We continue to enhance and improve TechWriter through a series of minor releases
that allow us to respond quickly to customer feedback without having to wait until
the next major release.
TechWriter 2022 - Coming Soon
Includes changes to address the following:
- New database support
- New web-based features
- Other fixes to creation of PDFs
TechWriter 2012 17.1.2 - February 12, 2017
Includes changes to address the following:
- TechWriter branding now under new Quarksoft name
- Trial version functionality is now available
- Some internal restructuring to remove "year" based version of the software
- Minor fixes to the web service processing code
TechWriter 2012 2.10 - February 7, 2016
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.10 includes changes to address the following product stability
- TechWriter fails while trying to generate documentation for a Web Service or XML Schema that includes a complex type with a recursive content model.
- TechWriter fails while trying to generate documentation for Access databases with duplicate indexes.
- Pasting a table into an annotation can result in extra spaces being introduced between words.
TechWriter 2012 2.9 - June 27, 2015
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.9 includes changes to address the following product stability
- TechWriter fails while processing an Oracle database that has two functions with the same parameter signature but different return types.
- Web service methods with no parameters that include the document/literal wrapped pattern wrapper appear to have a parameter.
- Grouping element and attribute topics under a filtered parent causes TechWriter to crash during build.
- Selecting text that crosses from inside an annotation to outside can sometimes cause TechWriter to crash.
- Attempting to document forms in an Access database fails.
TechWriter 2012 2.8 - April 1, 2015
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.8 includes the following enhancement:
- Schema types embedded inside WADL files are now supported.
This release also includes changes to address the following product stability issues:
- PDF, RTF and HTML output types used the wrong styles for section headings and toc
- Oracle datasource overwrites Schema setting with user's default schema..
- Adding SQL Server source to a CS/AS database causes "Invalid object name 'sys.Computed_columns'
- User-defined annotations on Element enumerations not rendering when enumeration
is defined in a type.
TechWriter 2012 2.7 - January 11, 2015
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.7 includes the following enhancements:
- The Web site output type can now be configured to have all nodes of the table of
contents expanded by default.
- Oracle schemas are now supported so a user account other than the owner can be used.
This release also includes changes to address the following product stability issues:
- Adding multiple methods that return JSON responses to REST service fails.
- Importing annotations using a CSV with two adjacent empty columns fails unless quoting
is used.
- Using a URL for the path of the output stylesheet causes TechWriter to crash.
- WADL methods that return JSON responses fail.
- Opening a project with an offline WADL source results in missing methods.
TechWriter 2012 2.6 - September 22, 2014
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.6 includes changes to address the following product stability
- When importing a CSV, TechWriter does not recognize remarks following the summary
- Unsupported tags in output stylesheet cause TechWriter to crash during build.
- Multiple spaces in embedded WSDL comments are causing unnecessary indenting.
- HTML tags are not recognized properly in embedded WSDL comments when they have a
namespace attribute (xmlns).
TechWriter 2012 2.5 - May 19, 2014
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.5 includes changes to address the following product stability
- Editor allows cursor to be positioned outside of an annotation (at bottom of topic
- Pasting from context menu does not work due to focus being lost.
- Pasting cells from Excel into the Annotation editor results in a corrupted table.
- TechWriter should look for attribute descriptions in the attribute definition when
generating complex type and element topics if attribute reference is missing description.
- Loading an Oracle source with invalid packages can cause a crash
- TechWriter language file does not allow text to be specified for parent types of
XML schema elements and attributes
- Adding a REST service with a method that returns XML causes crash
- TechWriter install does not install sample files.
- TechWriter crashes when processing SQL Server table index
- Columns are not ordered correctly in Oracle views
- Attempting to add a WADL source using a URL causes TechWriter to crash
- LI tags in embedded HTML comments without a OL or UL list tag are not recognized
like they were in 2009
TechWriter 2012 2.4 - January 1, 2014
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.4 includes changes to address the following product stability
- Certain user-defined annotations that are bound to a comment tag caused failure
during build
TechWriter 2012 2.3 - December 22, 2013
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.3 includes changes to address the following product stability
- Incorrect character length reported for table and view columns when using multi-byte
character set with Oracle.
- TechWriter fails when trying to build documentation for a database that has no table,
view, procedure or function topics.
- Hyperlinks missing from PDF output format.
- TechWriter fails when processing foreign key relationships in certain multi-schema
SQL server databases.
- TechWriter does not correctly report columns in multi-key foreign key relationships
in certain SQL server databases.
TechWriter 2012 2.2 - December 16, 2013
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.2 includes the following enhancements:
- Filter tab now allows entire source to be filtered.
- TechWriter license terms expanded to allow transfers.
This release also includes changes to address the following product stability issues:
- Changing options under Option tab did not mark project as needing saved.
- Issues loading Access database that had references to missing or hidden subforms.
- Oracle materialized views were not sorted properly.
- Oracle view topics were missing length/precision/scale on column data types.
- TechWriter fails when parsing Oracle views that contain reference to a view in another
schema or link
- User-defined annotations that are not bound to a comment tag caused failure during
- Generated PDF did not view properly on mobile versions of Adobe Acrobat.
- Generated RTF output failed due to mixed content in a bulleted or numbered list
- TechWriter crashed during build of web site output when "Merge" and "Group Local"
options were used together for XML Schema Elements and/or Attributes
- Applying the Document Title style caused TechWriter to crash
- Unable to change style from Document Title to Normal on Cover Page
- Annotation tab did not restore caret position when switching back and forth between
tabs or another application.
- Various cosmetic issues with the user interface.
TechWriter 2012 2.1 - October 6, 2013
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.1 includes the following enhancements:
- PDF Output now includes option for specifying the number of levels for the Table
of Contents
- TechWriter project files are now saved with the XML formatted with line breaks and
This release also includes changes to address the following product stability issues:
- XML Schema elements that have complex content but extend a simple type don't link
properly to the simple type
- XML Schema element topics missing enumeration values when they are defined by extending
a simple type
- Content of user-defined tags in embedded comments missing from output
- Upgraded 2009 projects are missing database trigger headings in the output and can
crash when selecting advanced options for triggers
- Pattern restrictions for XML Schema elements and types that contain a vertical bar
are truncated
- Input section includes output parameters when RPC-style WSDLs contain multiple output
message parts
- Language file does not override text used in the document overview
- Using the XML Schema 'Group topic under parent type' option when the parent type
is filtered causes crash during build
- User-defined topic sources that have all topics filtered causes crash during build
- Content of embedded return description in a WSDL method is not being listed under
the "Output (Literal)" or "Returns" sections
- Content of embedded parameter description in a WSDL method is not being listed under
the Parameters summary or Parameters Detail sections
TechWriter 2012 2.0 - August 8, 2013
TechWriter 2012 Release 2.0 includes the following new capabilities:
- 64-bit version of TechWriter
- Web Site output format enhanced to include expandable/collapsible Table of Contents
- Support for user-defined annotations embedded in source comments
- Support for using relative URLs as external links
- Support for SQL Server 2012
- Support for Access 2013
- Support for documenting materialized views in Oracle
- Improved support for documenting references to database views and tables
This release also includes changes to address the following product stability issues:
- Column width options not displaying
- Table definitions missing computed columns in SQL Server
- XML schema attributes not documented for elements defined by a complex type
- User-defined column not rendered properly in parameter detail content model
- XML schema option for grouping local attributes caused TechWriter to crash
- Copy/paste operation can cause font styling and table borders disappear from annotation
editor until TechWriter is restarted
- Selecting a topic node when the Annotation tab is still initializing can cause TechWriter
to crash
- Performing a Save or Build from the Annotation tab can cause subsequent edits to
the current topic to be lost
- Renaming a user-defined topic source and topic item at the same time can cause TechWriter
to crash
- Images in embedded comments do not render in PDF if missing alignment attribute
- Various formatting issues related to bulleted, numbered and indented lists
- Web Service method parameters showing up multiple times when working offline
- Adding more than one JSON source to the same project can cause TechWriter to crash
- Adding more than one XSD that has no target namespace to the same project can cause
TechWriter to crash
- Opening a TechWriter 2009 project that contains more than one XSD that has no target
namespace can cause TechWriter to crash
2012 Release 1.0 - December 29, 2012
TechWriter 2012 includes the following new capabilities:
- Unified Application and Project Format
Support for documenting databases, websites, web services and XML schemas has been
unified into a single application and project file format.
- New Layout Engine
The new layout engine is used by both the Annotation tab and the documentation build
process, closing the WYSIWYG gap between authoring and final output and simplifying
the annotation process.
- User-defined Annotations
Support for an unlimited number of user-defined annotations at virtually every level
of the documentation.
- User-defined Topics
In addition to topics that are generated for databases, websites, web services and
XML schemas, you can add user-defined topics.
- Customizable Layout of Generated Topics
The new Option tab provides advanced settings for controlling the order of the sections
within a topic, the order of columns within a table listing, and the width of columns
within a table listing.
- New Import and Export Wizards
These wizards give you better control over the import and export of annotations
including the ability to filter what gets exported, merge annotations, and map to
a different source during import.
- Filtering Improvements
The Filters tab now supports editing existing filters and re-ordering filters.
- New Build Dialog
The new Build dialog gives you better control over your build preferences.
- Support for Character Styles
The output stylesheet now supports character style definitions that allow you to
control how text is highlighted when it is marked up with a character style tag.
- Global Find Function
The Find function can now search your entire project at once.
- Support for PostgreSQL and DB2
PostgreSQL and DB2 databases can now be documented.
- Improved Microsoft Access Support
In addition to supporting Access 2010, Access Forms, Report, Macros and Modules
can now be documented.
- Improved Oracle Package Support
TechWriter is now able to extract comments and definitions for stored procedures
and functions located in packages.
- Improved SQL Server Support
TechWriter is now able to extract definitions for stored procedures, functions,
views and triggers even if they are encrypted.
- Colorize options for Database definitions
Now you can colorize the definitions for stored procedures, functions, views and
triggers, improving readability of your documentation.
- Support for nesting Local Element and Attribute Topics
The Option tab now includes options for nesting local elements and attributes underneath
the parent schema object.
- Colorize options for XML Schema definitions
Now you can colorize the definitions for elements, attributes and types, improving
readability of your documentation.
- Support for WADL
Web Application Description Language (WADL) files can now be used to document your
REST services.
- Improved REST support
In addition to the new WADL source type, the REST source type has been enhanced
to allow for more than one method to be defined in a single source.
- Web Service Method Parameter Handling Improvements
Method parameter handling has been significantly improved to better handle different
document/literal wrapping patterns.
- New Web Service Method Parameter Options
New options give you the choice of a simple summary listing of parameters or a more
detailed listing.
- Web Service can reference XML Schema Sources
You now have the option to add any XML schemas that your web service imports as
a separate source reducing duplicate topics in cases where you are documenting multiple
web services.
2009 Release 6.0 - October 10, 2011
Release 6 added the following new capabilities:
- 'Select All' and 'Clear All' buttons
New buttons added to the Options tab.
- New Build Menu option
Option for opening the output folder after the build.
- Improved MySQL Support (TechWriter for Databases)
MySQL Connector/NET dependencies eliminated.
- REST Services that use HTTP Headers (TechWriter for Web Services)
Support for setting HTTP headers added to REST web service settings.
- Local Sub-Elements (TechWriter for Web Services)
New option for including local sub-elements in content model.
- Merge Across Services (TechWriter for Web Services)
Ability to merge topics across multiple services.
- Merge Annotations into XSDs (TechWriter for Web Services and XML Schemas)
Ability to merge your annotations back into your XSDs.
2009 Release 5.0 - July 22, 2011
Release 5 added the following new capabilities:
- Topic Merging
Options for merging topics in order to reduce the overall page count.
- Friendly Topic Page Names
Web output now uses friendly names for topic pages.
- Shared Types (TechWriter for Web Services)
Ability to create a single set of topics for types shared across multiple web services.
- Authenticated REST (TechWriter for Web Services)
Support for Basic Authentication added to REST web service settings
- Project-relative Files (TechWriter for Web Services and XML Schemas)
Support for maintaining references to XSD and WSDL files that are relative to the
project file
2009 Release 4.0 - December 8, 2010
Release 4 added the following new capabilities:
- Customizable header, footer and cover page.
You can now customize and format what appears on headers, footers and the cover
page of your documentation.
- External Stylesheets
Support for external stylesheet to control font styles for all output types is now
- Formatting Enhancements
Support for subscripts, superscripts, styles, alignment and number list types is
now included.
- Field Codes
Support for field codes including current date, time, page number, page count and
document title has been added.
- Page Size
New page size option for PDF, XPS and RTF/Word output formats is now available.
- Encoded JavaDoc Tags
Support for encoded JavaDoc tags is now available as a comment model setting.
- Expanded Database Comments (TechWriter for Databases)
Support for database, index, foreign key and constraint comments is now included.
- Examples (TechWriter for Web Services)
Support for documenting examples is now included.
- XSD nil attribute (TechWriter for Web Services and XML Schemas)
Support for documenting nil attribute on XSDs is now included.
- DTD Attribute Definitions (TechWriter for XML Schemas)
Support for documenting DTD attribute definitions is now included.
- Website Authentication (TechWriter for Websites)
Support for basic and forms-based authenticated websites is now included.
2009 Release 3.0 - July 20, 2010
Release 3 added the following new capabilities:
- Image Support
The rich formatting in TechWriter now includes support for images in embedded comments
and through the annotation editor.
- REST Services (TechWriter for Web Services)
Support for documenting REST web services is now included.
- MySQL Databases (TechWriter for Databases)
Support for documenting MySQL databases is now included.
- SQL Server Compact Databases (TechWriter for Databases)
Support for documenting SQL Server Compact databases is now included.
- JSON Instances (TechWriter for XML Schemas)
Support for documenting schemas derived from JSON instances is now included.
- XPS Output
In addition to the many different output formats supported by TechWriter, you can
now generate XML Paper Specification (XPS) documents.
2009 Release 2.0 - April 14, 2010
Release 2 added the following new capabilities:
- Table Support
The rich formatting in TechWriter now includes support for formatting tables in
embedded comments and through the annotation editor.
- XML/DocBook Output
In addition to the many different output formats supported by TechWriter, you can
now generate XML that conforms to the DocBook 5.0 standard.
- Internal Links in RTF Output
The RTF output format now includes support for internal links through the use of
bookmarks that can be used to navigate between topics.
- Support for documenting faults (TechWriter for Web Services)
Web Service method faults can now be documented using embedded comments or annotations
and included in the generated documentation.
- Namespace Prefixes (TechWriter for Web Services)
Namespace prefixes for elements, attributes and types can now be omitted from the
generated documentation.
2009 Release 1.0 - November 11, 2009
This major release included the following new capabilities:
- WYSIWYG Annotation Editor
The Annotation Tab includes a WYSIWYG annotation editor for editing your database
comments. The editor supports bold and italic font formatting, numbered and bulleted
lists and hyperlinks.
- XHTML and XML Comments Tagging
TechWriter 2007 supported a subset of JavaDoc tagging that could be used to tag
database comments. TechWriter 2009 not only expands the JavaDoc support to include
all of the formatting options available in the annotation editor, it also includes
support for using XHTML and XML Comments for tagging your comments.
- Remarks Section
TechWriter 2009 allows you to create more detailed documentation for your database
by including support for a Remarks section that can be embedded as part of your
database comments or annotated.
- Table Cell Borders in PDF an RTF/Word output formats
In TechWriter 2007, summary tables did not include borders around each cell. With
TechWriter 2009 you have the option to turn these borders on from the Output tab.
- HTML (single-page) Output Type
In addition to the Web Site (multi-page) output type, TechWriter 2009 also includes
the HTML output type that represents the documentation in a single HTML page.
- Line Breaks in Annotations
TechWriter 2007 recognized blank lines (double line breaks) as paragraph delimiters
and ignored single line breaks. TechWriter 2009 now recognizes and preserves single
line breaks, treating them like the HTML <BR> tag.
- SAS Datasets (TechWriter for Databases)
You can now document your SAS datasets with TechWriter. TechWriter 2009 supports
SAS 9.0, 9.1 or 9.2. You do not need SAS installed in order to use TechWriter with
a SAS dataset, but you do need to have the SAS Local Data Provider installed. You
can download this component for free from the
SAS website. Click on SAS Providers for OLE DB.
- Optional Table Definitions (TechWriter for Databases)
You now have the option to include the CREATE TABLE definition statement for each
table in your documentation. This option can be turned on and off from the Options
- Table Row Counts (TechWriter for Databases)
You now have the option to include the number of rows in each table in your documentation.
This option can be turned on and off from the Options tab.
- Accessing Web Services via Proxy (TechWriter for Web Services)
TechWriter now supports accessing web service definitions from behind a Proxy/Firewall
LAN setup. TechWriter automatically passes your credentials to the proxy server
to allow access to the web service definitions.
- XML Instances (TechWriter for XML Schemas)
You can now document the structure of an XML instance with TechWriter even if you
don't have an XSD or DTD for it. Just add the XML instance to your project and TechWriter
2009 will automatically derive the schema.
- Optional Namespace Prefixes (TechWriter for XML Schemas)
Including namespace prefixes on references to elements, attributes and types is
now optional in TechWriter 2009. This option can be turned on and off from the Options