identifies a buying guide. |
ns:CatalogProductType | Information about an eBay catalog product. |
ns:CategoryArrayType | Container for a list of categories. |
ns:CategoryType | Contains details about a category. |
ns:CharityType | Identifies a Giving Works listing and benefiting nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:DistanceType | Distance, used for a proximity search. |
ns:DomainHistogramType | A generic type used for histograms. |
ns:ErrorParameterType | A variable that contains specific information about the context of this error. |
ns:ErrorType | These are request errors (as opposed to system errors) that occur due to problems with business-level data (e.g., an invalid combination of arguments) that the application passed in. |
ns:ExternalProductIDType | Contains an ISBN value, EAN value, UPC value, ticket keywords, or eBay catalog product ID, plus other meta-data. |
ns:FeedbackDetailType | Detailed feedback information for a user. |
ns:FeedbackHistoryType | Specifies all feedback summary information (except Score). |
ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Contains the data for one type of feedback for one predefined time period. |
ns:FindHalfProductsRequestType | Searches Half.com for stock product information (stock description and Item Specifics), such as information about a particular kind of DVD or book. |
ns:FindHalfProductsResponseType | Returns stock product information in Half.com catalogs, such as information about a particular DVD or book. |
ns:FindItemsAdvancedRequestType | Searches for items based on a variety of input fields. Enables you to specify what item data is returned. Returns detailed information about items. |
ns:FindItemsAdvancedResponseType | Contains the item listings matching your search criteria. |
ns:FindItemsRequestType | Searches for items based on a query or seller ID. If you use keywords, this call returns items that contain the keywords in the title. A maximum of 50 items is returned. |
ns:FindItemsResponseType | |
ns:FindPopularItemsRequestType | Find popular items |
ns:FindPopularItemsResponseType | Popular items, detail level is default for simple item type. addition with WatchCount. |
ns:FindPopularSearchesRequestType | Retrieves the words most frequently used by eBay users when searching for listings. |
ns:FindPopularSearchesResponseType | Contains the keyword data for the requested categories. |
ns:FindProductsRequestType | Searches for stock product information. |
ns:FindProductsResponseType | Returns stock product information in eBay catalogs, such as information about a particular DVD or camera. Optionally, also returns items that match the product. |
ns:FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType | Splitting include reviews and guides from GetProducts. |
ns:FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType | Find reviews and guides response type. |
ns:GetCategoryInfoRequestType | This call will give you the ability to retrieve high level Category information, relevant for a buy-side application. |
ns:GetCategoryInfoResponseType | Contains the category data for the eBay site specified as input. |
ns:GeteBayTimeRequestType | Gets the official eBay system time in GMT. |
ns:GeteBayTimeResponseType | The Timestamp field indicates the official eBay system time in GMT. |
ns:GetItemStatusRequestType | Contains a single ItemID or an array of ItemIDs. |
ns:GetItemStatusResponseType | Returns status information for all items in a list. |
ns:GetMultipleItemsRequestType | Retrieves publicly available data for one or more listings. |
ns:GetMultipleItemsResponseType | Response to request of GetMultipleItems. |
ns:GetShippingCostsRequestType | Gets shipping costs for an item. |
ns:GetShippingCostsResponseType | Response to call of GetShippingCosts. |
ns:GetSingleItemRequestType | Retrieves publicly available data for a single listing. |
ns:GetSingleItemResponseType | |
ns:GetUserProfileRequestType | Retrieves user information based on the user ID you specify. |
ns:GetUserProfileResponseType | |
ns:HalfCatalogProductType | Information about an Half.com catalog product. |
ns:HalfProductsType | Information about an eBay catalog product. |
ns:HistogramEntryType | A generic histogram entry type. |
ns:InternationalShippingServiceOptionType | Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. |
ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of one or more valid names and corresponding values. |
ns:NameValueListType | A name and corresponding value (a name/value pair). |
ns:PicturesType | Defines variation-specific pictures associated with one VariationSpecificName (e.g., Color) whose values differ across variations. |
ns:PopularSearchesType | Contains search word information, as it is related to a category. |
ns:ProductIDType | Product ID has an attribute of ProductIDCodeType and a string value. |
ns:ReturnPolicyType | Type for the return policy details of an item. |
ns:ReviewDetailsType | Contains product reviews written by eBay members. |
ns:ReviewType | A product review written by an eBay member. |
ns:SalesTaxType | Type for expressing sales tax data. |
ns:SearchResultType | Container for items. Can contain zero, one, or multiple SimpleItemType objects, each of which has data for an item listing. |
ns:SellingStatusType | Contains various details about the current status of a listing. |
ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Type for the shipping-related details for an item or transaction. |
ns:ShippingDetailsType | Type for the shipping-related details for an item or transaction. |
ns:ShippingServiceOptionType | Shipping costs and options related to a domestic shipping service. |
ns:SimpleItemArrayType | Container for a list of items. |
ns:SimpleItemType | |
ns:SimpleUserType | Type to contain the data for one eBay user. |
ns:StorefrontType | Contains information related to the item in the context of a seller's eBay Store. |
ns:TaxJurisdictionType | Tax-related details for a region or jurisdiction. |
ns:TaxTableType | Sales tax details for zero or more jurisdictions (states, provinces, etc). |
ns:VariationSpecificPictureSetType | At least one container is required (minOccurs="1") if Pictures container is present in the request. |
ns:VariationsType | Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. |
ns:VariationType | This element hold the values that define the SKU, StartPrice, Quantity, VariationDetails, and VariationSpecifics. |
ns:VATDetailsType | Container for eBay's Business User features. |
Base type definition of the request payload, which can carry any type of payload content plus optional versioning information and detail level requirements.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any |
All concrete request types are derived from the abstract request type. The naming convention we use for the concrete type names is the name of the service (the verb or call name) followed by "RequestType": VerbNameRequestType
Base type definition of a response payload that can carry any type of payload content with following optional elements:
- timestamp of response message
- application-level acknowledgement
- application-level (business-level) errors and warnings
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any |
Contains the data for one user address.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Name | xs:string | User's name for the address. |
ns:Street | xs:string | A concatenation of Street1 and Street2, primarily for RegistrationAddress. |
ns:Street1 | xs:string | Line 1 of the user's street address. |
ns:Street2 | xs:string | Line 2 of the user's address (such as an apartment number). |
ns:CityName | xs:string | The name of the user's city. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders). |
ns:County | xs:string | County information for the user. |
ns:StateOrProvince | xs:string | The region of the user's address. |
ns:CountryName | xs:string | The name of the user's country. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders). |
ns:Phone | xs:string | User's primary phone number. |
ns:PhoneCountryPrefix | xs:string | Country Prefix of the secondary phone number. |
ns:PhoneAreaOrCityCode | xs:string | Area or City Code of a user's primary phone number. |
ns:PhoneLocalNumber | xs:string | The local number portion of the user's primary phone number. |
ns:Phone2CountryPrefix | xs:string | Country prefix of a user's secondary phone number. |
ns:Phone2AreaOrCityCode | xs:string | Area or City Code of a user's secondary phone number. |
ns:Phone2LocalNumber | xs:string | The local number portion of the user's secondary phone number. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | User's postal code. |
ns:AddressID | xs:string | ID assigned to the address in the eBay database. For GetOrders, applies only to Half.com. |
ns:ExternalAddressID | xs:string | ID assigned to the address by the owner of the address (fitting only if the address is owned by PayPal; see AddressOwner). |
ns:InternationalName | xs:string | Seller's international name that is associated with the payment address. |
ns:InternationalStateAndCity | xs:string | International state and city for the seller's payment address. |
ns:InternationalStreet | xs:string | Seller's international street address that is associated with the payment address. |
ns:CompanyName | xs:string | User's company name. |
ns:FirstName | xs:string | Displays the first name of the seller (in a business card format) if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:LastName | xs:string | Displays the last name of the seller (in a business card format) if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
any |
This is the base type for a number of user addresses, including seller payment address, buyer shipping address and buyer and seller registration address.
Basic type for specifying monetary amounts.
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
A double value (e.g., 1.00 or 1.0) is meaningful as a monetary amount when accompanied by a specification of the currency, in which case the value specifies the amount in that currency. An AmountType expresses both the value (a double) and the currency. Details such as prices, fees, costs, and payments are specified as amount types.
Applicable to sites that support the Detailed Seller Ratings feature.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:RatingDetail | ns:FeedbackRatingDetailCodeType | The area of a specific average detailed seller rating. |
ns:Rating | xs:double | An average detailed seller rating applying to the area in the corresponding RatingDetail field. |
ns:RatingCount | xs:long | The number of detailed seller ratings in the area in the corresponding RatingDetail field. |
any |
The AverageRatingDetailsType contains the average detailed seller ratings in an area. When buyers leave an overall Feedback rating (positive, neutral, or negative) for a seller, they also can leave ratings in four areas: item as described, communication, shipping time, and charges for shipping and handling. Users retrieve detailed ratings as averages of the ratings left by buyers.
Displays the seller's information (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Address | ns:AddressType | Displays the Address of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:Fax | xs:string | Displays the fax number of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:Email | xs:string | Displays the email address of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:AdditionalContactInformation | xs:string | Displays the AdditionalContactInformation of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:TradeRegistrationNumber | xs:string | Displays the TradeRegistrationNumber of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:LegalInvoice | xs:boolean | Displays the LegalInvoice of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:TermsAndConditions | xs:string | Displays the TermsAndConditions of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:VATDetails | ns:VATDetailsType | Displays the VATDetails of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
any |
Note that this option is only available for sites that have Business Seller options enabled.
Information about zero or more buying guides and the site's buying guide hub.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BuyingGuide | ns:BuyingGuideType | Information that identifies a buying guide. |
ns:BuyingGuideHub | xs:anyURI | URL of the buying guide home page for the site being searched. |
any |
Buying guides contain content about particular product areas, categories, or subjects to help buyers decide which type of item to purchase based on their particular interests. Multiple buying guides can be returned. See the eBay Web Services Guide for additional information.
Information that identifies a buying guide.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Name | xs:string | Display name of the buying guide. |
ns:URL | xs:anyURI | URL for the buying guide. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Identifies the category (if any) that is associated with the buying guide. |
ns:Title | xs:string | The title of the buying guide. |
ns:Text | xs:string | The text of the guide. If the guide is longer than 2000 characters, the text is cut off and it ends with "...". |
ns:CreationTime | xs:dateTime | The time and date when the guide was posted. |
ns:UserID | xs:string | The author's eBay user ID. |
any |
A buying guide provides content about particular product areas, categories, or subjects to help buyers decide which type of item to purchase based on their particular interests. Buying guides are useful to buyers who do not have a specific product in mind. For example, a digital camera buying guide could help a buyer determine what kind of digital camera is right for them.
Information about an eBay catalog product.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | The name of the domain in which the product was found. |
ns:DetailsURL | xs:anyURI | Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as a movie's description or film credits. |
ns:DisplayStockPhotos | xs:boolean | If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display any stock photos that are returned. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:ItemCount | xs:int | Total number of listings on the requested eBay site that use stock information from this catalog product. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's pre-filled Item Specifics. |
ns:ReviewCount | xs:int | The total number of reviews that are available for this product on the eBay Web site. |
ns:StockPhotoURL | xs:anyURI | Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the eBay catalog product. |
ns:Title | xs:string | The title of the product, as specified in the catalog. |
ns:ProductState | ns:ProductStateCodeType | Indicates that the product has changed or will soon change (usually due to a migration from one catalog to another catalog). |
any |
Container for a list of categories.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Category | ns:CategoryType | Contains details about a category. |
Contains details about a category.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | The numeric ID of a category on eBay. |
ns:CategoryLevel | xs:int | The level where the category fits in the site's category hierarchy. For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is 2 levels below the root category. |
ns:CategoryName | xs:string | Display name of the category as it would appear on the eBay Web site. |
ns:CategoryParentID | xs:string | Category ID identifying a category that is an ancestor of the category indicated in CategoryID. |
ns:CategoryParentName | xs:string | Display name of the category indicated in CategoryParentID. |
ns:ItemCount | xs:int | The total quantity of matching items in the category. |
ns:CategoryNamePath | xs:string | |
ns:CategoryIDPath | xs:string | |
ns:LeafCategory | xs:boolean | If true, indicates that the category indicated in CategoryID is a leaf category, in which items may be listed (if the category is not also expired or virtual). |
any |
Identifies a Giving Works listing and benefiting nonprofit charity organization.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CharityID | xs:string | A unique identification number assigned by eBay to registered nonprofit charity organizations. |
ns:CharityName | xs:string | The name of the benefiting nonprofit charity organization selected by the charity seller. |
ns:CharityNumber | xs:int | A unique identification number assigned to a nonprofit charity organization by the dedicated provider of eBay Giving Works. |
ns:DonationPercent | xs:float | The percentage of the purchase price that the seller chooses to donate to the selected nonprofit organization. |
ns:Mission | xs:string | The stated mission of the nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:LogoURL | xs:string | The URL of the nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:CharityListing | xs:boolean | If true, indicates that the seller has chosen to use eBay Giving Works to donate a percentage of the item's purchase price to a selected nonprofit organization. |
ns:Status | ns:CharityStatusCodeType | The status of the nonprofit charity organization. |
any |
Currently supported through the US and eBay Motors sites only. The Ad Format and Mature Audiences categories are not supported. Not applicable for US eBay Motors, international, Real Estate, and Tickets.
Distance, used for a proximity search.
Name | Type | Description |
ns:unit | xs:string |
A generic type used for histograms.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Domain | ns:HistogramEntryType | Each histogram entry shows how many matching products were found in each matching domain. |
any |
A variable that contains specific information about the context of this error.
Name | Type | Description |
ns:ParamID | xs:string | The index of the parameter in the error. |
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Value | xs:string | The value of the variable. |
any |
For example, if you pass in an attribute set ID that does not match the specified category, the attribute set ID might be returned as an error parameter. Use error parameters to flag fields that users need to correct. Also use error parameters to distinguish between errors when multiple errors are returned.
These are request errors (as opposed to system errors) that occur due to problems with business-level data (e.g., an invalid combination of arguments) that the application passed in.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShortMessage | xs:string | A brief description of the condition that raised the error. |
ns:LongMessage | xs:string | A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error. |
ns:ErrorCode | xs:token | A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. |
ns:UserDisplayHint | xs:boolean | This field is not currently in use for eBay Shopping Web Services. |
ns:SeverityCode | ns:SeverityCodeType | Indicates whether the error caused the request to fail. |
ns:ErrorParameters | ns:ErrorParameterType | Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error. |
ns:ErrorClassification | ns:ErrorClassificationCodeType | API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors. |
any |
Contains an ISBN value, EAN value, UPC value, ticket keywords, or eBay catalog product ID, plus other meta-data.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Value | xs:string | An industry-standard value that uniquely identifies the product. |
ns:ReturnSearchResultOnDuplicates | xs:boolean | Applicable for listing use cases only (not buy-side searching). |
ns:Type | ns:ExternalProductCodeType | The kind of identifier being used. The choices listed are for requests, are are required if Value is specified. For Half.com listing use cases, only ISBN, UPC, and EAN are supported. |
ns:AlternateValue | xs:string | An industry-standard value that provides an alternate identification for the product, if any. |
any |
For event tickets, this type can contain a set of keywords that uniquely identify the product. Only applicable to certain categories that support Pre-filled Item Information.
Detailed feedback information for a user.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CommentingUser | xs:string | eBay user ID for the user who left the feedback. |
ns:CommentingUserScore | xs:int | Feedback score of the user in CommentingUser. |
ns:CommentText | xs:string | Text message left by the user in CommentingUser. |
ns:CommentTime | xs:dateTime | Date and time (in GMT) that the feedback was submitted to eBay. |
ns:CommentType | ns:CommentTypeCodeType | Type of feedback. |
ns:FeedbackResponse | xs:string | Textual comment that the user targeted by feedback may leave in response or rebuttal to the feedback. |
ns:FollowUp | xs:string | Explanation a user can give to a response. |
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. |
ns:Role | ns:TradingRoleCodeType | Indicates whether the user who was the feedback recipient was a Buyer or the Seller for that transaction. |
ns:ItemTitle | xs:string | Name of the listing for which feedback was provided. |
ns:ItemPrice | ns:AmountType | The final price for the item, associated with the currency identified by the currencyId attribute of the AmountType. |
ns:FeedbackID | xs:string | Unique identifier for the feedback entry. |
ns:TransactionID | xs:string | Unique identifier for the transaction about which this feedback entry was left. |
ns:CommentReplaced | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay replaced the comment with a message that the comment was removed. |
ns:ResponseReplaced | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay replaced the response with a message that the response was removed. |
ns:FollowUpReplaced | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay replaced the follow-up with a message that the follow-up was removed. |
ns:Countable | xs:boolean | Specifies if a user's feedback score is or is not countable. |
any |
Conveys the score for the feedback, the textual comment, and other information.
Specifies all feedback summary information (except Score).
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BidRetractionFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Bid retractions count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:NegativeFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Negative feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:NeutralFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Neutral feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:PositiveFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Positive feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:TotalFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Total feedback score, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:UniqueNegativeFeedbackCount | xs:long | Total number of negative Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
ns:UniquePositiveFeedbackCount | xs:long | Total number of positive Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
ns:AverageRatingDetails | ns:AverageRatingDetailsType | Container for information about detailed seller ratings (DSRs) that buyers have left for a seller. |
ns:NeutralCommentCountFromSuspendedUsers | xs:long | Number of neutral comments received from suspended users. |
ns:UniqueNeutralFeedbackCount | xs:long | Total number of neutral Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
any |
Contains objects that each convey feedback counts for positive, negative, neutral, and total feedback counts - for various time periods each. Also conveys counts of bid retractions for the predefined time periods.
Contains the data for one type of feedback for one predefined time period.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:PeriodInDays | xs:int | Indicates the time period for the feedback count. |
ns:Count | xs:long | Count of the feedbacks received by the user for the time period prior to the call indicated in PeriodInDays. |
any |
Parent FeedbackPeriodArrayType object indicates the type of feedback counted: positive, neutral, negative, or total.
Searches Half.com for stock product information (stock description and Item Specifics), such as information about a particular kind of DVD or book.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:AvailableItemsOnly | xs:boolean | If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the Half.com site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query. |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | A domain to search in. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | One or more keywords to search for. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:ProductSort | ns:ProductSortCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies which page of data to return in the current call. |
Also, retrieves up to 30 Half.com listings associated with a product.
Returns stock product information in Half.com catalogs, such as information about a particular DVD or book.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:DomainHistogram | ns:DomainHistogramType | A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:ApproximatePages | xs:int | The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request. |
ns:MoreResults | xs:boolean | If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages. |
ns:TotalProducts | xs:int | The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.) |
ns:Products | ns:HalfProductsType | An set of Half.com catalog products. |
ns:ProductSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL for product search results that corresponds to your search request. |
Optionally, also returns items that match the product.
Searches for items based on a variety of input fields. Enables you to specify what item data is returned. Returns detailed information about items.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:BidCountMax | xs:int | Limits the results to items with a maximum number of bids. |
ns:BidCountMin | xs:int | Limits the results to items with a minimum number of bids. |
ns:CategoryHistogramMaxParents | xs:int | Maximum number of matching categories to return at the highest level (root level) of the category hierarchy (level 1). |
ns:CategoryHistogramMaxChildren | xs:int | Maximum number of matching subcategories to return at each level of the category hierarchy below the root level. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:ItemSort | ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType | Sorts search results based on the value you specify. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort. |
ns:GroupMaxEntries | xs:int | GroupMaxEntries is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.) |
ns:GroupsMax | xs:int | GroupsMax is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.) |
ns:EndTimeFrom | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to items ending within a time range. |
ns:EndTimeTo | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to items ending within a time range. |
ns:ModTimeFrom | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to active items whose status has changed since the specified time. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. |
ns:ItemType | ns:ItemTypeCodeType | Filters items based on criteria related to the listing type of items. |
ns:MaxDistance | xs:int | The maximum distance from the postal code specified in the PostalCode field. (The PostalCode field contains the postal code of the buyer.) |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | The postal code where the buyer is located. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | You can use this input field to search by ISBN, UPC, EAN, or eBay Product Reference ID, as in the following examples. To search using an ISBN, specify ProductID.Type=ISBN and set ProductID.Value to an ISBN value. To search using an eBay Product Reference ID, specify ProductID.Type=Reference and set ProductID.Value to an eBay Product Reference ID value. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to be returned in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:PriceMax | ns:AmountType | Specifies the maximum current price an item can have to be included in the response. |
ns:PriceMin | ns:AmountType | Specifies the minimum current price an item listing can have to be included in the searches result set. |
ns:Condition | ns:ItemConditionCodeType | Limits the results to new OR used items (exclusive, not both), plus items that have no condition specified. |
ns:CharityID | xs:int | Limits results to items that support the specified nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:SearchFlag | ns:SearchFlagCodeType | Search for charity listings, free-shipping listings, and listings with other features. |
ns:PaymentMethod | ns:PaymentMethodSearchCodeType | Limits results to items that accept a specific payment method or methods. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | |
ns:StoreSearch | ns:StoreSearchCodeType | Specifies the type of store search used for filtering results. |
ns:SellerBusinessType | ns:SellerBusinessCodeType | Limits the results to those of a particular seller business type such as commercial or private. |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | Limits the results to listings that offer a certain number of items matching the query. |
ns:QuantityOperator | ns:QuantityOperatorCodeType | Limits the results to listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity. |
ns:Currency | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items with a specified currency. |
ns:ItemsAvailableTo | ns:CountryCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items available to the specified country. |
ns:ItemsLocatedIn | ns:CountryCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items located in the specified country. |
ns:PreferredLocation | ns:PreferredLocationCodeType | Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request. |
ns:FeedbackScoreMax | xs:int | Specifies the maximum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response. |
ns:FeedbackScoreMin | xs:int | Specifies the mininum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response. |
ns:ExcludeFlag | ns:ExcludeFlagCodeType | Excludes items with the specified flag from the search. |
ns:DescriptionSearch | xs:boolean | Specifies whether you want to include the item's description in a search. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
ns:ShippingLocation | ns:CountryCodeType | ShippingLocation should be used together with PostalCode for shipping cost calculations. |
ns:ShippingPostalCode | xs:string | This postal code is for international shipping cost calculations. |
ns:ItemLocationRegion | ns:ItemLocationRegionCodeType | Allows you to search for items in a specified region. |
ns:CategoryIDExclude | xs:string | Specify a CategoryIDExclude value in your request if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items that belong to the specified category. |
If you are not using the BestMatch search option, the API search results may not match the search results returned by the eBay website.
Contains the item listings matching your search criteria.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:SearchResult | ns:SearchResultType | Contains the returned item listings, if any. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items returned, this field has a value of 1. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:TotalItems | xs:int | Indicates the total number of items that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:CategoryHistogram | ns:CategoryArrayType | Statistical (histogram) information about categories that contain items that match the query, if any. |
ns:TotalStoresExpansionItems | xs:int | Total item count for a store expansion of the search. |
ns:TotalInternationalExpansionItems | xs:int | Total item count for an international expansion of the search. |
ns:ItemSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL for search results that corresponds to your search request. |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Searches for items based on a query or seller ID. If you use keywords, this call returns items that contain the keywords in the title. A maximum of 50 items is returned.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:ItemSort | ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType | Sorts search results based on the value you specify. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Specifies the postal code where the buyer is located. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
If you are not using the BestMatch search option, the API search results may not match the search results returned by the eBay website.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains summary data for an item listing. |
ns:TotalItems | xs:int | Indicates the total number of items on eBay that match the query. |
ns:ItemSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL equivalent to your FindItems search query. |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Find popular items
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:CategoryIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the popular items returned do not include items that belong to a specific category. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call. |
Popular items, detail level is default for simple item type. addition with WatchCount.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
Retrieves the words most frequently used by eBay users when searching for listings.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:MaxKeywords | xs:int | The maximum number of keywords to be retrieved per category for this call. |
ns:MaxResultsPerPage | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of PopularSearchResults per page in the returned list. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:IncludeChildCategories | xs:boolean | If true, only one CategoryID can be specified, and keywords are returned for that category and its subcategories. |
These keywords are generated weekly by eBay. Thus, calls retrieve static data. FindPopularSearches is not available for the following sites: FR, HK, MY, PH, PL, SG, SE.
Contains the keyword data for the requested categories.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:PopularSearchResult | ns:PopularSearchesType | Returns most popular search words by category. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items can be returned, this field has a value of one. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
A category's data are contained in a CategoryArrayType object if there is no error (one or more CategoryType objects). Returns category data as well as related search data.
Searches for stock product information.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:AvailableItemsOnly | xs:boolean | If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the specified eBay site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query. |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | A domain to search in. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | One or more keywords to search for. When you use a keyword search, eBay searches the product catalogs for matching words in the product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns a list of matching products, with no items. |
ns:ProductSort | ns:ProductSortCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order. Only applicable with ProductSort. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies which page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Include a Category ID number in your request to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
Returns stock product information in eBay catalogs, such as information about a particular DVD or camera. Optionally, also returns items that match the product.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ApproximatePages | xs:int | The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request. |
ns:MoreResults | xs:boolean | If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages. |
ns:DomainHistogram | ns:DomainHistogramType | A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found. |
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:Product | ns:CatalogProductType | An eBay catalog product. |
ns:TotalProducts | xs:int | The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.) |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Splitting include reviews and guides from GetProducts.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve reviews (not guides) for one specific product. |
ns:UserID | xs:string | Retrieves reviews and guides written by the specified user. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify a single CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific Guide category. |
ns:MaxResultsPerPage | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of reviews per page (not guides) in the returned list. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:ReviewSort | ns:ReviewSortCodeType | Include ReviewSort in your request if you want to sort by a parameter, such as CreationTime. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ReviewsSort. |
Find reviews and guides response type.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ReviewCount | xs:int | Number of returned reviews. |
ns:BuyingGuideCount | xs:int | Number of returned buying guides. |
ns:ReviewerRank | xs:int | Rank of reviewer if using user search. |
ns:TotalHelpfulnessVotes | xs:int | Number of helpfulness votes if using user search. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL | xs:anyURI | URL to the reviews and guides page. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:BuyingGuideDetails | ns:BuyingGuideDetailsType | Contains information for up to 5 buying guides that match the query. |
ns:ReviewDetails | ns:ReviewDetailsType | Contains information about review details. |
ns:PositiveHelpfulnessVotes | xs:int | Number of helpfulness votes if using user search. |
This call will give you the ability to retrieve high level Category information, relevant for a buy-side application.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta categories. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
Contains the category data for the eBay site specified as input.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryArray | ns:CategoryArrayType | List of the returned categories. |
ns:CategoryCount | xs:int | Indicates the number of categories returned (i.e., the number of CategoryType objects in CategoryArray). |
ns:UpdateTime | xs:dateTime | Indicates the last date and time that eBay modified the category hierarchy for the specified eBay site. |
ns:CategoryVersion | xs:string | Indicates the version of the category hierarchy on the specified eBay site. |
The category data is returned as a CategoryArrayType object, that contains zero, one, or multiple CategoryType objects. Each CategoryType object contains the detail data for one category. Other fields indicate how many categories are returned in a call, when the category hierarchy was last updated, and the version of the category hierarchy (all three of which can differ from one eBay site to the next).
Gets the official eBay system time in GMT.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any |
The Timestamp field indicates the official eBay system time in GMT.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any |
The value returned represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. The value is in the ISO 8601 date-time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ).
Contains a single ItemID or an array of ItemIDs.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
Returns status information for all items in a list.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Collection of Item status objects in an SimpleItemArrayType object, that can include zero, one, or multiple ItemType objects. |
Some of the Item information is returned in an SimpleItemArrayType object, that can include zero, one, or multiple ItemType objects.
Retrieves publicly available data for one or more listings.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
Use this call to retrieve much of the information that is visible on a listing's View Item page on the eBay Web site, such as title, prices, and basic shipping costs. Provide ItemID for every item for which you want information. This call returns the same minimal information that is returned by GetSingleItem, for each item with no IncludeSelector specified. (Use GetShippingCosts to retrieve more detailed shipping cost information for a given item.) Duplicated items are returned as a single item.
Response to request of GetMultipleItems.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains details for a listing (or multiple) listings that correspond to the item ID(s) specified in the request. |
Gets shipping costs for an item.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items sold to a single buyer and to be shipped together. |
ns:DestinationPostalCode | xs:string | Destination country postal code (or zipcode, for US). |
ns:DestinationCountryCode | ns:CountryCodeType | Destination country code. |
ns:IncludeDetails | xs:boolean | Indicates whether to return the ShippingDetails container in the response. |
This is one of the ways a buyer or seller can obtain shipping cost information for an existing item (for which the caller is either the buyer or seller) at any point in the life of of the listing, before or after a buyer has committed to purchasing the item(s). This call works for both flat rate shipping and calculated shipping. Flat rate shipping costs are established by the seller before bidding occurs. Calculated shipping costs are calculated by eBay with its shipping partners based on postal code, but note that insurance cost can only be determined once the final item price is known when the listing ends. To determine whether a listing has ended, use GetSingleItem. It is best to call GetShippingCosts only after determining via GetSingleItem or FindItems that the item actually has shipping cost information.
Response to call of GetShippingCosts.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ShippingDetails | ns:ShippingDetailsType | Shipping-related details for the specified item. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Shipping-related details for the specified item. |
Retrieves publicly available data for a single listing.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:VariationSKU | xs:string | Variation-level SKU that uniquely identifes a variation within the listing identified by ItemID. |
ns:VariationSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Name-value pairs that identify one or more variations within the listing identified by ItemID. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
Use this call to retrieve most of the information that is visible on a listing's View Item page on the eBay Web site, such as title, description, prices, basic seller and bidder information, and other details about the listing.Also returns basic shipping costs. For more shipping details, use GetShippingCosts.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains details about the listing whose ID was specified in the request. |
Retrieves user information based on the user ID you specify.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:UserID | xs:string | Specifies the user whose data will returned by the call. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
The response contains detailed information about a user. You can specify the types of user information you want in the response.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:User | ns:SimpleUserType | Contains the returned user data for the specified eBay user. |
ns:FeedbackHistory | ns:FeedbackHistoryType | Summary feedback data for a user. Contains counts of positive, neutral, and negative feedback for predefined time periods. |
ns:FeedbackDetails | ns:FeedbackDetailType | The FeedbackDetails container has fields (ItemID, etc.) with information about one feedback entry. |
Information about an Half.com catalog product.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Title | xs:string | The title of the product, as specified in the catalog. |
ns:DetailsURL | xs:anyURI | Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as a movie's description or film credits. |
ns:StockPhotoURL | xs:anyURI | Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the Half.com catalog product. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:DisplayStockPhotos | xs:boolean | If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display any stock photos that are returned. |
ns:ItemCount | xs:int | Total number of listings on the Half.com site that use stock information from this catalog product. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | The Half.com or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | The name of the domain in which the product was found. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's pre-filled Item Specifics. |
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
ns:ReviewCount | xs:int | The total number of reviews that are available for this product on the Half.com Web site. |
ns:MinPrice | ns:AmountType | The minimum price for all active items listed under this product. |
any |
Information about an eBay catalog product.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Product | ns:HalfCatalogProductType | A set of Half.com catalog products. |
any |
A generic histogram entry type.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Name | xs:string | This is the domain name. |
ns:Count | xs:int | This is the number of products found in the domain. |
any |
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShippingInsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceName | xs:token | An international shipping service offered for shipping the item (for example, UPS Ground). For flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ShippingServiceAdditionalCost | ns:AmountType | Cost of shipping each additional item beyond the first item. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The basic shipping cost of the item. |
ns:ShippingServicePriority | xs:int | Seller-preferred presentation order relative to other service options. |
ns:ShipsTo | xs:string | An international location or region to which the item may be shipped via this particular shipping service. |
any |
When used as input, if one is provided, at least one domestic ShippingService must be provided. This type does not exist before compatibility level 383.
A list of one or more valid names and corresponding values.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:NameValueList | ns:NameValueListType | This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure. |
A name and corresponding value (a name/value pair).
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Name | xs:string | The name of the item specific. |
ns:Value | xs:string | A value for the item specific. This field is only returned in responses if the seller included a value for an item specific. In the GetSingleItem response, this field is always returned for each item specific that is returned (if any). However, if the seller didn't select a value for the item specific, this field may return empty, or it may return a value like "-", "Not Selected", or "Unspecified" (or the equivalent in the language of the site). For the item condition, this usually includes the word "New" or "Used" for eBay US, UK, Australia, and India listings; and "Neu" or "Gebraucht" for eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland listings. |
any |
Defines variation-specific pictures associated with one VariationSpecificName (e.g., Color) whose values differ across variations.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:VariationSpecificName | xs:string | One aspect of the variations that will be illustrated in the pictures for all variations. For example, if each variation is visually distinguished by color and the pictures show the different colors available, then specify "Color" as the name. |
ns:VariationSpecificPictureSet | ns:VariationSpecificPictureSetType | One or more pictures that help buyers distinguish the Variations. |
any |
Contains search word information, as it is related to a category.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Numeric ID of a category on eBay. |
ns:CategoryParentID | xs:string | Category ID identifying a category that is the parent category of the category indicated in the request. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | Specifies which QueryKeywords corresponds to this PopularSearchResult. |
ns:AlternativeSearches | xs:string | Alternative search keywords for the query keywords, separated by semicolons. |
ns:RelatedSearches | xs:string | Keywords related to the query keywords, separated by semicolons. |
ns:CategoryName | xs:string | Category Name identifying the name of current CategoryID. |
ns:CategoryParentName | xs:string | The name of category which is a parent category to the CategoryID specified in the request. |
any |
Product ID has an attribute of ProductIDCodeType and a string value.
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Type for the return policy details of an item.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Refund | xs:string | Specifies how a refund will be made, e.g. as an exchange. |
ns:ReturnsWithin | xs:string | Specifies the length of time in which the item must be returned under the return policy. |
ns:ReturnsAccepted | xs:string | Information about returns accepted. |
ns:Description | xs:string | A description of the return policy for the item. |
ns:WarrantyOffered | xs:string | Information about the warranty offered. |
ns:WarrantyType | xs:string | The type of warranty offered. |
ns:WarrantyDuration | xs:string | The length of the warranty offered. |
ns:EAN | xs:string | Contains the EAN. |
ns:ShippingCostPaidBy | xs:string | The party who pays the cost of shipping for a returned item. |
any |
Contains product reviews written by eBay members.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:AverageRating | xs:float | The product's average rating (out of 5) based on all reviews. For example, a value like 4.5 would mean the average rating is 4.5 out of 5. (See ReviewCount for the total number of reviews.) |
ns:Review | ns:ReviewType | An eBay member's review of the product. |
any |
A product review written by an eBay member.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:URL | xs:anyURI | |
ns:Title | xs:string | The title of the review. |
ns:Rating | xs:int | The eBay member's rating of the product. |
ns:Text | xs:string | The text of the review. If the review is longer than 2000 characters, the text is cut off and it ends with "...". |
ns:UserID | xs:string | The reviewer's eBay user ID. |
ns:CreationTime | xs:dateTime | The time and date when the reviewer posted the review. |
any |
Type for expressing sales tax data.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:SalesTaxPercent | xs:float | Percent of an item's price to be charged as the sales tax for the transaction. |
ns:SalesTaxState | xs:string | State or jurisdiction for which the sales tax is being collected. |
ns:ShippingIncludedInTax | xs:boolean | (US only) Whether shipping costs were part of the base amount that was taxed. Flat or calculated shipping. |
ns:SalesTaxAmount | ns:AmountType | (US only) The amount of sales tax, calculated for a transaction based on the SalesTaxPercent and pricing information. |
any |
Container for items. Can contain zero, one, or multiple SimpleItemType objects, each of which has data for an item listing.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CategoryGroupNamePath | xs:string | |
ns:CategoryGroupIDPath | xs:string | Category ID breadcrumb. |
ns:CategoryGroupItemCount | xs:int | Item count of the category. |
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | Array of simple items. |
any |
Contains various details about the current status of a listing.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | Not used. See Item.ConvertedCurrentPrice. |
ns:CurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | Not used. See Item.CurrentPrice and Variation.StartPrice. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | The number of items sold from this variation. |
any |
These values are computed by eBay and cannot be specified at listing time.
Type for the shipping-related details for an item or transaction.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShippingServiceName | xs:string | The name of a shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The basic shipping cost of the item. |
ns:InsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of insurance. |
ns:ShippingType | ns:ShippingTypeCodeType | How the seller stated that cost of shipping is to be determined, such as flat rate or calculated. |
ns:InsuranceOption | ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ListedShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The listed shipping cost of the item. If multiple items were purchased, this includes the listed ShippingServiceAdditionalCost. |
any |
Type for the shipping-related details for an item or transaction.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:GetItFast | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the seller has opted the listing into the Get It Fast feature. |
ns:InsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of insurance. |
ns:InsuranceOption | ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:InternationalShippingServiceOption | ns:InternationalShippingServiceOptionType | Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. |
ns:SalesTax | ns:SalesTaxType | Sales tax details. US site only. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ShippingRateErrorMessage | xs:string | For most applicable calls, returns the words No Error or returns an error message related to an attempt to calculate shipping rates. |
ns:ShippingServiceOption | ns:ShippingServiceOptionType | Shipping costs and options related to domestic shipping services offered by the seller. |
ns:TaxTable | ns:TaxTableType | Tax details for a jurisdiction such as a state or province. |
ns:InternationalInsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of insurance for items shipped internationally. |
ns:InternationalInsuranceOption | ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance for items shipped internationally and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:CODCost | ns:AmountType | Italy site (site ID 101) only. Contains the cost of cash-on-delivery shipping. |
any |
Shipping costs and options related to a domestic shipping service.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShippingInsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceName | xs:token | A domestic shipping service offered for shipping the item (for example, UPS Ground). |
ns:ShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The meaning of this element depends on the call and on whether flat or calculated shipping has been selected. (For example, it could be the cost to ship a single item, the cost to ship all items, or the cost to ship just the first of many items, with ShippingServiceAdditionalCost accounting for the rest.) |
ns:ShippingServiceAdditionalCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of shipping each additional item beyond the first item. |
ns:ShippingServicePriority | xs:int | Seller-preferred presentation order relative to other service options. |
ns:ExpeditedService | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service. |
ns:ShippingTimeMin | xs:int | The minimum guaranteed number of days in which the shipping carrier can ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
ns:ShippingTimeMax | xs:int | The maximum guaranteed number of days the shipping carrier will take to ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
ns:ShippingSurcharge | ns:AmountType | An additional fee to charge US buyers who ship via UPS to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. |
ns:ShipsTo | xs:string | An international location or region to which the item may be shipped via this particular shipping service. |
any |
Container for a list of items.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains data for an item listing. |
Can contain zero, one, or multiple SimpleItemType objects, each of which conveys the data for one item listing.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BestOfferEnabled | xs:boolean | Whether the seller will accept a best offer for this item. |
ns:BuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The Buy It Now price of the item, returned in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. |
ns:Description | xs:string | The seller's description of the item, if any. |
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this ID when an item is listed. This ID is unique across all eBay sites. |
ns:BuyItNowAvailable | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item has an active Buy It Now option. |
ns:ConvertedBuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:EndTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) of when the listing is scheduled to end, or time stamp of the actual end time (if the item ended). |
ns:StartTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) that eBay recorded as the moment that the listing was made available. |
ns:ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch | xs:anyURI | |
ns:ListingType | ns:ListingTypeCodeType | The format of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or advertisement format. |
ns:Location | xs:string | Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PaymentMethods | ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType | Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item. |
ns:GalleryURL | xs:anyURI | URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any. |
ns:PictureURL | xs:anyURI | Contains the URL for an image associated with the item, if any. Returned only if the seller included at least one picture in their listing. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Postal code indicating the physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryID | xs:string | Numeric ID of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryName | xs:string | |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | The number of items the seller is offering in the listing. (Subtract Item.QuantitySold from this value to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:Seller | ns:SimpleUserType | Container for information about this listing's seller. |
ns:BidCount | xs:int | The number of bids that have been placed on the item. |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:CurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The current price of the item in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. That is, CurrentPrice is in the original listing currency. |
ns:HighBidder | ns:SimpleUserType | The high bidder for comptetitive-bidding auctions that have ended and have a winning bidder. |
ns:ListingStatus | ns:ListingStatusCodeType | Specifies a listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items purchased so far from this listing. (Subtract this value from Item.Quantity to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:ReserveMet | xs:boolean | Indicates whether any bids on this item are greater than the seller's reserve price for the listing (if any). |
ns:ShipToLocations | xs:string | An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship this item. |
ns:Site | ns:SiteCodeType | The name of the eBay site on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany. |
ns:TimeLeft | xs:duration | Time left before the listing ends. |
ns:Title | xs:string | Name of the item as it appears in the listing or in search and browse results. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. |
ns:HitCount | xs:long | The number of times the listing's View Item page has been viewed (as determined by eBay). |
ns:Subtitle | xs:string | Subtitle of the item. |
ns:PrimaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the first category. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryID | xs:string | ID of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryName | xs:string | Name of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the second category. For example, if the secondary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678. |
ns:Charity | ns:CharityType | Identifier for a Giving Works listing and the benefiting nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:GermanMotorsSearchable | xs:boolean | The item is featured in eBay search results on the mobile.de partner site. |
ns:GetItFast | xs:boolean | A Get It Fast listing. |
ns:Gift | xs:boolean | If true, a generic gift icon displays next the listing's title in search and browse pages. |
ns:PictureExists | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item has an associated picture. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:RecentListing | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item listing is no more than one day old. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:Storefront | ns:StorefrontType | Returns the seller's store information if the seller has an eBay store. |
ns:DistanceFromBuyer | ns:DistanceType | The distance of the item from the buyer. |
ns:Country | ns:CountryCodeType | Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item is located. |
ns:WatchCount | xs:int | Number of users who have placed the item on their Watch list. |
ns:HalfItemCondition | ns:HalfItemConditionCodeType | Returns the Half.com condition code for the item. For example, "brand new," "used," etc. |
ns:SellerComments | xs:string | Notes that the Seller made when they listed the item. Not returned if the Seller did not make any comments. |
ns:ReturnPolicy | ns:ReturnPolicyType | If a seller specified return policy details, then this container has fields with those details. |
ns:MinimumToBid | ns:AmountType | Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | A prototype description of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book. |
ns:AutoPay | xs:boolean | If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or not specified), immediate payment is not requested. |
ns:BusinessSellerDetails | ns:BusinessSellerDetailsType | Returns the seller's business information. |
ns:PaymentAllowedSite | ns:SiteCodeType | Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item. |
ns:IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item can be paid for through a payment gateway account. |
ns:Variations | ns:VariationsType | Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). |
ns:HandlingTime | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. |
ns:LotSize | xs:int | A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. |
any |
Type to contain the data for one eBay user.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:UserID | xs:string | The user's unique eBay user ID. |
ns:FeedbackPrivate | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the user has chosen to make their feedback score and feedback details private (hidden from other users). |
ns:FeedbackRatingStar | ns:FeedbackRatingStarCodeType | Visual indicator of user's feedback score. |
ns:FeedbackScore | xs:int | The aggregate feedback score of a user. |
ns:UserAnonymized | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay has made this user's information anonymous. |
ns:NewUser | xs:boolean | If true, identifies a new user who has been a registered eBay user for 30 days or less. |
ns:RegistrationDate | xs:dateTime | The date the specified user originally registered with eBay. |
ns:RegistrationSite | ns:SiteCodeType | The eBay site with which the user is registered. |
ns:Status | ns:UserStatusCodeType | The registration-related status of the user. |
ns:SellerBusinessType | ns:SellerBusinessCodeType | Type of seller account. |
ns:StoreURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | The name of the seller's eBay Store. |
ns:SellerItemsURL | xs:anyURI | URL for seller's other items. |
ns:AboutMeURL | xs:anyURI | A link to the user's AboutMe page. |
ns:MyWorldURL | xs:anyURI | A link to the URL of the user's MyWorld page. |
ns:MyWorldSmallImage | xs:anyURI | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (small version). |
ns:MyWorldLargeImage | xs:anyURI | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (large version). |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of reviews and guides. |
ns:FeedbackDetailsURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of feedback details. |
ns:PositiveFeedbackPercent | xs:float | A seller's positive feedback score. |
ns:SellerLevel | ns:SellerLevelCodeType | The user's eBay PowerSeller tier. Possible values are enumerated in the SellerLevelCodeType code list. |
ns:TopRatedSeller | xs:boolean | Returned when seller is certified as a top-rated seller, and is qualified for benefits such as final value fee discount and increased visibility in fixed-price searches. |
any |
Depending on the context, the user might be the seller or the buyer in a transaction, or the bidder or winning bidder in a listing. An object of this type is returned by a number of calls, including the GetUser call.
Contains information related to the item in the context of a seller's eBay Store.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:StoreURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | The name of the seller's eBay Store. |
any |
Applicable for auction format, Basic Fixed Price, and Store Inventory format items listed by eBay Stores sellers.
Tax-related details for a region or jurisdiction.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:JurisdictionID | xs:string | Representative identifier for the jurisdiction. |
ns:SalesTaxPercent | xs:float | The tax percent to apply for a listing shipped to this jurisdiction. |
ns:ShippingIncludedInTax | xs:boolean | Whether shipping costs are to be part of the base amount that is taxed. |
any |
Sales tax details for zero or more jurisdictions (states, provinces, etc).
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:TaxJurisdiction | ns:TaxJurisdictionType | Sales tax details for zero or more jurisdictions (states, provinces, etc). |
At least one container is required (minOccurs="1") if Pictures container is present in the request.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:VariationSpecificValue | xs:string | A value that is associated with VariationSpecificName. For example, suppose this set of pictures is showing blue shirts, and some of the variations include Color=Blue in their variation specifics. If VariationSpecificName is "Color", then VariationSpecificValue would be "Blue". |
ns:PictureURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of a picture that is associated with VariationSpecificValue. |
ns:GalleryURL | xs:anyURI | Not applicable. |
any |
Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Variation | ns:VariationType | Contains data that distinguishes one variation from another. For example, if the items vary by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes. |
ns:Pictures | ns:PicturesType | Contains a set of pictures that correspond to one of the variation specifics, such as Color. |
ns:VariationSpecificsSet | ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of all variation names and values that are defined on the item. |
any |
For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). Each variation can have its own quantity and price. For example, a listing could include 10 "Blue, Large" variations and 20 "Black, Medium" variations.
This element hold the values that define the SKU, StartPrice, Quantity, VariationDetails, and VariationSpecifics.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:SKU | xs:string | An SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identifier defined by a seller. |
ns:StartPrice | ns:AmountType | The fixed price of all items identified by this variation. For example, a "Blue, Large" variation price could be USD 10.00, and a "Black, Medium" variation price could be USD 5.00. |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | The number of items available for sale that are associated with this variation. |
ns:VariationSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Not used. See SellingStatus.QuantitySold instead. |
ns:SellingStatus | ns:SellingStatusType | Contains the variation's current price and quantity sold. Always returned when variations are present. |
any |
Container for eBay's Business User features.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BusinessSeller | xs:boolean | If true, this indicates that the seller is a business user and intends to use listing features that are offered to business users only. |
ns:RestrictedToBusiness | xs:boolean | If true, this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item exclusively to business users. If false (or not returned), this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item to all users. |
ns:VATPercent | xs:float | VAT rate for the item, if any. |
ns:VATSite | xs:string | Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:VATID | xs:string | Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
any |
A business seller can choose to offer an item exclusively to bidders and buyers that also represent businesses. Only applicable when the item is listed in a B2B-enabled category. Currently, the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and Switzerland (CH) sites support B2B business features.
Name | Description |
ns:AckCodeType | Type declaration to be used by other schema. |
ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType | Identifies payment methods used by a buyer to pay a seller. |
ns:CharityStatusCodeType | Type declaration to be used by other schema. |
ns:CommentTypeCodeType | Type declaration to be used by other schema. |
ns:CountryCodeType | Defines the standard 2-letter ISO 3166 country code set, plus some additional country codes that eBay uses. (The additional codes appear at the end of this code list and are noted as non-ISO.) |
ns:CurrencyCodeType | Defines the standard 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code set. |
ns:ErrorClassificationCodeType | |
ns:ExcludeFlagCodeType | ExcludeFlagCodeType contains exclude flags for FindItemsAdvanced. |
ns:ExternalProductCodeType | Indicates the type of external product ID being used to identify a stock product. |
ns:FeedbackRatingDetailCodeType | Applicable to sites that support the Detailed Seller Ratings feature. |
ns:FeedbackRatingStarCodeType | Type declaration to be used by other schema. |
ns:HalfItemConditionCodeType | Controls values for item condition, especially for Books catalog. |
ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | The seller's requirements regarding whether the buyer pays for shipping insurance. |
ns:ItemConditionCodeType | Specifies a predefined subset of item conditions. |
ns:ItemLocationRegionCodeType | Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by location region. |
ns:ItemTypeCodeType | Identifies listing-type-related filters. |
ns:ListingStatusCodeType | Specifies an active or ended listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. |
ns:ListingTypeCodeType | Specifies the selling format used for a listing. |
ns:PaymentMethodSearchCodeType | Used for specifying items for which a specific payment method or methods are accepted. |
ns:PreferredLocationCodeType | Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request. |
ns:ProductIDCodeType | ProductID type for product searches. |
ns:ProductSortCodeType | Controls the order of product (not item) searches. |
ns:ProductStateCodeType | State of a catalog product that may have been updated, replaced, marked for deletion, or merged with another product. |
ns:QuantityOperatorCodeType | |
ns:ReviewSortCodeType | |
ns:SearchFlagCodeType | Search flags for FindItemsAdvanced. |
ns:SellerBusinessCodeType | Type of seller account. |
ns:SellerLevelCodeType | Type declaration to be used by other schema. Indicates the user's eBay PowerSeller tier. |
ns:SeverityCodeType | Type declaration to be used by other schema. |
ns:ShippingTypeCodeType | The shipping cost model offered by the seller. |
ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType | |
ns:SiteCodeType | eBay sites (by the country in which each resides) on which a user is registered and on which items can be listed. |
ns:SortOrderCodeType | Indicates the order of sorting. |
ns:StoreSearchCodeType | Identifies the StoreSearch codes (e.g., for FindItemsAdvanced requests). |
ns:TradingRoleCodeType | A means for identifying a person's role in doing business on eBay. |
ns:UserIDType | An eBay ID that uniquely identifies a user. |
ns:UserStatusCodeType | These codes indicate the current state or status of a an eBay user account. |
Type declaration to be used by other schema.
Value | Description |
Success | (out) Request processing succeeded |
Failure | (out) Request processing failed |
Warning | (out) Request processing completed with warning information being included in the response message |
PartialFailure | (out) Request processing completed with some failures. See the Errors data to determine which portions of the request failed. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
This code identifies the acknowledgement code types that eBay could use to communicate the status of processing a (request) message to an application. This code would be used as part of a response message that contains an application-level acknowledgement element.
Identifies payment methods used by a buyer to pay a seller.
Value | Description |
None | No payment method specified. For example, no payment methods would be specified for Ad format listings. |
MOCC | Money order/cashiers check. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
AmEx | American Express. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
PaymentSeeDescription | Payment instructions are contained in the item's description. |
CCAccepted | Credit card. Not applicable to Real Estate or US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
PersonalCheck | Personal check. |
COD | Cash on delivery. Only applicable to the following eBay sites: AT (16), BEFR (24), BENL (123), CH (193), DE (77), ES (186), FR (71), HK (201), IN (203), IT (101), PL (212), and SG (216). Not applicable to Real Estate listings. |
VisaMC | Visa/Mastercard. These qualify as safe payment methods. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
PaisaPayAccepted | PaisaPay (for India site only). This qualifies as a safe payment method. |
Other | Other forms of payment. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings (see PaymentSeeDescription instead). |
PayPal | PayPal is accepted as a payment method. This qualifies as a safe payment method. If PayPal is specified for US/CA eBay Motors vehicles, it is for the vehicle deposit (not for purchasing the vehicle). |
Discover | Discover card. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
CashOnPickup | This payment method is equivalent to the PayOnPickup payment method. CashOnPickup applies even for listings on the eBay US site that refer to "Pay on pickup." |
MoneyXferAccepted | Direct transfer of money. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
MoneyXferAcceptedInCheckout | If the seller has bank account information on file, and MoneyXferAcceptedInCheckout = true, then the bank account information will be displayed in Checkout. |
OtherOnlinePayments | All other online payments. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
Escrow | Deprecated. |
PrePayDelivery | Deprecated. |
CODPrePayDelivery | Deprecated. |
PostalTransfer | Deprecated. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
LoanCheck | Loan check option (applicable only to the US eBay Motors site, except in the Parts and Accessories category, and the eBay Canada site for motors). |
CashInPerson | Cash-in-person option. Applicable only to US and Canada eBay Motors vehicles, (not the Parts and Accessories category). |
ELV | Elektronisches Lastschriftverfahren (direct debit). Only applicable to Express Germany. |
PaisaPayEscrowEMI | PaisaPayEscrow EMI (Equal Monthly Installment) payment method. The PaisaPayEscrowEMI payment method is only for the India site (site ID 203). |
Moneybookers | The Moneybookers payment method. For more information, see http://www.moneybookers.com/partners/us/ebay. Only applicable to the US site (and to the Parts and Accessories category of the US eBay Motors site). |
Paymate | The Paymate payment method. For more information, see http://www.paymate.com/eBay. Only applicable to the US site (and to the Parts and Accessories category of the US eBay Motors site). |
ProPay | The ProPay payment method. US site only. For more information, see http://www.Propay.com/eBay. |
On item listings, identifies one of the payment methods seller will accept for the item. Available payment methods can differ by site and item. Payment methods are not applicable to eBay Real Estate ad format listings.
Type declaration to be used by other schema.
Value | Description |
Valid | (out) The specified nonprofit charity organization is a valid nonprofit charity organization according to the requirements of the dedicated eBay Giving Works provider. |
NoLongerValid | (out) The specified nonprofit charity organization is no longer a valid nonprofit charity organization according to the requirements of the dedicated eBay Giving Works provider. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Indicates the nonprofit status of the nonprofit charity organization registered with the dedicated eBay Giving Works provider.
Type declaration to be used by other schema.
Value | Description |
Positive | Positive feedback. Increases total feedback score. |
Neutral | Neutral feedback. No effect on total feedback score. |
Negative | Negative feedback. Decreases total feedback score. |
Withdrawn | Withdrawn feedback. Removes the effect of the original feedback on total feedback score. Comments from withdrawn feedback are still visible. |
IndependentlyWithdrawn | Applies to the eBay Motors site only. Feedback is withdrawn based on the decision of a third party. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use. |
These are the possible codes to specify the types of feedback/comment. Additional information about feedback is available in the online Help of the eBay site.
Defines the standard 2-letter ISO 3166 country code set, plus some additional country codes that eBay uses. (The additional codes appear at the end of this code list and are noted as non-ISO.)
Value | Description |
AF | |
AL | |
DZ | |
AS | |
AD | |
AO | |
AI | |
AQ | |
AG | |
AR | |
AM | |
AW | |
AU | |
AT | |
AZ | |
BS | |
BH | |
BD | |
BB | |
BY | |
BE | |
BZ | |
BJ | |
BM | |
BT | |
BO | |
BA | |
BW | |
BV | |
BR | |
IO | |
BN | |
BG | |
BF | |
BI | |
KH | |
CM | |
CA | |
CV | |
KY | |
CF | |
TD | |
CL | |
CN | |
CX | |
CC | |
CO | |
KM | |
CG | |
CD | |
CK | |
CR | |
CI | |
HR | |
CU | |
CY | |
CZ | |
DK | |
DJ | |
DM | |
DO | |
TP | |
EC | |
EG | |
SV | |
GQ | |
ER | |
EE | |
ET | |
FK | |
FO | |
FJ | |
FI | |
FR | |
GF | |
PF | French Polynesia. Includes Tahiti. |
TF | |
GA | |
GM | |
GE | |
DE | |
GH | |
GI | |
GR | |
GL | |
GD | |
GP | |
GU | |
GT | |
GN | |
GW | |
GY | |
HT | |
HM | |
VA | |
HN | |
HK | |
HU | |
IS | |
IN | |
ID | |
IR | |
IQ | |
IE | |
IL | |
IT | |
JM | |
JP | |
JO | |
KZ | |
KE | |
KI | |
KP | |
KR | |
KW | |
KG | |
LA | |
LV | |
LB | |
LS | |
LR | |
LY | |
LI | |
LT | |
LU | |
MO | |
MK | |
MG | |
MW | |
MY | |
MV | |
ML | |
MT | |
MH | |
MQ | |
MR | |
MU | |
YT | |
MX | |
FM | |
MD | |
MC | |
MN | |
MS | |
MA | |
MZ | |
MM | |
NA | |
NR | |
NP | |
NL | |
AN | |
NC | |
NZ | |
NI | |
NE | |
NG | |
NU | |
NF | |
MP | |
NO | |
OM | |
PK | |
PW | |
PS | |
PA | |
PG | |
PY | |
PE | |
PH | |
PN | |
PL | |
PT | |
PR | |
QA | |
RE | |
RO | |
RU | |
RW | |
SH | |
KN | |
LC | |
PM | |
VC | |
WS | |
SM | |
ST | |
SA | |
SN | |
SC | |
SL | |
SG | |
SK | |
SI | |
SB | |
SO | |
ZA | |
GS | |
ES | |
LK | |
SD | |
SR | |
SJ | |
SZ | |
SE | |
CH | |
SY | |
TW | |
TJ | |
TZ | |
TH | |
TG | |
TK | |
TO | |
TT | |
TN | |
TR | |
TM | |
TC | |
TV | |
UG | |
UA | |
AE | |
GB | |
US | |
UM | |
UY | |
UZ | |
VU | |
VE | |
VN | |
VG | |
VI | |
WF | |
EH | |
YE | |
YU | |
ZM | |
ZW | |
AA | NOTE: APO/FPO was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country code list for backward compatibility. |
QM | NOTE: Guernsey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QN | NOTE: Jan Mayen was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QO | NOTE: Jersey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QP | NOTE: Tahiti was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. This Code is currently deprecated |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
For English names that correspond to each code (e.g., KY="Cayman Islands"), see the ISO site: http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html
Defines the standard 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code set.
Value | Description |
AFA | |
ALL | |
DZD | |
ADP | |
AOA | |
ARS | |
AMD | |
AWG | |
AZM | |
BSD | |
BHD | |
BDT | |
BBD | |
BYR | |
BZD | |
BMD | |
BTN | |
INR | Indian Rupee. Applicable to listings on the India site (site ID 203). |
BOV | |
BOB | |
BAM | |
BWP | |
BRL | |
BND | |
BGL | |
BGN | |
BIF | |
KHR | |
CAD | Canadian Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Canada site (site ID 2) (Items listed on the Canada site can also specify USD.) |
CVE | |
KYD | |
XAF | |
CLF | |
CLP | |
CNY | Chinese Yuan Renminbi. |
COP | |
KMF | |
CDF | |
CRC | |
HRK | |
CUP | |
CYP | |
CZK | |
DKK | |
DJF | |
DOP | |
TPE | |
ECV | |
ECS | |
EGP | |
SVC | |
ERN | |
EEK | |
ETB | |
FKP | |
FJD | |
GMD | |
GEL | |
GHC | |
GIP | |
GTQ | |
GNF | |
GWP | |
GYD | |
HTG | |
HNL | |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Hong Kong site (site ID 201). |
HUF | |
ISK | |
IDR | |
IRR | |
IQD | |
ILS | |
JMD | |
JPY | |
JOD | |
KZT | |
KES | |
AUD | Australian Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Australia site (site ID 15). |
KPW | |
KRW | |
KWD | |
KGS | |
LAK | |
LVL | |
LBP | |
LSL | |
LRD | |
LYD | |
CHF | Swiss Franc. Applicable to listings on the Switzerland site (site ID 193). |
LTL | |
MOP | |
MKD | |
MGF | |
MWK | |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit. Applicable to listings on the Malaysia site (site ID 207). |
MVR | |
MTL | |
EUR | Euro. Applicable to listings on these site: Austria (site 16), Belgium_French (site 23), France (site 71), Germany (site 77), Italy (site 101), Belgium_Dutch (site 123), Netherlands (site 146), Spain (site 186), Ireland (site 205). |
MRO | |
MUR | |
MXN | |
MXV | |
MDL | |
MNT | |
XCD | |
MZM | |
MMK | |
ZAR | |
NAD | |
NPR | |
ANG | |
XPF | |
NZD | |
NIO | |
NGN | |
NOK | |
OMR | |
PKR | |
PAB | |
PGK | |
PYG | |
PEN | |
PHP | Philippines Peso. Applicable to listings on the Philippines site (site ID 211). |
PLN | Poland, Zloty. Applicable to listings on the Poland site (site ID 212). |
USD | US Dollar. Applicable to listings on the US (site ID 0), eBayMotors (site 100), and Canada (site 2) sites. |
QAR | |
ROL | |
RUB | |
RUR | |
RWF | |
SHP | |
WST | |
STD | |
SAR | |
SCR | |
SLL | |
SGD | Singapore Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Singapore site (site 216). |
SKK | |
SIT | |
SBD | |
SOS | |
LKR | |
SDD | |
SRG | |
SZL | |
SEK | Swedish Krona. Applicable to listings on the Sweden site (site 218). |
SYP | |
TWD | New Taiwan Dollar. |
TJS | |
TZS | |
THB | |
XOF | |
TOP | |
TTD | |
TND | |
TRL | |
TMM | |
UGX | |
UAH | |
AED | |
GBP | Pound Sterling. Applicable to listings on the UK site (site ID 3). |
USS | |
USN | |
UYU | |
UZS | |
VUV | |
VEB | |
VND | |
MAD | |
YER | |
YUM | |
ZMK | |
ZWD | |
ATS | |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
However, only certain currency codes are currently valid for use on eBay. The valid codes are documented below with the notation "(in/out)". Other codes in this list are for future use. The documentation below specifies English names for each currency. A reference: http://www.xe.com/iso4217.htm
Value | Description |
RequestError | An error has occurred either as a result of a problem in the sending application or because the application's end-user has attempted to submit invalid data (or missing data). In these cases, do not retry the request. The problem must be corrected before the request can be made again. If the problem is due to something in the application (such as a missing required field), the application must be changed. If the problem is a result of end-user data, the application must alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for the end-user to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, resend the request to eBay with the corrected data. |
SystemError | Indicates that an error has occurred on the eBay system side, such as a database or server down. An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
ExcludeFlagCodeType contains exclude flags for FindItemsAdvanced.
Value | Description |
AutoPay | Exclude AutoPay item listings from the search results. |
Indicates the type of external product ID being used to identify a stock product.
Value | Description |
ISBN | ExternalProductID.Value contains an ISBN value. Required when you pass an ISBN as the external product ID. (This value is also applicable to Half.com listings.) |
UPC | ExternalProductID.Value contains a UPC value. Required when you pass a UPC as the external product ID. (This value is also applicable to Half.com listings.) |
ProductID | ExternalProductID.Value contains an eBay catalog product ID. Required when you pass an eBay product ID as the external product ID. Not applicable with FindItemsAdvanced or FindProducts. |
EAN | ExternalProductID.Value contains an EAN value. Required when you pass an EAN as the external product ID. |
Keywords | ExternalProductID.Value contains a set of keywords that uniquely identify the product. Only applicable when listing event ticket. See the eBay Web Services guide for information about valid ticket keywords for an external product ID. Required when you pass a set of keywords as the external product ID. Not applicable with FindItemsAdvanced or FindProducts. With FindItemsAdvanced, use TicketFinder instead. |
MPN | Reserved for future use. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use |
Applicable to sites that support the Detailed Seller Ratings feature.
Value | Description |
ItemAsDescribed | Detailed seller rating in the area of "item as described." |
Communication | Detailed seller rating in the area of "communication." |
ShippingTime | Detailed seller rating in the area of "shipping time." Inapplicable to motor vehicle items. |
ShippingAndHandlingCharges | Detailed seller rating in the area of "charges for shipping and handling." Inapplicable to motor vehicle items. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
The FeedbackRatingDetailCodeType is the list of areas for detailed seller ratings. When buyers leave an overall Feedback rating (positive, neutral, or negative) for a seller, they also can leave ratings in four areas: item as described, communication, shipping time, and charges for shipping and handling. Users retrieve detailed ratings as averages of the ratings left by buyers.
Type declaration to be used by other schema.
Value | Description |
None | No graphic displayed, feedback score 0-9. |
Yellow | Yellow Star, feedback score 10-49. |
Blue | Blue Star, feedback score 50-99. |
Turquoise | Turquoise Star, feedback score 100-499. |
Purple | Purple Star, feedback score 500-999. |
Red | Red Star, feedback score 1,000-4,999 |
Green | Green Star, feedback score 5,000-9,999. |
YellowShooting | Yellow Shooting Star, feedback score 10,000-24,999. |
TurquoiseShooting | Turquoise Shooting Star, feedback score 25,000-49,999. |
PurpleShooting | Purple Shooting Star, feedback score 50,000-99,999. |
RedShooting | Red Shooting Star, feedback score 100,000-499,999. |
GreenShooting | Green Shooting Star, feedback score 500,000-900,000. |
SilverShooting | Silver Shooting Star, feedback score 1,000,000 and above. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The color of a feedback score star visually denotes the range in which the member's summary feedback score falls. The score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the member.
Controls values for item condition, especially for Books catalog.
Value | Description |
BrandNew | New, unread, unused and in perfect condition. |
LikeNew | Item still in original packaging, no wear and tear, all facets of the product are intact. (Could easily be mistaken for brand new.) |
VeryGood | Doesn't look brand new but has no easily noticeable damage and very minimal wear and tear. (You would give it to a good friend as a gift) |
Good | Very minimal damage to the item and still includes all accessories such as dust jackets, liner notes, and cases. (You would use it yourself, but wouldn't necessarily give it as a gift) |
Acceptable | Some damage to the item but integrity still intact. May be missing an accessory. (Item beaten up a bit but it works) |
Used | Some damage to the item and visibly used. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use |
The seller's requirements regarding whether the buyer pays for shipping insurance.
Value | Description |
Optional | The seller offers the buyer the choice of paying for shipping insurance or not. |
Required | The seller requires that the buyer pay for shipping insurance. |
NotOffered | The seller does not offer shipping insurance to the buyer. |
IncludedInShippingHandling | The seller is not charging separately for shipping insurance costs; any insurance is already included in the base shipping cost. |
NotOfferedOnSite | Shipping insurance is not offered as a separate option on the site where the item is listed. (Some shipping services, such as DE_InsuredExpressOrCourier, include insurance as part of the service.) If another insurance option is specified in the listing request and the site does not support shipping insurance as a separate option, eBay will reset the insurance option to this value. At the time of this writing, this option is only meaningful for the eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland sites. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Specifies a predefined subset of item conditions.
Value | Description |
New | The seller specified the Item Condition as New, or did not specify a condition. (Excludes items that the seller listed as Used.) |
Used | The seller specified the Item Condition as Used, or did not specify a condition. (Excludes items that the seller listed as New.) |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
The predefined set of fields can vary for different calls.
Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by location region.
Value | Description |
NorthAmerica | Search for items in North America. You can only specify this search option from the United States - US (0) and Canada - CA (2) sites. |
UKIreland | Search for items in UK and Ireland. You can only specify this search option from the Ireland - IE (205) site. |
Europe | Search for items in Europe. You can only specify this search option from the United Kingdom - UK (3), Austria - AT (16), Belgium (French) - BEFR (23), France - FR (71), Germany - DE (77), Italy - IT (101), Belgium (Dutch) - BENL (123), Netherlands - NL (146), Spain - ES (186), Ireland - IE (205) and Poland - PL (212) sites. |
CanadaFrench | Search for items in French Canada (Quebec). You can only use this option with FindItemsAdvanced.PreferredLocation filter. You can only specify this search option from the Canada (French) - CAFR (210) site. |
Canada | Search for items in Canada. You can only specify this search option from the Canada (French) - CAFR (210) site. |
Worldwide | Search for items world-wide. You can only specify this search option from the United Status - US (0), Canada - CA (2), United Kingdom - UK (3), Australia - AU (15), Austria - AT (16), Belgium (French) - BEFR (23), France - FR (71), Germany - DE (77), Italy - IT (101), Belgium (Dutch) - BENL (123), Netherlands - NL (146), Spain - ES (186), Ireland - IE (205) and Poland - PL (212) sites. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use. |
Different regions can be specified on different sites.
Identifies listing-type-related filters.
Value | Description |
AuctionItemsOnly | (in) Only retrieve listings eligible for competitive bidding at auction. That is, only retrieve listings for which ListingType is Chinese (single-item auction), regardless of the BuyItNowEnabled value. Items with any of the following listing types are not retrieved: StoresFixedPrice, FixedPriceItem, and AdType. Note: As of version 619, Dutch-style (multi-item) auctions are deprecated. eBay throws an error if you submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the Quantity value to 1. |
FixedPricedItem | (in) Only retrieves listings that can be purchased at a fixed price. That is, only retrieves listings for which listing type is StoresFixedPrice or FixedPriceItem. Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved depends on the site default. If StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved, they are returned after the other retrieved items. Also retrieves Chinese (single item) auction listings for which BuyItNowEnabled is true. Does not retrieve listings for which listing type is AdType, and does not retrieve auction listings for which BuyItNowEnabled is false. Note: As of version 619, Dutch-style (multi-item) auctions are deprecated. eBay throws an error if you submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the Quantity value to 1. |
AllItems | (in) Returns all listing types (the default for FindItemsAdvanced). It is recommended that you use AllItemTypes instead of AllItems. Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved depends on the site default. |
StoreInventoryOnly | (in) Only retrieves listings for which the listing type is StoresFixedPrice. |
FixedPriceExcludeStoreInventory | (in) Excludes listings that have listing type set to StoresFixedPrice. Excludes listings that have listing type set to AdType. Excludes auction listings in which BuyItNowEnabled is false. |
ExcludeStoreInventory | (in) Excludes listings that have listing type set to StoresFixedPrice. |
AllItemTypes | (in) Retrieves listings whether or not listing type is set to StoresFixedPrice; include auction items. In searches for items, you must specify the AllItemTypes value if you want Store Inventory format (StoresFixedPrice) items to be returned. |
AllFixedPriceItemTypes | (in) Retrieves fixed-price items. Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved does not depend on the site default. The StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved after the basic fixed price items. Items are retrieved whether or not listing type is set to StoresFixedPrice. Does not retrieve items for which listing type is AdType or Live. Does not retrieve auction items for which BuyItNowEnabled is false. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
ClassifiedItemsOnly | (in) Only retrieves Classified Ad format listings. |
AdFormat | Restricts listings to return only items that have the Ad Format feature. |
Specifies an active or ended listing's status in eBay's processing workflow.
Value | Description |
Active | (out) The listing is still live, or it has recently ended but eBay has not completed processing the listing (e.g., we're still determining the high bidder). A multi-item listing is considered active until all items have winning bids or purchases or the listing's end time has passed. (That is, if the listing has a Quantity of 10, the sale of 1 of those items doesn't end the listing.) If the listing has ended but this Active status is returned, please allow several minutes for eBay to finish processing the listing. |
Ended | (out) The listing has ended and eBay has completed processing of the sale (if any), such as determining the high bidder. |
Completed | (out) The listing has ended and eBay has completed processing of the sale (if any), such as determining the high bidder. You can think of Completed and Ended as essentially equivalent. (The difference is only meaningful to the seller of the item, as Completed indicates whether eBay has finished calculating certain selling fees.) |
CustomCode | (out) Placeholder value. See token. |
If a listing ends with a sale (or sales), eBay needs to update the sale details (e.g., total price and buyer/high bidder) and the final value fee. This processing can take several minutes. If you retrieve a sold item and no details about the buyer/high bidder are returned, use this listing status information to determine whether eBay has finished processing the listing.
Specifies the selling format used for a listing.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Unknown auction type. (This is not normally used.) |
Chinese | Single-quantity online auction format. A Chinese auction has a Quantity of 1. Buyers engage in competitive bidding, although Buy It Now may be offered as long as no bids have been placed. Online auctions are listed on eBay.com, and they are also listed in the seller's eBay Store if the seller is a Store owner. |
Dutch | Multiple-quantity online auction format. A Dutch auction has a Quantity greater than one (1). Buyers engage in competitive bidding. Some sites also offer Buy It Now for Dutch auctions. Online auctions are listed on eBay.com. They are also listed in a seller's eBay Store if the seller is a Store owner. Note: Dutch-style (multi-item) auctions are being deprecated and will soon be unsupported. Although you can retrieve information relating to a Dutch-style listing, starting with version 615, you cannot submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem on the following sites: US, CA, CAFR, DE, or UK. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the quantity to 1. To ensure forward compliance, please avoid listing multi-item auctions. |
Live | Live auction, on-site auction that can include non-eBay bidders. Live auctions are listed on the eBay Live Auctions site, in live auction categories. They can also appear on eBay if the seller lists the lot in a secondary, eBay category. |
Auction | Reserved for future use. |
AdType | Advertisement to solicit inquiries on listings such as real estate. Permits no bidding on that item, service, or property. To express interest, a buyer fills out a contact form that eBay forwards to the the seller as a lead. This format does not enable buyers and sellers to transact online through eBay, and eBay Feedback is not available for ad format listings. |
StoresFixedPrice | A fixed-price format for eBay Store sellers. Store Inventory listings appear after other listings in regular browse and search item lists on eBay. They have a lower Insertion Fee and longer listing durations. This item type can only be specified by sellers who have an eBay Store. Store Inventory listings are listed on eBay.com as well as in the seller's eBay Store. |
PersonalOffer | Second chance offer made to a non-winning bidder on an ended listing. A seller can make an offer to a non-winning bidder when either the winning bidder has failed to pay for an item or the seller has a duplicate of the item. Second- chance offer items are on eBay, but they do not appear when browsing or searching listings. You need to already know the item ID in order to retrieve a second-chance offer. |
FixedPriceItem | A basic fixed-price listing with a Quantity of 1. Allows no auction-style bidding. Also known as Buy It Now Only on some sites, this should not to be confused with the BuyItNow option that is available for competitive-bid auctions. Fixed-price listings appear on eBay.com. They are also listed in a seller's eBay Store if the seller is a Store owner. Note: Dutch-style (multi-item) auctions are being deprecated and will soon be unsupported. Although you can retrieve information relating to a Dutch-style listing, starting with version 615, you cannot submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem on the following sites: US, CA, CAFR, DE, or UK. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the quantity to 1. To ensure forward compliance, please avoid listing multi-item auctions. |
Half | Half.com listing (item is listed on Half.com, not on eBay). Reserved for future use. |
LeadGeneration | Lead Generation format (advertisement-style listing to solicit inquiries or offers, no bidding or fixed price, listed on eBay). |
Express | For Germany only: eBay Express-only format (item is listed only on eBay Express Germany, not on eBay). |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Used for specifying items for which a specific payment method or methods are accepted.
Value | Description |
PayPal | PayPal payment method. |
PaisaPay | PaisaPay payment method. The PaisaPay payment method is only for the India site (site ID 203). |
PayPalOrPaisaPay | Either the PayPal or the PaisaPay payment method. The PaisaPay payment method is only for the India site (site ID 203). |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
PaisaPayEscrowEMI | PaisaPayEscrow EMI (Equal Monthly Installment) payment method. The PaisaPayEscrowEMI payment method is only for the India site (site ID 203). |
Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request.
Value | Description |
ListedInCurrencyImplied | (in) Items listed in the currency implied by the site specified in the request. |
LocatedInCountryImplied | (in) Items located in the country implied by the site specified in the request. |
AvailableInCountryImplied | (in) Items available to the country implied by the site specified in the request. For the US site, this implies listings from ALL English-language countries that are available to the US. |
SiteImplied | (in) Returns only items listed on the site specified in the request, regardless of the listing currency. The SiteImplied flag works for all eBay sites when you perform a keyword query (by specifying a value for QueryKeywords). However, if you are performing only a category search (by specifying a CategoryID and no QueryKeywords), SiteImplied works only on the following sites: AU (15), CA (2), CAFR (210), IN (203), Motors (100), UK (3), US (0). |
BelgiumListing | (in) Items located in Belgium or listed on one of the two Belgian sites. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
ProductID type for product searches.
Value | Description |
ISBN | ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 value for books. (The string length of ProductID indicates whether the ID is 10 or 13 characters.) If you know a book's ISBN, you can use this instead of the eBay CatalogItem or Reference ID to search for that book. Max length of corresponding value: 13 |
EAN | EAN value for books. (This is used more commonly in European countries.) If you know a book's EAN, you can use this instead of the eBay CatalogItem or Reference ID to search for that book. Max length of corresponding value: 13 |
UPC | |
MPN | Reserved for future use. |
Keywords | Reserved for future use. |
CatalogItem | Reserved for future use. |
Reference | The global reference ID for an eBay catalog product. A reference ID is a fixed reference to a product (regardless of version). One reference ID can be associated with multiple CatalogItem IDs. To determine valid reference IDs for products to use as input to FindProducts, first call FindProducts with QueryKeywords (or ProductID). Each product in the response includes a reference ID. As of mid-2008, some sites (such as eBay US, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) are updating, replacing, deleting, or merging some products (as a result of migrating from one catalog data provider to another). If you specify one of these products in a request, the call may return the product with a warning, or it may return an error if the product has been deleted. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Controls the order of product (not item) searches.
Value | Description |
Popularity | Sort by product popularity (as determined by eBay). (This is the default sort order.) |
Rating | Sort by average rating. |
ReviewCount | Sort by the number of reviews on eBay. |
ItemCount | Sort by the number of active items listed with this product. |
Title | Sort by the product title. |
CustomCode | Reserved for values that are not available in the version of the schema you are using. If eBay adds a new value to this code type as of a newer version, we return CustomCode instead when you specify a lower request version. |
State of a catalog product that may have been updated, replaced, marked for deletion, or merged with another product.
Value | Description |
Update | The product details have been updated. If your application currently uses the product for listing or searching, we recommend that you check to make sure the product data still meets your needs. |
UpdateMajor | This product has changed. This product has been mapped to a newer product in the catalog that eBay (or Half.com) is currently using, and its details have been updated based on the new catalog data. The product reference ID remains the same (but the longer product ID string may have changed). If your application currently uses the product for searching, we recommend that you check to make sure the product data still meets your needs. |
UpdateNoDetails | This product was previously available in an earlier catalog, but it has not been mapped to a product in the catalog that eBay is currently using. It can still be used for searching, but it may contain fewer details than other products. If your application currently uses the product for searching, we recommend that you check to make sure the product data still meets your needs. Not applicable to Half.com. |
Merge | Some information in this product is scheduled to be merged into another product in the catalog that eBay (or Half.com) is currently using. This product may be removed from the system at any time. If your application currently uses the product for searching, we recommend that you update your application to use a product that is not scheduled to be merged or deleted. |
Delete | This product is marked for deletion, and it will not be mapped to another product. If your application currently uses the product for searching, we recommend that you update your application to use a product that is not scheduled to be merged or deleted. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use. |
Value | Description |
LessThan | Used by QuantityOperator to specify that you are seeking quantities less than Quantity. |
LessThanOrEqual | Specifies quantities less than or equal to Quantity. |
Equal | Specifies quantities equal to Quantity. |
GreaterThan | Specifies quantities greater than Quantity. |
GreaterThanOrEqual | Specifies quantities greater than or equal to Quantity. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use. |
Value | Description |
CreationTime | Sorts reviews by creation time, in ascending or descending order. |
CustomCode | Reserved for values that are not available in the version of the schema you are using. If eBay adds a new value to this code type as of a newer version, we return CustomCode instead when you specify a lower request version. |
Search flags for FindItemsAdvanced.
Value | Description |
Charity | Return only charity item listings. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Gift | Return only gift items. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
NowAndNew | Return only items that have been listed with Now and New. Applicable for certain sites only. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
LocalSearch | Performs a search for listings with Local Inventory Listing Options (LILO). The LocalSearch option should be used with the Postal Code search option. Currently, this is only available for the Motors site (siteID=100). Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
FreeShipping | If specified, only items with free shipping for the user's location are returned. The user's location is determined from the site ID specified in the request. If false, no filtering is done via this attribute. A listing is not considered a free shipping listing if it requires insurance or requires pick up or requires a shipping surcharge. |
Gallery | Return Gallery items only. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Picture | Picture. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
GetItFast | Limits the results to Get It Fast listings. |
Lot | Limits the results to only those listings for which lot size is 2 or greater. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
GermanMotorsSearchable | Limits the results based on each item's eligibility to appear on the mobile.de site. If specified, queries for eligible items only. If not specified, the search results are not affected. Only applicable for items listed on the eBay Germany site (site ID 77) in subcategories of mobile.de search-enabled categories. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
WorldOfGood | Returns items that are also listed on the WorldOfGood.com website. (The Item IDs are the same on both websites.) |
DigitalDelivery | The digital delivery feature is disabled as of March 28, 2008. If specified, limits the results to digitally delivered good only. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Featured | (in) Return only featured item listings. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
SuperFeatured | (in) Return only super-featured item listings. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
AutoPay | (in) Return only AutoPay item listings. |
BestOffer | (in) Search with BestOffer. If this flag is turned on, store inventories will be automatically included, and ExcludeStoreInventory and FixedPriceExcludeStoreInventory fields will be ignored. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Type of seller account.
Value | Description |
Undefined | Type of seller account not defined. |
Private | Private seller account. |
Commercial | Commercial seller account. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
This value can be returned if the German site (site ID 77) or eBay Motors site (site ID 100) is specified.
Type declaration to be used by other schema. Indicates the user's eBay PowerSeller tier.
Value | Description |
Bronze | (out) Bronze |
Silver | (out) Silver |
Gold | (out) Gold |
Platinum | (out) Platinum |
Titanium | (out) Titanium |
Diamond | (out) Diamond |
None | (out) None |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use |
Type declaration to be used by other schema.
Value | Description |
Warning | (out) The request was processed successfully, but something occurred that may affect your application or the user. For example, eBay may have changed a value the user sent in. In this case, eBay returns a normal, successful response and also returns the warning. |
Error | (out) The request that triggered the error was not processed successfully. When a serious application-level error occurs, the error is returned instead of the business data. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use |
This code identifies the severity of an API error. A code indicates whether there is an API- level error or warning that needs to be communicated to the client.
The shipping cost model offered by the seller.
Value | Description |
Flat | The flat rate shipping model: the seller establishes the cost of shipping and cost of shipping insurance, regardless of what any buyer-selected shipping service might charge the seller. |
Calculated | The calculated shipping model: the posted cost of shipping is based on the seller-offered and buyer-selected shipping service, where the shipping costs are calculated by eBay and the shipping carrier based on the buyer's address, and any packaging/handling costs established by the seller are automatically rolled into the total. |
Freight | The freight shipping model: the cost of shipping is determined by a third party, FreightQuote.com, based on the item location (zip code). Currently, Freight can only be specified on input via eBay Web site, not via API. |
Free | Free is used when the seller is declaring that shipping is free for the buyer. Since Free cannot be selected via API, the seller has two options for signifying that shipping is free when listing an item: - omit shipping details, mention in the item description that shipping is free, and set ShippingTermsInDescription to true - select an arbitrary shipping service and set its shipping cost to 0, mention in the item description that shipping is free, and set ShippingTermsInDescription to true The latter is a better way to communicate "free shipping" because eBay picks up the "0" cost and can more accurately identify shipping costs in search results. |
NotSpecified | The seller did not specify the shipping type. |
FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational | The seller specified one or more flat domestic shipping services and one or more calculated international shipping services. |
CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational | The seller specified one or more calculated domestic shipping services and one or more flat international shipping services. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Value | Description |
BestMatch | Sorts items by Best Match, and no sort order applies. If specified, then Best Match sort also applies to CategoryHistogram. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
EndTime | Sorts items by end time. If you specify EndTime, then for SortOrder, you must specify a value of Ascending. The following is not functional: specifying a value of EndTime with a SortOrder of Descending. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
BidCount | Sort by number of bids on the item in ascending or descending order. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Country | Sort by country; no sort order can be specified. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
CurrentBid | Sort by current bid on the item in ascending or descending order. |
Distance | Sort by distance, ascending order only. |
StartDate | Sort by start date, recently-listed first. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
BestMatchCategoryGroup | (in) Sort by BestMatchCategoryGroup, so results are grouped by Best Match within a category. If you specify BestMatchCategoryGroup, and you want to specify a value for MaxEntries, the MaxEntries value can be 50 or less. |
PricePlusShipping | (in) This value is part of the Price Plus Shipping Sort feature, available for the following sites: US (site ID 0), Germany (77), Canada (2), and Australia (15). The Price Plus Shipping Sort feature causes item sorting to consider shipping costs. Specify PricePlusShippingAsc to sort items by lowest cost first, as follows: Lowest-total-cost (for items where shipping was properly specified), then freight-shipping items, then items for which shipping was not specified (sorted by price). |
BestMatchPlusEndTime | Support Relevance (BestMatch) Filter as first pass and then sorts the result set by end time in ascending or descending order. |
BestMatchPlusPrice | Support Relevance (BestMatch) Filter as first pass and then sorts the result set by Price in ascending or descending order. |
eBay sites (by the country in which each resides) on which a user is registered and on which items can be listed.
Value | Description |
US | USA, site ID 0, abbreviation US, currency USD. |
Canada | Canada, site ID 2, abbreviation CA, currencies CAD and USD. |
UK | United Kingdom, site ID 3, abbreviation UK, currency GBP. |
Australia | Australia, site ID 15, abbreviation AU, currency AUD. |
Austria | Austria, site ID 16, abbreviation AT, currency EUR. |
Belgium_French | Belgium (French), site ID 23, abbreviation BEFR, currency EUR. |
France | France, site ID 71, abbreviation FR, currency EUR. |
Germany | Germany, site ID 77, abbreviation DE, currency EUR. |
Italy | Italy, site ID 101, abbreviation IT, currency EUR. |
Belgium_Dutch | Belgium (Dutch), site ID 123, abbreviation BENL, currency EUR. |
Netherlands | Netherlands, site ID 146, abbreviation NL, currency EUR. |
Spain | Spain, site ID 186, abbreviation ES, currency EUR. |
Switzerland | Switzerland, site ID 193, abbreviation CH, currency CHF. |
Taiwan | Taiwan, site ID 196, abbreviation TW, currency TWD. |
eBayMotors | eBay Motors, site ID 100, currency USD. |
HongKong | Hong Kong, site ID 201, abbreviation HK, currency HKD. |
Singapore | Singapore, site ID 216, abbreviation SG, currency SGD. |
India | India, site ID 203, abbreviation IN, currency INR. |
China | China, site ID 223, abbreviation CN, currency CNY. |
Ireland | Ireland, site ID 205, abbreviation IE, currency EUR. |
Malaysia | Malaysia, site ID 207, abbreviation MY, currency MYR. |
Philippines | Philippines, site ID 211, abbreviation PH, currency PHP. |
Poland | Poland, site ID 212, abbreviation PL, currency PLN. |
Sweden | Sweden, site ID 218, abbreviation SE, currency SEK. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
CanadaFrench | CanadaFrench, site ID 210, abbreviation CAFR, currencies CAD and USD. |
Indicates the order of sorting.
Value | Description |
Ascending | Sorts results in ascending (low to high) order. |
Descending | Sorts results in descending (high to low) order. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Identifies the StoreSearch codes (e.g., for FindItemsAdvanced requests).
Value | Description |
AllItemsInTheStore | (in) Within a single store for all items (specify a store in the appropriate input field). |
AuctionItemsInTheStore | (in) Within a single store for auction items (specify a store in the appropriate input field). |
BuyItNowItemsInTheStore | (in) Within a single store for basic fixed price items, Store Inventory format items, and auction items with Buy It Now (specify a store in the appropriate input field). |
BuyItNowItemsInAllStores | (in) Across all stores for basic fixed price items, Store Inventory format items, and auction items with Buy It Now. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
A means for identifying a person's role in doing business on eBay.
Value | Description |
Buyer | Acting as buyer. |
Seller | Acting as seller. |
CustomCode | Reserved for future use |
An eBay ID that uniquely identifies a user.
For GetAllBidders, some bidder information is anonymous, to protect bidders from fraud. If the seller makes this API call, the actual ids of all bidders on the seller's item will be returned. If a bidder makes this API call, the bidder's actual id will be returned, but information for all competing bidders or outside watchers will be returned as anonymized userIDs.
These codes indicate the current state or status of a an eBay user account.
Value | Description |
Unknown | (out) User properties have never been set; this value should seldom, if ever, be returned and typically represents a problem |
Suspended | (out) User has been suspended from selling and buying, such as for violations of eBay terms or agreement |
Confirmed | (out) User has completed online registration and has properly responded to confirmation email; most users should fall in this category |
Unconfirmed | (out) User has completed online registration, but has either not responded to confirmation email or has not yet been sent the confirmation email |
Ghost | (out) Registered users of AuctionWeb (pre-eBay) who never re-registered on eBay |
InMaintenance | (out) Temporary user record state indicating the record is in the process of being changed by eBay; query user information again to get new status |
Deleted | (out) Records for the specified user have been deleted |
CreditCardVerify | (out) User has completed registration and confirmation, but is pending a verification of credit card information |
AccountOnHold | (out) User's account is on hold, such as for non-payment of amounts due eBay; user cannot sell or buy items |
Merged | (out) User record has been merged with another account record for the same user |
RegistrationCodeMailOut | (out) User has completed online registration and has been sent the confirmation email, but has not yet responded to the confirmation email |
TermPending | (out) User has been scheduled for account closure (typically when a user has requested to have their account closed) A user in this state should not be considered an active user |
UnconfirmedHalfOptIn | (out) User has completed the registration for Half.com and opted to automatically also be registered with eBay, but the registration confirmation is still pending |
CreditCardVerifyHalfOptIn | (out) User has completed the registration for Half.com and opted to automatically also be registered with eBay, but the verification of credit card information is still pending |
UnconfirmedExpress | (out) Half.com User; user has completed the registration for Half.com and opted to automatically also be registered with eBay, but the registration confirmation is still pending |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use |
Name | Description |
ns:AboutMeURL [type SimpleUserType] | A link to the user's AboutMe page. |
ns:Ack [type AbstractResponseType] | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:AdditionalContactInformation [type BusinessSellerDetailsType] | Displays the AdditionalContactInformation of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:Address [type BusinessSellerDetailsType] | Displays the Address of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:AddressID [type AddressType] | ID assigned to the address in the eBay database. For GetOrders, applies only to Half.com. |
ns:AlternateValue [type ExternalProductIDType] | An industry-standard value that provides an alternate identification for the product, if any. |
ns:AlternativeSearches [type PopularSearchesType] | Alternative search keywords for the query keywords, separated by semicolons. |
ns:ApproximatePages [type FindHalfProductsResponseType] | The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request. |
ns:ApproximatePages [type FindProductsResponseType] | The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request. |
ns:AutoPay [type SimpleItemType] | If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or not specified), immediate payment is not requested. |
ns:AvailableItemsOnly [type FindProductsRequestType] | If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the specified eBay site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query. |
ns:AvailableItemsOnly [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the Half.com site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query. |
ns:AverageRating [type ReviewDetailsType] | The product's average rating (out of 5) based on all reviews. For example, a value like 4.5 would mean the average rating is 4.5 out of 5. (See ReviewCount for the total number of reviews.) |
ns:AverageRatingDetails [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Container for information about detailed seller ratings (DSRs) that buyers have left for a seller. |
ns:BestOfferEnabled [type SimpleItemType] | Whether the seller will accept a best offer for this item. |
ns:BidCount [type SimpleItemType] | The number of bids that have been placed on the item. |
ns:BidCountMax [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to items with a maximum number of bids. |
ns:BidCountMin [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to items with a minimum number of bids. |
ns:BidRetractionFeedbackPeriods [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Bid retractions count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:Build [type AbstractResponseType] | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:BusinessSeller [type VATDetailsType] | If true, this indicates that the seller is a business user and intends to use listing features that are offered to business users only. |
ns:BusinessSellerDetails [type SimpleItemType] | Returns the seller's business information. |
ns:BuyingGuide [type BuyingGuideDetailsType] | Information that identifies a buying guide. |
ns:BuyingGuideCount [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | Number of returned buying guides. |
ns:BuyingGuideDetails [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | Contains information for up to 5 buying guides that match the query. |
ns:BuyingGuideHub [type BuyingGuideDetailsType] | URL of the buying guide home page for the site being searched. |
ns:BuyItNowAvailable [type SimpleItemType] | Indicates whether the item has an active Buy It Now option. |
ns:BuyItNowPrice [type SimpleItemType] | The Buy It Now price of the item, returned in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. |
ns:Category [type CategoryArrayType] | Contains details about a category. |
ns:CategoryArray [type GetCategoryInfoResponseType] | List of the returned categories. |
ns:CategoryCount [type GetCategoryInfoResponseType] | Indicates the number of categories returned (i.e., the number of CategoryType objects in CategoryArray). |
ns:CategoryGroupIDPath [type SearchResultType] | Category ID breadcrumb. |
ns:CategoryGroupItemCount [type SearchResultType] | Item count of the category. |
ns:CategoryGroupNamePath [type SearchResultType] | |
ns:CategoryHistogram [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | Statistical (histogram) information about categories that contain items that match the query, if any. |
ns:CategoryHistogramMaxChildren [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Maximum number of matching subcategories to return at each level of the category hierarchy below the root level. |
ns:CategoryHistogramMaxParents [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Maximum number of matching categories to return at the highest level (root level) of the category hierarchy (level 1). |
ns:CategoryID [type FindProductsRequestType] | Include a Category ID number in your request to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:CategoryID [type GetCategoryInfoRequestType] | Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta categories. |
ns:CategoryID [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:CategoryID [type FindPopularItemsRequestType] | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:CategoryID [type PopularSearchesType] | Numeric ID of a category on eBay. |
ns:CategoryID [type CategoryType] | The numeric ID of a category on eBay. |
ns:CategoryID [type BuyingGuideType] | Identifies the category (if any) that is associated with the buying guide. |
ns:CategoryID [type FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType] | Specify a single CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific Guide category. |
ns:CategoryID [type FindPopularSearchesRequestType] | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:CategoryIDExclude [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specify a CategoryIDExclude value in your request if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items that belong to the specified category. |
ns:CategoryIDExclude [type FindPopularItemsRequestType] | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the popular items returned do not include items that belong to a specific category. |
ns:CategoryIDPath [type CategoryType] | |
ns:CategoryLevel [type CategoryType] | The level where the category fits in the site's category hierarchy. For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is 2 levels below the root category. |
ns:CategoryName [type CategoryType] | Display name of the category as it would appear on the eBay Web site. |
ns:CategoryName [type PopularSearchesType] | Category Name identifying the name of current CategoryID. |
ns:CategoryNamePath [type CategoryType] | |
ns:CategoryParentID [type CategoryType] | Category ID identifying a category that is an ancestor of the category indicated in CategoryID. |
ns:CategoryParentID [type PopularSearchesType] | Category ID identifying a category that is the parent category of the category indicated in the request. |
ns:CategoryParentName [type PopularSearchesType] | The name of category which is a parent category to the CategoryID specified in the request. |
ns:CategoryParentName [type CategoryType] | Display name of the category indicated in CategoryParentID. |
ns:CategoryVersion [type GetCategoryInfoResponseType] | Indicates the version of the category hierarchy on the specified eBay site. |
ns:Charity [type SimpleItemType] | Identifier for a Giving Works listing and the benefiting nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:CharityID [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits results to items that support the specified nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:CharityID [type CharityType] | A unique identification number assigned by eBay to registered nonprofit charity organizations. |
ns:CharityListing [type CharityType] | If true, indicates that the seller has chosen to use eBay Giving Works to donate a percentage of the item's purchase price to a selected nonprofit organization. |
ns:CharityName [type CharityType] | The name of the benefiting nonprofit charity organization selected by the charity seller. |
ns:CharityNumber [type CharityType] | A unique identification number assigned to a nonprofit charity organization by the dedicated provider of eBay Giving Works. |
ns:CityName [type AddressType] | The name of the user's city. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders). |
ns:CODCost [type ShippingDetailsType] | Italy site (site ID 101) only. Contains the cost of cash-on-delivery shipping. |
ns:CommentingUser [type FeedbackDetailType] | eBay user ID for the user who left the feedback. |
ns:CommentingUserScore [type FeedbackDetailType] | Feedback score of the user in CommentingUser. |
ns:CommentReplaced [type FeedbackDetailType] | Indicates whether eBay replaced the comment with a message that the comment was removed. |
ns:CommentText [type FeedbackDetailType] | Text message left by the user in CommentingUser. |
ns:CommentTime [type FeedbackDetailType] | Date and time (in GMT) that the feedback was submitted to eBay. |
ns:CommentType [type FeedbackDetailType] | Type of feedback. |
ns:CompanyName [type AddressType] | User's company name. |
ns:Condition [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to new OR used items (exclusive, not both), plus items that have no condition specified. |
ns:ConvertedBuyItNowPrice [type SimpleItemType] | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice [type SellingStatusType] | Not used. See Item.ConvertedCurrentPrice. |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice [type SimpleItemType] | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:CorrelationID [type AbstractResponseType] | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
ns:Count [type FeedbackPeriodType] | Count of the feedbacks received by the user for the time period prior to the call indicated in PeriodInDays. |
ns:Count [type HistogramEntryType] | This is the number of products found in the domain. |
ns:Countable [type FeedbackDetailType] | Specifies if a user's feedback score is or is not countable. |
ns:Country [type SimpleItemType] | Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item is located. |
ns:CountryName [type AddressType] | The name of the user's country. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders). |
ns:County [type AddressType] | County information for the user. |
ns:CreationTime [type ReviewType] | The time and date when the reviewer posted the review. |
ns:CreationTime [type BuyingGuideType] | The time and date when the guide was posted. |
ns:Currency [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the result set to just those items with a specified currency. |
ns:CurrentPrice [type SimpleItemType] | The current price of the item in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. That is, CurrentPrice is in the original listing currency. |
ns:CurrentPrice [type SellingStatusType] | Not used. See Item.CurrentPrice and Variation.StartPrice. |
ns:Description [type ReturnPolicyType] | A description of the return policy for the item. |
ns:Description [type SimpleItemType] | The seller's description of the item, if any. |
ns:DescriptionSearch [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies whether you want to include the item's description in a search. |
ns:DestinationCountryCode [type GetShippingCostsRequestType] | Destination country code. |
ns:DestinationPostalCode [type GetShippingCostsRequestType] | Destination country postal code (or zipcode, for US). |
ns:DetailsURL [type CatalogProductType] | Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as a movie's description or film credits. |
ns:DetailsURL [type HalfCatalogProductType] | Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as a movie's description or film credits. |
ns:DisplayStockPhotos [type HalfCatalogProductType] | If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display any stock photos that are returned. |
ns:DisplayStockPhotos [type CatalogProductType] | If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display any stock photos that are returned. |
ns:DistanceFromBuyer [type SimpleItemType] | The distance of the item from the buyer. |
ns:Domain [type DomainHistogramType] | Each histogram entry shows how many matching products were found in each matching domain. |
ns:DomainHistogram [type FindProductsResponseType] | A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found. |
ns:DomainHistogram [type FindHalfProductsResponseType] | A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found. |
ns:DomainName [type CatalogProductType] | The name of the domain in which the product was found. |
ns:DomainName [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | A domain to search in. |
ns:DomainName [type HalfCatalogProductType] | The name of the domain in which the product was found. |
ns:DomainName [type FindProductsRequestType] | A domain to search in. |
ns:DonationPercent [type CharityType] | The percentage of the purchase price that the seller chooses to donate to the selected nonprofit organization. |
ns:DuplicateItems [type FindItemsResponseType] | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
ns:DuplicateItems [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
ns:DuplicateItems [type FindProductsResponseType] | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
ns:EAN [type ReturnPolicyType] | Contains the EAN. |
ns:Email [type BusinessSellerDetailsType] | Displays the email address of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:EndTime [type SimpleItemType] | Time stamp (in GMT) of when the listing is scheduled to end, or time stamp of the actual end time (if the item ended). |
ns:EndTimeFrom [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to items ending within a time range. |
ns:EndTimeTo [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to items ending within a time range. |
ns:ErrorClassification [type ErrorType] | API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors. |
ns:ErrorCode [type ErrorType] | A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. |
ns:ErrorParameters [type ErrorType] | Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error. |
ns:Errors [type AbstractResponseType] | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:ExcludeFlag [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Excludes items with the specified flag from the search. |
ns:ExpeditedService [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service. |
ns:ExternalAddressID [type AddressType] | ID assigned to the address by the owner of the address (fitting only if the address is owned by PayPal; see AddressOwner). |
ns:Fax [type BusinessSellerDetailsType] | Displays the fax number of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:FeedbackDetails [type GetUserProfileResponseType] | The FeedbackDetails container has fields (ItemID, etc.) with information about one feedback entry. |
ns:FeedbackDetailsURL [type SimpleUserType] | The URL of feedback details. |
ns:FeedbackHistory [type GetUserProfileResponseType] | Summary feedback data for a user. Contains counts of positive, neutral, and negative feedback for predefined time periods. |
ns:FeedbackID [type FeedbackDetailType] | Unique identifier for the feedback entry. |
ns:FeedbackPrivate [type SimpleUserType] | Indicates whether the user has chosen to make their feedback score and feedback details private (hidden from other users). |
ns:FeedbackRatingStar [type SimpleUserType] | Visual indicator of user's feedback score. |
ns:FeedbackResponse [type FeedbackDetailType] | Textual comment that the user targeted by feedback may leave in response or rebuttal to the feedback. |
ns:FeedbackScore [type SimpleUserType] | The aggregate feedback score of a user. |
ns:FeedbackScoreMax [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies the maximum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response. |
ns:FeedbackScoreMin [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies the mininum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response. |
ns:FindHalfProductsRequest | |
ns:FindHalfProductsResponse | |
ns:FindItemsAdvancedRequest | |
ns:FindItemsAdvancedResponse | |
ns:FindItemsRequest | |
ns:FindItemsResponse | |
ns:FindPopularItemsRequest | |
ns:FindPopularItemsResponse | |
ns:FindPopularSearchesRequest | |
ns:FindPopularSearchesResponse | |
ns:FindProductsRequest | |
ns:FindProductsResponse | |
ns:FindReviewsAndGuidesRequest | |
ns:FindReviewsAndGuidesResponse | |
ns:FirstName [type AddressType] | Displays the first name of the seller (in a business card format) if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:FollowUp [type FeedbackDetailType] | Explanation a user can give to a response. |
ns:FollowUpReplaced [type FeedbackDetailType] | Indicates whether eBay replaced the follow-up with a message that the follow-up was removed. |
ns:GalleryURL [type SimpleItemType] | URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any. |
ns:GalleryURL [type VariationSpecificPictureSetType] | Not applicable. |
ns:GermanMotorsSearchable [type SimpleItemType] | The item is featured in eBay search results on the mobile.de partner site. |
ns:GetCategoryInfoRequest | |
ns:GetCategoryInfoResponse | |
ns:GeteBayTimeRequest | |
ns:GeteBayTimeResponse | |
ns:GetItemStatusRequest | |
ns:GetItemStatusResponse | |
ns:GetItFast [type SimpleItemType] | A Get It Fast listing. |
ns:GetItFast [type ShippingDetailsType] | Indicates whether the seller has opted the listing into the Get It Fast feature. |
ns:GetMultipleItemsRequest | |
ns:GetMultipleItemsResponse | |
ns:GetShippingCostsRequest | |
ns:GetShippingCostsResponse | |
ns:GetSingleItemRequest | |
ns:GetSingleItemResponse | |
ns:GetUserProfileRequest | |
ns:GetUserProfileResponse | |
ns:Gift [type SimpleItemType] | If true, a generic gift icon displays next the listing's title in search and browse pages. |
ns:GroupMaxEntries [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | GroupMaxEntries is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.) |
ns:GroupsMax [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | GroupsMax is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.) |
ns:HalfItemCondition [type SimpleItemType] | Returns the Half.com condition code for the item. For example, "brand new," "used," etc. |
ns:HandlingTime [type SimpleItemType] | Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems [type FindProductsRequestType] | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems [type FindItemsRequestType] | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
ns:HighBidder [type SimpleItemType] | The high bidder for comptetitive-bidding auctions that have ended and have a winning bidder. |
ns:HitCount [type SimpleItemType] | The number of times the listing's View Item page has been viewed (as determined by eBay). |
ns:IncludeChildCategories [type FindPopularSearchesRequestType] | If true, only one CategoryID can be specified, and keywords are returned for that category and its subcategories. |
ns:IncludeDetails [type GetShippingCostsRequestType] | Indicates whether to return the ShippingDetails container in the response. |
ns:IncludeSelector [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:IncludeSelector [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:IncludeSelector [type GetCategoryInfoRequestType] | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:IncludeSelector [type FindProductsRequestType] | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:IncludeSelector [type GetUserProfileRequestType] | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:IncludeSelector [type GetMultipleItemsRequestType] | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:IncludeSelector [type GetSingleItemRequestType] | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:InsuranceCost [type ShippingDetailsType] | The cost of insurance. |
ns:InsuranceCost [type ShippingCostSummaryType] | The cost of insurance. |
ns:InsuranceOption [type ShippingCostSummaryType] | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:InsuranceOption [type ShippingDetailsType] | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled [type SimpleItemType] | Indicates whether the item can be paid for through a payment gateway account. |
ns:InternationalInsuranceCost [type ShippingDetailsType] | The cost of insurance for items shipped internationally. |
ns:InternationalInsuranceOption [type ShippingDetailsType] | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance for items shipped internationally and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:InternationalName [type AddressType] | Seller's international name that is associated with the payment address. |
ns:InternationalShippingServiceOption [type ShippingDetailsType] | Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. |
ns:InternationalStateAndCity [type AddressType] | International state and city for the seller's payment address. |
ns:InternationalStreet [type AddressType] | Seller's international street address that is associated with the payment address. |
ns:Item [type GetItemStatusResponseType] | Collection of Item status objects in an SimpleItemArrayType object, that can include zero, one, or multiple ItemType objects. |
ns:Item [type SimpleItemArrayType] | Contains data for an item listing. |
ns:Item [type FindItemsResponseType] | Contains summary data for an item listing. |
ns:Item [type GetMultipleItemsResponseType] | Contains details for a listing (or multiple) listings that correspond to the item ID(s) specified in the request. |
ns:Item [type GetSingleItemResponseType] | Contains details about the listing whose ID was specified in the request. |
ns:ItemArray [type FindProductsResponseType] | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
ns:ItemArray [type SearchResultType] | Array of simple items. |
ns:ItemArray [type FindPopularItemsResponseType] | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
ns:ItemArray [type HalfCatalogProductType] | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
ns:ItemCount [type HalfCatalogProductType] | Total number of listings on the Half.com site that use stock information from this catalog product. |
ns:ItemCount [type CategoryType] | The total quantity of matching items in the category. |
ns:ItemCount [type CatalogProductType] | Total number of listings on the requested eBay site that use stock information from this catalog product. |
ns:ItemID [type FeedbackDetailType] | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. |
ns:ItemID [type GetSingleItemRequestType] | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:ItemID [type GetShippingCostsRequestType] | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:ItemID [type GetMultipleItemsRequestType] | |
ns:ItemID [type SimpleItemType] | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this ID when an item is listed. This ID is unique across all eBay sites. |
ns:ItemID [type GetItemStatusRequestType] | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:ItemLocationRegion [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Allows you to search for items in a specified region. |
ns:ItemPrice [type FeedbackDetailType] | The final price for the item, associated with the currency identified by the currencyId attribute of the AmountType. |
ns:ItemsAvailableTo [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the result set to just those items available to the specified country. |
ns:ItemSearchURL [type FindItemsResponseType] | A URL equivalent to your FindItems search query. |
ns:ItemSearchURL [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | A URL for search results that corresponds to your search request. |
ns:ItemsLocatedIn [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the result set to just those items located in the specified country. |
ns:ItemSort [type FindItemsRequestType] | Sorts search results based on the value you specify. |
ns:ItemSort [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Sorts search results based on the value you specify. |
ns:ItemSpecifics [type CatalogProductType] | A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's pre-filled Item Specifics. |
ns:ItemSpecifics [type SimpleItemType] | Category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. |
ns:ItemSpecifics [type HalfCatalogProductType] | A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's pre-filled Item Specifics. |
ns:ItemTitle [type FeedbackDetailType] | Name of the listing for which feedback was provided. |
ns:ItemType [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Filters items based on criteria related to the listing type of items. |
ns:JurisdictionID [type TaxJurisdictionType] | Representative identifier for the jurisdiction. |
ns:LastName [type AddressType] | Displays the last name of the seller (in a business card format) if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:LeafCategory [type CategoryType] | If true, indicates that the category indicated in CategoryID is a leaf category, in which items may be listed (if the category is not also expired or virtual). |
ns:LegalInvoice [type BusinessSellerDetailsType] | Displays the LegalInvoice of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:ListedShippingServiceCost [type ShippingCostSummaryType] | The listed shipping cost of the item. If multiple items were purchased, this includes the listed ShippingServiceAdditionalCost. |
ns:ListingStatus [type SimpleItemType] | Specifies a listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. |
ns:ListingType [type SimpleItemType] | The format of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or advertisement format. |
ns:Location [type SimpleItemType] | Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:LogoURL [type CharityType] | The URL of the nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:LongMessage [type ErrorType] | A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error. |
ns:LotSize [type SimpleItemType] | A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. |
ns:MaxDistance [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | The maximum distance from the postal code specified in the PostalCode field. (The PostalCode field contains the postal code of the buyer.) |
ns:MaxEntries [type FindPopularItemsRequestType] | Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call. |
ns:MaxEntries [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call. |
ns:MaxEntries [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies the maximum number of entries to be returned in a single call. |
ns:MaxEntries [type FindItemsRequestType] | Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call. |
ns:MaxEntries [type FindProductsRequestType] | Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call. |
ns:MaxKeywords [type FindPopularSearchesRequestType] | The maximum number of keywords to be retrieved per category for this call. |
ns:MaxResultsPerPage [type FindPopularSearchesRequestType] | Specifies the maximum number of PopularSearchResults per page in the returned list. |
ns:MaxResultsPerPage [type FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType] | Specifies the maximum number of reviews per page (not guides) in the returned list. |
ns:MessageID [type AbstractRequestType] | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
ns:MinimumToBid [type SimpleItemType] | Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be. |
ns:MinPrice [type HalfCatalogProductType] | The minimum price for all active items listed under this product. |
ns:Mission [type CharityType] | The stated mission of the nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:ModTimeFrom [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to active items whose status has changed since the specified time. |
ns:MoreResults [type FindProductsResponseType] | If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages. |
ns:MoreResults [type FindHalfProductsResponseType] | If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages. |
ns:MyWorldLargeImage [type SimpleUserType] | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (large version). |
ns:MyWorldSmallImage [type SimpleUserType] | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (small version). |
ns:MyWorldURL [type SimpleUserType] | A link to the URL of the user's MyWorld page. |
ns:Name [type NameValueListType] | The name of the item specific. |
ns:Name [type HistogramEntryType] | This is the domain name. |
ns:Name [type AddressType] | User's name for the address. |
ns:Name [type BuyingGuideType] | Display name of the buying guide. |
ns:NameValueList [type NameValueListArrayType] | This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure. |
ns:NegativeFeedbackPeriods [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Negative feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:NeutralCommentCountFromSuspendedUsers [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Number of neutral comments received from suspended users. |
ns:NeutralFeedbackPeriods [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Neutral feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:NewUser [type SimpleUserType] | If true, identifies a new user who has been a registered eBay user for 30 days or less. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType] | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindProductsResponseType] | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindProductsRequestType] | Specifies which page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindPopularSearchesResponseType] | Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items can be returned, this field has a value of one. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindPopularSearchesRequestType] | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindHalfProductsResponseType] | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items returned, this field has a value of 1. |
ns:PageNumber [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | Specifies which page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:PaymentAllowedSite [type SimpleItemType] | Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item. |
ns:PaymentMethod [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits results to items that accept a specific payment method or methods. |
ns:PaymentMethods [type SimpleItemType] | Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item. |
ns:PeriodInDays [type FeedbackPeriodType] | Indicates the time period for the feedback count. |
ns:Phone [type AddressType] | User's primary phone number. |
ns:Phone2AreaOrCityCode [type AddressType] | Area or City Code of a user's secondary phone number. |
ns:Phone2CountryPrefix [type AddressType] | Country prefix of a user's secondary phone number. |
ns:Phone2LocalNumber [type AddressType] | The local number portion of the user's secondary phone number. |
ns:PhoneAreaOrCityCode [type AddressType] | Area or City Code of a user's primary phone number. |
ns:PhoneCountryPrefix [type AddressType] | Country Prefix of the secondary phone number. |
ns:PhoneLocalNumber [type AddressType] | The local number portion of the user's primary phone number. |
ns:PictureExists [type SimpleItemType] | Returns true if the item has an associated picture. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:Pictures [type VariationsType] | Contains a set of pictures that correspond to one of the variation specifics, such as Color. |
ns:PictureURL [type SimpleItemType] | Contains the URL for an image associated with the item, if any. Returned only if the seller included at least one picture in their listing. |
ns:PictureURL [type VariationSpecificPictureSetType] | The URL of a picture that is associated with VariationSpecificValue. |
ns:PopularSearchResult [type FindPopularSearchesResponseType] | Returns most popular search words by category. |
ns:PositiveFeedbackPercent [type SimpleUserType] | A seller's positive feedback score. |
ns:PositiveFeedbackPeriods [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Positive feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:PositiveHelpfulnessVotes [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | Number of helpfulness votes if using user search. |
ns:PostalCode [type SimpleItemType] | Postal code indicating the physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PostalCode [type FindItemsRequestType] | Specifies the postal code where the buyer is located. |
ns:PostalCode [type AddressType] | User's postal code. |
ns:PostalCode [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | The postal code where the buyer is located. |
ns:PreferredLocation [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request. |
ns:PriceMax [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies the maximum current price an item can have to be included in the response. |
ns:PriceMin [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies the minimum current price an item listing can have to be included in the searches result set. |
ns:PrimaryCategoryID [type SimpleItemType] | Numeric ID of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryIDPath [type SimpleItemType] | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the first category. |
ns:PrimaryCategoryName [type SimpleItemType] | |
ns:Product [type HalfProductsType] | A set of Half.com catalog products. |
ns:Product [type FindProductsResponseType] | An eBay catalog product. |
ns:ProductID [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying. |
ns:ProductID [type FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType] | Use this to retrieve reviews (not guides) for one specific product. |
ns:ProductID [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | You can use this input field to search by ISBN, UPC, EAN, or eBay Product Reference ID, as in the following examples. To search using an ISBN, specify ProductID.Type=ISBN and set ProductID.Value to an ISBN value. To search using an eBay Product Reference ID, specify ProductID.Type=Reference and set ProductID.Value to an eBay Product Reference ID value. |
ns:ProductID [type HalfCatalogProductType] | The Half.com or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:ProductID [type SimpleItemType] | A prototype description of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book. |
ns:ProductID [type FindProductsRequestType] | Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. |
ns:ProductID [type CatalogProductType] | The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:ProductID [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:Products [type FindHalfProductsResponseType] | An set of Half.com catalog products. |
ns:ProductSearchURL [type FindHalfProductsResponseType] | A URL for product search results that corresponds to your search request. |
ns:ProductSort [type FindProductsRequestType] | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:ProductSort [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:ProductState [type CatalogProductType] | Indicates that the product has changed or will soon change (usually due to a migration from one catalog to another catalog). |
ns:Quantity [type SimpleItemType] | The number of items the seller is offering in the listing. (Subtract Item.QuantitySold from this value to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:Quantity [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to listings that offer a certain number of items matching the query. |
ns:Quantity [type VariationType] | The number of items available for sale that are associated with this variation. |
ns:QuantityOperator [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity. |
ns:QuantitySold [type SimpleItemType] | Number of items purchased so far from this listing. (Subtract this value from Item.Quantity to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:QuantitySold [type GetShippingCostsRequestType] | Number of items sold to a single buyer and to be shipped together. |
ns:QuantitySold [type VariationType] | Not used. See SellingStatus.QuantitySold instead. |
ns:QuantitySold [type SellingStatusType] | The number of items sold from this variation. |
ns:QueryKeywords [type FindProductsRequestType] | One or more keywords to search for. When you use a keyword search, eBay searches the product catalogs for matching words in the product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns a list of matching products, with no items. |
ns:QueryKeywords [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | One or more keywords to search for. |
ns:QueryKeywords [type FindItemsRequestType] | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:QueryKeywords [type FindPopularSearchesRequestType] | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:QueryKeywords [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:QueryKeywords [type PopularSearchesType] | Specifies which QueryKeywords corresponds to this PopularSearchResult. |
ns:QueryKeywords [type FindPopularItemsRequestType] | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:Rating [type AverageRatingDetailsType] | An average detailed seller rating applying to the area in the corresponding RatingDetail field. |
ns:Rating [type ReviewType] | The eBay member's rating of the product. |
ns:RatingCount [type AverageRatingDetailsType] | The number of detailed seller ratings in the area in the corresponding RatingDetail field. |
ns:RatingDetail [type AverageRatingDetailsType] | The area of a specific average detailed seller rating. |
ns:RecentListing [type SimpleItemType] | Returns true if the item listing is no more than one day old. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:Refund [type ReturnPolicyType] | Specifies how a refund will be made, e.g. as an exchange. |
ns:RegistrationDate [type SimpleUserType] | The date the specified user originally registered with eBay. |
ns:RegistrationSite [type SimpleUserType] | The eBay site with which the user is registered. |
ns:RelatedSearches [type PopularSearchesType] | Keywords related to the query keywords, separated by semicolons. |
ns:ReserveMet [type SimpleItemType] | Indicates whether any bids on this item are greater than the seller's reserve price for the listing (if any). |
ns:ResponseReplaced [type FeedbackDetailType] | Indicates whether eBay replaced the response with a message that the response was removed. |
ns:RestrictedToBusiness [type VATDetailsType] | If true, this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item exclusively to business users. If false (or not returned), this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item to all users. |
ns:ReturnPolicy [type SimpleItemType] | If a seller specified return policy details, then this container has fields with those details. |
ns:ReturnsAccepted [type ReturnPolicyType] | Information about returns accepted. |
ns:ReturnSearchResultOnDuplicates [type ExternalProductIDType] | Applicable for listing use cases only (not buy-side searching). |
ns:ReturnsWithin [type ReturnPolicyType] | Specifies the length of time in which the item must be returned under the return policy. |
ns:Review [type ReviewDetailsType] | An eBay member's review of the product. |
ns:ReviewCount [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | Number of returned reviews. |
ns:ReviewCount [type HalfCatalogProductType] | The total number of reviews that are available for this product on the Half.com Web site. |
ns:ReviewCount [type CatalogProductType] | The total number of reviews that are available for this product on the eBay Web site. |
ns:ReviewDetails [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | Contains information about review details. |
ns:ReviewerRank [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | Rank of reviewer if using user search. |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL [type SimpleUserType] | The URL of reviews and guides. |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | URL to the reviews and guides page. |
ns:ReviewSort [type FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType] | Include ReviewSort in your request if you want to sort by a parameter, such as CreationTime. |
ns:Role [type FeedbackDetailType] | Indicates whether the user who was the feedback recipient was a Buyer or the Seller for that transaction. |
ns:SalesTax [type ShippingDetailsType] | Sales tax details. US site only. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:SalesTaxAmount [type SalesTaxType] | (US only) The amount of sales tax, calculated for a transaction based on the SalesTaxPercent and pricing information. |
ns:SalesTaxPercent [type SalesTaxType] | Percent of an item's price to be charged as the sales tax for the transaction. |
ns:SalesTaxPercent [type TaxJurisdictionType] | The tax percent to apply for a listing shipped to this jurisdiction. |
ns:SalesTaxState [type SalesTaxType] | State or jurisdiction for which the sales tax is being collected. |
ns:SearchFlag [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Search for charity listings, free-shipping listings, and listings with other features. |
ns:SearchResult [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | Contains the returned item listings, if any. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryID [type SimpleItemType] | ID of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryIDPath [type SimpleItemType] | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the second category. For example, if the secondary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryName [type SimpleItemType] | Name of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:Seller [type SimpleItemType] | Container for information about this listing's seller. |
ns:SellerBusinessType [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Limits the results to those of a particular seller business type such as commercial or private. |
ns:SellerBusinessType [type SimpleUserType] | Type of seller account. |
ns:SellerComments [type SimpleItemType] | Notes that the Seller made when they listed the item. Not returned if the Seller did not make any comments. |
ns:SellerID [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerID [type FindItemsRequestType] | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerID [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerIDExclude [type FindItemsRequestType] | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. |
ns:SellerIDExclude [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. |
ns:SellerItemsURL [type SimpleUserType] | URL for seller's other items. |
ns:SellerLevel [type SimpleUserType] | The user's eBay PowerSeller tier. Possible values are enumerated in the SellerLevelCodeType code list. |
ns:SellingStatus [type VariationType] | Contains the variation's current price and quantity sold. Always returned when variations are present. |
ns:SeverityCode [type ErrorType] | Indicates whether the error caused the request to fail. |
ns:ShippingCostPaidBy [type ReturnPolicyType] | The party who pays the cost of shipping for a returned item. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary [type SimpleItemType] | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary [type GetShippingCostsResponseType] | Shipping-related details for the specified item. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary [type HalfCatalogProductType] | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:ShippingDetails [type GetShippingCostsResponseType] | Shipping-related details for the specified item. |
ns:ShippingIncludedInTax [type TaxJurisdictionType] | Whether shipping costs are to be part of the base amount that is taxed. |
ns:ShippingIncludedInTax [type SalesTaxType] | (US only) Whether shipping costs were part of the base amount that was taxed. Flat or calculated shipping. |
ns:ShippingInsuranceCost [type InternationalShippingServiceOptionType] | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ns:ShippingInsuranceCost [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ns:ShippingLocation [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | ShippingLocation should be used together with PostalCode for shipping cost calculations. |
ns:ShippingPostalCode [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | This postal code is for international shipping cost calculations. |
ns:ShippingRateErrorMessage [type ShippingDetailsType] | For most applicable calls, returns the words No Error or returns an error message related to an attempt to calculate shipping rates. |
ns:ShippingServiceAdditionalCost [type InternationalShippingServiceOptionType] | Cost of shipping each additional item beyond the first item. |
ns:ShippingServiceAdditionalCost [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | The cost of shipping each additional item beyond the first item. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost [type ShippingCostSummaryType] | The basic shipping cost of the item. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost [type InternationalShippingServiceOptionType] | The basic shipping cost of the item. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | The meaning of this element depends on the call and on whether flat or calculated shipping has been selected. (For example, it could be the cost to ship a single item, the cost to ship all items, or the cost to ship just the first of many items, with ShippingServiceAdditionalCost accounting for the rest.) |
ns:ShippingServiceName [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | A domestic shipping service offered for shipping the item (for example, UPS Ground). |
ns:ShippingServiceName [type ShippingCostSummaryType] | The name of a shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceName [type InternationalShippingServiceOptionType] | An international shipping service offered for shipping the item (for example, UPS Ground). For flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ShippingServiceOption [type ShippingDetailsType] | Shipping costs and options related to domestic shipping services offered by the seller. |
ns:ShippingServicePriority [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | Seller-preferred presentation order relative to other service options. |
ns:ShippingServicePriority [type InternationalShippingServiceOptionType] | Seller-preferred presentation order relative to other service options. |
ns:ShippingSurcharge [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | An additional fee to charge US buyers who ship via UPS to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. |
ns:ShippingTimeMax [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | The maximum guaranteed number of days the shipping carrier will take to ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
ns:ShippingTimeMin [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | The minimum guaranteed number of days in which the shipping carrier can ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
ns:ShippingType [type ShippingCostSummaryType] | How the seller stated that cost of shipping is to be determined, such as flat rate or calculated. |
ns:ShipsTo [type ShippingServiceOptionType] | An international location or region to which the item may be shipped via this particular shipping service. |
ns:ShipsTo [type InternationalShippingServiceOptionType] | An international location or region to which the item may be shipped via this particular shipping service. |
ns:ShipToLocations [type SimpleItemType] | An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship this item. |
ns:ShortMessage [type ErrorType] | A brief description of the condition that raised the error. |
ns:Site [type SimpleItemType] | The name of the eBay site on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany. |
ns:SKU [type VariationType] | An SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identifier defined by a seller. |
ns:SortOrder [type FindItemsRequestType] | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort. |
ns:SortOrder [type FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType] | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ReviewsSort. |
ns:SortOrder [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort. |
ns:SortOrder [type FindProductsRequestType] | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order. Only applicable with ProductSort. |
ns:SortOrder [type FindHalfProductsRequestType] | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:StartPrice [type VariationType] | The fixed price of all items identified by this variation. For example, a "Blue, Large" variation price could be USD 10.00, and a "Black, Medium" variation price could be USD 5.00. |
ns:StartTime [type SimpleItemType] | Time stamp (in GMT) that eBay recorded as the moment that the listing was made available. |
ns:StateOrProvince [type AddressType] | The region of the user's address. |
ns:Status [type SimpleUserType] | The registration-related status of the user. |
ns:Status [type CharityType] | The status of the nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:StockPhotoURL [type HalfCatalogProductType] | Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the Half.com catalog product. |
ns:StockPhotoURL [type CatalogProductType] | Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the eBay catalog product. |
ns:Storefront [type SimpleItemType] | Returns the seller's store information if the seller has an eBay store. |
ns:StoreName [type SimpleUserType] | The name of the seller's eBay Store. |
ns:StoreName [type StorefrontType] | The name of the seller's eBay Store. |
ns:StoreName [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | |
ns:StoreSearch [type FindItemsAdvancedRequestType] | Specifies the type of store search used for filtering results. |
ns:StoreURL [type SimpleUserType] | The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. |
ns:StoreURL [type StorefrontType] | The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. |
ns:Street [type AddressType] | A concatenation of Street1 and Street2, primarily for RegistrationAddress. |
ns:Street1 [type AddressType] | Line 1 of the user's street address. |
ns:Street2 [type AddressType] | Line 2 of the user's address (such as an apartment number). |
ns:Subtitle [type SimpleItemType] | Subtitle of the item. |
ns:TaxJurisdiction [type TaxTableType] | Sales tax details for zero or more jurisdictions (states, provinces, etc). |
ns:TaxTable [type ShippingDetailsType] | Tax details for a jurisdiction such as a state or province. |
ns:TermsAndConditions [type BusinessSellerDetailsType] | Displays the TermsAndConditions of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:Text [type BuyingGuideType] | The text of the guide. If the guide is longer than 2000 characters, the text is cut off and it ends with "...". |
ns:Text [type ReviewType] | The text of the review. If the review is longer than 2000 characters, the text is cut off and it ends with "...". |
ns:TimeLeft [type SimpleItemType] | Time left before the listing ends. |
ns:Timestamp [type AbstractResponseType] | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Title [type HalfCatalogProductType] | The title of the product, as specified in the catalog. |
ns:Title [type SimpleItemType] | Name of the item as it appears in the listing or in search and browse results. |
ns:Title [type ReviewType] | The title of the review. |
ns:Title [type BuyingGuideType] | The title of the buying guide. |
ns:Title [type CatalogProductType] | The title of the product, as specified in the catalog. |
ns:TopRatedSeller [type SimpleUserType] | Returned when seller is certified as a top-rated seller, and is qualified for benefits such as final value fee discount and increased visibility in fixed-price searches. |
ns:TotalFeedbackPeriods [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Total feedback score, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:TotalHelpfulnessVotes [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | Number of helpfulness votes if using user search. |
ns:TotalInternationalExpansionItems [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | Total item count for an international expansion of the search. |
ns:TotalItems [type FindItemsResponseType] | Indicates the total number of items on eBay that match the query. |
ns:TotalItems [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | Indicates the total number of items that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:TotalPages [type FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType] | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:TotalPages [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:TotalPages [type FindPopularSearchesResponseType] | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:TotalProducts [type FindHalfProductsResponseType] | The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.) |
ns:TotalProducts [type FindProductsResponseType] | The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.) |
ns:TotalStoresExpansionItems [type FindItemsAdvancedResponseType] | Total item count for a store expansion of the search. |
ns:TradeRegistrationNumber [type BusinessSellerDetailsType] | Displays the TradeRegistrationNumber of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:TransactionID [type FeedbackDetailType] | Unique identifier for the transaction about which this feedback entry was left. |
ns:Type [type ExternalProductIDType] | The kind of identifier being used. The choices listed are for requests, are are required if Value is specified. For Half.com listing use cases, only ISBN, UPC, and EAN are supported. |
ns:UniqueNegativeFeedbackCount [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Total number of negative Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
ns:UniqueNeutralFeedbackCount [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Total number of neutral Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
ns:UniquePositiveFeedbackCount [type FeedbackHistoryType] | Total number of positive Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
ns:UpdateTime [type GetCategoryInfoResponseType] | Indicates the last date and time that eBay modified the category hierarchy for the specified eBay site. |
ns:URL [type ReviewType] | |
ns:URL [type BuyingGuideType] | URL for the buying guide. |
ns:User [type GetUserProfileResponseType] | Contains the returned user data for the specified eBay user. |
ns:UserAnonymized [type SimpleUserType] | Indicates whether eBay has made this user's information anonymous. |
ns:UserDisplayHint [type ErrorType] | This field is not currently in use for eBay Shopping Web Services. |
ns:UserID [type GetUserProfileRequestType] | Specifies the user whose data will returned by the call. |
ns:UserID [type SimpleUserType] | The user's unique eBay user ID. |
ns:UserID [type FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType] | Retrieves reviews and guides written by the specified user. |
ns:UserID [type ReviewType] | The reviewer's eBay user ID. |
ns:UserID [type BuyingGuideType] | The author's eBay user ID. |
ns:Value [type ErrorParameterType] | The value of the variable. |
ns:Value [type NameValueListType] | A value for the item specific. This field is only returned in responses if the seller included a value for an item specific. In the GetSingleItem response, this field is always returned for each item specific that is returned (if any). However, if the seller didn't select a value for the item specific, this field may return empty, or it may return a value like "-", "Not Selected", or "Unspecified" (or the equivalent in the language of the site). For the item condition, this usually includes the word "New" or "Used" for eBay US, UK, Australia, and India listings; and "Neu" or "Gebraucht" for eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland listings. |
ns:Value [type ExternalProductIDType] | An industry-standard value that uniquely identifies the product. |
ns:Variation [type VariationsType] | Contains data that distinguishes one variation from another. For example, if the items vary by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes. |
ns:Variations [type SimpleItemType] | Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). |
ns:VariationSKU [type GetSingleItemRequestType] | Variation-level SKU that uniquely identifes a variation within the listing identified by ItemID. |
ns:VariationSpecificName [type PicturesType] | One aspect of the variations that will be illustrated in the pictures for all variations. For example, if each variation is visually distinguished by color and the pictures show the different colors available, then specify "Color" as the name. |
ns:VariationSpecificPictureSet [type PicturesType] | One or more pictures that help buyers distinguish the Variations. |
ns:VariationSpecifics [type GetSingleItemRequestType] | Name-value pairs that identify one or more variations within the listing identified by ItemID. |
ns:VariationSpecifics [type VariationType] | A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. |
ns:VariationSpecificsSet [type VariationsType] | A list of all variation names and values that are defined on the item. |
ns:VariationSpecificValue [type VariationSpecificPictureSetType] | A value that is associated with VariationSpecificName. For example, suppose this set of pictures is showing blue shirts, and some of the variations include Color=Blue in their variation specifics. If VariationSpecificName is "Color", then VariationSpecificValue would be "Blue". |
ns:VATDetails [type BusinessSellerDetailsType] | Displays the VATDetails of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:VATID [type VATDetailsType] | Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:VATPercent [type VATDetailsType] | VAT rate for the item, if any. |
ns:VATSite [type VATDetailsType] | Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:Version [type AbstractResponseType] | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch [type SimpleItemType] | |
ns:WarrantyDuration [type ReturnPolicyType] | The length of the warranty offered. |
ns:WarrantyOffered [type ReturnPolicyType] | Information about the warranty offered. |
ns:WarrantyType [type ReturnPolicyType] | The type of warranty offered. |
ns:WatchCount [type SimpleItemType] | Number of users who have placed the item on their Watch list. |
A link to the user's AboutMe page.
Type xs:anyURI
Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay.
Type ns:AckCodeType
Value | Description |
Success | (out) Request processing succeeded |
Failure | (out) Request processing failed |
Warning | (out) Request processing completed with warning information being included in the response message |
PartialFailure | (out) Request processing completed with some failures. See the Errors data to determine which portions of the request failed. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Displays the AdditionalContactInformation of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
Displays the Address of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type ns:AddressType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Name | xs:string | User's name for the address. |
ns:Street | xs:string | A concatenation of Street1 and Street2, primarily for RegistrationAddress. |
ns:Street1 | xs:string | Line 1 of the user's street address. |
ns:Street2 | xs:string | Line 2 of the user's address (such as an apartment number). |
ns:CityName | xs:string | The name of the user's city. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders). |
ns:County | xs:string | County information for the user. |
ns:StateOrProvince | xs:string | The region of the user's address. |
ns:CountryName | xs:string | The name of the user's country. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders). |
ns:Phone | xs:string | User's primary phone number. |
ns:PhoneCountryPrefix | xs:string | Country Prefix of the secondary phone number. |
ns:PhoneAreaOrCityCode | xs:string | Area or City Code of a user's primary phone number. |
ns:PhoneLocalNumber | xs:string | The local number portion of the user's primary phone number. |
ns:Phone2CountryPrefix | xs:string | Country prefix of a user's secondary phone number. |
ns:Phone2AreaOrCityCode | xs:string | Area or City Code of a user's secondary phone number. |
ns:Phone2LocalNumber | xs:string | The local number portion of the user's secondary phone number. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | User's postal code. |
ns:AddressID | xs:string | ID assigned to the address in the eBay database. For GetOrders, applies only to Half.com. |
ns:ExternalAddressID | xs:string | ID assigned to the address by the owner of the address (fitting only if the address is owned by PayPal; see AddressOwner). |
ns:InternationalName | xs:string | Seller's international name that is associated with the payment address. |
ns:InternationalStateAndCity | xs:string | International state and city for the seller's payment address. |
ns:InternationalStreet | xs:string | Seller's international street address that is associated with the payment address. |
ns:CompanyName | xs:string | User's company name. |
ns:FirstName | xs:string | Displays the first name of the seller (in a business card format) if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:LastName | xs:string | Displays the last name of the seller (in a business card format) if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
any |
ID assigned to the address in the eBay database. For GetOrders, applies only to Half.com.
Type xs:string
An industry-standard value that provides an alternate identification for the product, if any.
Type xs:string
Currently, this only returns an alternate ISBN value. If the catalog defines both an ISBN-13 and ISBN-10, then the ISBN-13 is returned in Value and the ISBN-10 is returned in AlternateValue. (That is, the ISBN-13 is considered to be the preferred identifier.) If the catalog only defines one ISBN, it is returned in Value (and AlternateValue is not returned). Please note that some catalogs return ISBN values that are not 10 or 13 characters, and some values contain non-alphanumeric symbols (e.g., $).
Alternative search keywords for the query keywords, separated by semicolons.
Type xs:string
You can use this to find other search terms buyers and sellers may be interested in. For example, if a seller lists an item with "wedding" in the title, they may also be interested in adding "bridal" to the title because bridal is an alternative search keyword which buyers have used.
The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request.
Type xs:int
As FindHalfProducts only returns up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically 2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the request).
The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request.
Type xs:int
As FindProducts only returns up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically 2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the request).
If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or not specified), immediate payment is not requested.
Type xs:boolean
Buyers must have a PayPal account to purchase items that require immediate payment.
A seller can choose to require immediate payment for Fixed Price and Buy It Now listings, including eBay Stores Inventory listings. If a Buy It Now item ends as an auction (that is, if the Buy It Now option is removed due to bids being placed on the listing), the immediate payment requirement does not apply.
Note: The value of the AutoPay flag indicates the seller's stated preference only. It does not indicate whether the listing is still a candidate for purchase via immediate payment. For example, if a listing receives bids and no longer qualifies for immediate payment, the value of the AutoPay flag does not change.
Only applicable to items listed on PayPal-enabled sites and in categories that support immediate payment. Not applicable to Half.com.
If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the specified eBay site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query.
Type xs:boolean
This is useful when you use QueryKeywords and you only want to find products that have associated items (that is, where ItemArray would not beempty).
This does not retrieve ItemArray; this only controls which products are returned (or counted). To retrieve ItemArray, pass Items in IncludeSelector.
If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the Half.com site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query.
Type xs:boolean
This is useful when you use QueryKeywords and you only want to find products that have associated items (that is, where ItemArray would not be empty).
By default, AvailableItemsOnly does not retrieve an ItemArray; it only controls which products are returned (or counted). When you use QueryKeywords in your request, only products are returned, ItemArray is never returned. To retrieve an ItemArray, use a ProductID in your request instead of a QueryKeyword and specify Items in the IncludeSelector field.
The product's average rating (out of 5) based on all reviews. For example, a value like 4.5 would mean the average rating is 4.5 out of 5. (See ReviewCount for the total number of reviews.)
Type xs:float
Container for information about detailed seller ratings (DSRs) that buyers have left for a seller.
Type ns:AverageRatingDetailsType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:RatingDetail | ns:FeedbackRatingDetailCodeType | The area of a specific average detailed seller rating. |
ns:Rating | xs:double | An average detailed seller rating applying to the area in the corresponding RatingDetail field. |
ns:RatingCount | xs:long | The number of detailed seller ratings in the area in the corresponding RatingDetail field. |
any |
Sellers have access to the number of ratings they've received, as well as to the averages of DSRs they've received in each DSR area (i.e., to the average of ratings in the item-description area, etc.).
Whether the seller will accept a best offer for this item.
Type xs:boolean
This feature enables a buyer to make a lower-priced binding offer on a fixed price item. Buyers can't see how many offers have been made (only the seller can see this information). To make a best offer on a listing, use the eBay Web site.
The number of bids that have been placed on the item.
Type xs:int
On most sites, the Buy It Now Option becomes unavailable once an auction has a valid bid. Note that the bid must be above any reserve price.
Limits the results to items with a maximum number of bids.
Type xs:int
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
Limits the results to items with a minimum number of bids.
Type xs:int
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
Bid retractions count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:PeriodInDays | xs:int | Indicates the time period for the feedback count. |
ns:Count | xs:long | Count of the feedbacks received by the user for the time period prior to the call indicated in PeriodInDays. |
any |
This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response.
Type xs:string
This includes the version number plus additional information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information when helping you resolve technical issues.
If true, this indicates that the seller is a business user and intends to use listing features that are offered to business users only.
Type xs:boolean
Applicable only to business sellers residing in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland who are listing in a B2B VAT- enabled category on the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), or Switzerland (CH) sites. The seller must have a valid VAT ID registered with eBay. This must be set to true if RestrictedToBusiness is true. It has no effect (and it's not returned) if RestrictedToBusiness is false. If an item was not qualified as a business item when originally listed, but meets the conditions for business items when the item is revised or relisted, the seller can convert the item to a business item by specifying the appropriate VAT details. See the eBay Web Services guide for more information and additional rules.
Returns the seller's business information.
Type ns:BusinessSellerDetailsType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Address | ns:AddressType | Displays the Address of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:Fax | xs:string | Displays the fax number of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:Email | xs:string | Displays the email address of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:AdditionalContactInformation | xs:string | Displays the AdditionalContactInformation of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:TradeRegistrationNumber | xs:string | Displays the TradeRegistrationNumber of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:LegalInvoice | xs:boolean | Displays the LegalInvoice of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:TermsAndConditions | xs:string | Displays the TermsAndConditions of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:VATDetails | ns:VATDetailsType | Displays the VATDetails of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
any |
Set the SellerBusinessCodeType to 'Commercial' in the request to return the related information. This is only applicable for sites where Business Seller options are supported.
Information that identifies a buying guide.
Type ns:BuyingGuideType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Name | xs:string | Display name of the buying guide. |
ns:URL | xs:anyURI | URL for the buying guide. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Identifies the category (if any) that is associated with the buying guide. |
ns:Title | xs:string | The title of the buying guide. |
ns:Text | xs:string | The text of the guide. If the guide is longer than 2000 characters, the text is cut off and it ends with "...". |
ns:CreationTime | xs:dateTime | The time and date when the guide was posted. |
ns:UserID | xs:string | The author's eBay user ID. |
any |
A buying guide contains content about particular product areas, categories, or subjects to help buyers decide which type of item to purchase based on their particular interests. Buying guides are useful to buyers who do not have a specific product in mind. For example, a digital camera buying guide could help a buyer determine what kind of digital camera is right for them.
Number of returned buying guides.
Type xs:int
Contains information for up to 5 buying guides that match the query.
Type ns:BuyingGuideDetailsType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BuyingGuide | ns:BuyingGuideType | Information that identifies a buying guide. |
ns:BuyingGuideHub | xs:anyURI | URL of the buying guide home page for the site being searched. |
any |
Buying guides provide useful information about shopping in a particular domain, like Digital Cameras. For example, a digital camera buying guide could help a buyer determine what kind of digital camera is right for them. If no buying guides are associated with the product, this only returns a link to the buying guide hub (the main Guides page). Count limited by MaxResultsPerPage in request.
URL of the buying guide home page for the site being searched.
Type xs:anyURI
Your application can present this URL as a link. Optionally, you can use a value like "See all buying guides" as the link's display name.
Indicates whether the item has an active Buy It Now option.
Type xs:boolean
On most sites, the Buy It Now option is disabled once a valid bid for the item has been accepted. To see if the item was listed with a Buy It Now option, see if the response includes Item.BuyItNowPrice.
This field is returned only if the value is true.
The Buy It Now price of the item, returned in the currency of the site on which the item was listed.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
For Chinese auctions (competitive bidding online auctions), Buy It Now lets a user purchase the item at a fixed price and end the auction immediately. On most sites, after a Chinese auction has bids, the listing is no longer eligible for Buy It Now. However, calls like FindItems will return BuyItNowPrice if the seller originally listed the item with a Buy It Now option. Use the Item.BidCount field to determine whether an auction with Buy It Now has bids or not, and use Item.BuyItNowAvailable to see if the Buy It Now option is still available.
Price fields are returned as doubles, not necessarily in the traditional monetary format of the site's country. For example, a US Dollar value might be returned as 3.880001 instead of 3.88.
Some eBay sites also support multi-item Buy It Now items, where you can buy multiple items from the same listing at a fixed price (instead of bidding).
Note: As of version 619, Dutch-style (multi-item) competitive-bid auctions are deprecated. eBay throws an error if you submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the Quantity value to 1.
For fixed-price (FixedPriceItem) and Store Inventory listings (StoresFixedPrice), see CurrentPrice or ConvertedCurrentPrice instead.
Returned only if an item was listed with a Buy It Now option.
Contains details about a category.
Type ns:CategoryType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | The numeric ID of a category on eBay. |
ns:CategoryLevel | xs:int | The level where the category fits in the site's category hierarchy. For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is 2 levels below the root category. |
ns:CategoryName | xs:string | Display name of the category as it would appear on the eBay Web site. |
ns:CategoryParentID | xs:string | Category ID identifying a category that is an ancestor of the category indicated in CategoryID. |
ns:CategoryParentName | xs:string | Display name of the category indicated in CategoryParentID. |
ns:ItemCount | xs:int | The total quantity of matching items in the category. |
ns:CategoryNamePath | xs:string | |
ns:CategoryIDPath | xs:string | |
ns:LeafCategory | xs:boolean | If true, indicates that the category indicated in CategoryID is a leaf category, in which items may be listed (if the category is not also expired or virtual). |
any |
List of the returned categories.
Type ns:CategoryArrayType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Category | ns:CategoryType | Contains details about a category. |
The category array contains one CategoryType object for each returned category. Returns empty if no detail level is specified.
Indicates the number of categories returned (i.e., the number of CategoryType objects in CategoryArray).
Type xs:int
Category ID breadcrumb.
Type xs:string
Returned when the request has BestMatchCategoryGroup specified as the ItemSort value. Used in building a category-browsing path, i.e. a path of "breadcrumbs" (e.g., 58058 > 3516 > 3522).
Item count of the category.
Type xs:int
Returned when the request has BestMatchCategoryGroup specified as the ItemSort value.
Type xs:string
Statistical (histogram) information about categories that contain items that match the query, if any.
Type ns:CategoryArrayType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Category | ns:CategoryType | Contains details about a category. |
For categories associated with specific items, see items returned in each search result. Shows the distribution of items across each category. Not returned if there is no match.
Maximum number of matching subcategories to return at each level of the category hierarchy below the root level.
Type xs:int
If you specify this field along with a category ID, then the response will contain child categories of the category ID you specify and subcategories for each child category.
Maximum number of matching categories to return at the highest level (root level) of the category hierarchy (level 1).
Type xs:int
If you specify this field along with a category ID, then the response will contain child categories of the category ID you specify and subcategories for each child category.
Include a Category ID number in your request to restrict your query to a specific category.
Type xs:string
Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta categories.
Type xs:string
You can determine other CategoryIDs from the response from this call, or from a specific item (retrieved from another call like FindItemsAdvanced or GetSingleItem), or from the eBay website.
Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category.
Type xs:string
If the specified category ID doesn't match an existing category for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned. To determine valid categories:
Use the CategoryHistogram value in the IncludeSelector field to retrieve matching categories. Then make another FindItemsAdvanced call with the ID of a matching category.
FindItemsAdvanced requires that you specify at least one of the following: QueryKeywords, CategoryID, ProductID, or SellerID. CategoryID can be used in combination with QueryKeywords. If you pass CategoryID without QueryKeywords, CategoryID must be a leaf category ID. That is, it cannot be a root-level ID.
Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category.
Type xs:string
Up to 10 categories may be specified. If you are using a URL, and you want to specify more than one CategoryID, separate the values with a comma. For example, to specify Fiction Books and Children's Books, specify CategoryID=377,279.
If the specified category ID doesn't match an existing category for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned. To determine valid categories:
Use the FindItemsAdvanced CategoryHistogram value in the IncludeSelector field to retrieve matching categories. Then make another FindItemsAdvanced call with the ID of a matching category.
CategoryID can be used in combination with QueryKeywords and CategoryIDExclude. To retrieve the most popular items across all categorys, do not submit a CategoryID.
Numeric ID of a category on eBay.
Type xs:string
The numeric ID of a category on eBay.
Type xs:string
Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta categories. You can determine other CategoryIDs from the response from this call, or from a specific item (retrieved from another call like FindItemsAdvanced or GetSingleItem), or from the eBay website.
Identifies the category (if any) that is associated with the buying guide.
Type xs:string
For FindReviewsAndGuides, this can be a category that is higher or lower in the hierarchy than the category specified in the request. For a matching categories search, you can use this information to determine the order that the buying guides are returned in when multiple guides are found. Optionally, you can use this information to determine where to present the buying guide link in your application.
Specify a single CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific Guide category.
Type xs:string
If the specified category ID doesn't match an existing category for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned. To determine valid categories:
Use the FindItemsAdvanced CategoryHistogram value in the IncludeSelector field to retrieve matching categories. Then make another FindReviewsAndGuides call with the ID of a matching category.
CategoryID can be used in combination with UserID to return Reviews and Guides. ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together.
Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category.
Type xs:string
Up to 10 categories may be specified If you are using a URL, and you want to specify multiple values, use a comma. For example, if you want to specify Fiction Books and Children's Books, specify CategoryID=377,279.
If the specified category ID doesn't match an existing category for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned. To determine valid categories:
Use the FindItemsAdvanced CategoryHistogram value in the IncludeSelector field to retrieve matching categories. Then make another FindItemsAdvanced call with the ID of a matching category.
CategoryID can be used in combination with QueryKeywords and IncludeChildCategories. When IncludeChildCategories is true and used in conjunction with CategoryID, one and only one CategoryID is allowed. Otherwise, up to 10 CategoryIDs are allowed. To retrieve the most popular keywords for a root category, set one of the CategoryIDs to -1 or do not include CategoryID in the Request.
Specify a CategoryIDExclude value in your request if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items that belong to the specified category.
Type xs:string
CategoryIDExclude is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, you can separate multiple values with a comma. For example, if you want to specify Records and SuperAudio CDs, specify CategoryIDExclude=306,46354.
If you use CategoryIDExclude, it must be used along with either QueryKeywords, CategoryID, ProductID, or SellerID. You do not need to use the CategoryIDExclude input field every time you use the CategoryID input field.
Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the popular items returned do not include items that belong to a specific category.
Type xs:string
CategoryIDExclude is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, you can separate multiple values with a comma. For example, if you want to specify Records and SuperAudio CDs, specify CategoryIDExclude=306,46354.
If you use CategoryIDExclude, it must be used in with QueryKeywords or CategoryID. The CategoryIDExclude input field need not be used if you specified the CategoryID input field.
Type xs:string
The level where the category fits in the site's category hierarchy. For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is 2 levels below the root category.
Type xs:int
Note that the value of CategoryLevel will always be 1 level below the level of the requested category. To retrieve a category's children, pass its CategoryID back into the request.
In the FindItemsAdvanced response, ItemCount indicates the total quantity of matching items in the category.
In the FindItemsAdvanced response, sibling categories (i.e., matching categories at the same level) are sorted by ItemCount, descending order.
Display name of the category as it would appear on the eBay Web site.
Type xs:string
Category Name identifying the name of current CategoryID.
Type xs:string
Type xs:string
Category ID identifying a category that is an ancestor of the category indicated in CategoryID.
Type xs:string
Category ID identifying a category that is the parent category of the category indicated in the request.
Type xs:string
The name of category which is a parent category to the CategoryID specified in the request.
Type xs:string
Display name of the category indicated in CategoryParentID.
Type xs:string
Indicates the version of the category hierarchy on the specified eBay site.
Type xs:string
Identifier for a Giving Works listing and the benefiting nonprofit charity organization.
Type ns:CharityType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CharityID | xs:string | A unique identification number assigned by eBay to registered nonprofit charity organizations. |
ns:CharityName | xs:string | The name of the benefiting nonprofit charity organization selected by the charity seller. |
ns:CharityNumber | xs:int | A unique identification number assigned to a nonprofit charity organization by the dedicated provider of eBay Giving Works. |
ns:DonationPercent | xs:float | The percentage of the purchase price that the seller chooses to donate to the selected nonprofit organization. |
ns:Mission | xs:string | The stated mission of the nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:LogoURL | xs:string | The URL of the nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:CharityListing | xs:boolean | If true, indicates that the seller has chosen to use eBay Giving Works to donate a percentage of the item's purchase price to a selected nonprofit organization. |
ns:Status | ns:CharityStatusCodeType | The status of the nonprofit charity organization. |
any |
Limits results to items that support the specified nonprofit charity organization.
Type xs:int
A unique identification number assigned by eBay to registered nonprofit charity organizations.
Type xs:string
If true, indicates that the seller has chosen to use eBay Giving Works to donate a percentage of the item's purchase price to a selected nonprofit organization.
Type xs:boolean
The name of the benefiting nonprofit charity organization selected by the charity seller.
Type xs:string
A unique identification number assigned to a nonprofit charity organization by the dedicated provider of eBay Giving Works.
Type xs:int
Being superseded by CharityID. Max 10 digits.
The name of the user's city. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
Type xs:string
Italy site (site ID 101) only. Contains the cost of cash-on-delivery shipping.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
eBay user ID for the user who left the feedback.
Type xs:string
Feedback score of the user in CommentingUser.
Type xs:int
Indicates whether eBay replaced the comment with a message that the comment was removed.
Type xs:boolean
Text message left by the user in CommentingUser.
Type xs:string
Used to provide a more in-depth description of the user's opinion of the transaction. Returned as text in the language that the comment was originally left in.
Date and time (in GMT) that the feedback was submitted to eBay.
Type xs:dateTime
Type of feedback.
Value | Description |
Positive | Positive feedback. Increases total feedback score. |
Neutral | Neutral feedback. No effect on total feedback score. |
Negative | Negative feedback. Decreases total feedback score. |
Withdrawn | Withdrawn feedback. Removes the effect of the original feedback on total feedback score. Comments from withdrawn feedback are still visible. |
IndependentlyWithdrawn | Applies to the eBay Motors site only. Feedback is withdrawn based on the decision of a third party. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use. |
Can be Positive, Neutral, Negative, or Withdrawn (see the CommentTypeCodeType code list). Positive feedbacks add to the user's total feedback score, negative feedbacks lower the score, and neutral feedbacks do not affect the score (but do affect the overall picture of the user's online reputation).
User's company name.
Type xs:string
Only returned if available. Not applicable to Half.com.
Limits the results to new OR used items (exclusive, not both), plus items that have no condition specified.
Value | Description |
New | The seller specified the Item Condition as New, or did not specify a condition. (Excludes items that the seller listed as Used.) |
Used | The seller specified the Item Condition as Used, or did not specify a condition. (Excludes items that the seller listed as New.) |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
Matches the new or used condition that the seller specified in the Item Specifics section of the listing. (That is, this won't specifically match on items where the seller only put the word "New" in the listing's title.)
Only applicable to the following sites: United Kingdom (UK, site ID 3), Australia (AU, site ID 15), Germany (DE, site ID 77), and India (IN, site ID 203).
The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Price fields are returned as doubles, not necessarily in the traditional monetary format of the site's country. For example, a US Dollar value might be returned as 3.880001 instead of 3.88.
Some eBay sites also support multi-item Buy It Now auctions, where you can buy multiple items from the same listing at a fixed price. See Item.BuyItNowAvailable.
For fixed-price (FixedPriceItem) and Store Inventory listings (StoresFixedPrice), see CurrentPrice or ConvertedCurrentPrice instead.
Returned only if an item was listed with a Buy It Now option.
For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates (if this value has been converted).
Not used. See Item.ConvertedCurrentPrice.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Price fields are returned as doubles, not necessarily in the traditional monetary format of the site's country. For example, a US Dollar value might be returned as 3.880001 instead of 3.88.
Some eBay sites also support multi-item Buy It Now auctions, where you can buy multiple items from the same listing at a fixed price. See Item.BuyItNowAvailable.
For fixed-price (FixedPriceItem) and Store Inventory listings (StoresFixedPrice), see CurrentPrice or ConvertedCurrentPrice instead.
Returned only if an item was listed with a Buy It Now option.
For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates (if this value has been converted).
If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response.
Type xs:string
You can use this for tracking that a response is returned for every request and to match particular responses to particular requests. Only returned if MessageID was used.
Count of the feedbacks received by the user for the time period prior to the call indicated in PeriodInDays.
Type xs:long
This is the number of products found in the domain.
Type xs:int
If a product is mapped to more than one domain, it is counted separately for each domain. (For example, if the same product name appears in both Children's Books and Fiction Books, the count for both of these domains will include that product.) This means you cannot sum the product counts to determine the total number of matching products across all domains. The histogram is only intended to show the number of matching products in each individual domain.
Specifies if a user's feedback score is or is not countable.
Type xs:boolean
This field is returned only when a user's feedback score is not countable (value is false).
Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item is located.
Type ns:CountryCodeType
Value | Description |
AF | |
AL | |
DZ | |
AS | |
AD | |
AO | |
AI | |
AQ | |
AG | |
AR | |
AM | |
AW | |
AU | |
AT | |
AZ | |
BS | |
BH | |
BD | |
BB | |
BY | |
BE | |
BZ | |
BJ | |
BM | |
BT | |
BO | |
BA | |
BW | |
BV | |
BR | |
IO | |
BN | |
BG | |
BF | |
BI | |
KH | |
CM | |
CA | |
CV | |
KY | |
CF | |
TD | |
CL | |
CN | |
CX | |
CC | |
CO | |
KM | |
CG | |
CD | |
CK | |
CR | |
CI | |
HR | |
CU | |
CY | |
CZ | |
DK | |
DJ | |
DM | |
DO | |
TP | |
EC | |
EG | |
SV | |
GQ | |
ER | |
EE | |
ET | |
FK | |
FO | |
FJ | |
FI | |
FR | |
GF | |
PF | French Polynesia. Includes Tahiti. |
TF | |
GA | |
GM | |
GE | |
DE | |
GH | |
GI | |
GR | |
GL | |
GD | |
GP | |
GU | |
GT | |
GN | |
GW | |
GY | |
HT | |
HM | |
VA | |
HN | |
HK | |
HU | |
IS | |
IN | |
ID | |
IR | |
IQ | |
IE | |
IL | |
IT | |
JM | |
JP | |
JO | |
KZ | |
KE | |
KI | |
KP | |
KR | |
KW | |
KG | |
LA | |
LV | |
LB | |
LS | |
LR | |
LY | |
LI | |
LT | |
LU | |
MO | |
MK | |
MG | |
MW | |
MY | |
MV | |
ML | |
MT | |
MH | |
MQ | |
MR | |
MU | |
YT | |
MX | |
FM | |
MD | |
MC | |
MN | |
MS | |
MA | |
MZ | |
MM | |
NA | |
NR | |
NP | |
NL | |
AN | |
NC | |
NZ | |
NI | |
NE | |
NG | |
NU | |
NF | |
MP | |
NO | |
OM | |
PK | |
PW | |
PS | |
PA | |
PG | |
PY | |
PE | |
PH | |
PN | |
PL | |
PT | |
PR | |
QA | |
RE | |
RO | |
RU | |
RW | |
SH | |
KN | |
LC | |
PM | |
VC | |
WS | |
SM | |
ST | |
SA | |
SN | |
SC | |
SL | |
SG | |
SK | |
SI | |
SB | |
SO | |
ZA | |
GS | |
ES | |
LK | |
SD | |
SR | |
SJ | |
SZ | |
SE | |
CH | |
SY | |
TW | |
TJ | |
TZ | |
TH | |
TG | |
TK | |
TO | |
TT | |
TN | |
TR | |
TM | |
TC | |
TV | |
UG | |
UA | |
AE | |
GB | |
US | |
UM | |
UY | |
UZ | |
VU | |
VE | |
VN | |
VG | |
VI | |
WF | |
EH | |
YE | |
YU | |
ZM | |
ZW | |
AA | NOTE: APO/FPO was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country code list for backward compatibility. |
QM | NOTE: Guernsey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QN | NOTE: Jan Mayen was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QO | NOTE: Jersey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QP | NOTE: Tahiti was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. This Code is currently deprecated |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The name of the user's country. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
Type xs:string
County information for the user.
Type xs:string
This field applies to Classified Ad format listings and to the UK only. Not applicable to Half.com.
The time and date when the reviewer posted the review.
Type xs:dateTime
The time and date when the guide was posted.
Type xs:dateTime
Limits the result set to just those items with a specified currency.
Type ns:CurrencyCodeType
Value | Description |
AFA | |
ALL | |
DZD | |
ADP | |
AOA | |
ARS | |
AMD | |
AWG | |
AZM | |
BSD | |
BHD | |
BDT | |
BBD | |
BYR | |
BZD | |
BMD | |
BTN | |
INR | Indian Rupee. Applicable to listings on the India site (site ID 203). |
BOV | |
BOB | |
BAM | |
BWP | |
BRL | |
BND | |
BGL | |
BGN | |
BIF | |
KHR | |
CAD | Canadian Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Canada site (site ID 2) (Items listed on the Canada site can also specify USD.) |
CVE | |
KYD | |
XAF | |
CLF | |
CLP | |
CNY | Chinese Yuan Renminbi. |
COP | |
KMF | |
CDF | |
CRC | |
HRK | |
CUP | |
CYP | |
CZK | |
DKK | |
DJF | |
DOP | |
TPE | |
ECV | |
ECS | |
EGP | |
SVC | |
ERN | |
EEK | |
ETB | |
FKP | |
FJD | |
GMD | |
GEL | |
GHC | |
GIP | |
GTQ | |
GNF | |
GWP | |
GYD | |
HTG | |
HNL | |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Hong Kong site (site ID 201). |
HUF | |
ISK | |
IDR | |
IRR | |
IQD | |
ILS | |
JMD | |
JPY | |
JOD | |
KZT | |
KES | |
AUD | Australian Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Australia site (site ID 15). |
KPW | |
KRW | |
KWD | |
KGS | |
LAK | |
LVL | |
LBP | |
LSL | |
LRD | |
LYD | |
CHF | Swiss Franc. Applicable to listings on the Switzerland site (site ID 193). |
LTL | |
MOP | |
MKD | |
MGF | |
MWK | |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit. Applicable to listings on the Malaysia site (site ID 207). |
MVR | |
MTL | |
EUR | Euro. Applicable to listings on these site: Austria (site 16), Belgium_French (site 23), France (site 71), Germany (site 77), Italy (site 101), Belgium_Dutch (site 123), Netherlands (site 146), Spain (site 186), Ireland (site 205). |
MRO | |
MUR | |
MXN | |
MXV | |
MDL | |
MNT | |
XCD | |
MZM | |
MMK | |
ZAR | |
NAD | |
NPR | |
ANG | |
XPF | |
NZD | |
NIO | |
NGN | |
NOK | |
OMR | |
PKR | |
PAB | |
PGK | |
PYG | |
PEN | |
PHP | Philippines Peso. Applicable to listings on the Philippines site (site ID 211). |
PLN | Poland, Zloty. Applicable to listings on the Poland site (site ID 212). |
USD | US Dollar. Applicable to listings on the US (site ID 0), eBayMotors (site 100), and Canada (site 2) sites. |
QAR | |
ROL | |
RUB | |
RUR | |
RWF | |
SHP | |
WST | |
STD | |
SAR | |
SCR | |
SLL | |
SGD | Singapore Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Singapore site (site 216). |
SKK | |
SIT | |
SBD | |
SOS | |
LKR | |
SDD | |
SRG | |
SZL | |
SEK | Swedish Krona. Applicable to listings on the Sweden site (site 218). |
SYP | |
TWD | New Taiwan Dollar. |
TJS | |
TZS | |
THB | |
XOF | |
TOP | |
TTD | |
TND | |
TRL | |
TMM | |
UGX | |
UAH | |
AED | |
GBP | Pound Sterling. Applicable to listings on the UK site (site ID 3). |
USS | |
USN | |
UYU | |
UZS | |
VUV | |
VEB | |
VND | |
MAD | |
YER | |
YUM | |
ZMK | |
ZWD | |
ATS | |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The current price of the item in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. That is, CurrentPrice is in the original listing currency.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
For competitive-bidding auction listings, this is the current minimum bid price (if the listing has no bids) or the current high bid (if the listing has bids). This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.
For Basic Fixed-Price (FixedPriceItem), Store Inventory (StoresFixedPrice), and Ad format (AdType) listings, this is the current fixed price.
Not used. See Item.CurrentPrice and Variation.StartPrice.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
A description of the return policy for the item.
Type xs:string
The seller's description of the item, if any.
Type xs:string
This can include HTML markup and JavaScript. See string in Simple Schema Types.
Some sellers don't specify their own listing description. Instead, they use a stock description from a catalog available through eBay. (GetSingleItem doesn't return this stock information.)
Specifies whether you want to include the item's description in a search.
Type xs:boolean
Searching the text of the description can take longer than searching without the description. If true, the text of the item's description will be included in the search. If false, the item's description will be excluded from the search.
Destination country code.
Type ns:CountryCodeType
Value | Description |
AF | |
AL | |
DZ | |
AS | |
AD | |
AO | |
AI | |
AQ | |
AG | |
AR | |
AM | |
AW | |
AU | |
AT | |
AZ | |
BS | |
BH | |
BD | |
BB | |
BY | |
BE | |
BZ | |
BJ | |
BM | |
BT | |
BO | |
BA | |
BW | |
BV | |
BR | |
IO | |
BN | |
BG | |
BF | |
BI | |
KH | |
CM | |
CA | |
CV | |
KY | |
CF | |
TD | |
CL | |
CN | |
CX | |
CC | |
CO | |
KM | |
CG | |
CD | |
CK | |
CR | |
CI | |
HR | |
CU | |
CY | |
CZ | |
DK | |
DJ | |
DM | |
DO | |
TP | |
EC | |
EG | |
SV | |
GQ | |
ER | |
EE | |
ET | |
FK | |
FO | |
FJ | |
FI | |
FR | |
GF | |
PF | French Polynesia. Includes Tahiti. |
TF | |
GA | |
GM | |
GE | |
DE | |
GH | |
GI | |
GR | |
GL | |
GD | |
GP | |
GU | |
GT | |
GN | |
GW | |
GY | |
HT | |
HM | |
VA | |
HN | |
HK | |
HU | |
IS | |
IN | |
ID | |
IR | |
IQ | |
IE | |
IL | |
IT | |
JM | |
JP | |
JO | |
KZ | |
KE | |
KI | |
KP | |
KR | |
KW | |
KG | |
LA | |
LV | |
LB | |
LS | |
LR | |
LY | |
LI | |
LT | |
LU | |
MO | |
MK | |
MG | |
MW | |
MY | |
MV | |
ML | |
MT | |
MH | |
MQ | |
MR | |
MU | |
YT | |
MX | |
FM | |
MD | |
MC | |
MN | |
MS | |
MA | |
MZ | |
MM | |
NA | |
NR | |
NP | |
NL | |
AN | |
NC | |
NZ | |
NI | |
NE | |
NG | |
NU | |
NF | |
MP | |
NO | |
OM | |
PK | |
PW | |
PS | |
PA | |
PG | |
PY | |
PE | |
PH | |
PN | |
PL | |
PT | |
PR | |
QA | |
RE | |
RO | |
RU | |
RW | |
SH | |
KN | |
LC | |
PM | |
VC | |
WS | |
SM | |
ST | |
SA | |
SN | |
SC | |
SL | |
SG | |
SK | |
SI | |
SB | |
SO | |
ZA | |
GS | |
ES | |
LK | |
SD | |
SR | |
SJ | |
SZ | |
SE | |
CH | |
SY | |
TW | |
TJ | |
TZ | |
TH | |
TG | |
TK | |
TO | |
TT | |
TN | |
TR | |
TM | |
TC | |
TV | |
UG | |
UA | |
AE | |
GB | |
US | |
UM | |
UY | |
UZ | |
VU | |
VE | |
VN | |
VG | |
VI | |
WF | |
EH | |
YE | |
YU | |
ZM | |
ZW | |
AA | NOTE: APO/FPO was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country code list for backward compatibility. |
QM | NOTE: Guernsey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QN | NOTE: Jan Mayen was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QO | NOTE: Jersey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QP | NOTE: Tahiti was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. This Code is currently deprecated |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
If DestinationCountryCode is US, postal code is required and represents US zip code.
Destination country postal code (or zipcode, for US).
Type xs:string
Ignored if no country code is provided. Optional tag for some countries. More likely to be required for large countries. Ignored for flat rate shipping.
Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as a movie's description or film credits.
Type xs:anyURI
This information is hosted through the eBay Web site and it cannot be edited. Portions of the content are protected by copyright. Applications can include this URL as a link in product search results so that end users can view additional descriptive details about the product. This is usually always returned when Product is returned, but it may be safest to check for the existence of this field.
Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as a movie's description or film credits.
Type xs:anyURI
This information is hosted through the Half.com Web site and it cannot be edited. Portions of the content are protected by copyright. Applications can include this URL as a link in product search results so that end users can view additional descriptive details about the product. This is usually always returned when Product is returned, but it may be safest to check for the existence of this field.
If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display any stock photos that are returned.
Type xs:boolean
This recommendation is useful for catalog data related to products like coins, where stock photos are not necessarily applicable or available. An application with a graphical user interface can use this flag to determine when to hide customized stock photo widgets. Always returned when Product is returned.
If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display any stock photos that are returned.
Type xs:boolean
This recommendation is useful for catalog data related to products like coins, where stock photos are not necessarily applicable or available. An application with a graphical user interface can use this flag to determine when to hide customized stock photo widgets. Always returned when Product is returned.
The distance of the item from the buyer.
Type ns:DistanceType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:unit | xs:string |
Contains text only.
The DistanceFromBuyer unit (miles or kilometers) varies by site. If the country whose site you are searching, e.g. India, uses kilometers, then the DistanceFromBuyer unit is kilometers. Otherwise, e.g. if the country is US or UK, then the DistanceFromBuyer unit is miles. DistanceFromBuyer is returned if a value for PostalCode is supplied in the request.
Each histogram entry shows how many matching products were found in each matching domain.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Name | xs:string | This is the domain name. |
ns:Count | xs:int | This is the number of products found in the domain. |
any |
A domain is like a high-level category, or a group of categories whose items share the same basic product characteristics.
A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Domain | ns:HistogramEntryType | Each histogram entry shows how many matching products were found in each matching domain. |
any |
A domain describes a set of categories that share certain common characteristics (as determined by eBay). Each domain has its own name and ID. Only returned when you specify DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector.
A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Domain | ns:HistogramEntryType | Each histogram entry shows how many matching products were found in each matching domain. |
any |
A domain is essentially a set of categories that share certain common features (as determined by Half.com). Each domain has its own name and ID.
The name of the domain in which the product was found.
Type xs:string
If the product is mapped to multiple domains, eBay returns the most applicable domain (as determined by eBay). Always returned when Product is returned.
A domain to search in.
Type xs:string
This is like searching a section of a catalog. If not specified, the product search is conducted across all domains. DomainName is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want to specify multiple values, use an index value (not a comma). For example, to specify DomainName=Textbooks,Education, specify DomainName(0)=Textbooks,%20Education. To determine valid domain names, first use this call with QueryKeywords. Domain names are returned for each product (and summarized in the domain histogram, if you specify DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector).
A domain is a named grouping of categories whose items share common product characteristics. For example, all bound books have a binding or format (e.g., Hardcover), but audiobooks don't. So audiobooks would have their own domain. To limit your search to audiobooks, you would specify Audiobooks as the domain.
Only useful when QueryKeywords is specified. If you use this with ProductID, AND logic is applied. In this case, if you specify an ID that doesn't match the domain (as Half.com has defined it), no matching product will be found. Therefore, we recommend that you only use DomainName with QueryKeywords.
The name of the domain in which the product was found.
Type xs:string
If the product is mapped to multiple domains, Half.com returns the most applicable domain (as determined by Half.com). Always returned when Product is returned.
A domain to search in.
Type xs:string
This is like searching a section of a catalog. If not specified, the product search is conducted across all domains. DomainName is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want to specify multiple values, use an index value (not a comma). For example, to specify DomainName=Textbooks,Education, specify DomainName(0)=Textbooks,%20Education. To determine valid domain names, first use this call with QueryKeywords. Domain names are returned for each product (and summarized in the domain histogram, if you specify DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector).
A domain is a named grouping of categories whose items share common product characteristics. For example, all bound books have a binding or format (e.g., Hardcover), but audiobooks don't. So audiobooks would have their own domain. To limit your search to audiobooks, you would specify Audiobooks as the domain.
Only useful when QueryKeywords is specified. If you use this with ProductID, AND logic is applied. In this case, if you specify an ID that doesn't match the domain (as eBay has defined it), no matching product will be found. Therefore, we recommend that you only use DomainName with QueryKeywords.
The percentage of the purchase price that the seller chooses to donate to the selected nonprofit organization.
Type xs:float
This percentage is displayed in the Giving Works item listing. Possible values: 10.0 to 100.0. Percentages must increment by 5.0. Minimum donation percentages may be required for Giving Works listings, see http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/selling-nonprofit.html for details. DonationPercent is required input when listing Giving Works items.
Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request.
Type xs:boolean
Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request.
Type xs:boolean
Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request.
Type xs:boolean
Contains the EAN.
Type xs:string
Displays the email address of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
Time stamp (in GMT) of when the listing is scheduled to end, or time stamp of the actual end time (if the item ended).
Type xs:dateTime
In FindItemsAdvanced and FindItems, for StoresFixedPrice items which are "Good Till Canceled," this value is 5 minutes later than the actual end time of the item. The discrepancy is intended to facilitate renewal every 30 days of such items' end times.
In search results (like the FindItemsAdvanced response), the same EndTime may be returned for multiple results if the results are variations from the same multi-variation listing.
Limits the results to items ending within a time range.
Type xs:dateTime
EndTimeFrom specifies the beginning of the time range. Specify a time in the future. If you specify a time in the past, the current time is used. If specified, EndTimeTo must also be specified (with a value equal to or later than EndTimeFrom). Specify the time in GMT. Cannot be used with the ModTimeFrom filter.
Limits the results to items ending within a time range.
Type xs:dateTime
EndTimeTo specifies the end of the time range. If specified, EndTimeFrom must also be specified (with a value equal to or earlier than EndTimeTo). Specify the time in GMT. Cannot be used with the ModTimeFrom filter.
API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.
Type ns:ErrorClassificationCodeType
Value | Description |
RequestError | An error has occurred either as a result of a problem in the sending application or because the application's end-user has attempted to submit invalid data (or missing data). In these cases, do not retry the request. The problem must be corrected before the request can be made again. If the problem is due to something in the application (such as a missing required field), the application must be changed. If the problem is a result of end-user data, the application must alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for the end-user to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, resend the request to eBay with the corrected data. |
SystemError | Indicates that an error has occurred on the eBay system side, such as a database or server down. An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred.
Type xs:token
Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.
Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error.
Name | Type | Description |
ns:ParamID | xs:string | The index of the parameter in the error. |
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Value | xs:string | The value of the variable. |
any |
This is often the field or value that triggered the error. You can usually predict where these will occur by looking at the "replaceable_value" indicators in our Errors by Number page.
A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request.
Type ns:ErrorType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShortMessage | xs:string | A brief description of the condition that raised the error. |
ns:LongMessage | xs:string | A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error. |
ns:ErrorCode | xs:token | A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. |
ns:UserDisplayHint | xs:boolean | This field is not currently in use for eBay Shopping Web Services. |
ns:SeverityCode | ns:SeverityCodeType | Indicates whether the error caused the request to fail. |
ns:ErrorParameters | ns:ErrorParameterType | Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error. |
ns:ErrorClassification | ns:ErrorClassificationCodeType | API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors. |
any |
Application-level errors occur due to problems with business-level data on the client side or on the eBay server side. For example, an error would occur if the request contains an invalid combination of fields, or it is missing a required field, or the value of the field is not recognized. An error could also occur if eBay encountered a problem in our internal business logic while processing the request.
Only returned if there were warnings or errors.
Excludes items with the specified flag from the search.
Value | Description |
AutoPay | Exclude AutoPay item listings from the search results. |
Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service.
Type xs:boolean
See Enabling Get It Fast. Not applicable to Half.com.
ID assigned to the address by the owner of the address (fitting only if the address is owned by PayPal; see AddressOwner).
Type xs:string
Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
Displays the fax number of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
The FeedbackDetails container has fields (ItemID, etc.) with information about one feedback entry.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CommentingUser | xs:string | eBay user ID for the user who left the feedback. |
ns:CommentingUserScore | xs:int | Feedback score of the user in CommentingUser. |
ns:CommentText | xs:string | Text message left by the user in CommentingUser. |
ns:CommentTime | xs:dateTime | Date and time (in GMT) that the feedback was submitted to eBay. |
ns:CommentType | ns:CommentTypeCodeType | Type of feedback. |
ns:FeedbackResponse | xs:string | Textual comment that the user targeted by feedback may leave in response or rebuttal to the feedback. |
ns:FollowUp | xs:string | Explanation a user can give to a response. |
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. |
ns:Role | ns:TradingRoleCodeType | Indicates whether the user who was the feedback recipient was a Buyer or the Seller for that transaction. |
ns:ItemTitle | xs:string | Name of the listing for which feedback was provided. |
ns:ItemPrice | ns:AmountType | The final price for the item, associated with the currency identified by the currencyId attribute of the AmountType. |
ns:FeedbackID | xs:string | Unique identifier for the feedback entry. |
ns:TransactionID | xs:string | Unique identifier for the transaction about which this feedback entry was left. |
ns:CommentReplaced | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay replaced the comment with a message that the comment was removed. |
ns:ResponseReplaced | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay replaced the response with a message that the response was removed. |
ns:FollowUpReplaced | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay replaced the follow-up with a message that the follow-up was removed. |
ns:Countable | xs:boolean | Specifies if a user's feedback score is or is not countable. |
any |
When you call GetUserProfile, the 5 (maximum) most recent feedback records are returned in FeedbackDetails containers.
The URL of feedback details.
Type xs:anyURI
Summary feedback data for a user. Contains counts of positive, neutral, and negative feedback for predefined time periods.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BidRetractionFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Bid retractions count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:NegativeFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Negative feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:NeutralFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Neutral feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:PositiveFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Positive feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:TotalFeedbackPeriods | ns:FeedbackPeriodType | Total feedback score, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call. |
ns:UniqueNegativeFeedbackCount | xs:long | Total number of negative Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
ns:UniquePositiveFeedbackCount | xs:long | Total number of positive Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
ns:AverageRatingDetails | ns:AverageRatingDetailsType | Container for information about detailed seller ratings (DSRs) that buyers have left for a seller. |
ns:NeutralCommentCountFromSuspendedUsers | xs:long | Number of neutral comments received from suspended users. |
ns:UniqueNeutralFeedbackCount | xs:long | Total number of neutral Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats. |
any |
Unique identifier for the feedback entry.
Type xs:string
Indicates whether the user has chosen to make their feedback score and feedback details private (hidden from other users).
Type xs:boolean
Note that the percentage of positive feedback can still be returned, even if other feedback details are private. If a bidder's user information is made anonymous, the value -99 is returned.
Visual indicator of user's feedback score.
Type ns:FeedbackRatingStarCodeType
Value | Description |
None | No graphic displayed, feedback score 0-9. |
Yellow | Yellow Star, feedback score 10-49. |
Blue | Blue Star, feedback score 50-99. |
Turquoise | Turquoise Star, feedback score 100-499. |
Purple | Purple Star, feedback score 500-999. |
Red | Red Star, feedback score 1,000-4,999 |
Green | Green Star, feedback score 5,000-9,999. |
YellowShooting | Yellow Shooting Star, feedback score 10,000-24,999. |
TurquoiseShooting | Turquoise Shooting Star, feedback score 25,000-49,999. |
PurpleShooting | Purple Shooting Star, feedback score 50,000-99,999. |
RedShooting | Red Shooting Star, feedback score 100,000-499,999. |
GreenShooting | Green Shooting Star, feedback score 500,000-900,000. |
SilverShooting | Silver Shooting Star, feedback score 1,000,000 and above. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Textual comment that the user targeted by feedback may leave in response or rebuttal to the feedback.
Type xs:string
The aggregate feedback score of a user.
Type xs:int
A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user.
Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in transactions. Each transaction can result in one feedback entry for a given user. (The buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.) That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregate feedback score of a user represents that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site). If the user has chosen to make their feedback private, then FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.
If a bidder's user information is made anonymous, the value -99 is returned.
Specifies the maximum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response.
Type xs:int
Specifies the mininum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response.
Type xs:int
Type ns:FindHalfProductsRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:AvailableItemsOnly | xs:boolean | If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the Half.com site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query. |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | A domain to search in. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | One or more keywords to search for. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:ProductSort | ns:ProductSortCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies which page of data to return in the current call. |
Type ns:FindHalfProductsResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:DomainHistogram | ns:DomainHistogramType | A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:ApproximatePages | xs:int | The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request. |
ns:MoreResults | xs:boolean | If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages. |
ns:TotalProducts | xs:int | The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.) |
ns:Products | ns:HalfProductsType | An set of Half.com catalog products. |
ns:ProductSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL for product search results that corresponds to your search request. |
Type ns:FindItemsAdvancedRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:BidCountMax | xs:int | Limits the results to items with a maximum number of bids. |
ns:BidCountMin | xs:int | Limits the results to items with a minimum number of bids. |
ns:CategoryHistogramMaxParents | xs:int | Maximum number of matching categories to return at the highest level (root level) of the category hierarchy (level 1). |
ns:CategoryHistogramMaxChildren | xs:int | Maximum number of matching subcategories to return at each level of the category hierarchy below the root level. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:ItemSort | ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType | Sorts search results based on the value you specify. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort. |
ns:GroupMaxEntries | xs:int | GroupMaxEntries is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.) |
ns:GroupsMax | xs:int | GroupsMax is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.) |
ns:EndTimeFrom | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to items ending within a time range. |
ns:EndTimeTo | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to items ending within a time range. |
ns:ModTimeFrom | xs:dateTime | Limits the results to active items whose status has changed since the specified time. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. |
ns:ItemType | ns:ItemTypeCodeType | Filters items based on criteria related to the listing type of items. |
ns:MaxDistance | xs:int | The maximum distance from the postal code specified in the PostalCode field. (The PostalCode field contains the postal code of the buyer.) |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | The postal code where the buyer is located. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | You can use this input field to search by ISBN, UPC, EAN, or eBay Product Reference ID, as in the following examples. To search using an ISBN, specify ProductID.Type=ISBN and set ProductID.Value to an ISBN value. To search using an eBay Product Reference ID, specify ProductID.Type=Reference and set ProductID.Value to an eBay Product Reference ID value. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to be returned in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:PriceMax | ns:AmountType | Specifies the maximum current price an item can have to be included in the response. |
ns:PriceMin | ns:AmountType | Specifies the minimum current price an item listing can have to be included in the searches result set. |
ns:Condition | ns:ItemConditionCodeType | Limits the results to new OR used items (exclusive, not both), plus items that have no condition specified. |
ns:CharityID | xs:int | Limits results to items that support the specified nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:SearchFlag | ns:SearchFlagCodeType | Search for charity listings, free-shipping listings, and listings with other features. |
ns:PaymentMethod | ns:PaymentMethodSearchCodeType | Limits results to items that accept a specific payment method or methods. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | |
ns:StoreSearch | ns:StoreSearchCodeType | Specifies the type of store search used for filtering results. |
ns:SellerBusinessType | ns:SellerBusinessCodeType | Limits the results to those of a particular seller business type such as commercial or private. |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | Limits the results to listings that offer a certain number of items matching the query. |
ns:QuantityOperator | ns:QuantityOperatorCodeType | Limits the results to listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity. |
ns:Currency | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items with a specified currency. |
ns:ItemsAvailableTo | ns:CountryCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items available to the specified country. |
ns:ItemsLocatedIn | ns:CountryCodeType | Limits the result set to just those items located in the specified country. |
ns:PreferredLocation | ns:PreferredLocationCodeType | Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request. |
ns:FeedbackScoreMax | xs:int | Specifies the maximum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response. |
ns:FeedbackScoreMin | xs:int | Specifies the mininum feedback score of a seller whose items can be included in the response. |
ns:ExcludeFlag | ns:ExcludeFlagCodeType | Excludes items with the specified flag from the search. |
ns:DescriptionSearch | xs:boolean | Specifies whether you want to include the item's description in a search. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
ns:ShippingLocation | ns:CountryCodeType | ShippingLocation should be used together with PostalCode for shipping cost calculations. |
ns:ShippingPostalCode | xs:string | This postal code is for international shipping cost calculations. |
ns:ItemLocationRegion | ns:ItemLocationRegionCodeType | Allows you to search for items in a specified region. |
ns:CategoryIDExclude | xs:string | Specify a CategoryIDExclude value in your request if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items that belong to the specified category. |
Type ns:FindItemsAdvancedResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:SearchResult | ns:SearchResultType | Contains the returned item listings, if any. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items returned, this field has a value of 1. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:TotalItems | xs:int | Indicates the total number of items that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:CategoryHistogram | ns:CategoryArrayType | Statistical (histogram) information about categories that contain items that match the query, if any. |
ns:TotalStoresExpansionItems | xs:int | Total item count for a store expansion of the search. |
ns:TotalInternationalExpansionItems | xs:int | Total item count for an international expansion of the search. |
ns:ItemSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL for search results that corresponds to your search request. |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:ItemSort | ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType | Sorts search results based on the value you specify. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Specifies the postal code where the buyer is located. |
ns:SellerID | xs:string | The ID of a specific seller. |
ns:SellerIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains summary data for an item listing. |
ns:TotalItems | xs:int | Indicates the total number of items on eBay that match the query. |
ns:ItemSearchURL | xs:anyURI | A URL equivalent to your FindItems search query. |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Type ns:FindPopularItemsRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:CategoryIDExclude | xs:string | Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the popular items returned do not include items that belong to a specific category. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call. |
Type ns:FindPopularItemsResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
Type ns:FindPopularSearchesRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay. |
ns:MaxKeywords | xs:int | The maximum number of keywords to be retrieved per category for this call. |
ns:MaxResultsPerPage | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of PopularSearchResults per page in the returned list. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:IncludeChildCategories | xs:boolean | If true, only one CategoryID can be specified, and keywords are returned for that category and its subcategories. |
Type ns:FindPopularSearchesResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:PopularSearchResult | ns:PopularSearchesType | Returns most popular search words by category. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items can be returned, this field has a value of one. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
Type ns:FindProductsRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
ns:AvailableItemsOnly | xs:boolean | If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to pre-fill active listings on the specified eBay site. If false, retrieve all products that match the query. |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | A domain to search in. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | One or more keywords to search for. When you use a keyword search, eBay searches the product catalogs for matching words in the product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns a list of matching products, with no items. |
ns:ProductSort | ns:ProductSortCodeType | Sorts the list of products returned. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order. Only applicable with ProductSort. |
ns:MaxEntries | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies which page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Include a Category ID number in your request to restrict your query to a specific category. |
ns:HideDuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results. |
Type ns:FindProductsResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ApproximatePages | xs:int | The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same query and filters in the request. |
ns:MoreResults | xs:boolean | If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages. |
ns:DomainHistogram | ns:DomainHistogramType | A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains in which they were found. |
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:Product | ns:CatalogProductType | An eBay catalog product. |
ns:TotalProducts | xs:int | The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.) |
ns:DuplicateItems | xs:boolean | Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request. |
Type ns:FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | Use this to retrieve reviews (not guides) for one specific product. |
ns:UserID | xs:string | Retrieves reviews and guides written by the specified user. |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Specify a single CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific Guide category. |
ns:MaxResultsPerPage | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of reviews per page (not guides) in the returned list. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. |
ns:ReviewSort | ns:ReviewSortCodeType | Include ReviewSort in your request if you want to sort by a parameter, such as CreationTime. |
ns:SortOrder | ns:SortOrderCodeType | Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ReviewsSort. |
Type ns:FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ReviewCount | xs:int | Number of returned reviews. |
ns:BuyingGuideCount | xs:int | Number of returned buying guides. |
ns:ReviewerRank | xs:int | Rank of reviewer if using user search. |
ns:TotalHelpfulnessVotes | xs:int | Number of helpfulness votes if using user search. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL | xs:anyURI | URL to the reviews and guides page. |
ns:PageNumber | xs:int | The number of the page of data returned. |
ns:TotalPages | xs:int | Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. |
ns:BuyingGuideDetails | ns:BuyingGuideDetailsType | Contains information for up to 5 buying guides that match the query. |
ns:ReviewDetails | ns:ReviewDetailsType | Contains information about review details. |
ns:PositiveHelpfulnessVotes | xs:int | Number of helpfulness votes if using user search. |
Displays the first name of the seller (in a business card format) if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
Explanation a user can give to a response.
Type xs:string
Indicates whether eBay replaced the follow-up with a message that the follow-up was removed.
Type xs:boolean
URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any.
Type xs:anyURI
The image uses one of the following graphics formats: JPEG, BMP, TIF, or GIF. Only returned if the seller chose to show a gallery image.
Not applicable.
Type xs:anyURI
The item is featured in eBay search results on the mobile.de partner site.
Type xs:boolean
Applicable to eBay Germany.
Type ns:GetCategoryInfoRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta categories. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
Type ns:GetCategoryInfoResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:CategoryArray | ns:CategoryArrayType | List of the returned categories. |
ns:CategoryCount | xs:int | Indicates the number of categories returned (i.e., the number of CategoryType objects in CategoryArray). |
ns:UpdateTime | xs:dateTime | Indicates the last date and time that eBay modified the category hierarchy for the specified eBay site. |
ns:CategoryVersion | xs:string | Indicates the version of the category hierarchy on the specified eBay site. |
Type ns:GeteBayTimeRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any |
Type ns:GeteBayTimeResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any |
Type ns:GetItemStatusRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
Type ns:GetItemStatusResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Collection of Item status objects in an SimpleItemArrayType object, that can include zero, one, or multiple ItemType objects. |
A Get It Fast listing.
Type xs:boolean
Indicates whether the seller has opted the listing into the Get It Fast feature.
Type xs:boolean
If GetItFast is true, and if at least one of the domestic shipping services offered by the seller is an expedited shipping service, every shipping service offered by the seller is considered a Get It Fast service, and the seller commits to delivering the item to the buyer-selected shipping service within one day.
Type ns:GetMultipleItemsRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
Type ns:GetMultipleItemsResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains details for a listing (or multiple) listings that correspond to the item ID(s) specified in the request. |
Type ns:GetShippingCostsRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items sold to a single buyer and to be shipped together. |
ns:DestinationPostalCode | xs:string | Destination country postal code (or zipcode, for US). |
ns:DestinationCountryCode | ns:CountryCodeType | Destination country code. |
ns:IncludeDetails | xs:boolean | Indicates whether to return the ShippingDetails container in the response. |
Type ns:GetShippingCostsResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ShippingDetails | ns:ShippingDetailsType | Shipping-related details for the specified item. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Shipping-related details for the specified item. |
Type ns:GetSingleItemRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. |
ns:VariationSKU | xs:string | Variation-level SKU that uniquely identifes a variation within the listing identified by ItemID. |
ns:VariationSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Name-value pairs that identify one or more variations within the listing identified by ItemID. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
Type ns:GetSingleItemResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains details about the listing whose ID was specified in the request. |
Type ns:GetUserProfileRequestType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:MessageID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:UserID | xs:string | Specifies the user whose data will returned by the call. |
ns:IncludeSelector | xs:string | Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response. |
Type ns:GetUserProfileResponseType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Timestamp | xs:dateTime | This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Ack | ns:AckCodeType | Indicates whether the call was successfully processed by eBay. |
ns:Errors | ns:ErrorType | A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request. |
ns:Build | xs:string | This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. |
ns:Version | xs:string | The release version that eBay used to process the request. |
ns:CorrelationID | xs:string | If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. |
any | ||
ns:User | ns:SimpleUserType | Contains the returned user data for the specified eBay user. |
ns:FeedbackHistory | ns:FeedbackHistoryType | Summary feedback data for a user. Contains counts of positive, neutral, and negative feedback for predefined time periods. |
ns:FeedbackDetails | ns:FeedbackDetailType | The FeedbackDetails container has fields (ItemID, etc.) with information about one feedback entry. |
If true, a generic gift icon displays next the listing's title in search and browse pages.
Type xs:boolean
GroupMaxEntries is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.)
Type xs:int
In GroupMaxEntries, you specify the maximum number of entries per group that you want in the search results. There is not a direct correlation between the number of items returned in a regular sort (or in a BestMatch sort) and the number of items that are returned when you specify BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field. When you specify BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field, not more than 2 pages of results are returned. When you specify GroupMaxEntries, specify GroupsMax.
GroupsMax is used when you specify that BestMatch search results are grouped by category (by using BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field.)
Type xs:int
In GroupsMax, you specify the maximum number of groups that you want in the search results. There is not a direct correlation between the number of items returned in a regular sort (or in a BestMatch sort) and the number of items that are returned when you specify BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field. When you specify BestMatchCategoryGroup in the ItemSort field, not more than 2 pages of results are returned. When you specify GroupsMax, specify GroupMaxEntries.
Returns the Half.com condition code for the item. For example, "brand new," "used," etc.
Type ns:HalfItemConditionCodeType
Value | Description |
BrandNew | New, unread, unused and in perfect condition. |
LikeNew | Item still in original packaging, no wear and tear, all facets of the product are intact. (Could easily be mistaken for brand new.) |
VeryGood | Doesn't look brand new but has no easily noticeable damage and very minimal wear and tear. (You would give it to a good friend as a gift) |
Good | Very minimal damage to the item and still includes all accessories such as dust jackets, liner notes, and cases. (You would use it yourself, but wouldn't necessarily give it as a gift) |
Acceptable | Some damage to the item but integrity still intact. May be missing an accessory. (Item beaten up a bit but it works) |
Used | Some damage to the item and visibly used. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use |
Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time.
Type xs:int
The seller sets this to a positive integer value (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, or 20) corresponding to the number of days. This time does not include the shipping time (the carrier's transit time). GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems returns DispatchTimeMax only when shipping service options are specified for the item and the seller specified a dispatch time.
Valid for flat and calculated shipping. Does not apply when there is no shipping, when it is local pickup only or it is freight shipping.
Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results.
Type xs:boolean
When set to true, and there are duplicate items for an item in the search results, the subsequent duplicates will not appear in the results. Item listings are considered duplicates in the following conditions:
Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results.
Type xs:boolean
When set to true, and there are duplicate items for an item in the search results, the subsequent duplicates will not appear in the results. Item listings are considered duplicates in the following conditions:
Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results.
Type xs:boolean
When set to true, and there are duplicate items for an item in the search results, the subsequent duplicates will not appear in the results. Item listings are considered duplicates in the following conditions:
The high bidder for comptetitive-bidding auctions that have ended and have a winning bidder.
Type ns:SimpleUserType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:UserID | xs:string | The user's unique eBay user ID. |
ns:FeedbackPrivate | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the user has chosen to make their feedback score and feedback details private (hidden from other users). |
ns:FeedbackRatingStar | ns:FeedbackRatingStarCodeType | Visual indicator of user's feedback score. |
ns:FeedbackScore | xs:int | The aggregate feedback score of a user. |
ns:UserAnonymized | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay has made this user's information anonymous. |
ns:NewUser | xs:boolean | If true, identifies a new user who has been a registered eBay user for 30 days or less. |
ns:RegistrationDate | xs:dateTime | The date the specified user originally registered with eBay. |
ns:RegistrationSite | ns:SiteCodeType | The eBay site with which the user is registered. |
ns:Status | ns:UserStatusCodeType | The registration-related status of the user. |
ns:SellerBusinessType | ns:SellerBusinessCodeType | Type of seller account. |
ns:StoreURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | The name of the seller's eBay Store. |
ns:SellerItemsURL | xs:anyURI | URL for seller's other items. |
ns:AboutMeURL | xs:anyURI | A link to the user's AboutMe page. |
ns:MyWorldURL | xs:anyURI | A link to the URL of the user's MyWorld page. |
ns:MyWorldSmallImage | xs:anyURI | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (small version). |
ns:MyWorldLargeImage | xs:anyURI | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (large version). |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of reviews and guides. |
ns:FeedbackDetailsURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of feedback details. |
ns:PositiveFeedbackPercent | xs:float | A seller's positive feedback score. |
ns:SellerLevel | ns:SellerLevelCodeType | The user's eBay PowerSeller tier. Possible values are enumerated in the SellerLevelCodeType code list. |
ns:TopRatedSeller | xs:boolean | Returned when seller is certified as a top-rated seller, and is qualified for benefits such as final value fee discount and increased visibility in fixed-price searches. |
any |
This indicates the user who purchased the item.
Not returned for auctions that have received no bids, or for fixed price and Store Inventory listings that are still active.
The number of times the listing's View Item page has been viewed (as determined by eBay).
Type xs:long
Only returned if the seller has chosen to include a hit counter in the listing, and if the seller has also chosen to make the listing's hit count publicly visible. This field is retrieved asynchronously. If you believe the item has a publicly visible hit count, but this field is not returned, retry the call.
Not applicable to Half.com
If true, only one CategoryID can be specified, and keywords are returned for that category and its subcategories.
Type xs:boolean
When IncludeChildCategories is true and used in conjunction with CategoryID, one and only one CategoryID is allowed.
If false, keywords are returned only for the categories identified by CategoryID. The default is false.
Indicates whether to return the ShippingDetails container in the response.
Type xs:boolean
Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response.
Type xs:string
If you don't specify this field, a default set of fields is returned. Click "Detail Controls" below and see "none" for the default fields. If you specify this field, then the set of fields returned includes the default fields. If you specify this field, the additional fields returned can affect the call's response time (performance), including in the case of feedback data
Applicable values:
Use a comma to specify multiple values. (In this case, the results are cumulative.) See "FindItemAdvanced Samples" for an example of how to use this field.
See "Detail Controls" for a complete list of fields that can be returned for each selector. IncludePictureURL, return all picture URLs of the items, 12 at maximum.
Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response.
Type xs:string
If you don't specify this field, the call returns a default set of fields, focusing on product details only (see the "Detail Controls" link below). If you specify this field, the additional fields you retrieve can affect the call's response time (performance).
Applicable values:
Use a comma to specify multiple values. (In this case, the results are cumulative.) See "FindHalfProducts Samples" for an example of how to use this field.
See "Detail Controls" for a complete list of fields that can be returned for each selector.
Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response.
Type xs:string
If you don't specify this field, the call returns a default set of fields. If you specify this field, the additional fields (child categories) you retrieve can affect the call's response time (decrease performance).
Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response.
Type xs:string
If you don't specify this field, the call returns a default set of fields, focusing on product details only (see the "Detail Controls" link below). If you specify this field, the additional fields you retrieve can affect the call's response time (performance).
Applicable values:
Use a comma to specify multiple values. (In this case, the results are cumulative.) See "FindProducts Samples" for an example of how to use this field.
See "Detail Controls" for a complete list of fields that can be returned for each selector.
Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response.
Type xs:string
If you don't specify this field, a default set of fields is returned. Click "Detail Controls" below and see "none" for the default fields. If you specify this field, then the set of fields returned includes the default fields. If you specify this field, the additional fields returned can affect the call's response time (performance), including in the case of feedback data.<
Applicable values:
Use a comma to specify multiple values. (In this case, the results are cumulative.) See "GetUserProfile Samples" for an example of how to use this field.
See "Detail Controls" for a complete list of fields that can be returned for each selector.
Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response.
Type xs:string
If you don't specify this field, the call returns a default set of fields (see the "Detail Controls" link below). If you specify this field, the additional fields you retrieve can affect the call's response time (performance).
Applicable values:
Use a comma to specify multiple values. (In this case, the results are cumulative.) See "GetSingleItem Samples" for an example of how to use this field.
See "Detail Controls" for a complete list of fields that can be returned for each selector.
Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response.
Type xs:string
If you don't specify this field, the call returns a default set of fields (see the "Detail Controls" link below). If you specify this field, the additional fields you retrieve can affect the call's response time (performance).
Applicable values:
Use a comma to specify multiple values. (In this case, the results are cumulative.) See "GetSingleItem Samples" for an example of how to use this field.
See "Detail Controls" for a complete list of fields that can be returned for each selector.
The cost of insurance.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
For flat rate shipping, this is the value set by the seller, if any. For calculated shipping, this is the value calculated by eBay with the shipping carrier for the particular item and can only be determined once the final item price is known when the listing ends. To determine whether a listing has ended, use GetSingleItem.
Not applicable to eBay Motors vehicle listings.
The cost of insurance.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
For flat rate shipping, this is the value set by the seller, if any. For calculated shipping, this is the value calculated by eBay with the shipping carrier for the particular item and can only be determined once the final item price is known when the listing ends. To determine whether a listing has ended, see EndTime or ListingStatus in GetSingleItem.
Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping.
Type ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType
Value | Description |
Optional | The seller offers the buyer the choice of paying for shipping insurance or not. |
Required | The seller requires that the buyer pay for shipping insurance. |
NotOffered | The seller does not offer shipping insurance to the buyer. |
IncludedInShippingHandling | The seller is not charging separately for shipping insurance costs; any insurance is already included in the base shipping cost. |
NotOfferedOnSite | Shipping insurance is not offered as a separate option on the site where the item is listed. (Some shipping services, such as DE_InsuredExpressOrCourier, include insurance as part of the service.) If another insurance option is specified in the listing request and the site does not support shipping insurance as a separate option, eBay will reset the insurance option to this value. At the time of this writing, this option is only meaningful for the eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland sites. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping.
Type ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType
Value | Description |
Optional | The seller offers the buyer the choice of paying for shipping insurance or not. |
Required | The seller requires that the buyer pay for shipping insurance. |
NotOffered | The seller does not offer shipping insurance to the buyer. |
IncludedInShippingHandling | The seller is not charging separately for shipping insurance costs; any insurance is already included in the base shipping cost. |
NotOfferedOnSite | Shipping insurance is not offered as a separate option on the site where the item is listed. (Some shipping services, such as DE_InsuredExpressOrCourier, include insurance as part of the service.) If another insurance option is specified in the listing request and the site does not support shipping insurance as a separate option, eBay will reset the insurance option to this value. At the time of this writing, this option is only meaningful for the eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland sites. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Indicates whether the item can be paid for through a payment gateway account.
Type xs:boolean
If IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled is true, then integrated merchant credit card is enabled for credit cards because the seller has a payment gateway account. Therefore, if IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled is true, and AmEx, Discover, or VisaMC is returned for an item, then on checkout, an online credit-card payment is processed through a payment gateway account.
The cost of insurance for items shipped internationally.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
For flat rate shipping, this is the value set by the seller, if any. For calculated shipping, this is the value calculated by eBay with the shipping carrier for the particular item and can only be determined once the final item price is known when the listing ends. To determine whether a listing has ended, use GetSingleItem.
Not applicable to eBay Motors vehicle listings.
Whether the seller offers shipping insurance for items shipped internationally and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping.
Type ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType
Value | Description |
Optional | The seller offers the buyer the choice of paying for shipping insurance or not. |
Required | The seller requires that the buyer pay for shipping insurance. |
NotOffered | The seller does not offer shipping insurance to the buyer. |
IncludedInShippingHandling | The seller is not charging separately for shipping insurance costs; any insurance is already included in the base shipping cost. |
NotOfferedOnSite | Shipping insurance is not offered as a separate option on the site where the item is listed. (Some shipping services, such as DE_InsuredExpressOrCourier, include insurance as part of the service.) If another insurance option is specified in the listing request and the site does not support shipping insurance as a separate option, eBay will reset the insurance option to this value. At the time of this writing, this option is only meaningful for the eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland sites. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Seller's international name that is associated with the payment address.
Type xs:string
Only applicable to SellerPaymentAddress. Not applicable to Half.com.
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service.
Type ns:InternationalShippingServiceOptionType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShippingInsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceName | xs:token | An international shipping service offered for shipping the item (for example, UPS Ground). For flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ShippingServiceAdditionalCost | ns:AmountType | Cost of shipping each additional item beyond the first item. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The basic shipping cost of the item. |
ns:ShippingServicePriority | xs:int | Seller-preferred presentation order relative to other service options. |
ns:ShipsTo | xs:string | An international location or region to which the item may be shipped via this particular shipping service. |
any |
Not applicable to Half.com or eBay Motors vehicle listings.
International state and city for the seller's payment address.
Type xs:string
Only applicable to SellerPaymentAddress. Not applicable to Half.com.
Seller's international street address that is associated with the payment address.
Type xs:string
Only applicable to SellerPaymentAddress. Not applicable to Half.com.
Collection of Item status objects in an SimpleItemArrayType object, that can include zero, one, or multiple ItemType objects.
Type ns:SimpleItemType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BestOfferEnabled | xs:boolean | Whether the seller will accept a best offer for this item. |
ns:BuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The Buy It Now price of the item, returned in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. |
ns:Description | xs:string | The seller's description of the item, if any. |
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this ID when an item is listed. This ID is unique across all eBay sites. |
ns:BuyItNowAvailable | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item has an active Buy It Now option. |
ns:ConvertedBuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:EndTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) of when the listing is scheduled to end, or time stamp of the actual end time (if the item ended). |
ns:StartTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) that eBay recorded as the moment that the listing was made available. |
ns:ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch | xs:anyURI | |
ns:ListingType | ns:ListingTypeCodeType | The format of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or advertisement format. |
ns:Location | xs:string | Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PaymentMethods | ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType | Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item. |
ns:GalleryURL | xs:anyURI | URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any. |
ns:PictureURL | xs:anyURI | Contains the URL for an image associated with the item, if any. Returned only if the seller included at least one picture in their listing. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Postal code indicating the physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryID | xs:string | Numeric ID of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryName | xs:string | |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | The number of items the seller is offering in the listing. (Subtract Item.QuantitySold from this value to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:Seller | ns:SimpleUserType | Container for information about this listing's seller. |
ns:BidCount | xs:int | The number of bids that have been placed on the item. |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:CurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The current price of the item in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. That is, CurrentPrice is in the original listing currency. |
ns:HighBidder | ns:SimpleUserType | The high bidder for comptetitive-bidding auctions that have ended and have a winning bidder. |
ns:ListingStatus | ns:ListingStatusCodeType | Specifies a listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items purchased so far from this listing. (Subtract this value from Item.Quantity to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:ReserveMet | xs:boolean | Indicates whether any bids on this item are greater than the seller's reserve price for the listing (if any). |
ns:ShipToLocations | xs:string | An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship this item. |
ns:Site | ns:SiteCodeType | The name of the eBay site on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany. |
ns:TimeLeft | xs:duration | Time left before the listing ends. |
ns:Title | xs:string | Name of the item as it appears in the listing or in search and browse results. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. |
ns:HitCount | xs:long | The number of times the listing's View Item page has been viewed (as determined by eBay). |
ns:Subtitle | xs:string | Subtitle of the item. |
ns:PrimaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the first category. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryID | xs:string | ID of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryName | xs:string | Name of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the second category. For example, if the secondary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678. |
ns:Charity | ns:CharityType | Identifier for a Giving Works listing and the benefiting nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:GermanMotorsSearchable | xs:boolean | The item is featured in eBay search results on the mobile.de partner site. |
ns:GetItFast | xs:boolean | A Get It Fast listing. |
ns:Gift | xs:boolean | If true, a generic gift icon displays next the listing's title in search and browse pages. |
ns:PictureExists | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item has an associated picture. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:RecentListing | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item listing is no more than one day old. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:Storefront | ns:StorefrontType | Returns the seller's store information if the seller has an eBay store. |
ns:DistanceFromBuyer | ns:DistanceType | The distance of the item from the buyer. |
ns:Country | ns:CountryCodeType | Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item is located. |
ns:WatchCount | xs:int | Number of users who have placed the item on their Watch list. |
ns:HalfItemCondition | ns:HalfItemConditionCodeType | Returns the Half.com condition code for the item. For example, "brand new," "used," etc. |
ns:SellerComments | xs:string | Notes that the Seller made when they listed the item. Not returned if the Seller did not make any comments. |
ns:ReturnPolicy | ns:ReturnPolicyType | If a seller specified return policy details, then this container has fields with those details. |
ns:MinimumToBid | ns:AmountType | Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | A prototype description of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book. |
ns:AutoPay | xs:boolean | If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or not specified), immediate payment is not requested. |
ns:BusinessSellerDetails | ns:BusinessSellerDetailsType | Returns the seller's business information. |
ns:PaymentAllowedSite | ns:SiteCodeType | Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item. |
ns:IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item can be paid for through a payment gateway account. |
ns:Variations | ns:VariationsType | Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). |
ns:HandlingTime | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. |
ns:LotSize | xs:int | A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. |
any |
Contains data for an item listing.
Type ns:SimpleItemType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BestOfferEnabled | xs:boolean | Whether the seller will accept a best offer for this item. |
ns:BuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The Buy It Now price of the item, returned in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. |
ns:Description | xs:string | The seller's description of the item, if any. |
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this ID when an item is listed. This ID is unique across all eBay sites. |
ns:BuyItNowAvailable | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item has an active Buy It Now option. |
ns:ConvertedBuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:EndTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) of when the listing is scheduled to end, or time stamp of the actual end time (if the item ended). |
ns:StartTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) that eBay recorded as the moment that the listing was made available. |
ns:ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch | xs:anyURI | |
ns:ListingType | ns:ListingTypeCodeType | The format of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or advertisement format. |
ns:Location | xs:string | Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PaymentMethods | ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType | Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item. |
ns:GalleryURL | xs:anyURI | URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any. |
ns:PictureURL | xs:anyURI | Contains the URL for an image associated with the item, if any. Returned only if the seller included at least one picture in their listing. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Postal code indicating the physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryID | xs:string | Numeric ID of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryName | xs:string | |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | The number of items the seller is offering in the listing. (Subtract Item.QuantitySold from this value to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:Seller | ns:SimpleUserType | Container for information about this listing's seller. |
ns:BidCount | xs:int | The number of bids that have been placed on the item. |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:CurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The current price of the item in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. That is, CurrentPrice is in the original listing currency. |
ns:HighBidder | ns:SimpleUserType | The high bidder for comptetitive-bidding auctions that have ended and have a winning bidder. |
ns:ListingStatus | ns:ListingStatusCodeType | Specifies a listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items purchased so far from this listing. (Subtract this value from Item.Quantity to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:ReserveMet | xs:boolean | Indicates whether any bids on this item are greater than the seller's reserve price for the listing (if any). |
ns:ShipToLocations | xs:string | An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship this item. |
ns:Site | ns:SiteCodeType | The name of the eBay site on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany. |
ns:TimeLeft | xs:duration | Time left before the listing ends. |
ns:Title | xs:string | Name of the item as it appears in the listing or in search and browse results. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. |
ns:HitCount | xs:long | The number of times the listing's View Item page has been viewed (as determined by eBay). |
ns:Subtitle | xs:string | Subtitle of the item. |
ns:PrimaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the first category. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryID | xs:string | ID of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryName | xs:string | Name of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the second category. For example, if the secondary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678. |
ns:Charity | ns:CharityType | Identifier for a Giving Works listing and the benefiting nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:GermanMotorsSearchable | xs:boolean | The item is featured in eBay search results on the mobile.de partner site. |
ns:GetItFast | xs:boolean | A Get It Fast listing. |
ns:Gift | xs:boolean | If true, a generic gift icon displays next the listing's title in search and browse pages. |
ns:PictureExists | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item has an associated picture. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:RecentListing | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item listing is no more than one day old. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:Storefront | ns:StorefrontType | Returns the seller's store information if the seller has an eBay store. |
ns:DistanceFromBuyer | ns:DistanceType | The distance of the item from the buyer. |
ns:Country | ns:CountryCodeType | Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item is located. |
ns:WatchCount | xs:int | Number of users who have placed the item on their Watch list. |
ns:HalfItemCondition | ns:HalfItemConditionCodeType | Returns the Half.com condition code for the item. For example, "brand new," "used," etc. |
ns:SellerComments | xs:string | Notes that the Seller made when they listed the item. Not returned if the Seller did not make any comments. |
ns:ReturnPolicy | ns:ReturnPolicyType | If a seller specified return policy details, then this container has fields with those details. |
ns:MinimumToBid | ns:AmountType | Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | A prototype description of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book. |
ns:AutoPay | xs:boolean | If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or not specified), immediate payment is not requested. |
ns:BusinessSellerDetails | ns:BusinessSellerDetailsType | Returns the seller's business information. |
ns:PaymentAllowedSite | ns:SiteCodeType | Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item. |
ns:IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item can be paid for through a payment gateway account. |
ns:Variations | ns:VariationsType | Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). |
ns:HandlingTime | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. |
ns:LotSize | xs:int | A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. |
any |
Contains summary data for an item listing.
Type ns:SimpleItemType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BestOfferEnabled | xs:boolean | Whether the seller will accept a best offer for this item. |
ns:BuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The Buy It Now price of the item, returned in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. |
ns:Description | xs:string | The seller's description of the item, if any. |
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this ID when an item is listed. This ID is unique across all eBay sites. |
ns:BuyItNowAvailable | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item has an active Buy It Now option. |
ns:ConvertedBuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:EndTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) of when the listing is scheduled to end, or time stamp of the actual end time (if the item ended). |
ns:StartTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) that eBay recorded as the moment that the listing was made available. |
ns:ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch | xs:anyURI | |
ns:ListingType | ns:ListingTypeCodeType | The format of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or advertisement format. |
ns:Location | xs:string | Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PaymentMethods | ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType | Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item. |
ns:GalleryURL | xs:anyURI | URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any. |
ns:PictureURL | xs:anyURI | Contains the URL for an image associated with the item, if any. Returned only if the seller included at least one picture in their listing. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Postal code indicating the physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryID | xs:string | Numeric ID of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryName | xs:string | |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | The number of items the seller is offering in the listing. (Subtract Item.QuantitySold from this value to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:Seller | ns:SimpleUserType | Container for information about this listing's seller. |
ns:BidCount | xs:int | The number of bids that have been placed on the item. |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:CurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The current price of the item in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. That is, CurrentPrice is in the original listing currency. |
ns:HighBidder | ns:SimpleUserType | The high bidder for comptetitive-bidding auctions that have ended and have a winning bidder. |
ns:ListingStatus | ns:ListingStatusCodeType | Specifies a listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items purchased so far from this listing. (Subtract this value from Item.Quantity to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:ReserveMet | xs:boolean | Indicates whether any bids on this item are greater than the seller's reserve price for the listing (if any). |
ns:ShipToLocations | xs:string | An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship this item. |
ns:Site | ns:SiteCodeType | The name of the eBay site on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany. |
ns:TimeLeft | xs:duration | Time left before the listing ends. |
ns:Title | xs:string | Name of the item as it appears in the listing or in search and browse results. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. |
ns:HitCount | xs:long | The number of times the listing's View Item page has been viewed (as determined by eBay). |
ns:Subtitle | xs:string | Subtitle of the item. |
ns:PrimaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the first category. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryID | xs:string | ID of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryName | xs:string | Name of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the second category. For example, if the secondary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678. |
ns:Charity | ns:CharityType | Identifier for a Giving Works listing and the benefiting nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:GermanMotorsSearchable | xs:boolean | The item is featured in eBay search results on the mobile.de partner site. |
ns:GetItFast | xs:boolean | A Get It Fast listing. |
ns:Gift | xs:boolean | If true, a generic gift icon displays next the listing's title in search and browse pages. |
ns:PictureExists | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item has an associated picture. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:RecentListing | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item listing is no more than one day old. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:Storefront | ns:StorefrontType | Returns the seller's store information if the seller has an eBay store. |
ns:DistanceFromBuyer | ns:DistanceType | The distance of the item from the buyer. |
ns:Country | ns:CountryCodeType | Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item is located. |
ns:WatchCount | xs:int | Number of users who have placed the item on their Watch list. |
ns:HalfItemCondition | ns:HalfItemConditionCodeType | Returns the Half.com condition code for the item. For example, "brand new," "used," etc. |
ns:SellerComments | xs:string | Notes that the Seller made when they listed the item. Not returned if the Seller did not make any comments. |
ns:ReturnPolicy | ns:ReturnPolicyType | If a seller specified return policy details, then this container has fields with those details. |
ns:MinimumToBid | ns:AmountType | Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | A prototype description of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book. |
ns:AutoPay | xs:boolean | If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or not specified), immediate payment is not requested. |
ns:BusinessSellerDetails | ns:BusinessSellerDetailsType | Returns the seller's business information. |
ns:PaymentAllowedSite | ns:SiteCodeType | Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item. |
ns:IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item can be paid for through a payment gateway account. |
ns:Variations | ns:VariationsType | Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). |
ns:HandlingTime | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. |
ns:LotSize | xs:int | A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. |
any |
Contains details for a listing (or multiple) listings that correspond to the item ID(s) specified in the request.
Type ns:SimpleItemType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BestOfferEnabled | xs:boolean | Whether the seller will accept a best offer for this item. |
ns:BuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The Buy It Now price of the item, returned in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. |
ns:Description | xs:string | The seller's description of the item, if any. |
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this ID when an item is listed. This ID is unique across all eBay sites. |
ns:BuyItNowAvailable | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item has an active Buy It Now option. |
ns:ConvertedBuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:EndTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) of when the listing is scheduled to end, or time stamp of the actual end time (if the item ended). |
ns:StartTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) that eBay recorded as the moment that the listing was made available. |
ns:ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch | xs:anyURI | |
ns:ListingType | ns:ListingTypeCodeType | The format of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or advertisement format. |
ns:Location | xs:string | Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PaymentMethods | ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType | Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item. |
ns:GalleryURL | xs:anyURI | URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any. |
ns:PictureURL | xs:anyURI | Contains the URL for an image associated with the item, if any. Returned only if the seller included at least one picture in their listing. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Postal code indicating the physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryID | xs:string | Numeric ID of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryName | xs:string | |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | The number of items the seller is offering in the listing. (Subtract Item.QuantitySold from this value to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:Seller | ns:SimpleUserType | Container for information about this listing's seller. |
ns:BidCount | xs:int | The number of bids that have been placed on the item. |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:CurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The current price of the item in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. That is, CurrentPrice is in the original listing currency. |
ns:HighBidder | ns:SimpleUserType | The high bidder for comptetitive-bidding auctions that have ended and have a winning bidder. |
ns:ListingStatus | ns:ListingStatusCodeType | Specifies a listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items purchased so far from this listing. (Subtract this value from Item.Quantity to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:ReserveMet | xs:boolean | Indicates whether any bids on this item are greater than the seller's reserve price for the listing (if any). |
ns:ShipToLocations | xs:string | An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship this item. |
ns:Site | ns:SiteCodeType | The name of the eBay site on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany. |
ns:TimeLeft | xs:duration | Time left before the listing ends. |
ns:Title | xs:string | Name of the item as it appears in the listing or in search and browse results. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. |
ns:HitCount | xs:long | The number of times the listing's View Item page has been viewed (as determined by eBay). |
ns:Subtitle | xs:string | Subtitle of the item. |
ns:PrimaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the first category. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryID | xs:string | ID of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryName | xs:string | Name of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the second category. For example, if the secondary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678. |
ns:Charity | ns:CharityType | Identifier for a Giving Works listing and the benefiting nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:GermanMotorsSearchable | xs:boolean | The item is featured in eBay search results on the mobile.de partner site. |
ns:GetItFast | xs:boolean | A Get It Fast listing. |
ns:Gift | xs:boolean | If true, a generic gift icon displays next the listing's title in search and browse pages. |
ns:PictureExists | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item has an associated picture. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:RecentListing | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item listing is no more than one day old. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:Storefront | ns:StorefrontType | Returns the seller's store information if the seller has an eBay store. |
ns:DistanceFromBuyer | ns:DistanceType | The distance of the item from the buyer. |
ns:Country | ns:CountryCodeType | Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item is located. |
ns:WatchCount | xs:int | Number of users who have placed the item on their Watch list. |
ns:HalfItemCondition | ns:HalfItemConditionCodeType | Returns the Half.com condition code for the item. For example, "brand new," "used," etc. |
ns:SellerComments | xs:string | Notes that the Seller made when they listed the item. Not returned if the Seller did not make any comments. |
ns:ReturnPolicy | ns:ReturnPolicyType | If a seller specified return policy details, then this container has fields with those details. |
ns:MinimumToBid | ns:AmountType | Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | A prototype description of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book. |
ns:AutoPay | xs:boolean | If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or not specified), immediate payment is not requested. |
ns:BusinessSellerDetails | ns:BusinessSellerDetailsType | Returns the seller's business information. |
ns:PaymentAllowedSite | ns:SiteCodeType | Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item. |
ns:IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item can be paid for through a payment gateway account. |
ns:Variations | ns:VariationsType | Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). |
ns:HandlingTime | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. |
ns:LotSize | xs:int | A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. |
any |
Contains details about the listing whose ID was specified in the request.
Type ns:SimpleItemType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BestOfferEnabled | xs:boolean | Whether the seller will accept a best offer for this item. |
ns:BuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The Buy It Now price of the item, returned in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. |
ns:Description | xs:string | The seller's description of the item, if any. |
ns:ItemID | xs:string | The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this ID when an item is listed. This ID is unique across all eBay sites. |
ns:BuyItNowAvailable | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item has an active Buy It Now option. |
ns:ConvertedBuyItNowPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:EndTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) of when the listing is scheduled to end, or time stamp of the actual end time (if the item ended). |
ns:StartTime | xs:dateTime | Time stamp (in GMT) that eBay recorded as the moment that the listing was made available. |
ns:ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch | xs:anyURI | |
ns:ListingType | ns:ListingTypeCodeType | The format of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or advertisement format. |
ns:Location | xs:string | Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PaymentMethods | ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType | Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item. |
ns:GalleryURL | xs:anyURI | URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any. |
ns:PictureURL | xs:anyURI | Contains the URL for an image associated with the item, if any. Returned only if the seller included at least one picture in their listing. |
ns:PostalCode | xs:string | Postal code indicating the physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryID | xs:string | Numeric ID of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.) |
ns:PrimaryCategoryName | xs:string | |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | The number of items the seller is offering in the listing. (Subtract Item.QuantitySold from this value to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:Seller | ns:SimpleUserType | Container for information about this listing's seller. |
ns:BidCount | xs:int | The number of bids that have been placed on the item. |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The listing's Buy It Now Price (if any), converted into the currency of the site to which you sent this request. |
ns:CurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | The current price of the item in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. That is, CurrentPrice is in the original listing currency. |
ns:HighBidder | ns:SimpleUserType | The high bidder for comptetitive-bidding auctions that have ended and have a winning bidder. |
ns:ListingStatus | ns:ListingStatusCodeType | Specifies a listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Number of items purchased so far from this listing. (Subtract this value from Item.Quantity to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.) |
ns:ReserveMet | xs:boolean | Indicates whether any bids on this item are greater than the seller's reserve price for the listing (if any). |
ns:ShipToLocations | xs:string | An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship this item. |
ns:Site | ns:SiteCodeType | The name of the eBay site on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany. |
ns:TimeLeft | xs:duration | Time left before the listing ends. |
ns:Title | xs:string | Name of the item as it appears in the listing or in search and browse results. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | Category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. |
ns:HitCount | xs:long | The number of times the listing's View Item page has been viewed (as determined by eBay). |
ns:Subtitle | xs:string | Subtitle of the item. |
ns:PrimaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the first category. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryID | xs:string | ID of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryName | xs:string | Name of the second category in which the item is listed. |
ns:SecondaryCategoryIDPath | xs:string | The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the second category. For example, if the secondary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678. |
ns:Charity | ns:CharityType | Identifier for a Giving Works listing and the benefiting nonprofit charity organization. |
ns:GermanMotorsSearchable | xs:boolean | The item is featured in eBay search results on the mobile.de partner site. |
ns:GetItFast | xs:boolean | A Get It Fast listing. |
ns:Gift | xs:boolean | If true, a generic gift icon displays next the listing's title in search and browse pages. |
ns:PictureExists | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item has an associated picture. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:RecentListing | xs:boolean | Returns true if the item listing is no more than one day old. Not returned if value is false. |
ns:Storefront | ns:StorefrontType | Returns the seller's store information if the seller has an eBay store. |
ns:DistanceFromBuyer | ns:DistanceType | The distance of the item from the buyer. |
ns:Country | ns:CountryCodeType | Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item is located. |
ns:WatchCount | xs:int | Number of users who have placed the item on their Watch list. |
ns:HalfItemCondition | ns:HalfItemConditionCodeType | Returns the Half.com condition code for the item. For example, "brand new," "used," etc. |
ns:SellerComments | xs:string | Notes that the Seller made when they listed the item. Not returned if the Seller did not make any comments. |
ns:ReturnPolicy | ns:ReturnPolicyType | If a seller specified return policy details, then this container has fields with those details. |
ns:MinimumToBid | ns:AmountType | Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | A prototype description of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book. |
ns:AutoPay | xs:boolean | If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or not specified), immediate payment is not requested. |
ns:BusinessSellerDetails | ns:BusinessSellerDetailsType | Returns the seller's business information. |
ns:PaymentAllowedSite | ns:SiteCodeType | Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item. |
ns:IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the item can be paid for through a payment gateway account. |
ns:Variations | ns:VariationsType | Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). |
ns:HandlingTime | xs:int | Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. |
ns:LotSize | xs:int | A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. |
any |
A list of active items that were listed with the requested product.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains data for an item listing. |
ItemArray is returned only when you use ProductID in the search request (not QueryKeywords) and you set IncludeSelector to Details or Items. Returned only if eBay has currently matching items.
Array of simple items.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains data for an item listing. |
A list of active items that were listed with the requested product.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains data for an item listing. |
A list of active items that were listed with the requested product.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Item | ns:SimpleItemType | Contains data for an item listing. |
Results are sorted by current price (lowest first), then by recent positive feedback (highest first).
Only returned when you specify Items in IncludeSelector, and the product has matching items that are currently active on Half.com.
Total number of listings on the Half.com site that use stock information from this catalog product.
Type xs:int
This value can be greater than the number of listings returned in ItemArray.
Note: ItemCount is always returned, however, it's value will be zero unless you use ProductID in the search request and you set IncludeSelector to Items. Although ItemCount always returns 0 if you search using QueryKeyword, check for the presence of MinPrice; if the response contains MinPrice, you can retrieve a value for ItemCount as described.
The total quantity of matching items in the category.
Type xs:int
In the FindItemsAdvanced response, matching categories at the same level (i.e., sibling categories) are sorted by ItemCount. That is, if the request specifies that fewer categories or subcategories should be returned, the ones with the most matching items are returned first.
Total number of listings on the requested eBay site that use stock information from this catalog product.
Type xs:int
This value can be greater than the number of listings returned in ItemArray. To retrieve more listings, use FindItemsAdvanced. Only returned when you search by ProductID (and you pass Items or Details in IncludeSelector).
The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing.
Type xs:string
The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data.
Type xs:string
You can determine an item's ID by calling FindItems or from the eBay Web site.
The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data.
Type xs:string
Type xs:string
The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this ID when an item is listed. This ID is unique across all eBay sites.
Type xs:string
In search results (like the FindItemsAdvanced response), the same ItemID may be returned for multiple results if the results are variations from the same multi-variation listing.
The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data.
Type xs:string
You can provide a maximum of 20 ItemIDs. Use a comma to separate ItemIDs.
Allows you to search for items in a specified region.
Type ns:ItemLocationRegionCodeType
Value | Description |
NorthAmerica | Search for items in North America. You can only specify this search option from the United States - US (0) and Canada - CA (2) sites. |
UKIreland | Search for items in UK and Ireland. You can only specify this search option from the Ireland - IE (205) site. |
Europe | Search for items in Europe. You can only specify this search option from the United Kingdom - UK (3), Austria - AT (16), Belgium (French) - BEFR (23), France - FR (71), Germany - DE (77), Italy - IT (101), Belgium (Dutch) - BENL (123), Netherlands - NL (146), Spain - ES (186), Ireland - IE (205) and Poland - PL (212) sites. |
CanadaFrench | Search for items in French Canada (Quebec). You can only use this option with FindItemsAdvanced.PreferredLocation filter. You can only specify this search option from the Canada (French) - CAFR (210) site. |
Canada | Search for items in Canada. You can only specify this search option from the Canada (French) - CAFR (210) site. |
Worldwide | Search for items world-wide. You can only specify this search option from the United Status - US (0), Canada - CA (2), United Kingdom - UK (3), Australia - AU (15), Austria - AT (16), Belgium (French) - BEFR (23), France - FR (71), Germany - DE (77), Italy - IT (101), Belgium (Dutch) - BENL (123), Netherlands - NL (146), Spain - ES (186), Ireland - IE (205) and Poland - PL (212) sites. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use. |
The final price for the item, associated with the currency identified by the currencyId attribute of the AmountType.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Not returned if a listing ended more than 90 days ago.
Limits the result set to just those items available to the specified country.
Type ns:CountryCodeType
Value | Description |
AF | |
AL | |
DZ | |
AS | |
AD | |
AO | |
AI | |
AQ | |
AG | |
AR | |
AM | |
AW | |
AU | |
AT | |
AZ | |
BS | |
BH | |
BD | |
BB | |
BY | |
BE | |
BZ | |
BJ | |
BM | |
BT | |
BO | |
BA | |
BW | |
BV | |
BR | |
IO | |
BN | |
BG | |
BF | |
BI | |
KH | |
CM | |
CA | |
CV | |
KY | |
CF | |
TD | |
CL | |
CN | |
CX | |
CC | |
CO | |
KM | |
CG | |
CD | |
CK | |
CR | |
CI | |
HR | |
CU | |
CY | |
CZ | |
DK | |
DJ | |
DM | |
DO | |
TP | |
EC | |
EG | |
SV | |
GQ | |
ER | |
EE | |
ET | |
FK | |
FO | |
FJ | |
FI | |
FR | |
GF | |
PF | French Polynesia. Includes Tahiti. |
TF | |
GA | |
GM | |
GE | |
DE | |
GH | |
GI | |
GR | |
GL | |
GD | |
GP | |
GU | |
GT | |
GN | |
GW | |
GY | |
HT | |
HM | |
VA | |
HN | |
HK | |
HU | |
IS | |
IN | |
ID | |
IR | |
IQ | |
IE | |
IL | |
IT | |
JM | |
JP | |
JO | |
KZ | |
KE | |
KI | |
KP | |
KR | |
KW | |
KG | |
LA | |
LV | |
LB | |
LS | |
LR | |
LY | |
LI | |
LT | |
LU | |
MO | |
MK | |
MG | |
MW | |
MY | |
MV | |
ML | |
MT | |
MH | |
MQ | |
MR | |
MU | |
YT | |
MX | |
FM | |
MD | |
MC | |
MN | |
MS | |
MA | |
MZ | |
MM | |
NA | |
NR | |
NP | |
NL | |
AN | |
NC | |
NZ | |
NI | |
NE | |
NG | |
NU | |
NF | |
MP | |
NO | |
OM | |
PK | |
PW | |
PS | |
PA | |
PG | |
PY | |
PE | |
PH | |
PN | |
PL | |
PT | |
PR | |
QA | |
RE | |
RO | |
RU | |
RW | |
SH | |
KN | |
LC | |
PM | |
VC | |
WS | |
SM | |
ST | |
SA | |
SN | |
SC | |
SL | |
SG | |
SK | |
SI | |
SB | |
SO | |
ZA | |
GS | |
ES | |
LK | |
SD | |
SR | |
SJ | |
SZ | |
SE | |
CH | |
SY | |
TW | |
TJ | |
TZ | |
TH | |
TG | |
TK | |
TO | |
TT | |
TN | |
TR | |
TM | |
TC | |
TV | |
UG | |
UA | |
AE | |
GB | |
US | |
UM | |
UY | |
UZ | |
VU | |
VE | |
VN | |
VG | |
VI | |
WF | |
EH | |
YE | |
YU | |
ZM | |
ZW | |
AA | NOTE: APO/FPO was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country code list for backward compatibility. |
QM | NOTE: Guernsey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QN | NOTE: Jan Mayen was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QO | NOTE: Jersey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QP | NOTE: Tahiti was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. This Code is currently deprecated |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
A URL equivalent to your FindItems search query.
Type xs:anyURI
FindItems returns a maximum of 50 items, so you can use the value in ItemSearchURL to provide users with a link for viewing more items.
A URL for search results that corresponds to your search request.
Type xs:anyURI
Limits the result set to just those items located in the specified country.
Type ns:CountryCodeType
Value | Description |
AF | |
AL | |
DZ | |
AS | |
AD | |
AO | |
AI | |
AQ | |
AG | |
AR | |
AM | |
AW | |
AU | |
AT | |
AZ | |
BS | |
BH | |
BD | |
BB | |
BY | |
BE | |
BZ | |
BJ | |
BM | |
BT | |
BO | |
BA | |
BW | |
BV | |
BR | |
IO | |
BN | |
BG | |
BF | |
BI | |
KH | |
CM | |
CA | |
CV | |
KY | |
CF | |
TD | |
CL | |
CN | |
CX | |
CC | |
CO | |
KM | |
CG | |
CD | |
CK | |
CR | |
CI | |
HR | |
CU | |
CY | |
CZ | |
DK | |
DJ | |
DM | |
DO | |
TP | |
EC | |
EG | |
SV | |
GQ | |
ER | |
EE | |
ET | |
FK | |
FO | |
FJ | |
FI | |
FR | |
GF | |
PF | French Polynesia. Includes Tahiti. |
TF | |
GA | |
GM | |
GE | |
DE | |
GH | |
GI | |
GR | |
GL | |
GD | |
GP | |
GU | |
GT | |
GN | |
GW | |
GY | |
HT | |
HM | |
VA | |
HN | |
HK | |
HU | |
IS | |
IN | |
ID | |
IR | |
IQ | |
IE | |
IL | |
IT | |
JM | |
JP | |
JO | |
KZ | |
KE | |
KI | |
KP | |
KR | |
KW | |
KG | |
LA | |
LV | |
LB | |
LS | |
LR | |
LY | |
LI | |
LT | |
LU | |
MO | |
MK | |
MG | |
MW | |
MY | |
MV | |
ML | |
MT | |
MH | |
MQ | |
MR | |
MU | |
YT | |
MX | |
FM | |
MD | |
MC | |
MN | |
MS | |
MA | |
MZ | |
MM | |
NA | |
NR | |
NP | |
NL | |
AN | |
NC | |
NZ | |
NI | |
NE | |
NG | |
NU | |
NF | |
MP | |
NO | |
OM | |
PK | |
PW | |
PS | |
PA | |
PG | |
PY | |
PE | |
PH | |
PN | |
PL | |
PT | |
PR | |
QA | |
RE | |
RO | |
RU | |
RW | |
SH | |
KN | |
LC | |
PM | |
VC | |
WS | |
SM | |
ST | |
SA | |
SN | |
SC | |
SL | |
SG | |
SK | |
SI | |
SB | |
SO | |
ZA | |
GS | |
ES | |
LK | |
SD | |
SR | |
SJ | |
SZ | |
SE | |
CH | |
SY | |
TW | |
TJ | |
TZ | |
TH | |
TG | |
TK | |
TO | |
TT | |
TN | |
TR | |
TM | |
TC | |
TV | |
UG | |
UA | |
AE | |
GB | |
US | |
UM | |
UY | |
UZ | |
VU | |
VE | |
VN | |
VG | |
VI | |
WF | |
EH | |
YE | |
YU | |
ZM | |
ZW | |
AA | NOTE: APO/FPO was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country code list for backward compatibility. |
QM | NOTE: Guernsey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QN | NOTE: Jan Mayen was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QO | NOTE: Jersey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QP | NOTE: Tahiti was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. This Code is currently deprecated |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
Sorts search results based on the value you specify.
Type ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType
Value | Description |
BestMatch | Sorts items by Best Match, and no sort order applies. If specified, then Best Match sort also applies to CategoryHistogram. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
EndTime | Sorts items by end time. If you specify EndTime, then for SortOrder, you must specify a value of Ascending. The following is not functional: specifying a value of EndTime with a SortOrder of Descending. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
BidCount | Sort by number of bids on the item in ascending or descending order. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Country | Sort by country; no sort order can be specified. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
CurrentBid | Sort by current bid on the item in ascending or descending order. |
Distance | Sort by distance, ascending order only. |
StartDate | Sort by start date, recently-listed first. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
BestMatchCategoryGroup | (in) Sort by BestMatchCategoryGroup, so results are grouped by Best Match within a category. If you specify BestMatchCategoryGroup, and you want to specify a value for MaxEntries, the MaxEntries value can be 50 or less. |
PricePlusShipping | (in) This value is part of the Price Plus Shipping Sort feature, available for the following sites: US (site ID 0), Germany (77), Canada (2), and Australia (15). The Price Plus Shipping Sort feature causes item sorting to consider shipping costs. Specify PricePlusShippingAsc to sort items by lowest cost first, as follows: Lowest-total-cost (for items where shipping was properly specified), then freight-shipping items, then items for which shipping was not specified (sorted by price). |
BestMatchPlusEndTime | Support Relevance (BestMatch) Filter as first pass and then sorts the result set by end time in ascending or descending order. |
BestMatchPlusPrice | Support Relevance (BestMatch) Filter as first pass and then sorts the result set by Price in ascending or descending order. |
See the SortOrder field for values that specify whether results are returned in ascending or descending order. (By default, results are returned in descending order.)
Sorts search results based on the value you specify.
Type ns:SimpleItemSortCodeType
Value | Description |
BestMatch | Sorts items by Best Match, and no sort order applies. If specified, then Best Match sort also applies to CategoryHistogram. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
EndTime | Sorts items by end time. If you specify EndTime, then for SortOrder, you must specify a value of Ascending. The following is not functional: specifying a value of EndTime with a SortOrder of Descending. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
BidCount | Sort by number of bids on the item in ascending or descending order. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Country | Sort by country; no sort order can be specified. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
CurrentBid | Sort by current bid on the item in ascending or descending order. |
Distance | Sort by distance, ascending order only. |
StartDate | Sort by start date, recently-listed first. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the FindItemsAdvanced request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
BestMatchCategoryGroup | (in) Sort by BestMatchCategoryGroup, so results are grouped by Best Match within a category. If you specify BestMatchCategoryGroup, and you want to specify a value for MaxEntries, the MaxEntries value can be 50 or less. |
PricePlusShipping | (in) This value is part of the Price Plus Shipping Sort feature, available for the following sites: US (site ID 0), Germany (77), Canada (2), and Australia (15). The Price Plus Shipping Sort feature causes item sorting to consider shipping costs. Specify PricePlusShippingAsc to sort items by lowest cost first, as follows: Lowest-total-cost (for items where shipping was properly specified), then freight-shipping items, then items for which shipping was not specified (sorted by price). |
BestMatchPlusEndTime | Support Relevance (BestMatch) Filter as first pass and then sorts the result set by end time in ascending or descending order. |
BestMatchPlusPrice | Support Relevance (BestMatch) Filter as first pass and then sorts the result set by Price in ascending or descending order. |
See the SortOrder field for values for specifying that results are returned in ascending or descending order. (By default, results are returned in descending order.)
A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's pre-filled Item Specifics.
Type ns:NameValueListArrayType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:NameValueList | ns:NameValueListType | This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure. |
These indicate common aspects or characteristics of the product, such as Publisher (for a book). Also see ProductID for ISBN, UPC, or EAN values, if applicable. This is usually returned. (We are not aware of any cases in which this node is not be returned. However, it may be safest to check for the existence of this node.)
Category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing.
Type ns:NameValueListArrayType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:NameValueList | ns:NameValueListType | This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure. |
The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic Name/Value structure. The field names are usually very well known within the category.
For example, a book's item specifics might include a field like Publication Year=2007 (where Publication Year is returned in Name, and 2007 is returned in Value), and a field like Format=Hardcover. But a car's item specifics would be different from a book's, with fields like Make= Toyota and Model=Prius. And a ticket's item specifics would be different from those of books and cars, with fields like EventType=Concerts and Venue=The Fillmore.
One of the most common uses for item specifics is the item condition.
Only returned if the seller included Item Specifics in the listing.
A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's pre-filled Item Specifics.
Type ns:NameValueListArrayType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:NameValueList | ns:NameValueListType | This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure. |
These indicate common aspects or characteristics of the product, such as Publisher (for a book). Also see ProductID for ISBN, UPC, or EAN values, if applicable. This is usually returned. (We are not aware of any cases in which this node is not be returned. However, it may be safest to check for the existence of this node.)
Name of the listing for which feedback was provided.
Type xs:string
Returned as CDATA. Not returned if a listing ended more than 90 days ago.
Filters items based on criteria related to the listing type of items.
Type ns:ItemTypeCodeType
Value | Description |
AuctionItemsOnly | (in) Only retrieve listings eligible for competitive bidding at auction. That is, only retrieve listings for which ListingType is Chinese (single-item auction), regardless of the BuyItNowEnabled value. Items with any of the following listing types are not retrieved: StoresFixedPrice, FixedPriceItem, and AdType. Note: As of version 619, Dutch-style (multi-item) auctions are deprecated. eBay throws an error if you submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the Quantity value to 1. |
FixedPricedItem | (in) Only retrieves listings that can be purchased at a fixed price. That is, only retrieves listings for which listing type is StoresFixedPrice or FixedPriceItem. Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved depends on the site default. If StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved, they are returned after the other retrieved items. Also retrieves Chinese (single item) auction listings for which BuyItNowEnabled is true. Does not retrieve listings for which listing type is AdType, and does not retrieve auction listings for which BuyItNowEnabled is false. Note: As of version 619, Dutch-style (multi-item) auctions are deprecated. eBay throws an error if you submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the Quantity value to 1. |
AllItems | (in) Returns all listing types (the default for FindItemsAdvanced). It is recommended that you use AllItemTypes instead of AllItems. Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved depends on the site default. |
StoreInventoryOnly | (in) Only retrieves listings for which the listing type is StoresFixedPrice. |
FixedPriceExcludeStoreInventory | (in) Excludes listings that have listing type set to StoresFixedPrice. Excludes listings that have listing type set to AdType. Excludes auction listings in which BuyItNowEnabled is false. |
ExcludeStoreInventory | (in) Excludes listings that have listing type set to StoresFixedPrice. |
AllItemTypes | (in) Retrieves listings whether or not listing type is set to StoresFixedPrice; include auction items. In searches for items, you must specify the AllItemTypes value if you want Store Inventory format (StoresFixedPrice) items to be returned. |
AllFixedPriceItemTypes | (in) Retrieves fixed-price items. Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved does not depend on the site default. The StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved after the basic fixed price items. Items are retrieved whether or not listing type is set to StoresFixedPrice. Does not retrieve items for which listing type is AdType or Live. Does not retrieve auction items for which BuyItNowEnabled is false. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
ClassifiedItemsOnly | (in) Only retrieves Classified Ad format listings. |
AdFormat | Restricts listings to return only items that have the Ad Format feature. |
Representative identifier for the jurisdiction.
Type xs:string
Typically an abbreviation (e.g. CA for California).
Displays the last name of the seller (in a business card format) if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
If true, indicates that the category indicated in CategoryID is a leaf category, in which items may be listed (if the category is not also expired or virtual).
Type xs:boolean
Displays the LegalInvoice of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:boolean
The listed shipping cost of the item. If multiple items were purchased, this includes the listed ShippingServiceAdditionalCost.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
In GetSingleItem, this is always returned when ShippingCostSummary is returned, except when the ShippingType is Freight.
Specifies a listing's status in eBay's processing workflow.
Value | Description |
Active | (out) The listing is still live, or it has recently ended but eBay has not completed processing the listing (e.g., we're still determining the high bidder). A multi-item listing is considered active until all items have winning bids or purchases or the listing's end time has passed. (That is, if the listing has a Quantity of 10, the sale of 1 of those items doesn't end the listing.) If the listing has ended but this Active status is returned, please allow several minutes for eBay to finish processing the listing. |
Ended | (out) The listing has ended and eBay has completed processing of the sale (if any), such as determining the high bidder. |
Completed | (out) The listing has ended and eBay has completed processing of the sale (if any), such as determining the high bidder. You can think of Completed and Ended as essentially equivalent. (The difference is only meaningful to the seller of the item, as Completed indicates whether eBay has finished calculating certain selling fees.) |
CustomCode | (out) Placeholder value. See token. |
If an item's EndTime is in the past, but no details about the buyer or high bidder are shown (and the user is not anonymous), use this listing status information to determine whether eBay has finished processing the listing.
The format of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or advertisement format.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Unknown auction type. (This is not normally used.) |
Chinese | Single-quantity online auction format. A Chinese auction has a Quantity of 1. Buyers engage in competitive bidding, although Buy It Now may be offered as long as no bids have been placed. Online auctions are listed on eBay.com, and they are also listed in the seller's eBay Store if the seller is a Store owner. |
Dutch | Multiple-quantity online auction format. A Dutch auction has a Quantity greater than one (1). Buyers engage in competitive bidding. Some sites also offer Buy It Now for Dutch auctions. Online auctions are listed on eBay.com. They are also listed in a seller's eBay Store if the seller is a Store owner. Note: Dutch-style (multi-item) auctions are being deprecated and will soon be unsupported. Although you can retrieve information relating to a Dutch-style listing, starting with version 615, you cannot submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem on the following sites: US, CA, CAFR, DE, or UK. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the quantity to 1. To ensure forward compliance, please avoid listing multi-item auctions. |
Live | Live auction, on-site auction that can include non-eBay bidders. Live auctions are listed on the eBay Live Auctions site, in live auction categories. They can also appear on eBay if the seller lists the lot in a secondary, eBay category. |
Auction | Reserved for future use. |
AdType | Advertisement to solicit inquiries on listings such as real estate. Permits no bidding on that item, service, or property. To express interest, a buyer fills out a contact form that eBay forwards to the the seller as a lead. This format does not enable buyers and sellers to transact online through eBay, and eBay Feedback is not available for ad format listings. |
StoresFixedPrice | A fixed-price format for eBay Store sellers. Store Inventory listings appear after other listings in regular browse and search item lists on eBay. They have a lower Insertion Fee and longer listing durations. This item type can only be specified by sellers who have an eBay Store. Store Inventory listings are listed on eBay.com as well as in the seller's eBay Store. |
PersonalOffer | Second chance offer made to a non-winning bidder on an ended listing. A seller can make an offer to a non-winning bidder when either the winning bidder has failed to pay for an item or the seller has a duplicate of the item. Second- chance offer items are on eBay, but they do not appear when browsing or searching listings. You need to already know the item ID in order to retrieve a second-chance offer. |
FixedPriceItem | A basic fixed-price listing with a Quantity of 1. Allows no auction-style bidding. Also known as Buy It Now Only on some sites, this should not to be confused with the BuyItNow option that is available for competitive-bid auctions. Fixed-price listings appear on eBay.com. They are also listed in a seller's eBay Store if the seller is a Store owner. Note: Dutch-style (multi-item) auctions are being deprecated and will soon be unsupported. Although you can retrieve information relating to a Dutch-style listing, starting with version 615, you cannot submit a Dutch item listing with AddItem or VerifyAddItem on the following sites: US, CA, CAFR, DE, or UK. If you use RelistItem to update a Dutch auction listing, eBay generates a warning and resets the quantity to 1. To ensure forward compliance, please avoid listing multi-item auctions. |
Half | Half.com listing (item is listed on Half.com, not on eBay). Reserved for future use. |
LeadGeneration | Lead Generation format (advertisement-style listing to solicit inquiries or offers, no bidding or fixed price, listed on eBay). |
Express | For Germany only: eBay Express-only format (item is listed only on eBay Express Germany, not on eBay). |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.)
Type xs:string
The URL of the nonprofit charity organization.
Type xs:string
This URL is displayed in the Giving Works item listing.
A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.
Type xs:string
A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction.
Type xs:int
A listing can have multiple lots (instead of multiple items). When LotSize is specified, the listing price reflects the price of each lot (not each item within the lot). In this case, Quantity indicates the number of lots being listed, and LotSize indicates the number of items in each lot. (If a listing has no lots, Quantity indicates the number of separate items being listed.) Important: Lot items can be listed only in lot-enabled categories. GetCategories returns lot size disabled with a value of true for categories that do not support lots.
Not applicable to Half.com.
The maximum distance from the postal code specified in the PostalCode field. (The PostalCode field contains the postal code of the buyer.)
Type xs:int
The MaxDistance unit (miles or kilometers) varies by site. If the country whose site you are searching, e.g. India, uses kilometers, then the MaxDistance unit is kilometers. Otherwise, e.g. if the country is US or UK, The search behavior depends on the following combination of MaxDistance and Postal Code values:
If MaxDistance is set to a value other than 0, and a postal code is entered, the search will retrieve items at the specified distance from the postal code entry (this is the default behavior).
If MaxDistance is set to 0, and no postal code is entered, the postal code search location criteria will be ignored.
If MaxDistance is set to 0, and one postal code is entered, only items within the limits of that postal code will be returned.
If MaxDistance is set to 0, and several postal codes are entered, items within any of the postal codes will be returned, but only the first postal code entered will be used to calculate shipping cost and to sort by distance.
Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call.
Type xs:int
Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call.
Type xs:int
This is mostly only useful with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, Half.com usually only returns one product, and up to 30 items for that product.)
Specifies the maximum number of entries to be returned in a single call.
Type xs:int
If the number of available items is less than the value you specify, the lower number is returned. If you want the response to contain only the total number of items matching the query, specify a MaxEntries value of 0. Note that if a query normally would return more than 10,000 items, only the first 10,000 items are returned. This limit is independent of the value you specify in the MaxEntries field.
Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call.
Type xs:int
If the number of entries that can be returned is less than the value you specify, the lower number is returned.
Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page in a single call.
Type xs:int
This is mostly only useful with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, eBay usually only returns one product, and up to 200 items for that product.)
The maximum number of keywords to be retrieved per category for this call.
Type xs:int
Specifies the maximum number of PopularSearchResults per page in the returned list.
Type xs:int
If not specified, the default returns 20 results per page.
Specifies the maximum number of reviews per page (not guides) in the returned list.
Type xs:int
If not specified, the default returns 5 results per page.
If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we'll return the same value in CorrelationID in the response.
Type xs:string
If you're making a lot of calls, you can use this for tracking that a response is returned for every request and to match particular responses to particular requests. (In this case, specify a different value for each request.) You can specify any value that is useful to you.
Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Returns same value as Item.StartPrice (if no bids have yet been placed) or CurrentPrice plus BidIncrement (if at least one bid has been placed). Only applicable to competitive-bid auction listings. Returns null for basic Fixed Price (FixedPriceItem),Store Inventory (StoresFixedPrice), and Ad type listings.
The minimum price for all active items listed under this product.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
This field is only returned when QueryKeywords is specified in the request.
The stated mission of the nonprofit charity organization.
Type xs:string
This mission is displayed in the Giving Works item listing.
Limits the results to active items whose status has changed since the specified time.
Type xs:dateTime
Specify a time in the past. Time must be in GMT. Cannot be used with the EndTime filters.
If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages.
Type xs:boolean
If true, more pages of results are available. That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages.
Type xs:boolean
Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (large version).
Type xs:anyURI
Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (small version).
Type xs:anyURI
A link to the URL of the user's MyWorld page.
Type xs:anyURI
The name of the item specific.
Type xs:string
This field is returned only in responses if the seller included an item specific Name in the listing. However, if the seller didn't also include a corresponding value for the item specific, it is best to not display the name to name to avoid confusing users.
For the item condition, this usually includes the word "Condition" for eBay US, UK, Australia, and India listings; and "Artikelzustand" for eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland listings.
Note: Ignore item specifics with SIFFTAS in the name. These are for internal use by eBay and aren't meaningful to users.
This is the domain name.
Type xs:string
A product can be mapped to more than one domain. This means that even if a name appears in this histogram and the Count is greater than 1, you won't necessarily see the same name returned for each returned product (in the Product node of the response). That is, Product.DomainName only returns the most applicable domain name (as determined by eBay).
User's name for the address.
Type xs:string
Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
Display name of the buying guide.
Type xs:string
FindReviewsAndGuides only returns 20 characters, followed by "..." if the name is longer than 20 characters. For the full title, see BuyingGuide.Title instead.
This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure.
Type ns:NameValueListType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Name | xs:string | The name of the item specific. |
ns:Value | xs:string | A value for the item specific. This field is only returned in responses if the seller included a value for an item specific. In the GetSingleItem response, this field is always returned for each item specific that is returned (if any). However, if the seller didn't select a value for the item specific, this field may return empty, or it may return a value like "-", "Not Selected", or "Unspecified" (or the equivalent in the language of the site). For the item condition, this usually includes the word "New" or "Used" for eBay US, UK, Australia, and India listings; and "Neu" or "Gebraucht" for eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland listings. |
any |
For example, Item Specifics for a car might include a field like Make=Toyota (where Make is returned in Name, and Toyota is returned in Value) and Model=Prius (where Model is returned in Name, and Prius is returned in Value).
In multi-variation listings, the same name cannot appear in both the VariationSpecifics node and in the ItemSpecifics node.
For FindProducts, this can also be an Item Specific that is defined for a product. That is, Item Specifics can be returned both for items and products in FindProducts.
Negative feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:PeriodInDays | xs:int | Indicates the time period for the feedback count. |
ns:Count | xs:long | Count of the feedbacks received by the user for the time period prior to the call indicated in PeriodInDays. |
any |
Number of neutral comments received from suspended users.
Type xs:long
Neutral feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:PeriodInDays | xs:int | Indicates the time period for the feedback count. |
ns:Count | xs:long | Count of the feedbacks received by the user for the time period prior to the call indicated in PeriodInDays. |
any |
If true, identifies a new user who has been a registered eBay user for 30 days or less.
Type xs:boolean
Always false after the user has been registered for more than 30 days. Does not indicate an ID change.
Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call.
Type xs:int
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request).
Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call.
Type xs:int
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request).
The number of the page of data returned.
Type xs:int
If many products are found and multiple pages of results are available, use this in combination with TotalPages to decide which page to retrieve next. As FindProducts only returns up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically 2000 (if you were to set MaxResultsPerPage to 1 in the request).
The number of the page of data returned.
Type xs:int
If many products are found and multiple pages of results are available, use this in combination with ApproximatePages and MoreResults to decide which page to retrieve next. As FindProducts only returns up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically 2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the request).
Specifies which page of data to return in the current call.
Type xs:int
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request).
Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items can be returned, this field has a value of one.
Type xs:int
Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call.
Type xs:int
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request).
The number of the page of data returned.
Type xs:int
If many products are found and multiple pages of results are available, use this in combination with ApproximatePages and HasMore to decide which page to retrieve next. As FindHalfProducts only returns up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically 2000 (if you were to set EntriesPerPage to 1 in the request).
Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, for the first set of items returned, this field has a value of 1.
Type xs:int
Specifies which page of data to return in the current call.
Type xs:int
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). Use this only when specifying QueryKeywords.
Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item.
Type ns:SiteCodeType
Value | Description |
US | USA, site ID 0, abbreviation US, currency USD. |
Canada | Canada, site ID 2, abbreviation CA, currencies CAD and USD. |
UK | United Kingdom, site ID 3, abbreviation UK, currency GBP. |
Australia | Australia, site ID 15, abbreviation AU, currency AUD. |
Austria | Austria, site ID 16, abbreviation AT, currency EUR. |
Belgium_French | Belgium (French), site ID 23, abbreviation BEFR, currency EUR. |
France | France, site ID 71, abbreviation FR, currency EUR. |
Germany | Germany, site ID 77, abbreviation DE, currency EUR. |
Italy | Italy, site ID 101, abbreviation IT, currency EUR. |
Belgium_Dutch | Belgium (Dutch), site ID 123, abbreviation BENL, currency EUR. |
Netherlands | Netherlands, site ID 146, abbreviation NL, currency EUR. |
Spain | Spain, site ID 186, abbreviation ES, currency EUR. |
Switzerland | Switzerland, site ID 193, abbreviation CH, currency CHF. |
Taiwan | Taiwan, site ID 196, abbreviation TW, currency TWD. |
eBayMotors | eBay Motors, site ID 100, currency USD. |
HongKong | Hong Kong, site ID 201, abbreviation HK, currency HKD. |
Singapore | Singapore, site ID 216, abbreviation SG, currency SGD. |
India | India, site ID 203, abbreviation IN, currency INR. |
China | China, site ID 223, abbreviation CN, currency CNY. |
Ireland | Ireland, site ID 205, abbreviation IE, currency EUR. |
Malaysia | Malaysia, site ID 207, abbreviation MY, currency MYR. |
Philippines | Philippines, site ID 211, abbreviation PH, currency PHP. |
Poland | Poland, site ID 212, abbreviation PL, currency PLN. |
Sweden | Sweden, site ID 218, abbreviation SE, currency SEK. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
CanadaFrench | CanadaFrench, site ID 210, abbreviation CAFR, currencies CAD and USD. |
Limits results to items that accept a specific payment method or methods.
Type ns:PaymentMethodSearchCodeType
Value | Description |
PayPal | PayPal payment method. |
PaisaPay | PaisaPay payment method. The PaisaPay payment method is only for the India site (site ID 203). |
PayPalOrPaisaPay | Either the PayPal or the PaisaPay payment method. The PaisaPay payment method is only for the India site (site ID 203). |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
PaisaPayEscrowEMI | PaisaPayEscrow EMI (Equal Monthly Installment) payment method. The PaisaPayEscrowEMI payment method is only for the India site (site ID 203). |
Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item.
Type ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType
Value | Description |
None | No payment method specified. For example, no payment methods would be specified for Ad format listings. |
MOCC | Money order/cashiers check. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
AmEx | American Express. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
PaymentSeeDescription | Payment instructions are contained in the item's description. |
CCAccepted | Credit card. Not applicable to Real Estate or US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
PersonalCheck | Personal check. |
COD | Cash on delivery. Only applicable to the following eBay sites: AT (16), BEFR (24), BENL (123), CH (193), DE (77), ES (186), FR (71), HK (201), IN (203), IT (101), PL (212), and SG (216). Not applicable to Real Estate listings. |
VisaMC | Visa/Mastercard. These qualify as safe payment methods. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
PaisaPayAccepted | PaisaPay (for India site only). This qualifies as a safe payment method. |
Other | Other forms of payment. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings (see PaymentSeeDescription instead). |
PayPal | PayPal is accepted as a payment method. This qualifies as a safe payment method. If PayPal is specified for US/CA eBay Motors vehicles, it is for the vehicle deposit (not for purchasing the vehicle). |
Discover | Discover card. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
CashOnPickup | This payment method is equivalent to the PayOnPickup payment method. CashOnPickup applies even for listings on the eBay US site that refer to "Pay on pickup." |
MoneyXferAccepted | Direct transfer of money. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
MoneyXferAcceptedInCheckout | If the seller has bank account information on file, and MoneyXferAcceptedInCheckout = true, then the bank account information will be displayed in Checkout. |
OtherOnlinePayments | All other online payments. Not applicable to US/CA eBay Motors listings. |
Escrow | Deprecated. |
PrePayDelivery | Deprecated. |
CODPrePayDelivery | Deprecated. |
PostalTransfer | Deprecated. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
LoanCheck | Loan check option (applicable only to the US eBay Motors site, except in the Parts and Accessories category, and the eBay Canada site for motors). |
CashInPerson | Cash-in-person option. Applicable only to US and Canada eBay Motors vehicles, (not the Parts and Accessories category). |
ELV | Elektronisches Lastschriftverfahren (direct debit). Only applicable to Express Germany. |
PaisaPayEscrowEMI | PaisaPayEscrow EMI (Equal Monthly Installment) payment method. The PaisaPayEscrowEMI payment method is only for the India site (site ID 203). |
Moneybookers | The Moneybookers payment method. For more information, see http://www.moneybookers.com/partners/us/ebay. Only applicable to the US site (and to the Parts and Accessories category of the US eBay Motors site). |
Paymate | The Paymate payment method. For more information, see http://www.paymate.com/eBay. Only applicable to the US site (and to the Parts and Accessories category of the US eBay Motors site). |
ProPay | The ProPay payment method. US site only. For more information, see http://www.Propay.com/eBay. |
If the seller only accepts PayPal, the buyer can still pay with a credit card. PayPal supports major credit cards. Payment methods are not applicable to eBay Real Estate advertisement listings, or other Classified Ad format listings.
Indicates the time period for the feedback count.
Type xs:int
Returns a value indicating the number of days prior to the call for which feedbacks of the particular type are counted.
User's primary phone number.
Type xs:string
This may return a value of "Invalid Request" if you are not authorized to see the user's phone number. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
Area or City Code of a user's secondary phone number.
Type xs:string
This field applies to Classified Ad format listings only.
Country prefix of a user's secondary phone number.
Type xs:string
This value is derived from inputs supplied for Phone2CountryCode. This field applies to Classified Ad format listings only.
The local number portion of the user's secondary phone number.
Type xs:string
This field applies to Classified Ad format listings only.
Note: The full secondary phone number is constructed by combining Phone2LocalNumber with Phone2AreaOrCityCode and Phone2CountryPrefix. Starting with API release 497, the full phone number can be entered in Phone2LocalNumber. Refer to the release notes for additional information.
Area or City Code of a user's primary phone number.
Type xs:string
This field applies to Classified Ad format listings only.
Country Prefix of the secondary phone number.
Type xs:string
This value is derived from inputs supplied for PhoneCountryCode. This field applies to Classified Ad format listings only.
The local number portion of the user's primary phone number.
Type xs:string
This field applies to Classified Ad format listings only.
Note: The full primary phone number is constructed by combining PhoneLocalNumber with PhoneAreaOrCityCode and PhoneCountryPrefix. Starting with API release 497, the full phone number can be entered in PhoneLocalNumber. Refer to the release notes for additional information.
Returns true if the item has an associated picture. Not returned if value is false.
Type xs:boolean
Contains a set of pictures that correspond to one of the variation specifics, such as Color.
Type ns:PicturesType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:VariationSpecificName | xs:string | One aspect of the variations that will be illustrated in the pictures for all variations. For example, if each variation is visually distinguished by color and the pictures show the different colors available, then specify "Color" as the name. |
ns:VariationSpecificPictureSet | ns:VariationSpecificPictureSetType | One or more pictures that help buyers distinguish the Variations. |
any |
For example, if a listing has blue and black color variations, a listing could specify the name Color as an organizing mechanism for all the pictures, and then include a set of pictures for the blue variations and another set of pictures for the black variations.
Note: Only one Pictures node is currently returned for a listing. However, the node has been defined as unbounded (repeatable) in the schema to allow for different use cases for some calls or sites in the future.
Contains the URL for an image associated with the item, if any. Returned only if the seller included at least one picture in their listing.
Type xs:anyURI
Note that this element does not return the URLs of pictures that the seller included in the Description via HTML IMG tags.
Items listed the main eBay site can have a maximum of 12 picture URLs hosted by eBay Picture Services, or a maximum of 6 picture URLs hosted by a third party (such as the a photo site). Note that a listing can have up to 24 picture URLs on the US eBay Motors site (for all vehicle listings), and on the eBay Canada Motors site.
eBay uses the seller's first picture at the top of the listing's View Item page.
The URL of a picture that is associated with VariationSpecificValue.
Type xs:anyURI
The first PictureURL is also used as the gallery picture for applicable variations. For example, if the picture set contains pictures of red shirts (i.e., VariationSpecificName=Color and VariationSpecificValue=Red), the first picture is used as the gallery picture for all the red shirt variations.
Returns most popular search words by category.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CategoryID | xs:string | Numeric ID of a category on eBay. |
ns:CategoryParentID | xs:string | Category ID identifying a category that is the parent category of the category indicated in the request. |
ns:QueryKeywords | xs:string | Specifies which QueryKeywords corresponds to this PopularSearchResult. |
ns:AlternativeSearches | xs:string | Alternative search keywords for the query keywords, separated by semicolons. |
ns:RelatedSearches | xs:string | Keywords related to the query keywords, separated by semicolons. |
ns:CategoryName | xs:string | Category Name identifying the name of current CategoryID. |
ns:CategoryParentName | xs:string | The name of category which is a parent category to the CategoryID specified in the request. |
any |
For each category, the CategoryID, CategoryName, CategoryParentID, and CategoryParentName, are returned, as well as QueryKeywords, related, and alternate searches.
A seller's positive feedback score.
Type xs:float
The percentage value of a seller's positive feedback is calculated by dividing the seller's positive feedback score by their negative feedback score. The last 12 months of feedback scores are taken into consideration for this calculation.
Positive feedback entries count, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:PeriodInDays | xs:int | Indicates the time period for the feedback count. |
ns:Count | xs:long | Count of the feedbacks received by the user for the time period prior to the call indicated in PeriodInDays. |
any |
Number of helpfulness votes if using user search.
Type xs:int
Postal code indicating the physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. (This gives a general indication of where the item will be shipped or delivered from.)
Type xs:string
Specifies the postal code where the buyer is located.
Type xs:string
User's postal code.
Type xs:string
If not provided as input for GetCart or SetCart, eBay uses the country associated with the SiteID in effect when the call is made.
Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
The postal code where the buyer is located.
Type xs:string
The search behavior depends on the combination of MaxDistance and Postal Code values. See MaxDistance element for details.
Specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request.
Type ns:PreferredLocationCodeType
Value | Description |
ListedInCurrencyImplied | (in) Items listed in the currency implied by the site specified in the request. |
LocatedInCountryImplied | (in) Items located in the country implied by the site specified in the request. |
AvailableInCountryImplied | (in) Items available to the country implied by the site specified in the request. For the US site, this implies listings from ALL English-language countries that are available to the US. |
SiteImplied | (in) Returns only items listed on the site specified in the request, regardless of the listing currency. The SiteImplied flag works for all eBay sites when you perform a keyword query (by specifying a value for QueryKeywords). However, if you are performing only a category search (by specifying a CategoryID and no QueryKeywords), SiteImplied works only on the following sites: AU (15), CA (2), CAFR (210), IN (203), Motors (100), UK (3), US (0). |
BelgiumListing | (in) Items located in Belgium or listed on one of the two Belgian sites. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Specifies the maximum current price an item can have to be included in the response.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
If the request is made using a URL, must include a Value field, as specified in the following URL snippet: PriceMax.Value=500. Optionally, you can also specify a currency ID, e.g., as part of a URL, PriceMax.currencyID=EUR. Use PriceMax to specify a maximum price or use PriceMax with PriceMin to specify a price range.
Specifies the minimum current price an item listing can have to be included in the searches result set.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Use alone to specify a minimum price or with MaxPrice to define a range the items' prices must be. If the request is made using a URL, must include a Value field, as specified in the following URL snippet: PriceMin.Value=400. Optionally, you can also specify a currency ID, e.g., as part of a URL, PriceMin.currencyID=EUR.
Numeric ID of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.)
Type xs:string
The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the first category.
Type xs:string
For example, if the primary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678.
Type xs:string
A set of Half.com catalog products.
Type ns:HalfCatalogProductType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Title | xs:string | The title of the product, as specified in the catalog. |
ns:DetailsURL | xs:anyURI | Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as a movie's description or film credits. |
ns:StockPhotoURL | xs:anyURI | Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the Half.com catalog product. |
ns:ShippingCostSummary | ns:ShippingCostSummaryType | Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item. |
ns:DisplayStockPhotos | xs:boolean | If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display any stock photos that are returned. |
ns:ItemCount | xs:int | Total number of listings on the Half.com site that use stock information from this catalog product. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | The Half.com or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | The name of the domain in which the product was found. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's pre-filled Item Specifics. |
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | A list of active items that were listed with the requested product. |
ns:ReviewCount | xs:int | The total number of reviews that are available for this product on the Half.com Web site. |
ns:MinPrice | ns:AmountType | The minimum price for all active items listed under this product. |
any |
This contains stock information about a particular DVD, book, or other product. When you use QueryKeywords in the request, FindHalfProducts returns a maximum of 20 products per page. When you use ProductID in the request, FindHalfProducts usually only returns 1 product. ItemCount is only returned when ProductID is used in the request and the IncludeSelector is set to Items or Details. (If more than one product matches the same ProductID, FindProducts will return all of those products. As of the time of this writing, we expect this to be a rare case.)
An eBay catalog product.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:DomainName | xs:string | The name of the domain in which the product was found. |
ns:DetailsURL | xs:anyURI | Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as a movie's description or film credits. |
ns:DisplayStockPhotos | xs:boolean | If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display any stock photos that are returned. |
ns:ProductID | ns:ProductIDType | The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. |
ns:ItemCount | xs:int | Total number of listings on the requested eBay site that use stock information from this catalog product. |
ns:ItemSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's pre-filled Item Specifics. |
ns:ReviewCount | xs:int | The total number of reviews that are available for this product on the eBay Web site. |
ns:StockPhotoURL | xs:anyURI | Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the eBay catalog product. |
ns:Title | xs:string | The title of the product, as specified in the catalog. |
ns:ProductState | ns:ProductStateCodeType | Indicates that the product has changed or will soon change (usually due to a migration from one catalog to another catalog). |
any |
This contains stock information about a particular DVD, camera, set of golf clubs, or other product. When you use QueryKeywords in the request, FindProducts returns a maximum of 20 products per page. When you use ProductID in the request, FindProducts usually only returns 1 product by default. (If more than one product matches the same ProductID, FindProducts will return all of those products. As of the time of this writing, we expect this to be a rare case.)
Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product. Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.
Type ns:ProductIDType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Contains text only.
In general, you can request up to 10 IDs of the same type by separating them with commas, as in the following: 014633155310,014633145496. However, if you specify a ProductID type of Reference (which specifies a global reference ID for an eBay catalog product), only one ID in ProductID can be used.
The request requires either QueryKeywords or ProductID, but these fields cannot be used together.
ItemCount is only returned when ProductID is used in the request and the IncludeSelector is set to Items or Details.
Use this to retrieve reviews (not guides) for one specific product.
Type ns:ProductIDType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Contains text only.
Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying. Same as FindProducts, supports Reference, ISBN, UPC, EAN.
ProductID can be used in combination with UserID to return Reviews and Guides. ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together.
You can use this input field to search by ISBN, UPC, EAN, or eBay Product Reference ID, as in the following examples. To search using an ISBN, specify ProductID.Type=ISBN and set ProductID.Value to an ISBN value. To search using an eBay Product Reference ID, specify ProductID.Type=Reference and set ProductID.Value to an eBay Product Reference ID value.
Type ns:ProductIDType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Contains text only.
If you do not know the eBay Product Reference ID of a product, use FindProducts to retrieve the desired eBay Product Reference ID. FindItemsAdvanced requires that you specify at least one of the following: QueryKeywords, CategoryID, ProductID, or SellerID. If you use the ProductID field, do not use QueryKeywords, CategoryID, or SellerID.
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
The Half.com or external IDs associated with the product.
Type ns:ProductIDType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Contains text only.
Use the Reference value as input to search for the same product in the future, or use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned). The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys if your application is comparing products across different sites. Always returned when Product is returned.
A prototype description of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book.
Type ns:ProductIDType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Contains text only.
When returned for GetSingleItem, is always of type Reference, and serves as a global reference ID for an eBay catalog product.
When used as input, retrieves product details for one specific product. Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.
The request requires either QueryKeywords or ProductID, but these fields cannot be used together.
Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product.
Type ns:ProductIDType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Contains text only.
Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.
The request requires either QueryKeywords or ProductID, but these fields cannot be used together.
The eBay or external IDs associated with the product.
Type ns:ProductIDType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Contains text only.
Use the Reference value as input to search for the same product in the future, or use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned). The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys if your application is comparing products across different sites. Always returned when Product is returned.
The eBay or external IDs associated with the product.
Type ns:ProductIDType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:type | ns:ProductIDCodeType | The nature of identifier being used. |
Contains text only.
Use the Reference value as input to search for the same product in the future, or use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned). The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys if your application is comparing products across different sites. Always returned when Product is returned.
An set of Half.com catalog products.
Type ns:HalfProductsType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Product | ns:HalfCatalogProductType | A set of Half.com catalog products. |
any |
This contains stock information about a particular DVD, book, or other product. When you use QueryKeywords in the request, FindHalfProducts returns a maximum of 20 products per page. When you use ProductID in the request, FindHalfProducts usually only returns 1 product. ItemCount is only returned if you use ProductID with IncludeSelector set to Items or Details. (If more than one product matches the same ProductID, FindHalfProducts will return all of those products. As of the time of this writing, we expect this to be a rare case.)
A URL for product search results that corresponds to your search request.
Type xs:anyURI
This is similar to ItemSearchURL in FindItems and FindItemsAdvanced.
Sorts the list of products returned.
Value | Description |
Popularity | Sort by product popularity (as determined by eBay). (This is the default sort order.) |
Rating | Sort by average rating. |
ReviewCount | Sort by the number of reviews on eBay. |
ItemCount | Sort by the number of active items listed with this product. |
Title | Sort by the product title. |
CustomCode | Reserved for values that are not available in the version of the schema you are using. If eBay adds a new value to this code type as of a newer version, we return CustomCode instead when you specify a lower request version. |
This is mostly only useful with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, eBay usually only returns one product.) Also see SortOrder. If ProductSort and SortOrder are not specified, products are sorted by popularity in descending order.
Sorts the list of products returned.
Value | Description |
Popularity | Sort by product popularity (as determined by eBay). (This is the default sort order.) |
Rating | Sort by average rating. |
ReviewCount | Sort by the number of reviews on eBay. |
ItemCount | Sort by the number of active items listed with this product. |
Title | Sort by the product title. |
CustomCode | Reserved for values that are not available in the version of the schema you are using. If eBay adds a new value to this code type as of a newer version, we return CustomCode instead when you specify a lower request version. |
This is mostly only useful with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, Half.com usually only returns one product.)
Indicates that the product has changed or will soon change (usually due to a migration from one catalog to another catalog).
Value | Description |
Update | The product details have been updated. If your application currently uses the product for listing or searching, we recommend that you check to make sure the product data still meets your needs. |
UpdateMajor | This product has changed. This product has been mapped to a newer product in the catalog that eBay (or Half.com) is currently using, and its details have been updated based on the new catalog data. The product reference ID remains the same (but the longer product ID string may have changed). If your application currently uses the product for searching, we recommend that you check to make sure the product data still meets your needs. |
UpdateNoDetails | This product was previously available in an earlier catalog, but it has not been mapped to a product in the catalog that eBay is currently using. It can still be used for searching, but it may contain fewer details than other products. If your application currently uses the product for searching, we recommend that you check to make sure the product data still meets your needs. Not applicable to Half.com. |
Merge | Some information in this product is scheduled to be merged into another product in the catalog that eBay (or Half.com) is currently using. This product may be removed from the system at any time. If your application currently uses the product for searching, we recommend that you update your application to use a product that is not scheduled to be merged or deleted. |
Delete | This product is marked for deletion, and it will not be mapped to another product. If your application currently uses the product for searching, we recommend that you update your application to use a product that is not scheduled to be merged or deleted. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use. |
Typically, this field is returned for up to 90 days for a given product. After that, the product either no longer returns this field or the product is no longer returned (depending on the state change). As of mid-2008, this data is primarily applicable to catalogs used by the US, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland sites. Other sites may undergo catalog changes in the future.
The number of items the seller is offering in the listing. (Subtract Item.QuantitySold from this value to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.)
Type xs:int
An online, comptetitive-bidding auction with a Quantity of 1 is referred to as a Chinese auction. Basic fixed-price and Store Inventory listings can have a Quantity of 1 or more.
The listing's current or Buy It Now price is the price of the item in the listing.
Note: A seller can also offer multiple items for sale with a single price for all the items. For example, instead of listing 10 lightbulbs for US 2.00 each, they might list 10 lightbulbs for USD 20.00 (where you have to buy all 10). This is called a "lot."
If the listing includes a lot, Quantity does not specify the lot size; it reflects how many lots are being sold. For example, if the original listing included 5 lots of 10 lightbulbs each, Quantity would be 5.
Limits the results to listings that offer a certain number of items matching the query.
Type xs:int
The Quantity field is used with QuantityOperator to specify that you are seeking listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity.
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
The number of items available for sale that are associated with this variation.
Type xs:int
Limits the results to listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity.
Type ns:QuantityOperatorCodeType
Value | Description |
LessThan | Used by QuantityOperator to specify that you are seeking quantities less than Quantity. |
LessThanOrEqual | Specifies quantities less than or equal to Quantity. |
Equal | Specifies quantities equal to Quantity. |
GreaterThan | Specifies quantities greater than Quantity. |
GreaterThanOrEqual | Specifies quantities greater than or equal to Quantity. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use. |
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
Number of items purchased so far from this listing. (Subtract this value from Item.Quantity to calculate the number of items currently available for sale.)
Type xs:int
Number of items sold to a single buyer and to be shipped together.
Type xs:int
Not used. See SellingStatus.QuantitySold instead.
Type xs:int
The number of items sold from this variation.
Type xs:int
Subtract from Quantity to determine the number of items available.
One or more keywords to search for. When you use a keyword search, eBay searches the product catalogs for matching words in the product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns a list of matching products, with no items.
Type xs:string
To retrieve items, use ProductID instead. (If you don't already have a product ID, you can get product IDs from the response after conducting a keyword search.)
If specified, you must pass in at least 3 alphanumeric characters.
The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use "and", "or", or "the" if you are searching for products containing these words. To use AND or OR logic, use eBay's standard search string modifiers. Wildcards (+, -, or *) are also supported. Be careful when using spaces before or after modifiers and wildcards.
Some keyword queries can result in response times of 30 seconds or longer. If more than 2000 matches are found, the call fails with an error. If this kind of error occurs, refine the search by passing in more keywords and/or by using DomainName to restrict the search to certain domains (such as DVDs). If you are searching for a particular book, DVD, CD, or video game and you already know its ISBN or EAN (for a book) or UPC, consider using ProductID instead to retrieve more precise results.
The request requires either QueryKeywords or ProductID, but these fields cannot be used together.
One or more keywords to search for.
Type xs:string
When you use a keyword search, Half.com searches the product catalogs for matching words in the product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns a list of matching products, with no items. To retrieve items, use ProductID instead. (If you don't already have a product ID, you can get product IDs from the response after conducting a keyword search.)
If specified, you must pass in at least 3 alphanumeric characters.
The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use "and", "or", or "the" if you are searching for products containing these words. To use AND or OR logic, use Half.com's standard search string modifiers. Wildcards (+, -, or *) are also supported. Be careful when using spaces before or after modifiers and wildcards.
Some keyword queries can result in response times of 30 seconds or longer. If more than 2000 matches are found, the call fails with an error. If this kind of error occurs, refine the search by passing in more keywords and/or by using DomainName to restrict the search to certain domains (such as DVDs). If you are searching for a particular book, DVD, CD, or video game and you already know its ISBN or EAN (for a book) or UPC, consider using ProductID instead to retrieve more precise results.
The request requires either QueryKeywords or ProductID, but these fields cannot be used together. <br> When QueryKeywords is used in the request, ItemCount is not returned.
A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay.
Type xs:string
If you are using a URL, then to search for multiple words, use "%20". For example, use Harry%20Potter to search for items containing those words in any order. You can incorporate wildcards into a multi-word search, as in the following: ap*%20ip*. The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use "and", "or", or "the" if you are searching for listings containing these words. FindItems requires that you specify either QueryKeywords, SellerID, or both.
A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay.
Type xs:string
If you are using a URL, then to search for multiple words, use "%20". For example, use Harry%20Potter to search for items containing those words in any order. You can incorporate wildcards into a multi-word search, as in the following: ap*%20ip*. The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use "and", "or", or "the" if you are searching for listings containing these words.
QueryKeywords can be used in combination with CategoryID and IncludeChildCategories.
A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay.
Type xs:string
If you are using a URL, then to search for multiple words, use "%20". For example, use Harry%20Potter to search for items containing those words in any order. You can incorporate wildcards into a multi-word search, as in the following: ap*%20ip*. The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use "and", "or", or "the" if you are searching for listings containing these words. FindItemsAdvanced requires that you specify at least one of the following: QueryKeywords, CategoryID, ProductID, or SellerID.
Specifies which QueryKeywords corresponds to this PopularSearchResult.
Type xs:string
Query Keywords are returned in the output to clarify which result set corresponds to which QueryKeyword inputs (as there can be more than one set of keywords in the input).
A query that specifies a string for searching titles of items on eBay.
Type xs:string
If you are using a URL, then to search for multiple words, use "%20". For example, use Harry%20Potter to search for items containing those words in any order. You can incorporate wildcards into a multi-word search, as in the following: ap*%20ip*. The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use "and", "or", or "the" if you are searching for listings containing these words. QueryKeywords can be used in combination with CategoryID and CategoryIDExclude.
An average detailed seller rating applying to the area in the corresponding RatingDetail field.
Type xs:double
The eBay member's rating of the product.
Type xs:int
The number of detailed seller ratings in the area in the corresponding RatingDetail field.
Type xs:long
The area of a specific average detailed seller rating.
Type ns:FeedbackRatingDetailCodeType
Value | Description |
ItemAsDescribed | Detailed seller rating in the area of "item as described." |
Communication | Detailed seller rating in the area of "communication." |
ShippingTime | Detailed seller rating in the area of "shipping time." Inapplicable to motor vehicle items. |
ShippingAndHandlingCharges | Detailed seller rating in the area of "charges for shipping and handling." Inapplicable to motor vehicle items. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Users retrieve detailed ratings as averages of the ratings left by buyers. When buyers leave an overall Feedback rating (positive, neutral, or negative) for a seller, they also can leave ratings in four areas: item as described, communication, shipping time, and charges for shipping and handling.
Returns true if the item listing is no more than one day old. Not returned if value is false.
Type xs:boolean
Specifies how a refund will be made, e.g. as an exchange.
Type xs:string
The date the specified user originally registered with eBay.
Type xs:dateTime
If a bidder's user information is made anonymous, the value -99 is returned.
The eBay site with which the user is registered.
Type ns:SiteCodeType
Value | Description |
US | USA, site ID 0, abbreviation US, currency USD. |
Canada | Canada, site ID 2, abbreviation CA, currencies CAD and USD. |
UK | United Kingdom, site ID 3, abbreviation UK, currency GBP. |
Australia | Australia, site ID 15, abbreviation AU, currency AUD. |
Austria | Austria, site ID 16, abbreviation AT, currency EUR. |
Belgium_French | Belgium (French), site ID 23, abbreviation BEFR, currency EUR. |
France | France, site ID 71, abbreviation FR, currency EUR. |
Germany | Germany, site ID 77, abbreviation DE, currency EUR. |
Italy | Italy, site ID 101, abbreviation IT, currency EUR. |
Belgium_Dutch | Belgium (Dutch), site ID 123, abbreviation BENL, currency EUR. |
Netherlands | Netherlands, site ID 146, abbreviation NL, currency EUR. |
Spain | Spain, site ID 186, abbreviation ES, currency EUR. |
Switzerland | Switzerland, site ID 193, abbreviation CH, currency CHF. |
Taiwan | Taiwan, site ID 196, abbreviation TW, currency TWD. |
eBayMotors | eBay Motors, site ID 100, currency USD. |
HongKong | Hong Kong, site ID 201, abbreviation HK, currency HKD. |
Singapore | Singapore, site ID 216, abbreviation SG, currency SGD. |
India | India, site ID 203, abbreviation IN, currency INR. |
China | China, site ID 223, abbreviation CN, currency CNY. |
Ireland | Ireland, site ID 205, abbreviation IE, currency EUR. |
Malaysia | Malaysia, site ID 207, abbreviation MY, currency MYR. |
Philippines | Philippines, site ID 211, abbreviation PH, currency PHP. |
Poland | Poland, site ID 212, abbreviation PL, currency PLN. |
Sweden | Sweden, site ID 218, abbreviation SE, currency SEK. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
CanadaFrench | CanadaFrench, site ID 210, abbreviation CAFR, currencies CAD and USD. |
If a bidder's user information is made anonymous, the value -99 is returned.
Keywords related to the query keywords, separated by semicolons.
Type xs:string
You can use this to find more detailed related keywords. For example, the query keyword "wedding" is related to searches for "wedding decorations;wedding favors;wedding supplies;wedding dresses..." which helps the seller and buyer specify their query with more detail and precision.
Indicates whether any bids on this item are greater than the seller's reserve price for the listing (if any).
Type xs:boolean
A reserve is the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell the item. The reserve price is higher than the listing's opening bid (minimum bid) and lower than the Buy It Now price, if any. (The reserve price is only known to the seller.) Some sellers don't set a reserve at all. If a listing does have a reserve price, the highest bidder will only win the item if their bid is also above that price.
Only returned for online auctions that have a reserve price. (Fixed price, Store Inventory, and classified ad listings don't have reserve prices.)
Indicates whether eBay replaced the response with a message that the response was removed.
Type xs:boolean
If true, this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item exclusively to business users. If false (or not returned), this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item to all users.
Type xs:boolean
Applicable only to business sellers residing in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland who are listing in a B2B VAT-enabled category on the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), or Switzerland (CH) sites. If this argument is true, the seller must have a valid VAT-ID registered with eBay, and BusinessSeller must also be true.
If a seller specified return policy details, then this container has fields with those details.
Type ns:ReturnPolicyType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Refund | xs:string | Specifies how a refund will be made, e.g. as an exchange. |
ns:ReturnsWithin | xs:string | Specifies the length of time in which the item must be returned under the return policy. |
ns:ReturnsAccepted | xs:string | Information about returns accepted. |
ns:Description | xs:string | A description of the return policy for the item. |
ns:WarrantyOffered | xs:string | Information about the warranty offered. |
ns:WarrantyType | xs:string | The type of warranty offered. |
ns:WarrantyDuration | xs:string | The length of the warranty offered. |
ns:EAN | xs:string | Contains the EAN. |
ns:ShippingCostPaidBy | xs:string | The party who pays the cost of shipping for a returned item. |
any |
The fields that can be returned in this container vary by site.
Information about returns accepted.
Type xs:string
Applicable for listing use cases only (not buy-side searching).
Type xs:boolean
Indicates what eBay should do if more than one product matches the value passed in Value. Only takes effect when more than one match is found. If true, the response should include an error and all matching product IDs. If false, the response should include an error but should not return the matching product IDs. This field is also applicable when listing Half.com items.
Specifies the length of time in which the item must be returned under the return policy.
Type xs:string
An eBay member's review of the product.
Type ns:ReviewType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:URL | xs:anyURI | |
ns:Title | xs:string | The title of the review. |
ns:Rating | xs:int | The eBay member's rating of the product. |
ns:Text | xs:string | The text of the review. If the review is longer than 2000 characters, the text is cut off and it ends with "...". |
ns:UserID | xs:string | The reviewer's eBay user ID. |
ns:CreationTime | xs:dateTime | The time and date when the reviewer posted the review. |
any |
Number of returned reviews.
Type xs:int
The total number of reviews that are available for this product on the Half.com Web site.
Type xs:int
This can be greater than the number of reviews returned by FindProducts. In a future release, we will provide the capability to retrieve details about reviews. Always returned when Product is returned.
The total number of reviews that are available for this product on the eBay Web site.
Type xs:int
This can be greater than the number of reviews returned by FindProducts. In a future release, we will provide the capability to retrieve details about reviews. Always returned when Product is returned.
Contains information about review details.
Type ns:ReviewDetailsType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:AverageRating | xs:float | The product's average rating (out of 5) based on all reviews. For example, a value like 4.5 would mean the average rating is 4.5 out of 5. (See ReviewCount for the total number of reviews.) |
ns:Review | ns:ReviewType | An eBay member's review of the product. |
any |
Count limited by MaxResultsPerPage in request.
Rank of reviewer if using user search.
Type xs:int
The URL of reviews and guides.
Type xs:anyURI
URL to the reviews and guides page.
Type xs:anyURI
Include ReviewSort in your request if you want to sort by a parameter, such as CreationTime.
Value | Description |
CreationTime | Sorts reviews by creation time, in ascending or descending order. |
CustomCode | Reserved for values that are not available in the version of the schema you are using. If eBay adds a new value to this code type as of a newer version, we return CustomCode instead when you specify a lower request version. |
See the SortOrder field for values for specifying that results are returned in ascending or descending order. (By default, results are returned in descending order.)
Indicates whether the user who was the feedback recipient was a Buyer or the Seller for that transaction.
Value | Description |
Buyer | Acting as buyer. |
Seller | Acting as seller. |
CustomCode | Reserved for future use |
Sales tax details. US site only. Flat and calculated shipping.
Type ns:SalesTaxType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:SalesTaxPercent | xs:float | Percent of an item's price to be charged as the sales tax for the transaction. |
ns:SalesTaxState | xs:string | State or jurisdiction for which the sales tax is being collected. |
ns:ShippingIncludedInTax | xs:boolean | (US only) Whether shipping costs were part of the base amount that was taxed. Flat or calculated shipping. |
ns:SalesTaxAmount | ns:AmountType | (US only) The amount of sales tax, calculated for a transaction based on the SalesTaxPercent and pricing information. |
any |
Not applicable to eBay Motors vehicle listings.
(US only) The amount of sales tax, calculated for a transaction based on the SalesTaxPercent and pricing information.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Percent of an item's price to be charged as the sales tax for the transaction.
Type xs:float
The value passed in is stored with a precision of 3 digits after the decimal point (##.###).
The tax percent to apply for a listing shipped to this jurisdiction.
Type xs:float
The value passed in is stored with a precision of 3 digits after the decimal point (##.###). GetTaxTable: this tag has no value if the user's tax table has not been set.
State or jurisdiction for which the sales tax is being collected.
Type xs:string
Only returned if the seller specified a value.
Search for charity listings, free-shipping listings, and listings with other features.
Value | Description |
Charity | Return only charity item listings. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Gift | Return only gift items. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
NowAndNew | Return only items that have been listed with Now and New. Applicable for certain sites only. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
LocalSearch | Performs a search for listings with Local Inventory Listing Options (LILO). The LocalSearch option should be used with the Postal Code search option. Currently, this is only available for the Motors site (siteID=100). Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
FreeShipping | If specified, only items with free shipping for the user's location are returned. The user's location is determined from the site ID specified in the request. If false, no filtering is done via this attribute. A listing is not considered a free shipping listing if it requires insurance or requires pick up or requires a shipping surcharge. |
Gallery | Return Gallery items only. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Picture | Picture. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
GetItFast | Limits the results to Get It Fast listings. |
Lot | Limits the results to only those listings for which lot size is 2 or greater. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
GermanMotorsSearchable | Limits the results based on each item's eligibility to appear on the mobile.de site. If specified, queries for eligible items only. If not specified, the search results are not affected. Only applicable for items listed on the eBay Germany site (site ID 77) in subcategories of mobile.de search-enabled categories. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
WorldOfGood | Returns items that are also listed on the WorldOfGood.com website. (The Item IDs are the same on both websites.) |
DigitalDelivery | The digital delivery feature is disabled as of March 28, 2008. If specified, limits the results to digitally delivered good only. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
Featured | (in) Return only featured item listings. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
SuperFeatured | (in) Return only super-featured item listings. Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request. |
AutoPay | (in) Return only AutoPay item listings. |
BestOffer | (in) Search with BestOffer. If this flag is turned on, store inventories will be automatically included, and ExcludeStoreInventory and FixedPriceExcludeStoreInventory fields will be ignored. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Contains the returned item listings, if any.
Type ns:SearchResultType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:CategoryGroupNamePath | xs:string | |
ns:CategoryGroupIDPath | xs:string | Category ID breadcrumb. |
ns:CategoryGroupItemCount | xs:int | Item count of the category. |
ns:ItemArray | ns:SimpleItemArrayType | Array of simple items. |
any |
The data for each listing is returned in an Item container.
ID of the second category in which the item is listed.
Type xs:string
Returned only if the seller listed a second category.
The fully qualified ID breadcrumb (path) of the second category. For example, if the secondary category ID is 45678, and its parent category's ID is 123, the breadcrumb (path) would be 123:45678.
Type xs:string
Returned only if the seller listed a second category.
Name of the second category in which the item is listed.
Type xs:string
Returned only if the seller listed a second category.
Container for information about this listing's seller.
Type ns:SimpleUserType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:UserID | xs:string | The user's unique eBay user ID. |
ns:FeedbackPrivate | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the user has chosen to make their feedback score and feedback details private (hidden from other users). |
ns:FeedbackRatingStar | ns:FeedbackRatingStarCodeType | Visual indicator of user's feedback score. |
ns:FeedbackScore | xs:int | The aggregate feedback score of a user. |
ns:UserAnonymized | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay has made this user's information anonymous. |
ns:NewUser | xs:boolean | If true, identifies a new user who has been a registered eBay user for 30 days or less. |
ns:RegistrationDate | xs:dateTime | The date the specified user originally registered with eBay. |
ns:RegistrationSite | ns:SiteCodeType | The eBay site with which the user is registered. |
ns:Status | ns:UserStatusCodeType | The registration-related status of the user. |
ns:SellerBusinessType | ns:SellerBusinessCodeType | Type of seller account. |
ns:StoreURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | The name of the seller's eBay Store. |
ns:SellerItemsURL | xs:anyURI | URL for seller's other items. |
ns:AboutMeURL | xs:anyURI | A link to the user's AboutMe page. |
ns:MyWorldURL | xs:anyURI | A link to the URL of the user's MyWorld page. |
ns:MyWorldSmallImage | xs:anyURI | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (small version). |
ns:MyWorldLargeImage | xs:anyURI | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (large version). |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of reviews and guides. |
ns:FeedbackDetailsURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of feedback details. |
ns:PositiveFeedbackPercent | xs:float | A seller's positive feedback score. |
ns:SellerLevel | ns:SellerLevelCodeType | The user's eBay PowerSeller tier. Possible values are enumerated in the SellerLevelCodeType code list. |
ns:TopRatedSeller | xs:boolean | Returned when seller is certified as a top-rated seller, and is qualified for benefits such as final value fee discount and increased visibility in fixed-price searches. |
any |
Limits the results to those of a particular seller business type such as commercial or private.
Type ns:SellerBusinessCodeType
Value | Description |
Undefined | Type of seller account not defined. |
Private | Private seller account. |
Commercial | Commercial seller account. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Applies only to the following sites: UK, France, and Germany. Thus, this input filter is only available for sites that have business seller features enabled.
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
Type of seller account.
Type ns:SellerBusinessCodeType
Value | Description |
Undefined | Type of seller account not defined. |
Private | Private seller account. |
Commercial | Commercial seller account. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Notes that the Seller made when they listed the item. Not returned if the Seller did not make any comments.
Type xs:string
The ID of a specific seller.
Type xs:string
Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned are only items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. SellerID is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want to specify multiple values, use a comma. For example, to specify FavSellerBlue and FavSellerGreen, specify SellerID=FavSellerBlue,FavSellerGreen. FindItemsAdvanced requires that you specify at least one of the following: QueryKeywords, CategoryID, ProductID, or SellerID. If you want Store Inventory format (StoresFixedPrice) items to be returned, you must also specify the AllItemTypes value in the ItemType field. The value you specify in SellerID is ignored if it is invalid. You can specify a maximum of 100 sellers.
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
The ID of a specific seller.
Type xs:string
Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned are only items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers. SellerID is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want to specify multiple values, use a comma. For example, to specify FavSellerBlue and FavSellerGreen, specify SellerID=FavSellerBlue,FavSellerGreen. The value you specify in SellerID is ignored if it is invalid. You can specify a maximum of 100 sellers.
The ID of a specific seller.
Type xs:string
Specify this value in combination with ProductID if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned are only items in a specific product, sold by a specific seller. To specify SellerID, use SellerID and ProductID together.
Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers.
Type xs:string
The SellerIDExclude input field need not be used if you specified the SellerID input field. SellerIDExclude is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want to specify multiple values, use a comma. For example, if you want to specify FavSellerBlue and FavSellerGreen, specify SellerIDExclude=FavSellerBlue,FavSellerGreen. You can specify a maximum of 100 sellers.
Specify this value if you want search results to be filtered so that the items returned do not include items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers.
Type xs:string
The SellerIDExclude input field need not be used if you specified the SellerID input field. SellerIDExclude is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want to specify multiple values, use a comma. For example, if you want to specify FavSellerBlue and FavSellerGreen, specify SellerIDExclude=FavSellerBlue,FavSellerGreen. You can specify a maximum of 100 sellers.
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
URL for seller's other items.
Type xs:anyURI
The user's eBay PowerSeller tier. Possible values are enumerated in the SellerLevelCodeType code list.
Value | Description |
Bronze | (out) Bronze |
Silver | (out) Silver |
Gold | (out) Gold |
Platinum | (out) Platinum |
Titanium | (out) Titanium |
Diamond | (out) Diamond |
None | (out) None |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use |
Contains the variation's current price and quantity sold. Always returned when variations are present.
Type ns:SellingStatusType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ConvertedCurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | Not used. See Item.ConvertedCurrentPrice. |
ns:CurrentPrice | ns:AmountType | Not used. See Item.CurrentPrice and Variation.StartPrice. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | The number of items sold from this variation. |
any |
Indicates whether the error caused the request to fail.
Type ns:SeverityCodeType
Value | Description |
Warning | (out) The request was processed successfully, but something occurred that may affect your application or the user. For example, eBay may have changed a value the user sent in. In this case, eBay returns a normal, successful response and also returns the warning. |
Error | (out) The request that triggered the error was not processed successfully. When a serious application-level error occurs, the error is returned instead of the business data. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use |
If the request fails and the source of the problem is within the application (such as a missing required element), please change the application before you retry the request. If the problem is due to end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request to eBay.
If the source of the problem is on eBay's side, you can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.<br> <br> When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from reoccurring in the future.
The party who pays the cost of shipping for a returned item.
Type xs:string
Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item.
Type ns:ShippingCostSummaryType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShippingServiceName | xs:string | The name of a shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The basic shipping cost of the item. |
ns:InsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of insurance. |
ns:ShippingType | ns:ShippingTypeCodeType | How the seller stated that cost of shipping is to be determined, such as flat rate or calculated. |
ns:InsuranceOption | ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ListedShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The listed shipping cost of the item. If multiple items were purchased, this includes the listed ShippingServiceAdditionalCost. |
any |
If Item.Quantity is greater than 1, this is the shipping cost for one item. If the seller offers a choice of more than one shipping service (such as UPS Ground and USPS Media mail), this is the cost of the "first" shipping option (usually the lowest cost option).
If a listing has shipping costs, use GetShippingCosts if you want to get more details about the services and costs that the seller is offering.
Shipping-related details for the specified item.
Type ns:ShippingCostSummaryType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShippingServiceName | xs:string | The name of a shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The basic shipping cost of the item. |
ns:InsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of insurance. |
ns:ShippingType | ns:ShippingTypeCodeType | How the seller stated that cost of shipping is to be determined, such as flat rate or calculated. |
ns:InsuranceOption | ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ListedShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The listed shipping cost of the item. If multiple items were purchased, this includes the listed ShippingServiceAdditionalCost. |
any |
Any error about shipping services (returned by a vendor of eBay's who calculates shipping costs) is returned in ShippingRateErrorMessage. Errors from a shipping service are likely to be related to issues with shipping specifications, such as package size and the selected shipping method not supported by a particular shipping service.
Contains basic shipping-related costs for the item.
Type ns:ShippingCostSummaryType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShippingServiceName | xs:string | The name of a shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The basic shipping cost of the item. |
ns:InsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of insurance. |
ns:ShippingType | ns:ShippingTypeCodeType | How the seller stated that cost of shipping is to be determined, such as flat rate or calculated. |
ns:InsuranceOption | ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ListedShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The listed shipping cost of the item. If multiple items were purchased, this includes the listed ShippingServiceAdditionalCost. |
any |
If Item.Quantity is greater than 1, this is the shipping cost for one item. If the seller offers a choice of more than one shipping service (such as USPS Ground or Expediated), this is the cost of the "first" shipping option (usually the lowest cost option).
Shipping-related details for the specified item.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:GetItFast | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the seller has opted the listing into the Get It Fast feature. |
ns:InsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of insurance. |
ns:InsuranceOption | ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:InternationalShippingServiceOption | ns:InternationalShippingServiceOptionType | Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. |
ns:SalesTax | ns:SalesTaxType | Sales tax details. US site only. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:ShippingRateErrorMessage | xs:string | For most applicable calls, returns the words No Error or returns an error message related to an attempt to calculate shipping rates. |
ns:ShippingServiceOption | ns:ShippingServiceOptionType | Shipping costs and options related to domestic shipping services offered by the seller. |
ns:TaxTable | ns:TaxTableType | Tax details for a jurisdiction such as a state or province. |
ns:InternationalInsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of insurance for items shipped internationally. |
ns:InternationalInsuranceOption | ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType | Whether the seller offers shipping insurance for items shipped internationally and, if so, whether the insurance is optional or required. Flat and calculated shipping. |
ns:CODCost | ns:AmountType | Italy site (site ID 101) only. Contains the cost of cash-on-delivery shipping. |
any |
This container is only returned if IncludeDetails is true on input. Any error about shipping services (returned by a vendor of eBay's who calculates shipping costs) is returned in ShippingRateErrorMessage. Errors from a shipping service are likely to be related to issues with shipping specifications, such as package size and the selected shipping method not supported by a particular shipping service.
Whether shipping costs are to be part of the base amount that is taxed.
Type xs:boolean
GetTaxTable: This tag is empty if the user did not previously provide information.
(US only) Whether shipping costs were part of the base amount that was taxed. Flat or calculated shipping.
Type xs:boolean
The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
If the buyer bought more than one of this item, this proportional to QuantitySold. If the item has not yet been sold, insurance information cannot be calculated and the value is 0.00. For calculated shipping only.
The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
If the buyer bought more than one of this item, this proportional to QuantitySold. If the item has not yet been sold, insurance information cannot be calculated and the value is 0.00. For calculated shipping only.
ShippingLocation should be used together with PostalCode for shipping cost calculations.
Type ns:CountryCodeType
Value | Description |
AF | |
AL | |
DZ | |
AS | |
AD | |
AO | |
AI | |
AQ | |
AG | |
AR | |
AM | |
AW | |
AU | |
AT | |
AZ | |
BS | |
BH | |
BD | |
BB | |
BY | |
BE | |
BZ | |
BJ | |
BM | |
BT | |
BO | |
BA | |
BW | |
BV | |
BR | |
IO | |
BN | |
BG | |
BF | |
BI | |
KH | |
CM | |
CA | |
CV | |
KY | |
CF | |
TD | |
CL | |
CN | |
CX | |
CC | |
CO | |
KM | |
CG | |
CD | |
CK | |
CR | |
CI | |
HR | |
CU | |
CY | |
CZ | |
DK | |
DJ | |
DM | |
DO | |
TP | |
EC | |
EG | |
SV | |
GQ | |
ER | |
EE | |
ET | |
FK | |
FO | |
FJ | |
FI | |
FR | |
GF | |
PF | French Polynesia. Includes Tahiti. |
TF | |
GA | |
GM | |
GE | |
DE | |
GH | |
GI | |
GR | |
GL | |
GD | |
GP | |
GU | |
GT | |
GN | |
GW | |
GY | |
HT | |
HM | |
VA | |
HN | |
HK | |
HU | |
IS | |
IN | |
ID | |
IR | |
IQ | |
IE | |
IL | |
IT | |
JM | |
JP | |
JO | |
KZ | |
KE | |
KI | |
KP | |
KR | |
KW | |
KG | |
LA | |
LV | |
LB | |
LS | |
LR | |
LY | |
LI | |
LT | |
LU | |
MO | |
MK | |
MG | |
MW | |
MY | |
MV | |
ML | |
MT | |
MH | |
MQ | |
MR | |
MU | |
YT | |
MX | |
FM | |
MD | |
MC | |
MN | |
MS | |
MA | |
MZ | |
MM | |
NA | |
NR | |
NP | |
NL | |
AN | |
NC | |
NZ | |
NI | |
NE | |
NG | |
NU | |
NF | |
MP | |
NO | |
OM | |
PK | |
PW | |
PS | |
PA | |
PG | |
PY | |
PE | |
PH | |
PN | |
PL | |
PT | |
PR | |
QA | |
RE | |
RO | |
RU | |
RW | |
SH | |
KN | |
LC | |
PM | |
VC | |
WS | |
SM | |
ST | |
SA | |
SN | |
SC | |
SL | |
SG | |
SK | |
SI | |
SB | |
SO | |
ZA | |
GS | |
ES | |
LK | |
SD | |
SR | |
SJ | |
SZ | |
SE | |
CH | |
SY | |
TW | |
TJ | |
TZ | |
TH | |
TG | |
TK | |
TO | |
TT | |
TN | |
TR | |
TM | |
TC | |
TV | |
UG | |
UA | |
AE | |
GB | |
US | |
UM | |
UY | |
UZ | |
VU | |
VE | |
VN | |
VG | |
VI | |
WF | |
EH | |
YE | |
YU | |
ZM | |
ZW | |
AA | NOTE: APO/FPO was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country code list for backward compatibility. |
QM | NOTE: Guernsey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QN | NOTE: Jan Mayen was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QO | NOTE: Jersey was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. |
QP | NOTE: Tahiti was defined in eBay list previously but they are not defined in ISO 3166. This country will remain on eBay country list for backward compatibility. This Code is currently deprecated |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The items returned are within the specified postal code.
This postal code is for international shipping cost calculations.
Type xs:string
This should be a valid code within the country specified as the ShippingLocation.
For most applicable calls, returns the words No Error or returns an error message related to an attempt to calculate shipping rates.
Type xs:string
For calculated shipping only.
Not applicable to Half.com or eBay Motors vehicle listings.
Cost of shipping each additional item beyond the first item.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Zero for single- item listings. For flat shipping only.
The cost of shipping each additional item beyond the first item.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
For input, this is required if the listing is for multiple items and should be zero for single-item listings. Default value is 0.00. For flat shipping only. Not applicable to Half.com.
The basic shipping cost of the item.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
If multiple items were purchased, this includes the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost.
In GetSingleItem, this is always returned when ShippingCostSummary is returned, except for when the ShippingType is Freight.
The basic shipping cost of the item.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
If multiple items were purchased, this includes the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost.
The meaning of this element depends on the call and on whether flat or calculated shipping has been selected. (For example, it could be the cost to ship a single item, the cost to ship all items, or the cost to ship just the first of many items, with ShippingServiceAdditionalCost accounting for the rest.)
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
For flat and calculated shipping.
A domestic shipping service offered for shipping the item (for example, UPS Ground).
Type xs:token
For flat and calculated shipping.
The name of a shipping service.
Type xs:string
An international shipping service offered for shipping the item (for example, UPS Ground). For flat and calculated shipping.
Type xs:token
Shipping costs and options related to domestic shipping services offered by the seller.
Type ns:ShippingServiceOptionType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:ShippingInsuranceCost | ns:AmountType | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ns:ShippingServiceName | xs:token | A domestic shipping service offered for shipping the item (for example, UPS Ground). |
ns:ShippingServiceCost | ns:AmountType | The meaning of this element depends on the call and on whether flat or calculated shipping has been selected. (For example, it could be the cost to ship a single item, the cost to ship all items, or the cost to ship just the first of many items, with ShippingServiceAdditionalCost accounting for the rest.) |
ns:ShippingServiceAdditionalCost | ns:AmountType | The cost of shipping each additional item beyond the first item. |
ns:ShippingServicePriority | xs:int | Seller-preferred presentation order relative to other service options. |
ns:ExpeditedService | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service. |
ns:ShippingTimeMin | xs:int | The minimum guaranteed number of days in which the shipping carrier can ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
ns:ShippingTimeMax | xs:int | The maximum guaranteed number of days the shipping carrier will take to ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
ns:ShippingSurcharge | ns:AmountType | An additional fee to charge US buyers who ship via UPS to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. |
ns:ShipsTo | xs:string | An international location or region to which the item may be shipped via this particular shipping service. |
any |
Flat and calculated shipping.
Not applicable to Half.com or eBay Motors vehicle listings.
Seller-preferred presentation order relative to other service options.
Type xs:int
Valid values: 1 (1st choice), 2 (2nd choice), 3 (3rd choice). For flat and calculated shipping. Not applicable to Half.com.
Seller-preferred presentation order relative to other service options.
Type xs:int
Valid values are: 1, 2 and 3 (first, second and third choices). For flat and calculated shipping.
An additional fee to charge US buyers who ship via UPS to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Can only be assigned a value for Parts and Accessories items on the eBay US and Motors sites. Only returned if set. If some transactions in an order have a surcharge, surcharge is added only for those transactions. Flat rate shipping only.
The maximum guaranteed number of days the shipping carrier will take to ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier).
Type xs:int
See Enabling Get It Fast. Not applicable to Half.com.
The minimum guaranteed number of days in which the shipping carrier can ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier).
Type xs:int
See Enabling Get It Fast. Not applicable to Half.com.
How the seller stated that cost of shipping is to be determined, such as flat rate or calculated.
Value | Description |
Flat | The flat rate shipping model: the seller establishes the cost of shipping and cost of shipping insurance, regardless of what any buyer-selected shipping service might charge the seller. |
Calculated | The calculated shipping model: the posted cost of shipping is based on the seller-offered and buyer-selected shipping service, where the shipping costs are calculated by eBay and the shipping carrier based on the buyer's address, and any packaging/handling costs established by the seller are automatically rolled into the total. |
Freight | The freight shipping model: the cost of shipping is determined by a third party, FreightQuote.com, based on the item location (zip code). Currently, Freight can only be specified on input via eBay Web site, not via API. |
Free | Free is used when the seller is declaring that shipping is free for the buyer. Since Free cannot be selected via API, the seller has two options for signifying that shipping is free when listing an item: - omit shipping details, mention in the item description that shipping is free, and set ShippingTermsInDescription to true - select an arbitrary shipping service and set its shipping cost to 0, mention in the item description that shipping is free, and set ShippingTermsInDescription to true The latter is a better way to communicate "free shipping" because eBay picks up the "0" cost and can more accurately identify shipping costs in search results. |
NotSpecified | The seller did not specify the shipping type. |
FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational | The seller specified one or more flat domestic shipping services and one or more calculated international shipping services. |
CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational | The seller specified one or more calculated domestic shipping services and one or more flat international shipping services. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
An international location or region to which the item may be shipped via this particular shipping service.
Type xs:string
Associated with the shipping service by the seller. Use GeteBayDetails to determine which locations are valid per site. These values are string equivalents of values found in ShippingRegionCodeType and CountryCodeType.
An international location or region to which the item may be shipped via this particular shipping service.
Type xs:string
Associated with the shipping service by the seller. This is basically the same as SimpleItemType.ShipToLocations except that this is spelled out and the other is abbreviated.
An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship this item.
Type xs:string
Returned only for items that have ShipToLocations specified.
Applicable values:
A brief description of the condition that raised the error.
Type xs:string
The name of the eBay site on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany.
Type ns:SiteCodeType
Value | Description |
US | USA, site ID 0, abbreviation US, currency USD. |
Canada | Canada, site ID 2, abbreviation CA, currencies CAD and USD. |
UK | United Kingdom, site ID 3, abbreviation UK, currency GBP. |
Australia | Australia, site ID 15, abbreviation AU, currency AUD. |
Austria | Austria, site ID 16, abbreviation AT, currency EUR. |
Belgium_French | Belgium (French), site ID 23, abbreviation BEFR, currency EUR. |
France | France, site ID 71, abbreviation FR, currency EUR. |
Germany | Germany, site ID 77, abbreviation DE, currency EUR. |
Italy | Italy, site ID 101, abbreviation IT, currency EUR. |
Belgium_Dutch | Belgium (Dutch), site ID 123, abbreviation BENL, currency EUR. |
Netherlands | Netherlands, site ID 146, abbreviation NL, currency EUR. |
Spain | Spain, site ID 186, abbreviation ES, currency EUR. |
Switzerland | Switzerland, site ID 193, abbreviation CH, currency CHF. |
Taiwan | Taiwan, site ID 196, abbreviation TW, currency TWD. |
eBayMotors | eBay Motors, site ID 100, currency USD. |
HongKong | Hong Kong, site ID 201, abbreviation HK, currency HKD. |
Singapore | Singapore, site ID 216, abbreviation SG, currency SGD. |
India | India, site ID 203, abbreviation IN, currency INR. |
China | China, site ID 223, abbreviation CN, currency CNY. |
Ireland | Ireland, site ID 205, abbreviation IE, currency EUR. |
Malaysia | Malaysia, site ID 207, abbreviation MY, currency MYR. |
Philippines | Philippines, site ID 211, abbreviation PH, currency PHP. |
Poland | Poland, site ID 212, abbreviation PL, currency PLN. |
Sweden | Sweden, site ID 218, abbreviation SE, currency SEK. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
CanadaFrench | CanadaFrench, site ID 210, abbreviation CAFR, currencies CAD and USD. |
The listing's original site can affect the values of converted (localized) prices (when your request specifies a site that is different from the listing's site).
An SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identifier defined by a seller.
Type xs:string
If you need to contact the seller to ask a question about a particular variation, you can mention the SKU (if present) to help the seller identify the variation you're interested in. Only returned if the seller chose to specify a SKU for the variation.
Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort.
Type ns:SortOrderCodeType
Value | Description |
Ascending | Sorts results in ascending (low to high) order. |
Descending | Sorts results in descending (high to low) order. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The default is descending order. For example, in the case of the (default) ItemSort value of BestMatch, the most relevant items are returned first, because the default SortOrder value is Descending. If you specify an ItemSort value of EndTime (to sort items by end time), and a SortOrder value of Ascending, then items ending in less time (from the time of the call) are returned before items ending in more time.
Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ReviewsSort.
Type ns:SortOrderCodeType
Value | Description |
Ascending | Sorts results in ascending (low to high) order. |
Descending | Sorts results in descending (high to low) order. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The default is descending order.
For example, for the ReviewsSort value of CreationTime, and a SortOrder value of Descending, the most recently created reviews are returned first.
Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction with the value you specify in ItemSort.
Type ns:SortOrderCodeType
Value | Description |
Ascending | Sorts results in ascending (low to high) order. |
Descending | Sorts results in descending (high to low) order. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The default is descending order. For example, for the ItemSort value of BestMatch (the default), the most relevant items are returned first, because the default SortOrder value is Descending. Please note that in the case of an ItemSort value of EndTime (to sort items by end time), you must specify a SortOrder value of Ascending. These parameters result in a sort of items by those ending soonest (from the time of the call), before those ending later.
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
Sorts search results in ascending or descending order. Only applicable with ProductSort.
Type ns:SortOrderCodeType
Value | Description |
Ascending | Sorts results in ascending (low to high) order. |
Descending | Sorts results in descending (high to low) order. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
If you specify ProductSort without SortOrder, the order defaults to Descending for all criteria except Title (which defaults to Ascending).
Sorts the list of products returned.
Type ns:SortOrderCodeType
Value | Description |
Ascending | Sorts results in ascending (low to high) order. |
Descending | Sorts results in descending (high to low) order. |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The fixed price of all items identified by this variation. For example, a "Blue, Large" variation price could be USD 10.00, and a "Black, Medium" variation price could be USD 5.00.
Type ns:AmountType
Name | Type | Description |
ns:currencyID | ns:CurrencyCodeType | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
Contains text only.
Each variation has its own price, and the prices can be different for each variation. This enables sellers to provide discounts on certain variations without affecting the price of others. Always returned) for multi-variation listings.
Time stamp (in GMT) that eBay recorded as the moment that the listing was made available.
Type xs:dateTime
The start time returned by a search call may vary from the value returned by GetSingleItem.
The region of the user's address.
Type xs:string
Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
The registration-related status of the user.
Value | Description |
Unknown | (out) User properties have never been set; this value should seldom, if ever, be returned and typically represents a problem |
Suspended | (out) User has been suspended from selling and buying, such as for violations of eBay terms or agreement |
Confirmed | (out) User has completed online registration and has properly responded to confirmation email; most users should fall in this category |
Unconfirmed | (out) User has completed online registration, but has either not responded to confirmation email or has not yet been sent the confirmation email |
Ghost | (out) Registered users of AuctionWeb (pre-eBay) who never re-registered on eBay |
InMaintenance | (out) Temporary user record state indicating the record is in the process of being changed by eBay; query user information again to get new status |
Deleted | (out) Records for the specified user have been deleted |
CreditCardVerify | (out) User has completed registration and confirmation, but is pending a verification of credit card information |
AccountOnHold | (out) User's account is on hold, such as for non-payment of amounts due eBay; user cannot sell or buy items |
Merged | (out) User record has been merged with another account record for the same user |
RegistrationCodeMailOut | (out) User has completed online registration and has been sent the confirmation email, but has not yet responded to the confirmation email |
TermPending | (out) User has been scheduled for account closure (typically when a user has requested to have their account closed) A user in this state should not be considered an active user |
UnconfirmedHalfOptIn | (out) User has completed the registration for Half.com and opted to automatically also be registered with eBay, but the registration confirmation is still pending |
CreditCardVerifyHalfOptIn | (out) User has completed the registration for Half.com and opted to automatically also be registered with eBay, but the verification of credit card information is still pending |
UnconfirmedExpress | (out) Half.com User; user has completed the registration for Half.com and opted to automatically also be registered with eBay, but the registration confirmation is still pending |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use |
The status of the nonprofit charity organization.
Value | Description |
Valid | (out) The specified nonprofit charity organization is a valid nonprofit charity organization according to the requirements of the dedicated eBay Giving Works provider. |
NoLongerValid | (out) The specified nonprofit charity organization is no longer a valid nonprofit charity organization according to the requirements of the dedicated eBay Giving Works provider. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the Half.com catalog product.
Type xs:anyURI
The URL is for the image Half.com usually displays in product search results (usually 70px tall). It may be helpful to calculate the dimensions of the photo programmatically before displaying it. Only returned if a URL is available for the product.
Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the eBay catalog product.
Type xs:anyURI
The URL is for the image eBay usually displays in product search results (usually 70px tall). It may be helpful to calculate the dimensions of the photo programmatically before displaying it. Only returned if a URL is available for the product.
Returns the seller's store information if the seller has an eBay store.
Type ns:StorefrontType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:StoreURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | The name of the seller's eBay Store. |
any |
Returns a blank store if the seller does not have an eBay storefront.
The name of the seller's eBay Store.
Type xs:string
The name of the seller's eBay Store.
Type xs:string
Not returned if the seller does not have an eBay store.
Type xs:string
Specifies the type of store search used for filtering results.
Value | Description |
AllItemsInTheStore | (in) Within a single store for all items (specify a store in the appropriate input field). |
AuctionItemsInTheStore | (in) Within a single store for auction items (specify a store in the appropriate input field). |
BuyItNowItemsInTheStore | (in) Within a single store for basic fixed price items, Store Inventory format items, and auction items with Buy It Now (specify a store in the appropriate input field). |
BuyItNowItemsInAllStores | (in) Across all stores for basic fixed price items, Store Inventory format items, and auction items with Buy It Now. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
Not supported when CategoryID is specified in the request, and QueryKeywords is not included in the request.
The URL of the seller's eBay Store page.
Type xs:anyURI
The URL of the seller's eBay Store page.
Type xs:anyURI
Not returned if the seller does not have an eBay store.
A concatenation of Street1 and Street2, primarily for RegistrationAddress.
Type xs:string
Not applicable to Half.com.
Line 1 of the user's street address.
Type xs:string
Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
Line 2 of the user's address (such as an apartment number).
Type xs:string
Returned if the user specified a second street value for their address. Also applicable to Half.com (for GetOrders).
In case of Item.SellerContactDetails, Street2 can be used to provide City, Address, State, and Zip code (if applicable).
Subtitle of the item.
Type xs:string
Only returned if the seller included a subtitle for the listing.
For US eBay Motors passenger vehicle, motorcycle, and "other vehicle" categories or listings in CA eBay Motors passenger vehicle and motorcycle categories, the seller's subtitle is only available in the Item.ItemSpecifics node. Call GetSingleItem with IncludeSelector=ItemSpecifics to retrieve a listing's Item Specifics.
Sales tax details for zero or more jurisdictions (states, provinces, etc).
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:JurisdictionID | xs:string | Representative identifier for the jurisdiction. |
ns:SalesTaxPercent | xs:float | The tax percent to apply for a listing shipped to this jurisdiction. |
ns:ShippingIncludedInTax | xs:boolean | Whether shipping costs are to be part of the base amount that is taxed. |
any |
Information is only returned for the jurisdictions for which the user provided tax information. ShippingIncludedInTax and SalesTaxPercent are returned but are empty.
Tax details for a jurisdiction such as a state or province.
Type ns:TaxTableType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:TaxJurisdiction | ns:TaxJurisdictionType | Sales tax details for zero or more jurisdictions (states, provinces, etc). |
Returned empty in if no tax table was used.
Not applicable to Half.com.
Displays the TermsAndConditions of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
The text of the guide. If the guide is longer than 2000 characters, the text is cut off and it ends with "...".
Type xs:string
See BuyingGuide.URL for a link to the full text of the review.
The text of the review. If the review is longer than 2000 characters, the text is cut off and it ends with "...".
Type xs:string
See Review.URL for a link to the full text of the review.
Time left before the listing ends.
Type xs:duration
The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). For ended listings, the time left is PT0S (zero seconds).
In search results (like the FindItemsAdvanced response), the same TimeLeft may be returned for multiple results if the results are variations from the same multi-variation listing.
This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request.
Type xs:dateTime
The time zone of this value is GMT and the format is the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the "dateTime" type for information about this time format and converting to and from the GMT time zone.
The title of the product, as specified in the catalog.
Type xs:string
Always returned when Product is returned.
Name of the item as it appears in the listing or in search and browse results.
Type xs:string
In item-retrieval calls (like GetSingleItem and GetMultipleItems), this value shows the vehicle Make and Model (e.g., "Buick : Skylark").
In finding calls (like FindItemsAdvanced), this value concatenates several Item Specifics: The Make (e.g., "Buick"), Model (e.g., Skylark), Submodel (e.g., Limited), and the seller's customized subtitle (e.g., "Great deal!"). Call GetSingleItem with IncludeSelector=ItemSpecifics to see the individual Item Specifics (in Item.ItemSpecifics).
Note: GetSingleItem and FindItemsAdvanced do not return the same Item.Title value for US eBay Motors listings. Here's why:
In general, GetSingleItem maps to eBay's View Item page. The eBay Motors Web site's View Item page shows two vehicle titles in the title bar: One title is a label based on the Year, Make, Model, and Submodel (e.g., "1996 Buick Skylark Limited"). The model is included unless it's "Other" or unspecified. The submodel is included if the seller specified a submodel. The other title is a path based on the Make and Model (e.g., "Buick : Skylark"). The Item.Title value in GetSingleItem maps to this path.
In general, FindItemsAdvanced maps to eBay's advanced search functionality. The Item.Title value described above for FindItemsAdvanced maps to the item's search result title in the eBay Motors search results page.
The title of the review.
Type xs:string
The title of the buying guide.
Type xs:string
The title of the product, as specified in the catalog.
Type xs:string
Always returned when Product is returned.
Returned when seller is certified as a top-rated seller, and is qualified for benefits such as final value fee discount and increased visibility in fixed-price searches.
Type xs:boolean
Total feedback score, for multiple predefined time periods preceding the call.
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:PeriodInDays | xs:int | Indicates the time period for the feedback count. |
ns:Count | xs:long | Count of the feedbacks received by the user for the time period prior to the call indicated in PeriodInDays. |
any |
Number of helpfulness votes if using user search.
Type xs:int
Total item count for an international expansion of the search.
Type xs:int
Indicates the total number of items on eBay that match the query.
Type xs:int
Indicates the total number of items that could be returned by repeated requests.
Type xs:int
Returned with a value of 0 if no items match your search request.
Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests.
Type xs:int
Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.
Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests.
Type xs:int
Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.
Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests.
Type xs:int
Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.
The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.)
Type xs:int
The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are found, the call fails with an error.)
Type xs:int
Total item count for a store expansion of the search.
Type xs:int
Displays the TradeRegistrationNumber of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
Unique identifier for the transaction about which this feedback entry was left.
Type xs:string
This field is not returned in the case of TransactionIDs from Chinese auction listings, because a value of zero is used for TransactionIDs in such cases.
The kind of identifier being used. The choices listed are for requests, are are required if Value is specified. For Half.com listing use cases, only ISBN, UPC, and EAN are supported.
Type ns:ExternalProductCodeType
Value | Description |
ISBN | ExternalProductID.Value contains an ISBN value. Required when you pass an ISBN as the external product ID. (This value is also applicable to Half.com listings.) |
UPC | ExternalProductID.Value contains a UPC value. Required when you pass a UPC as the external product ID. (This value is also applicable to Half.com listings.) |
ProductID | ExternalProductID.Value contains an eBay catalog product ID. Required when you pass an eBay product ID as the external product ID. Not applicable with FindItemsAdvanced or FindProducts. |
EAN | ExternalProductID.Value contains an EAN value. Required when you pass an EAN as the external product ID. |
Keywords | ExternalProductID.Value contains a set of keywords that uniquely identify the product. Only applicable when listing event ticket. See the eBay Web Services guide for information about valid ticket keywords for an external product ID. Required when you pass a set of keywords as the external product ID. Not applicable with FindItemsAdvanced or FindProducts. With FindItemsAdvanced, use TicketFinder instead. |
MPN | Reserved for future use. |
CustomCode | Reserved for internal or future use |
FindProducts supports ISBN, UPC, and EAN.
Total number of negative Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats.
Type xs:long
Total number of neutral Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats.
Type xs:long
Total number of positive Feedback comments received by the user, including weekly repeats.
Type xs:long
Indicates the last date and time that eBay modified the category hierarchy for the specified eBay site.
Type xs:dateTime
Type xs:anyURI
URL for the buying guide.
Type xs:anyURI
Your application can present this as a link. Use the value of Name or Title as the link's display name.
Contains the returned user data for the specified eBay user.
Type ns:SimpleUserType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:UserID | xs:string | The user's unique eBay user ID. |
ns:FeedbackPrivate | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the user has chosen to make their feedback score and feedback details private (hidden from other users). |
ns:FeedbackRatingStar | ns:FeedbackRatingStarCodeType | Visual indicator of user's feedback score. |
ns:FeedbackScore | xs:int | The aggregate feedback score of a user. |
ns:UserAnonymized | xs:boolean | Indicates whether eBay has made this user's information anonymous. |
ns:NewUser | xs:boolean | If true, identifies a new user who has been a registered eBay user for 30 days or less. |
ns:RegistrationDate | xs:dateTime | The date the specified user originally registered with eBay. |
ns:RegistrationSite | ns:SiteCodeType | The eBay site with which the user is registered. |
ns:Status | ns:UserStatusCodeType | The registration-related status of the user. |
ns:SellerBusinessType | ns:SellerBusinessCodeType | Type of seller account. |
ns:StoreURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. |
ns:StoreName | xs:string | The name of the seller's eBay Store. |
ns:SellerItemsURL | xs:anyURI | URL for seller's other items. |
ns:AboutMeURL | xs:anyURI | A link to the user's AboutMe page. |
ns:MyWorldURL | xs:anyURI | A link to the URL of the user's MyWorld page. |
ns:MyWorldSmallImage | xs:anyURI | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (small version). |
ns:MyWorldLargeImage | xs:anyURI | Location of a user's image on the MyWorld page (large version). |
ns:ReviewsAndGuidesURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of reviews and guides. |
ns:FeedbackDetailsURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of feedback details. |
ns:PositiveFeedbackPercent | xs:float | A seller's positive feedback score. |
ns:SellerLevel | ns:SellerLevelCodeType | The user's eBay PowerSeller tier. Possible values are enumerated in the SellerLevelCodeType code list. |
ns:TopRatedSeller | xs:boolean | Returned when seller is certified as a top-rated seller, and is qualified for benefits such as final value fee discount and increased visibility in fixed-price searches. |
any |
Indicates whether eBay has made this user's information anonymous.
Type xs:boolean
This occurs when the listing prices (reserve, current, or Buy It Now) reach or exceed a certain amount (such as $200 USD at the time of this writing).
If true, certain other fields about this user are not returned, or their values include no identifying characteristics. (The rules are explained in the description of each field.) If false, all user-specific fields contain the user's actual data.
This field is not currently in use for eBay Shopping Web Services.
Type xs:boolean
Indicates whether the error message text is intended to be displayed to an end user or intended only to be parsed by the application. If true or not present (the default), the message text is intended for the end user. If false, the message text is intended for the application, and the application should translate the error into a more appropriate message.
Specifies the user whose data will returned by the call.
Type xs:string
The user's unique eBay user ID.
Type xs:string
When reporting UserIDs in bidding situations (such was when listing the high bidder in an auction), eBay replaces the UserID value with an anonymous bidder name value, such as "a***o".
Retrieves reviews and guides written by the specified user.
Type xs:string
UserID can be combined with either ProductID or CategoryID but not both (as ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together).
The reviewer's eBay user ID.
Type xs:string
The author's eBay user ID.
Type xs:string
The value of the variable.
Type xs:string
A value for the item specific.
This field is only returned in responses if the seller included a value for an item specific. In the GetSingleItem response, this field is always returned for each item specific that is returned (if any). However, if the seller didn't select a value for the item specific, this field may return empty, or it may return a value like "-", "Not Selected", or "Unspecified" (or the equivalent in the language of the site).
For the item condition, this usually includes the word "New" or "Used" for eBay US, UK, Australia, and India listings; and "Neu" or "Gebraucht" for eBay Germany, Austria, and Switzerland listings.
Type xs:string
An industry-standard value that uniquely identifies the product.
Type xs:string
The valid values are dictated by the Type property. Required if Type is specified. Max length 13 for ISBN, 13 for EAN, 12 for UPC, and 4000 for ProductID. No max length for ticket keywords (but passing too much data can result in "no match found" errors).
For AddItem and related calls: If the primary and secondary categories are both catalog-enabled, the value must apply to the primary category. Event tickets listings support a set of keywords that uniquely identify the listing. The ticket keywords specify the event name (the title shown on the ticket), venue name, and event date and time. See the eBay Web Services guide for more information and validation rules. For convenience, you can pass an eBay product ID as input (not limited to media categories).
Required for Half.com listing use cases, and this can only be an ISBN, UPC, or EAN value.
For FindItemsAdvanced and FindProducts input only: Only ISBN, EAN, and UPC values are currently supported as input.
For FindProducts and GetSellerPayments output only: Also see AlternateValue, which is returned if the catalog defines multiple ISBN values (e.g., one for ISBN-13 and one for ISBN-10). Please note that some catalogs return ISBN values that are not 10 or 13 characters, and some values contain non-alphanumeric symbols (e.g., $).
Contains data that distinguishes one variation from another. For example, if the items vary by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes.
Type ns:VariationType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:SKU | xs:string | An SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identifier defined by a seller. |
ns:StartPrice | ns:AmountType | The fixed price of all items identified by this variation. For example, a "Blue, Large" variation price could be USD 10.00, and a "Black, Medium" variation price could be USD 5.00. |
ns:Quantity | xs:int | The number of items available for sale that are associated with this variation. |
ns:VariationSpecifics | ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. |
ns:QuantitySold | xs:int | Not used. See SellingStatus.QuantitySold instead. |
ns:SellingStatus | ns:SellingStatusType | Contains the variation's current price and quantity sold. Always returned when variations are present. |
any |
Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing. For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and model that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium").
Type ns:VariationsType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:Variation | ns:VariationType | Contains data that distinguishes one variation from another. For example, if the items vary by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes. |
ns:Pictures | ns:PicturesType | Contains a set of pictures that correspond to one of the variation specifics, such as Color. |
ns:VariationSpecificsSet | ns:NameValueListArrayType | A list of all variation names and values that are defined on the item. |
any |
Each variation can have its own quantity and price. Only returned if the listing contains multiple variations.
Variation-level SKU that uniquely identifes a variation within the listing identified by ItemID.
Type xs:string
Only applicable when the seller included variation-level SKU (Variation.SKU) values. Retrieves all the usual Item fields, but limits the Variations content to the specified variation. If not specified, the response includes all variations.
One aspect of the variations that will be illustrated in the pictures for all variations. For example, if each variation is visually distinguished by color and the pictures show the different colors available, then specify "Color" as the name.
Type xs:string
The name must match one of the names specified in the variation specifics.
One or more pictures that help buyers distinguish the Variations.
Type ns:VariationSpecificPictureSetType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:VariationSpecificValue | xs:string | A value that is associated with VariationSpecificName. For example, suppose this set of pictures is showing blue shirts, and some of the variations include Color=Blue in their variation specifics. If VariationSpecificName is "Color", then VariationSpecificValue would be "Blue". |
ns:PictureURL | xs:anyURI | The URL of a picture that is associated with VariationSpecificValue. |
ns:GalleryURL | xs:anyURI | Not applicable. |
any |
Multiple picture sets can be specified. For example, suppose a listing contains blue and black color variations, and VariationSpecificName=Color. In this case, one picture set could contain pictures of the blue shirts (e.g., front view, back view, and close-up of a trim detail), and another picture set could contain pictures of the black shirts.
Sellers do not necessarily provide pictures for all values that correspond to the variation specific name. For example, a listing could have pictures depicting the blue and black color variations, but not the pink variations.
Name-value pairs that identify one or more variations within the listing identified by ItemID.
Type ns:NameValueListArrayType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:NameValueList | ns:NameValueListType | This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure. |
Only applicable when the seller listed the item with variations. Retrieves all the usual Item fields, but limits the Variations content to the specified variation(s). If the specified pairs do not match any variation, eBay returns all variations.
To retrieve only one variation, specify the full set of name/value pairs that match all the name-value pairs of one variation.
To retrieve multiple variations (using a wildcard), specify one or more name/value pairs that partially match the desired variations. For example, if the listing contains variations for shirts in different colors and sizes, specify Color as Red (and no other name/value pairs) to retrieve all the red shirts in all sizes (but no other colors).
A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing.
Type ns:NameValueListArrayType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:NameValueList | ns:NameValueListType | This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure. |
All variations specify the same set of names, and each variation provides a unique combination of values for those names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation specifies Color and Size as names, and no two variations can specify the same combination of color and size values. Use this information to identify a variation of interest when you communicate with the seller.
If your application supports PlaceOffer (in the Trading API), you use this information to uniquely identify the variation that you want to purchase.
A list of all variation names and values that are defined on the item.
Type ns:NameValueListArrayType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:NameValueList | ns:NameValueListType | This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of these fields are different for items in different categories, so they're returned in a generic name/value structure. |
This could include values that were previously defined (but no longer for sale).
eBay uses this list to configure variation selection widgets that appear on eBay's View Item page. For example, if Color and Size are names in the list, then eBay's View Item page displays Color and Size drop-down lists to help a buyer choose a variation of interest.
The order in which the names and values are returned matches the order in which the selection widgets appear on the View Item page. For example, if the names "Color", then "Size", and then "Sleeve Style" are returned, the View Item page shows drop-down lists with those labels in that order. For "Size", if the values returned are "S", "M", and then "L", the View Item page shows the values in that order in the Size drop-down list.
A value that is associated with VariationSpecificName. For example, suppose this set of pictures is showing blue shirts, and some of the variations include Color=Blue in their variation specifics. If VariationSpecificName is "Color", then VariationSpecificValue would be "Blue".
Type xs:string
Displays the VATDetails of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type ns:VATDetailsType
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Description |
ns:BusinessSeller | xs:boolean | If true, this indicates that the seller is a business user and intends to use listing features that are offered to business users only. |
ns:RestrictedToBusiness | xs:boolean | If true, this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item exclusively to business users. If false (or not returned), this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item to all users. |
ns:VATPercent | xs:float | VAT rate for the item, if any. |
ns:VATSite | xs:string | Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
ns:VATID | xs:string | Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'. |
any |
Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
VAT rate for the item, if any.
Type xs:float
When the VATPercent is specified, the item's VAT information appears on the item's listing page. In addition, the seller can choose to print an invoice that includes the item's net price, VAT percent, VAT amount, and total price. Since VAT rates vary depending on the item and on the user's country of residence, a seller is responsible for entering the correct VAT rate; it is not calculated by eBay. To specify a VATPercent, a seller must have a VAT-ID registered with eBay and must be listing the item on a VAT-enabled site. Max applicable length is 6 characters, including the decimal (e.g., 12.345). The scale is 3 decimal places. (If you pass in 12.3456, eBay may round up the value to 12.346.) Note: The View Item page may display the precision to 2 decimal places with no trailing zeros. However, the full value you send in is stored.
Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business card format) as part of the data returned in GetSingleItem call if the seller's SellerBusinessCodeType is set to 'Commercial'.
Type xs:string
The release version that eBay used to process the request.
Type xs:string
This is usually the latest release version, as specified in the release notes. (eBay releases the API to international sites about a week after we release it to the US site.)
If a field in the response returns the token "CustomCode", it usually means that the field is a code type (a token or enumeration), and that in your request URL (or HTTP header) you specified a version that is older than the version in which the token was added to the call.
Type xs:anyURI
The length of the warranty offered.
Type xs:string
Information about the warranty offered.
Type xs:string
The type of warranty offered.
Type xs:string
Number of users who have placed the item on their Watch list.
Type xs:int
Name | Description |
ns:currencyID [type AmountType] | Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values. |
ns:ParamID [type ErrorParameterType] | The index of the parameter in the error. |
ns:type [type ProductIDType] | The nature of identifier being used. |
ns:unit [type DistanceType] |
Currency in which the monetary amount is specified. See CurrencyCodeType for applicable values.
Type ns:CurrencyCodeType
Value | Description |
AFA | |
ALL | |
DZD | |
ADP | |
AOA | |
ARS | |
AMD | |
AWG | |
AZM | |
BSD | |
BHD | |
BDT | |
BBD | |
BYR | |
BZD | |
BMD | |
BTN | |
INR | Indian Rupee. Applicable to listings on the India site (site ID 203). |
BOV | |
BOB | |
BAM | |
BWP | |
BRL | |
BND | |
BGL | |
BGN | |
BIF | |
KHR | |
CAD | Canadian Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Canada site (site ID 2) (Items listed on the Canada site can also specify USD.) |
CVE | |
KYD | |
XAF | |
CLF | |
CLP | |
CNY | Chinese Yuan Renminbi. |
COP | |
KMF | |
CDF | |
CRC | |
HRK | |
CUP | |
CYP | |
CZK | |
DKK | |
DJF | |
DOP | |
TPE | |
ECV | |
ECS | |
EGP | |
SVC | |
ERN | |
EEK | |
ETB | |
FKP | |
FJD | |
GMD | |
GEL | |
GHC | |
GIP | |
GTQ | |
GNF | |
GWP | |
GYD | |
HTG | |
HNL | |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Hong Kong site (site ID 201). |
HUF | |
ISK | |
IDR | |
IRR | |
IQD | |
ILS | |
JMD | |
JPY | |
JOD | |
KZT | |
KES | |
AUD | Australian Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Australia site (site ID 15). |
KPW | |
KRW | |
KWD | |
KGS | |
LAK | |
LVL | |
LBP | |
LSL | |
LRD | |
LYD | |
CHF | Swiss Franc. Applicable to listings on the Switzerland site (site ID 193). |
LTL | |
MOP | |
MKD | |
MGF | |
MWK | |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit. Applicable to listings on the Malaysia site (site ID 207). |
MVR | |
MTL | |
EUR | Euro. Applicable to listings on these site: Austria (site 16), Belgium_French (site 23), France (site 71), Germany (site 77), Italy (site 101), Belgium_Dutch (site 123), Netherlands (site 146), Spain (site 186), Ireland (site 205). |
MRO | |
MUR | |
MXN | |
MXV | |
MDL | |
MNT | |
XCD | |
MZM | |
MMK | |
ZAR | |
NAD | |
NPR | |
ANG | |
XPF | |
NZD | |
NIO | |
NGN | |
NOK | |
OMR | |
PKR | |
PAB | |
PGK | |
PYG | |
PEN | |
PHP | Philippines Peso. Applicable to listings on the Philippines site (site ID 211). |
PLN | Poland, Zloty. Applicable to listings on the Poland site (site ID 212). |
USD | US Dollar. Applicable to listings on the US (site ID 0), eBayMotors (site 100), and Canada (site 2) sites. |
QAR | |
ROL | |
RUB | |
RUR | |
RWF | |
SHP | |
WST | |
STD | |
SAR | |
SCR | |
SLL | |
SGD | Singapore Dollar. Applicable to listings on the Singapore site (site 216). |
SKK | |
SIT | |
SBD | |
SOS | |
LKR | |
SDD | |
SRG | |
SZL | |
SEK | Swedish Krona. Applicable to listings on the Sweden site (site 218). |
SYP | |
TWD | New Taiwan Dollar. |
TJS | |
TZS | |
THB | |
XOF | |
TOP | |
TTD | |
TND | |
TRL | |
TMM | |
UGX | |
UAH | |
AED | |
GBP | Pound Sterling. Applicable to listings on the UK site (site ID 3). |
USS | |
USN | |
UYU | |
UZS | |
VUV | |
VEB | |
VND | |
MAD | |
YER | |
YUM | |
ZMK | |
ZWD | |
ATS | |
CustomCode | Placeholder value. See token. |
The index of the parameter in the error.
Type xs:string
The nature of identifier being used.
Type ns:ProductIDCodeType
Value | Description |
ISBN | ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 value for books. (The string length of ProductID indicates whether the ID is 10 or 13 characters.) If you know a book's ISBN, you can use this instead of the eBay CatalogItem or Reference ID to search for that book. Max length of corresponding value: 13 |
EAN | EAN value for books. (This is used more commonly in European countries.) If you know a book's EAN, you can use this instead of the eBay CatalogItem or Reference ID to search for that book. Max length of corresponding value: 13 |
UPC | |
MPN | Reserved for future use. |
Keywords | Reserved for future use. |
CatalogItem | Reserved for future use. |
Reference | The global reference ID for an eBay catalog product. A reference ID is a fixed reference to a product (regardless of version). One reference ID can be associated with multiple CatalogItem IDs. To determine valid reference IDs for products to use as input to FindProducts, first call FindProducts with QueryKeywords (or ProductID). Each product in the response includes a reference ID. As of mid-2008, some sites (such as eBay US, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) are updating, replacing, deleting, or merging some products (as a result of migrating from one catalog data provider to another). If you specify one of these products in a request, the call may return the product with a warning, or it may return an error if the product has been deleted. |
CustomCode | (out) Reserved for internal or future use. |
For FindHalfProducts, FindProducts, FindItemsAdvanced, and FindReviewsAndGuides, only Reference, ISBN, UPC, and EAN are supported. Required when ProductID is specified.
Type xs:string